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Briton fatally injured after jumping from 2nd floor of Suvarnabhumi departure terminal


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Embassies are not a nanny service for tourists without funds

for Gods sake where is your HUMANITY? of course they are there to help CITIZENS who are in trouble

what a cold heart you have I hope you are PROUD for your cold heart will guide karma to smack your smug face one day


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I am still trying to ascertain this mans real name it sounds as if he might be Nigerian although it does state he is a brit no money to buy a ticket to fly home what was he doing at the airport was he hoping someone might give him enough to buy a ticket RIPyoung man.


Let me see if I can assist you with your uncertainty as to this man's name.

The nation reports his name as "Beker Edwakb Francis" Since they probably obtained that information indirectly from his passport which always states the Surname first, thus we now have Edwakb Francis Baker. Adjust the probable typo in Edwakb to Edward and we now have Edward Francis Baker.

Not exactly a MacBaker or O'Baker but certainly quite possibly a man from Northern Ireland (Britain).

So, not likely from Lagos or Abuja to begin with.

Hope that helps a little.wai.gif

I was wondering how long before the name provoked a "comment".

My response would have been to suggest waiting until the name (obviously wrong) was confirmed.

Yours was worthy of the man from 221b.


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Agree no Thai is holding a gun to your head. You in the end are responsible for your own screw ups stop blaming the Thais. Lack of research , zero common sense, substance abuse, and listening to bad advice from other totally lost foreigners, reading travel books who's bottom line is making money and can care less about you. Toss the book in the trash and grow a brain. Been here over 15 years . Guess what ? Very few problems with the Thais. It tends to be the foreigners who make my skin crawl who i avoid like a bad rash.

Unfortunately this happens to often. To many foreigners are falling in love and taken advantage off by their girl or boy friends. It's a beautiful country with opportunities to find partner, for a very few it comes with a high cost. It's sad every time this happens.

I think its the other way around.

Not a beautiful country with few oppurtunities to find a REAL partner.

Was he a friend or something?

Sounds like your a full on thai hater, burnt obviously by a female, lady boy or boy... nobody is forces anyone to throw money away.. gold diggers are all over the world,..

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thousands of riff raff are washing up here already by the plane loads and spending their money on two things. i see a dozen new suckers every day.

I really believe the Embassies have more responsibility for their citizens and have to find a way to assist. All the Western Embassies in Thailand could pool their money and establish a 24 hour help line to assist people in trouble, depressed or suicidal. Countries have funds for war; security and spying- why can't they help their own citizens? We need to have some compassion. People don't exist in a vacuum. We are all part of the human race.

If all embassies start helping all the people in trouble, thousands of more riff raff might start washing up on the shores of thailand to spend their last dollar on booze and women. Then call the helpline.
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These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

He was probably suffering from clinical depression. It is a scathing relentless condition if untreated, reason and logic just don't exist. Why did he go out to Swampy without a ticket and no money to buy a ticket, probably through the fog of depression he thought he had no where else to go. And getting to the airport was just that one more step closer to home.

Lost gf or wife, abandoned by previous mates, ignored by family, who knows, afterall TiT.

Phil: We’re looking for our friend Teddy. Have you seen him?

Tattoo Joe: Not since last night. Why? What happened?

Stu: Yeah, I’m supposed to marry his sister tomorrow and we kind of lost him.

Tattoo Joe: Oh, well. Then, <deleted> it!

Stu: What? What do you mean, <deleted> it?

Tattoo Joe: Thailand Bangkok has him now, and she’ll never let him go.

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Not sure it gets any more bizarre than this. Why on earth would anyone take their life in such a public fashion? I have very little understanding of what compels someone to do this, so I guess my understanding is about is as limited as it gets. I have a good friend who killed himself early last year, and I am still angry with him, for being so stupid. The pain he caused his family, and his friends was ridiculous. Suicide has to be the most selfish act a person can commit. But, if you are going to do yourself, why do it in an airport? I mean does it get more stupid than that?

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After already being caught trying to jump the first time, why was he not in a holding cell and allowed to go out and make a successful second attempt??

Misplaced compassion. Don't be harsh on the Thais as they were trying to keep the guy chill by letting him smoke.

In respect to placing him in a holding cell, there was no need as he had not threatened or hurt anyone. Nor had he broken any laws. Keep in mind that this type of behaviour is unusual for Thais. Thais kill themselves regularly, but not in this manner. Once stopped and in the company of people, people settle down unless they are really drugged out or seriously mentally ill. . The running away and then climbing over the wall was unexpected and somewhat unusual. He did elude the staff watching him. The reality is that if someone wants to kill himself, he'll do it.

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One of the posters makes a very good point in that many westerners come to Thailand with 'problems' that were evident in their own countries and see Thailand as a way to get well. They get into the bar scene and really believe that someone loves them only to find out that it is all baloney. Already depressed, now without money- they see no hope. The problem remains- why are there so many depressed people from the Western World and what can be done to help them. The answer is a lack of real attention to the mentally ill in the Western World. They are not getting the treatment they need and search the World over for some relief from their pain. I don't have all the answers but I do know this that the West spends untold billions on government bureaucracy; war; spying on its own citizens and appears to do do little for its own citizens in distress. AS an American, I am appalled with the American response to its most vulnerable citizens, The politicians don't care; the well citizenry are ignorant of the problem and the World at large is more concerned with a bunch of radicals in the Syrian desert than helping its own populations survive.

Apparently it's advertising.

I've been told, but haven't checked, that there is a correlation between the amount of money spent on advertising in a country, and the numbers of people suffering mental health problems.

The more money spent on advertising the greater the health problems.

Perhaps the amount of money spent indicates the degree to which the country is "suffering" from consumerism.

If that is so then it's consumerism. That may ring bells for an American.

Interesting point about the advertising but the truth is that many of these guys are simply social rejects from western countries. Either because of existing problems such as mental health, substance abuse, depression etc... Or they develop such problems as a result of their social rejections (usually down to poor social skills)

Sadly, many of these guys are either not smart enough to realize the illusion presents to them by bargirls. Perhaps it's because they are so desperate to believe that it is true.

If a man can't see the folly in the idea that he was a complete social reject back home, and that it suddenly all changed as he set foot in Thailand, then he is likely going to make for an easy target for someone who may be looking to relieve him of his money.

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...the point is....he did not get into that position alone.....

...as soon as the money is spent....or all the spoils gained......not welcome any more.....

...this is epidemic....married or not....

...and nobody will step in or step up.....just keep pretending it is not happening.....

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why go to the airport with no ticket or money? Mental case.

Have some respect will you. Clearly he was not in his right frame of mind but doesn't mean he was a mental case.

A very sad story, however bad it gets this is not the way to go. RIP

I thought it would not be long before the bleeding heart bullies showed up ordering every one to have respect for a suicide, or saying their thoughts are with his family, people nobody even knows, or splashing RIP all over the place. it's the soppy modern disease of media compassion.

There is a saying: "There but for the grace of God go I".

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After already being caught trying to jump the first time, why was he not in a holding cell and allowed to go out and make a successful second attempt??

Misplaced compassion. Don't be harsh on the Thais as they were trying to keep the guy chill by letting him smoke.

In respect to placing him in a holding cell, there was no need as he had not threatened or hurt anyone. Nor had he broken any laws. Keep in mind that this type of behaviour is unusual for Thais. Thais kill themselves regularly, but not in this manner. Once stopped and in the company of people, people settle down unless they are really drugged out or seriously mentally ill. . The running away and then climbing over the wall was unexpected and somewhat unusual. He did elude the staff watching him. The reality is that if someone wants to kill himself, he'll do it.

It makes you think that maybe some of these Foreign Police Volunteers would be more useful if they did time at the airport.

The bloke probably only needed a shoulder to cry on and a phone call to the family to get him a ticket. Obviously his problems overwhelmed him, and Thais speaking pidgin English are probably of little comfort.

Edited by Chicog
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why go to the airport with no ticket or money? Mental case.

Have some respect will you. Clearly he was not in his right frame of mind but doesn't mean he was a mental case.

A very sad story, however bad it gets this is not the way to go. RIP

I thought it would not be long before the bleeding heart bullies showed up ordering every one to have respect for a suicide, or saying their thoughts are with his family, people nobody even knows, or splashing RIP all over the place. it's the soppy modern disease of media compassion.

What kind of a heartless <deleted> are you mate? You have no idea what this guy killed himself but still you judge him as if he was a scumbag who deserved to die.

I'd like to meet you tonight somewhere for a little chat eye to eye. People like you are the ones who deserve to tap themselves. You and all the other heartless idiots that liked your post

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Oh, what a poor guy! There was nobody around to support him at the difficult moment of his life.

What a tragedy for his parents and his family. RIP.

Absolutely, it's a sobering thought and reminder for us all to show some compassion and try and help when someone we know seems to be struggling with life.

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When I became ill in Thailand, medical insurance ran out, visa went into overstay and got kicked out of our home with a new baby, the British Embassy were remarkably unhelpful. Luckily I have good friends, a fantastic Thai fiancée and a good family. Somebody (never been sure who) stepped in and a European guy turned up to help and I got back to UK. Not a nice place when you run into problems but where is?. Nothing is ever worth dying like this for though.

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why go to the airport with no ticket or money? Mental case.

Have some respect will you. Clearly he was not in his right frame of mind but doesn't mean he was a mental case.

A very sad story, however bad it gets this is not the way to go. RIP

I thought it would not be long before the bleeding heart bullies showed up ordering every one to have respect for a suicide, or saying their thoughts are with his family, people nobody even knows, or splashing RIP all over the place. it's the soppy modern disease of media compassion.

The modern disease is actually that people are caring less and less about their fellow man and more and more about just themselves, seems you are firmly in that camp.

There are many stories nowadays of people simply ignoring and walking past people in distress,, the 3 year old Chinese girl who was hit by a car in Beijing springs to mind. 15 people walked around her bleeding body,, terrible.

So please continue to believe that people who give a sh*t are soppy or weak, we will continue as we are. Despite your attitude I promise if i ever see you in serious trouble i will try and help, I won't simply walk on by. I feel sorry for the people that need help who stumble across you in their hour of need though.

This guy is 35 and topped himself probably because there was nobody there to help him, very tragic and a waste of life.

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why go to the airport with no ticket or money? Mental case.

Have some respect will you. Clearly he was not in his right frame of mind but doesn't mean he was a mental case.

A very sad story, however bad it gets this is not the way to go. RIP

I thought it would not be long before the bleeding heart bullies showed up ordering every one to have respect for a suicide, or saying their thoughts are with his family, people nobody even knows, or splashing RIP all over the place. it's the soppy modern disease of media compassion.

What kind of a heartless <deleted> are you mate? You have no idea what this guy killed himself but still you judge him as if he was a scumbag who deserved to die.

I'd like to meet you tonight somewhere for a little chat eye to eye. People like you are the ones who deserve to tap themselves. You and all the other heartless idiots that liked your post

I agree, man. As soon as I saw this thread name, I knew that there would be some posters who would write heartless and silly stuff. It's this type of posters (and the bigots) that often make me feel like not coming to this forum anymore. Fortunately, decent people are still in the majority here.

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One of the posters makes a very good point in that many westerners come to Thailand with 'problems' that were evident in their own countries and see Thailand as a way to get well. They get into the bar scene and really believe that someone loves them only to find out that it is all baloney. Already depressed, now without money- they see no hope. The problem remains- why are there so many depressed people from the Western World and what can be done to help them. The answer is a lack of real attention to the mentally ill in the Western World. They are not getting the treatment they need and search the World over for some relief from their pain. I don't have all the answers but I do know this that the West spends untold billions on government bureaucracy; war; spying on its own citizens and appears to do do little for its own citizens in distress. AS an American, I am appalled with the American response to its most vulnerable citizens, The politicians don't care; the well citizenry are ignorant of the problem and the World at large is more concerned with a bunch of radicals in the Syrian desert than helping its own populations survive.

Apparently it's advertising.

I've been told, but haven't checked, that there is a correlation between the amount of money spent on advertising in a country, and the numbers of people suffering mental health problems.

The more money spent on advertising the greater the health problems.

Perhaps the amount of money spent indicates the degree to which the country is "suffering" from consumerism.

If that is so then it's consumerism. That may ring bells for an American.

Interesting point about the advertising but the truth is that many of these guys are simply social rejects from western countries. Either because of existing problems such as mental health, substance abuse, depression etc... Or they develop such problems as a result of their social rejections (usually down to poor social skills)

Sadly, many of these guys are either not smart enough to realize the illusion presents to them by bargirls. Perhaps it's because they are so desperate to believe that it is true.

If a man can't see the folly in the idea that he was a complete social reject back home, and that it suddenly all changed as he set foot in Thailand, then he is likely going to make for an easy target for someone who may be looking to relieve him of his money.

Thank you Dr Freud for that interesting insight. I am assuming that you are a doctor due to the specific conclusions post psychoanalysis and these are not just the ramblings of a clueless buffoon.

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These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

Just maybe he has done this many times to the family and they got tired of it.....

This is my experience. Often when someone is homeless and broke and needs strangers to help him, the truth is that he has already burned out his family and former friends. He's a serial user of people and needs a new mark.

I'm of course not saying that this is the case, but I can think of 20 people offhand that I could call and get a plane ticket and a place to stay. That's because of what I've done with and for people in the past. People trust me. Additionally, the odds of me ever actually needing that help are almost zero unless I was beaten and robbed far from home and had nothing on me to work with such as my credit cards. Even then my credit card companies would rush replacements to me and my distress would last for a few days at most.

These stories always trigger these thoughts in my mind. What does someone have to do in life to wind up with no one to call for help?

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