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Turkey detains journalists who allege army lorries carried weapons for ISIL

Jonathan Fairfield

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Turkey detains journalists who allege army lorries carried weapons for ISIL


Between one and two thousand people protested outside the Istanbul offices of opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet.

The paper has seen its Editor-in-chief and Ankara correspondent arrested and charged with espionage and treason on Thursday for daring to accuse Turkey of doing business with ISIL.

Both men say they have only done their jobs and deny their reporting is helping enemies of Turkey.

“As you know, an investigation has been launched into our reports on intelligence agency MIT trucks carrying weapons. The plaintiff is President Tayyip Erdogan himself. We came here to defend journalism. We came here to defend people’s right to be informed, their right to learn the truth if the government is lying,” said Can Dündar, the senior of the two men.

“If the country is under a certain threat or in danger, a journalist has to report it,” said Erdem Gül.

Both men were placed in custody after their declarations. Turkey is currently rated near the bottom of global tables for press freedom and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the author of the lorry story “will pay a heavy price”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-28

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From the western border of Turkey to the eastern border of Afghanistan, from Yemen to Georgia, it is chaos.

It's a Game of Thrones plot, with a violent Days of Our Lives saga combined. i like you but hate your brother, who loves my cousin, who is cheating on his neighbour's girlfriend's sister's oldest child, who is also a transvestite psychopath, who killed the guy across the road's dog, so the guy across the road started shouting at the other neighbour's mother, who went to the police, who dismissed it as a domestic incident and were subsequently filmed accepting a bribe from me, and now I'm running scared, but my son is trying to help me by.........

A flow chart of the relationships between the players would look like a dogs breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs.

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From the western border of Turkey to the eastern border of Afghanistan, from Yemen to Georgia, it is chaos.

It's a Game of Thrones plot, with a violent Days of Our Lives saga combined. i like you but hate your brother, who loves my cousin, who is cheating on his neighbour's girlfriend's sister's oldest child, who is also a transvestite psychopath, who killed the guy across the road's dog, so the guy across the road started shouting at the other neighbour's mother, who went to the police, who dismissed it as a domestic incident and were subsequently filmed accepting a bribe from me, and now I'm running scared, but my son is trying to help me by.........

A flow chart of the relationships between the players would look like a dogs breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs.

Human nature laid bare when there is no fear of God, nor respect for the laws of men.

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From the western border of Turkey to the eastern border of Afghanistan, from Yemen to Georgia, it is chaos.

It's a Game of Thrones plot, with a violent Days of Our Lives saga combined. i like you but hate your brother, who loves my cousin, who is cheating on his neighbour's girlfriend's sister's oldest child, who is also a transvestite psychopath, who killed the guy across the road's dog, so the guy across the road started shouting at the other neighbour's mother, who went to the police, who dismissed it as a domestic incident and were subsequently filmed accepting a bribe from me, and now I'm running scared, but my son is trying to help me by.........

A flow chart of the relationships between the players would look like a dogs breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs.

Human nature laid bare when there is no fear of God, nor respect for the laws of men.

Unfortunately, I think God (anyone's God) plays quite a part in it all.

Then there's money and power.

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There's no smoke without fire mate... people don't like getting caught do they. Can imagine hes getting an earful from his mates Obama and Cameron who are looking more ridiculous everyday with "we need troops on the ground and more planes in the air to bomb Assad ooops i meant ISIS, whilst being guilty of association or directly, who knows, of dealing in/profiting from stolen Syrian oil. Its been said this is tens of millions of dollars per day. Once again, wheres the money flow? which banks is the money going through? its impossible to hide or move those sums of money without officiladom knowing.

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Turkey is looking more and more like a fascist regime on a daily basis. The degree of press censorship is shocking. I hear journalists are being locked up and deported quite frequently. The once elected, and now strongman Erdogan is looking like a desperate and insecure, man child dictator more and more.

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I do wonder why Russia don't sponsor and table a UNSC resolution to apply economic sanctions on Turkey for supporting ISIS by buying its oil...there is loads of evidence for this...and for supplying arms to ISIS. The US would naturally veto the resolution along with the UK and France probably abstain....but with the US just having applied sanctions to members of the Syrian regime for purchasing oil from ISIS, then this would expose the rank hypocrisy of this war.

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Putin screwed-up the plan. Leon Panetta, former U.S. Defense Secretary and ex-CIA boss General Michael Hayden both said war with ISIL will be a 30 year war. A delight to the ears of the war profiteers, to be sure. Turkey is the enabler of this “30 year war”. Close tight the Turkish borders and the supply of money, weapons, ammunition, medical care, recruits etc, will end for ISIL ... ISIL would probably be finished within a couple of years.

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Putin screwed-up the plan. Leon Panetta, former U.S. Defense Secretary and ex-CIA boss General Michael Hayden both said war with ISIL will be a 30 year war. A delight to the ears of the war profiteers, to be sure. Turkey is the enabler of this “30 year war”. Close tight the Turkish borders and the supply of money, weapons, ammunition, medical care, recruits etc, will end for ISIL ... ISIL would probably be finished within a couple of years.

If Turkey's borders were closed tight, daesh would be finished in under a year.

I agree with your sentiments otherwise.

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From the western border of Turkey to the eastern border of Afghanistan, from Yemen to Georgia, it is chaos.

It's a Game of Thrones plot, with a violent Days of Our Lives saga combined. i like you but hate your brother, who loves my cousin, who is cheating on his neighbour's girlfriend's sister's oldest child, who is also a transvestite psychopath, who killed the guy across the road's dog, so the guy across the road started shouting at the other neighbour's mother, who went to the police, who dismissed it as a domestic incident and were subsequently filmed accepting a bribe from me, and now I'm running scared, but my son is trying to help me by.........

A flow chart of the relationships between the players would look like a dogs breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs.

Human nature laid bare when there is no fear of God, nor respect for the laws of men.

Unfortunately the people who make the laws are the same people responsible for the mayhem, over greed of land and resources, control & power ...and as for God and the fear of...well that's a whole other subject

Edited by LuckyNo4
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From the western border of Turkey to the eastern border of Afghanistan, from Yemen to Georgia, it is chaos.

It's a Game of Thrones plot, with a violent Days of Our Lives saga combined. i like you but hate your brother, who loves my cousin, who is cheating on his neighbour's girlfriend's sister's oldest child, who is also a transvestite psychopath, who killed the guy across the road's dog, so the guy across the road started shouting at the other neighbour's mother, who went to the police, who dismissed it as a domestic incident and were subsequently filmed accepting a bribe from me, and now I'm running scared, but my son is trying to help me by.........

A flow chart of the relationships between the players would look like a dogs breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs.

and interestingly enough, I am told that the great muslim leader, Salah Hadin, (forgive spelling) was in fact a Kurd.

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There's no smoke without fire mate... people don't like getting caught do they. Can imagine hes getting an earful from his mates Obama and Cameron who are looking more ridiculous everyday with "we need troops on the ground and more planes in the air to bomb Assad ooops i meant ISIS, whilst being guilty of association or directly, who knows, of dealing in/profiting from stolen Syrian oil. Its been said this is tens of millions of dollars per day. Once again, wheres the money flow? which banks is the money going through? its impossible to hide or move those sums of money without officiladom knowing.

and officialdom, i.e. old money, will never let the likes of us know.

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Turkey is looking more and more like a fascist regime on a daily basis. The degree of press censorship is shocking. I hear journalists are being locked up and deported quite frequently. The once elected, and now strongman Erdogan is looking like a desperate and insecure, man child dictator more and more.

Looks like Turkey are ripe for fast track entry into the EU. I only wish I was joking.
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From the western border of Turkey to the eastern border of Afghanistan, from Yemen to Georgia, it is chaos.

It's a Game of Thrones plot, with a violent Days of Our Lives saga combined. i like you but hate your brother, who loves my cousin, who is cheating on his neighbour's girlfriend's sister's oldest child, who is also a transvestite psychopath, who killed the guy across the road's dog, so the guy across the road started shouting at the other neighbour's mother, who went to the police, who dismissed it as a domestic incident and were subsequently filmed accepting a bribe from me, and now I'm running scared, but my son is trying to help me by.........

A flow chart of the relationships between the players would look like a dogs breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs.

Now THAT was entertaining clap2.gifclap2.gif

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Tuekey is Muslim nation, and for this reson will never enter the EU, no matter what efforts and process,

For a Muslim nation, whenever your air space penetrated, you just accept and passt it on, as long no theat on you,

Can any wsterne state include Rsussia accept this by any way?

But, a Muslim state like Turkey, if you stand up and defend their borders, will be wrong??

Never mind, is this is the rule of this civilized world, this is the justice of the stronger should destroy the weaker,

The Russians are heating up, just to revenge, this arrogancy of the former imperialist might lead to whole world to WW3,

The world will be destroyed by human stubborn arrogancy, the stronger step on the weaker, this nowadays imperialism law, will hasten to bring the old atrocities maybe much more worst than the WW1 and 2, God forbidden !!

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Turkey is looking more and more like a fascist regime on a daily basis. The degree of press censorship is shocking. I hear journalists are being locked up and deported quite frequently. The once elected, and now strongman Erdogan is looking like a desperate and insecure, man child dictator more and more.

Looks like Turkey are ripe for fast track entry into the EU. I only wish I was joking.

They will never enter the EU as Cyprus and Greece hold a veto against it plus to many right wing governments who would opposite it. (Poland, Finland, Hungary and possible France next year with Le Pen).

Merkel doesn't really hope on Turkey but hopes more on getting rid of ISIS. She will be happy if Assad stays in power for a few more years in exchange that Syrians will stay at home. I am sure Germany will be one of the largest investors in Syria once ISIS is gone in Syria. Looking at the Saudi's I feel that Assad is more liberal and open minded as the fanatics in Saudi Arabia (House of Saud).

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I do wonder why Russia don't sponsor and table a UNSC resolution to apply economic sanctions on Turkey for supporting ISIS by buying its oil...there is loads of evidence for this...and for supplying arms to ISIS. The US would naturally veto the resolution along with the UK and France probably abstain....but with the US just having applied sanctions to members of the Syrian regime for purchasing oil from ISIS, then this would expose the rank hypocrisy of this war.

Why doesn't the West just bomb the damn refineries and wells and stop the flow. is the West at war with ISIL or not? It sure would be nice to have leaders in the West with some balls. Hopefully Hollande and Putin will take care of that. After all think of the contracts to rebuild all this.

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Turkey is looking more and more like a fascist regime on a daily basis. The degree of press censorship is shocking. I hear journalists are being locked up and deported quite frequently. The once elected, and now strongman Erdogan is looking like a desperate and insecure, man child dictator more and more.

Looks like Turkey are ripe for fast track entry into the EU. I only wish I was joking.

They will never enter the EU as Cyprus and Greece hold a veto against it plus to many right wing governments who would opposite it. (Poland, Finland, Hungary and possible France next year with Le Pen).

Merkel doesn't really hope on Turkey but hopes more on getting rid of ISIS. She will be happy if Assad stays in power for a few more years in exchange that Syrians will stay at home. I am sure Germany will be one of the largest investors in Syria once ISIS is gone in Syria. Looking at the Saudi's I feel that Assad is more liberal and open minded as the fanatics in Saudi Arabia (House of Saud).

alone for that, the EU should keep Cyprus and Greece as members, more than worth it.

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http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/06/turkey-syria-iraq-isis-new-turkish-unit-lures-kurds.html# (this is an International Press Institute awardee: http://ipi.freemedia.at/special-pages/newssview/article/al-monitor-named-free-media-pioneer-award-winner.html)

and another: businessinsider.com


the Guardian:


(but remains very moderate in its reporting)

international business times


the guardian, on Turkish support to terrorists:




President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accuses Moscow of slander after suggesting Ankara buys oil from Isil


And finally, there is one guy with academic credentials writing about Turkey's ties with ISIS:




but it seems his papers only get published in huffingtonpost, globaresearch (hahaha) and he only gets quoted by Russia Today and other eastern-oriented news outlets. poor guy.

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I guess its now time to exclude Turkey from Nato!!!

It was time a long time ago.

But airbases so close to Rusia is such a sweet treat that you would turn a blind eye to everything.

Double US standard.


Why is that a double standard? If Egypt, say, wanted a Russian base, it's up to them. Sure, both sides would be negotiating, but what's wrong with that? The best side wins. Impossible for the US to do anything else other than eliminate financial backing. For better or worse.

There are no Russian bases outside the former USSR satellite states. Perhaps there's a reason for this? North Korea doesn't have any either.

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