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Thai police allege radical Redshirt cell behind foiled terror, assassination plot


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18 months and no real blowback, except this small group of people.

It's the army dude, completely unfettered by any laws or principles not approved by a sole x-general that hijacked an elected government. Now, what does that tell you?

It tells me that the army is doing a good job wiping out the scum and corruption that has infested the gov't over the past 10 years.

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yesterday it was 3 arrested http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/873756-three-held-for-plotting-attacks-during-bike-for-dad

today one, Pissanu Phromsorn, is already missing.

at this pace there won't be a court, too many are murdered a military prison lately

i must be watching the wrong news channels and reading the wrong newspapers so please enlighten me as to how many murdered is too many, their names and when these dastardly deeds occurred? Or are you just shooting from the hip?

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18 months and no real blowback, except this small group of people.

It's the army dude, completely unfettered by any laws or principles not approved by a sole x-general that hijacked an elected government. Now, what does that tell you?

It tells me that the army is doing a good job wiping out the scum and corruption that has infested the gov't over the past 10 years.

I don't think so. They are merely re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

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18 months and no real blowback, except this small group of people.

It's the army dude, completely unfettered by any laws or principles not approved by a sole x-general that hijacked an elected government. Now, what does that tell you?

It tells me that the army is doing a good job wiping out the scum and corruption that has infested the gov't over the past 10 years.

Seriously, you think this a 10 year problem??

I think you have just validated my earlier post

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When all else fails; diversion.

'Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday denied that the authorities were playing up this alleged plot in an attempt to divert public attention from a scandal involving the Army's project to construct the Rajabhakti Park in Hua Hin."

The only thing transparent about this are their motives. I am reminded of Monty Python..'It's a witch. it's a witch". I await with baited breath.

and of course... it's not nice to say "Ni!"

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So, who do I believe in this case? Who knows. I'm sure there are people in the UDD quite capable of stirring up a plot. Equally I'm quite convinced there are people in the military who would be only too happy to have a distraction from corruption in their own ranks, God knows the army operates as a profit center of it's own.

So folks grow up and smell the roses, we ain't in Kansas anymore!

The most sensible post on the subject anywhere in this thread.

Truth is, either side could be behind this, and it ought to surprise no one.

The horrible news reporting and vague and changing doublespeak from the authorities make it impossible to gain any credible opinion.

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So, who do I believe in this case? Who knows. I'm sure there are people in the UDD quite capable of stirring up a plot. Equally I'm quite convinced there are people in the military who would be only too happy to have a distraction from corruption in their own ranks, God knows the army operates as a profit center of it's own.

So folks grow up and smell the roses, we ain't in Kansas anymore!

The most sensible post on the subject anywhere in this thread.

Truth is, either side could be behind this, and it ought to surprise no one.

The horrible news reporting and vague and changing doublespeak from the authorities make it impossible to gain any credible opinion.

which is no doubt their intention

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yesterday it was 3 arrested http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/873756-three-held-for-plotting-attacks-during-bike-for-dad

today one, Pissanu Phromsorn, is already missing.

at this pace there won't be a court, too many are murdered a military prison lately

i must be watching the wrong news channels and reading the wrong newspapers so please enlighten me as to how many murdered is too many, their names and when these dastardly deeds occurred? Or are you just shooting from the hip?

Normal for this guy- all mouth and no substance....

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So, who do I believe in this case? Who knows. I'm sure there are people in the UDD quite capable of stirring up a plot. Equally I'm quite convinced there are people in the military who would be only too happy to have a distraction from corruption in their own ranks, God knows the army operates as a profit center of it's own.

So folks grow up and smell the roses, we ain't in Kansas anymore!

The most sensible post on the subject anywhere in this thread.

Truth is, either side could be behind this, and it ought to surprise no one.

The horrible news reporting and vague and changing doublespeak from the authorities make it impossible to gain any credible opinion.

And that just about says it all.

In the world of liars, cheats and hypocrisy - no one can be believed and all are equally capable of doing "things" when they want.

The truth is out there - but ain't gonna be revealed.

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it's a good thing the military is in charge. As we have seen in the past, if it is left to the police, the Red shirts get a free pass to do their dirty deeds.

Bitch and complain all you like but we have not seen the Reds be allowed to blow up innocent children in the streets as of late.

we are seeing record amounts of corruption cases against the police and the politicians.

If this is what living under military junta is, then I will take it over the bogus version of Thai democracy any day.

The Shins were the biggest dictators this country has seen in quite some time. Violent, ruthless and greedy, A nasty combination.

shame about the 20 innocent people killed and many more injured in Bangkok a few months ago tho, never had that happen under a democratic government in Thailand, just a minor detail I suppose

Do you know who was responsible for the 20 deaths at the Erawan shrine? Not even the most extreme or gullible red shirts blame the government directly, indirectly is another story.

You are obviously ignorant of, or avoiding the fact that over 30 innocent people were killed by government supporters during a series of protests against the 'democratic' government in late '13 & early '14. It's mainly the reason why we have a junta in charge.

Not to knitpick over violence which is abhorrent where ever it comes from, but I have read that 28 people lost their lives and that would have included protestors from both sides as well as police.

Now related to Erawan, that has been blamed on the current Junta and their deportation of refugees back to China where they faced certain persecution. That seems pretty direct to me. Of course given the dismal investigative abilities of the Thai Police and Military, it is hard to have any faith in their evidence... so maybe it wasn't in reaction to the deportation by the junta... whistling.gif

Yes you are right that 'only' 28 people died including 1 or 2 police. But it certainly didn't include protestors 'from both sides' as only one side was protesting.

As for Erawan, nothing has been proven, only a supposition that the bombing was related to the Uighers being sent back to China. So you think an unproven link is 'pretty direct'? Not many would draw that conclusion.

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18 months and no real blowback, except this small group of people.

It's the army dude, completely unfettered by any laws or principles not approved by a sole x-general that hijacked an elected government. Now, what does that tell you?

It tells me that the army is doing a good job wiping out the scum and corruption that has infested the gov't over the past 10 years.

The people made their choice, they should have been allowed to repeat the process, government by the people. Those in favour of democracy put their hands up.

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When all else fails; diversion.

'Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday denied that the authorities were playing up this alleged plot in an attempt to divert public attention from a scandal involving the Army's project to construct the Rajabhakti Park in Hua Hin."

The only thing transparent about this are their motives. I am reminded of Monty Python..'It's a witch. it's a witch". I await with baited breath.

Nowadays it is a fairly safe assumption that whatever they are denying is the truth.

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When all else fails; diversion.

'Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday denied that the authorities were playing up this alleged plot in an attempt to divert public attention from a scandal involving the Army's project to construct the Rajabhakti Park in Hua Hin."

The only thing transparent about this are their motives. I am reminded of Monty Python..'It's a witch. it's a witch". I await with baited breath.

And this-- "Real or not, the court has already approved the request for arrest warrants. That's because there's evidence. Let's wait for the result of the police investigation," he said. Real, or Not??????

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Arrest a real drug king who moves around more than 100 million yaba pills.
I would clap my hands.
And I
do not mean the stupid drivers who drive around the charge for 10,000 baht from A to B.

The real masterminds.
That would be much more interesting.

Edited by tomacht8
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This illegal government, that is clearly in the "yellow" camp, never misses an opportunity to accuse their hated nemesis of every atrocity under the sun.

The junta needs to provide real solid evidence that the perpetrators are indeed guilty, that they unquestionably belong to the red shirt faction and that they were sanctioned by the core red shirt leaders. That is a lot to prove.

Only the yellow sheep will believe it. The rest (majority) of the population just get angry and store it for later.

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"We were peaceful and unarmed in 2010 but the Army just started shooting us."

"Suthep is throwing grenades at his own protestors to get sympathy."

Every time something like this happens we get angry denials. But the result is always the same. Red-shirts using violence and terrorism them shamelessly denying it right up until it is proven.

All historical precedents and the semi-literate sputter some people here have been ranting on about for months indicate the UDD would attempt more terrorism. And now I see we are getting the standard denials and attempts to shift the blame.

Why should we think any different this time ?.

You all know this story is completely credible. And when it is proven, you will suddenly ignore it like all the others. Hypocrisy is not strong enough for what I see.

The tip off that this is hokum :"they were initially accused of violating Article 112 of the Penal Code involving lese majeste and the Computer Crime Act."

This is the government's catchall when it wants to jam someone up.

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This illegal government, that is clearly in the "yellow" camp, never misses an opportunity to accuse their hated nemesis of every atrocity under the sun.

The junta needs to provide real solid evidence that the perpetrators are indeed guilty, that they unquestionably belong to the red shirt faction and that they were sanctioned by the core red shirt leaders. That is a lot to prove.

Only the yellow sheep will believe it. The rest (majority) of the population just get angry and store it for later.

How do you know that the rest or the majority of the population just get angry and store it for later? Do you do a survey, talk to the Thai people you know, read the newspapers, watch Thai TV in Thai or what.

I live in rural Thailand and though I talk to Thai friends and other Thais in the village I have no idea what the majority of Thais think or feel. From the ones I talk to (and the ones who give an answer) I can make an educated guess about the local feelings but I have no idea what the majority of Thais, some 40,000,000 who can actually vote think simply because I don't know them and ahve no way of contacting them.

You seem to be able to do so by your claim. I do have some trouble believing that you can speak on behalf of 40,000,000 people that you don't know but perhaps that is just me.

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Ah the velocity of rumors. Get out the silver tray again time to reward the faithful.

Your post must be about the funny so-called 'EU invite', this topic is about a possible new red-shirts terrorist plot...
Ah but is it really a fact or a dog and pony show? Rumors well some say it was a setup and some say it might have been for real they are still "looking" for more people so fact or fiction. According to this article they caught the conspirator(s) sooo its pass the silver tray for a job well? done. With all these violent criminals with evil intentions I guess the PM wants to stay around longer to keep us safe. Sure gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling.

Quote from another poster

The junta needs to provide real solid evidence that the perpetrators are indeed guilty, that they unquestionably belong to the red shirt faction and that they were sanctioned by the core red shirt leaders. That is a lot to prove. Again rumors. Who are they, what are they, where are they?

Edited by elgordo38
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shame about the 20 innocent people killed and many more injured in Bangkok a few months ago tho, never had that happen under a democratic government in Thailand, just a minor detail I suppose

Do you know who was responsible for the 20 deaths at the Erawan shrine? Not even the most extreme or gullible red shirts blame the government directly, indirectly is another story.

You are obviously ignorant of, or avoiding the fact that over 30 innocent people were killed by government supporters during a series of protests against the 'democratic' government in late '13 & early '14. It's mainly the reason why we have a junta in charge.

Not to knitpick over violence which is abhorrent where ever it comes from, but I have read that 28 people lost their lives and that would have included protestors from both sides as well as police.

Now related to Erawan, that has been blamed on the current Junta and their deportation of refugees back to China where they faced certain persecution. That seems pretty direct to me. Of course given the dismal investigative abilities of the Thai Police and Military, it is hard to have any faith in their evidence... so maybe it wasn't in reaction to the deportation by the junta... whistling.gif

Yes you are right that 'only' 28 people died including 1 or 2 police. But it certainly didn't include protestors 'from both sides' as only one side was protesting.

As for Erawan, nothing has been proven, only a supposition that the bombing was related to the Uighers being sent back to China. So you think an unproven link is 'pretty direct'? Not many would draw that conclusion.

for someone claiming that another poster is ignorant, you should at least be familiar with who shot / killed whom and who had grenade launchers and who used them, ... really, ... pfft...

As for Erawan, of course nothing has been proven... after watching the competence on display in Koh Tao, one wonders how they'll "prove" anything with the shrine bombing, but hey, it is only the investigators who claim that it has to do with the junta's and the Uighur refugees... not me. whistling.gif

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Its been prayuts wet dream since he proclaimed himself pm that there is a plot against his life. This is about believable as the easter bunny

So please explain who delivers my Easter eggs every year if there is no Easter bunny? Edited by Artisi
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Its been prayuts wet dream since he proclaimed himself pm that there is a plot against his life. This is about believable as the easter bunny

So please explain who delivers my Easter eggs every year if there is no Easter bunny?


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yesterday it was 3 arrested http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/873756-three-held-for-plotting-attacks-during-bike-for-dad

today one, Pissanu Phromsorn, is already missing.

at this pace there won't be a court, too many are murdered a military prison lately

i must be watching the wrong news channels and reading the wrong newspapers so please enlighten me as to how many murdered is too many, their names and when these dastardly deeds occurred? Or are you just shooting from the hip?

Normal for this guy- all mouth and no substance....

there is not question how many is too many. one is more than enough.

Famous Astrologer 'Mor Yong' Dies in Custody http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1447050006

Policeman Charged With Lese Majeste Dies After Hanging in Cell

<<<< Link to PhuketWan removed as per forum rules >>>>

both were cremated within hours after death, no authopsy.

Thai Corrections Dept told to tighten up medical checks of detainees


Special wardens chosen to ensure lese majeste suspects' well-being


Edited by metisdead
26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuk
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The best response all expat residents can make is none.

I understand many here have contributed significantly to the economy. Many have kids with Thai blood, and I for one would grant you full citizenship as fathers, and perhaps even a few farang mothers, out there, if I could.

But, since you don't count here, and since the Thais need to sort out the destiny of Thailand. Reading most news reports, especially from General/PM/Chairman Chan is only going to frustrate you, and may even eventually lead to arrests on here. Best bet is focus on more worthy pastimes. We can't even change the way it is back home by getting upset at the news, why even bother here?

Edited by dhream
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