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Alcoholics Anonymous Open Information Meeting

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If you think you have a problem with your drinking


If someone close to you is having problems with their drinking

Alcoholics Anonymous is having an:

Open Alcoholics Anonymous Public Information Meeting

At S15 Sukhumvit Hotel

217 Sukhumvit 15, Bangkok


Saturday 19th of December 2015 at 7pm.

Come and find out how Alcoholics Anonymous can help.

Speakers will share their experience of drinking and how A.A. has helped them to stop.

Information on meetings in Bangkok and on how A.A. works will be given on the night.

You are not alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder that this meeting is Saturday week

This is not a regular A.A. Open Meeting, but a once off "Information Meeting" hosted by the "Lost & Found" Bangkok Group to inform the public about what Alcoholics Anonymous is, and if it can help you if you think you have a problem with your drinking.

If you want to attend a regular A.A. meeting you will find information on meeting locations on the Thailand A.A. website http://www.aathailand.org/.

If you are not sure if you have a problem choose an Open Meeting which has no requirement for attendance.

  • 2 weeks later...

This meeting is on this Saturday (19) at 7pm.

We hope that anyone seeking help to stop drinking or who want to find out more about A.A. can find the time to come.

  • 2 months later...

We had a great response to our last meeting and the Group has decided to have another Public Information (P.I.) Meeting on March 31 at the same venue, the S15 Hotel at Sukhumvit at 18:30. Please note that this meeting is on Thursday to facilitate anyone who is busy at the weekend.

I will post more information in my next post.

Hope to see you there


The purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is convert people to christianity. They target people who have a problem and use that problem to introduce them to god. There are many posts on this on tv if you search, if you look at the 12 steps used in the meetings, this is quite clear so be sure what you are signing up for. The primary motive of these people is to covert you, not to cure your problem. That's the bait.


What a great opportunity to come and learn myself to see what AA can do and what it cannot do.

a common question, There's a lot of talk about God, though, isn't there?

The majority of AA members believe that we have found the solution to our drinking problem not through individual willpower, but through a power greater than ourselves. However, everyone defines this power as he or she wishes. Many people call it God, others think it is the AA group, still others don't believe in it at all. There is room in AA for people of all shades of belief and nonbelief.

"It must never be forgotten that the purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is to sober up alcoholics. There is no religious or spiritual requirement for membership. No demands are made on anyone. An experience is offered which members may accept or reject. That is up to them."


Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) would like to invite you to our Open Information Meeting on March 31, 2016 at 18:30 at the S15 Hotel (On the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 15 Bangkok). The purpose of this meeting is to provide information about our program of recovery from alcoholism.

Who we are:

We in A.A. are men and women who have discovered, and admitted, that we cannot control alcohol. We have learned that we must live without it if we are to avoid disaster for ourselves and those close to us. With local groups in thousands of communities, we are part of an informal international fellowship, which now has members in 170 countries. We have but one primary purpose: to stay sober ourselves and to help others who may turn to us for help in achieving sobriety. Within our membership may be found men and women of all ages and many different social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership.

Current Membership It is estimated that there are over 115,000 groups and over 2,000,000 Members in approximately 170 countries.

· The meeting will have a moderator who will explain what A.A. can and cannot do

· Two speakers who will speak about how A.A. has helped them get and stay sober.

· Q&A There will be time at the end for any questions from the audience.

There will be a Thai translator on hand to translate.

Attendance is free of charge so there are no fees. Coffee and snacks will be provided.


The root of drinking problems I now believe is a thinking problem but possibly I know little . As great as AA is at addressing the symptoms of this thinking problem drinking not sure how effective it is at getting to the root of the problem . The Big Book that Bill wrote so long ago and is so well respected at the program possibly needs to be rewritten and evolved so it keeps up with real science to possibly be more effective . I will say it's a great program for many reasons but it is also a missed opportunity for many reasons with participants not getting to the root of their thinking problem many times and just changing deck chairs on the Titanic instead of getting off . The main situation I see is that many in AA when they get sober end up in a doctors office with a prescription for depression and again just addressing the symptoms and again not getting to the root of things developing even more health problems from side effects from antidepressants and tranquilizers that the Dr. treats with even more drugs . When I use to go to meetings I worked to alert members about this and how I let myself be tricked by Dr.'s and the things I found helpful to get to the root of this thinking problem that had a SYMPTOM of drinking . I tried tried to share & help others get out and exercise , change diets and meditate but I could never get other members to join me in these activities . After years of not ever finding one other members to exercise with or join me in these activities I found life saving and seeing how annoyed members were when I shared what had helped me get to the root of things I stopped going to meetings . I miss seeing all my old friends at AA but watching so many slip and fall again and again and let Dr.'s prescribe them poisons that are just as toxic as alcohol while they cling to their big book believing alcohol was the root of their problem left a bit sad and feeling powerless to share what was working for me and have to watch so many I cared for suffer needlessly . I do not think I am missed at meetings but I miss many of my friends I made there .


Great program but needs and update possibly .... The original iPhone 6 years ago was amazing and a game changer for many but if it had not evolved where would it be ? Possible it's the same for anything great and that evolution is key to survival and attracting new young people to keep great things alive and growing . I don't know but have little doubt after being in program and sober now 25 years and watching so many struggle only addressing the symptoms that the big book deals with .


If you think you have a problem with your drinking


If someone close to you is having problems with their drinking

Alcoholics Anonymous is having an:

Open Alcoholics Anonymous Public Information Meeting

At S15 Sukhumvit Hotel

217 Sukhumvit 15, Bangkok


Thursday 31st of March 2016 at 7 pm.

Come and find out how Alcoholics Anonymous can help.

Speakers will share their experience of drinking and how A.A. has helped them to stop.

Information on meetings in Bangkok and how A.A. works will be given on the night.

You are not alone.

Event hosted by the “Lost & Found” Group Bangkok.

  • 2 weeks later...

I attended once in the uk - very overdramatic

It was like joining the moonies !

Some meetings are like that. Or, it may have been an initial reaction to something we don't often encounter in our lives- unconditional acceptance, warts, flaws and all. The cynic in each of us may recoil at an unfamiliar feeling. It gets better.

And every meeting has it's own "flavor", and the flavor can change over time. If you find a meeting you don't like, there's always another one to try.

Here's the rub- they're not drinking. The folks that reject the meetings (with or without ever darkening the door of one)? Well, that's another million stories, most of which eventually end tragically.


Some people who attend N.A. also have a problem with alcohol and attend both types of meetings. There are N.A. meetings in Bangkok; you will find them if you use google.

This is not a regular A.A. Open Meeting, but a once off "Information Meeting" hosted by the "Lost & Found" Bangkok Group to inform the public about what Alcoholics Anonymous is, and if it can help you if you think you have a problem with your drinking.

If you want to attend a regular A.A. meeting you will find information on meeting locations on the Thailand A.A. website http://www.aathailand.org/.

If you are not sure if you have a problem with alcohol choose an Open Meeting which has no requirement for attendance.


I would advise nobody attend AA meetings, they just prey on the vulnerable to recruit to Christianity, just look at the 12 steps to see how many times god is mentioned. rolleyes.gif


Why not just go along and check if it's a "cult" for yourself. IMO just a group of people with issues, trying to work through them together. Nothing wrong with that.

In the modern day mindfulness is so widely promoted and used by many. Now people feel more comfortable in opening up to friends, fellows and peers and by gradually sharing what bothers them, end up better people.


Nattering about your problems makes you a better person? I don't think that follows at all.

And how, exactly, did you quit drinking?

We're open to better ideas.


Nattering about your problems makes you a better person? I don't think that follows at all.

And how, exactly, did you quit drinking?

We're open to better ideas.

I did not quit and don't want, or need to nor do I need the help of a bloke nailed to a cross thanks.


The purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous is convert people to christianity. They target people who have a problem and use that problem to introduce them to god. There are many posts on this on tv if you search, if you look at the 12 steps used in the meetings, this is quite clear so be sure what you are signing up for. The primary motive of these people is to covert you, not to cure your problem. That's the bait.

Is this is true??

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