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Protesters tell US ambassador to "go home"


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what "USA" means? most countries name finish by land. like Deutschland, finland... I checked on line, and I find nothing for USA.

It's a small city in Japan. You're welcome.
you were not joking.

Usa (宇佐市 Usa-shi?) is a city located in Ōita Prefecture, Japan. The city was founded on April 1, 1967. On March 31, 2005, the towns of Ajimu and Innai (both from Usa District) were merged into Usa.

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So, let me get this straight... a US ambassador encourages Thais to speak out, to exercise their property, their absolute right to free speech--and the Thai tell him to go f!@# himself?

Ambassador needs to be careful what he wishes for? Or do the Thai not understand this?

The US has laws to protect the president, do they? From assault, yes, of course, just as US has laws to protect any citizen from assault--but not from speech. In fact it is the other way around with speech. We have the 1st Amendment, the highest law of our land, which protects the people from the president should the need arise to say detrimental things about him, which we do, of course, incessantly, because he is in fact the worst president, barre none, we have ever had.

what about Bush? Either one who started all this militant Islamic nonsense with their greed for oil money.

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Making Thailand part of the British Empire? It would have served both of them right.

You may scoff, but as lovely as Thailand is, pause for a moment and imagine how much better it would be with law enforcement and their children actually having a good education. Not to mention a proper democracy. One not run by the country's military and their monarch as 'head of state'. Not an excuse consistently used to subjugate it's populace.

Good point. Pretty cool to imagine Thailand with rule of law and an actual democracy.

So would be the same wonderful beaches, same beautiful girls, but without the

endless succession of corrupt politicians intent on looting the country.... And policemen

actually enforcing the law instead of lining their pockets .

Ah, one can only dream.....

I think about this sometimes and then wonder if Thailand would have the attraction that it does. What if laws were enforced evenly? How many people would get the boot due to not having proper visas? How might the economic condition for many Thais change? Would Thailand even be a cheap place to live anymore or might it be more akin to Hong Kong or Singapore?

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Making Thailand part of the British Empire? It would have served both of them right.

You may scoff, but as lovely as Thailand is, pause for a moment and imagine how much better it would be with law enforcement and their children actually having a good education. Not to mention a proper democracy. One not run by the country's military and their monarch as 'head of state'. Not an excuse consistently used to subjugate it's populace.

Good point. Pretty cool to imagine Thailand with rule of law and an actual democracy.

So would be the same wonderful beaches, same beautiful girls, but without the

endless succession of corrupt politicians intent on looting the country.... And policemen

actually enforcing the law instead of lining their pockets .

Ah, one can only dream.....

I think about this sometimes and then wonder if Thailand would have the attraction that it does. What if laws were enforced evenly? How many people would get the boot due to not having proper visas? How might the economic condition for many Thais change? Would Thailand even be a cheap place to live anymore or might it be more akin to Hong Kong or Singapore?

Exactly, these Thai bashing yanks want to burn their cake at both ends:) Imagine if all their massage parlours were closed and the prostitution law enforced.

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There is a smugness with Thais .....the way they perceive the free world is almost a sentence in itself in the 21st.

The Internet killed any illusion of loving exotic i, it's unfortunately dealing with representatives of powerful countries in its objections.

The king of Thailand has expressed himself disapproval of draconian laws and sentences.

The childishness and folly of locking human beings up is sheer abuse and the brunt of disapproval needs to come from westerners .

Good for the USA rep for saying the obvious .

Why they were not arrested is clear ....junta equals yellow

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So, let me get this straight... a US ambassador encourages Thais to speak out, to exercise their property, their absolute right to free speech--and the Thai tell him to go f!@# himself?

Ambassador needs to be careful what he wishes for? Or do the Thai not understand this?

The US has laws to protect the president, do they? From assault, yes, of course, just as US has laws to protect any citizen from assault--but not from speech. In fact it is the other way around with speech. We have the 1st Amendment, the highest law of our land, which protects the people from the president should the need arise to say detrimental things about him, which we do, of course, incessantly, because he is in fact the worst president, barre none, we have ever had.

Actually, the laws are such that public figures, like the president or other government officials, have a higher threshold for libel or slander. For instance, I can be sued for slander for saying something about my neighbor but not for saying the same thing about the president.

In Thailand it works exactly the opposite. The higher up someone is, the more protection they receive under the law.

I remember a few years back watching the White House correspondent's dinner thing where comedians roast the president. My wife's jaw hit the floor. She was convinced secret service was going to tackle whoever the comedian was.

Even after I tried to explain to her how things worked in the US it still was quite a long time before she could wrap her head around the fact that not only are we allowed to make fun of our politicians, it's almost a duty. :-)

But, if you really want to understand the heart of Thailand, watch/read all of the disrespectful comments Thai politicians make about other countries. Yet, any minor slight of a Thai is akin to pooping in their rice bowl and people take to the streets to protest.

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I think about this sometimes and then wonder if Thailand would have the attraction that it does. What if laws were enforced evenly? How many people would get the boot due to not having proper visas? How might the economic condition for many Thais change? Would Thailand even be a cheap place to live anymore or might it be more akin to Hong Kong or Singapore?

Exactly, these Thai bashing yanks want to burn their cake at both ends:) Imagine if all their massage parlours were closed and the prostitution law enforced.

It has nothing to do with Thai bashing Yanks. You think Brits or any other farang feels any differently about free speech?

It's really a farang hypocrisy that we want Thailand to end corruption, fix this, fix that, do this the right way, do that the right way, but we want Thailand to remain the backwards third-world'ish country that it is today. But if they did all of those things that farangs want done, Thailand might actually be so prosperous that most expats couldn't afford to live here. It might be too boring for many.

It's the people who complain about the corrupt cops but boast about being about to buy their way out of a ticket with 200 or 300 baht. But damn those coppers if they pull you over for a crime you didn't actually commit. Then they're corrupt vultures out to rip off the honest farang.

It's the guy who gets spitting mad at inefficiency of Thai immigration and then laughs about living in Thailand for the last 10 years on back to back tourist visas.

And it's especially the people who rant and moan on internet forums about the Thai people not standing up and getting rid of all these political thugs but sits as quiet as a mouse in their apartments rather than standing up for their own rights as a foreign resident in the country.

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Disregarding the issue of protest itself I find it curiously amusing that so many ardent defenders of democratic principles and specifically freedom of speech etc are now critical of a demonstration utilizing those principles.

The criticism mainly comes not from the actual protest, rather the hypocritical junta who made laws banning ALL protest and gatherings of more than 5 people. Yet they choose to enforce it very selectively. Protest against us you get thrown in jail, protest for us and you have a free pass.

Even the most ardent of junta lovers have to admit that's sheer myopic claptrap.

Edited by mrrizzla
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Disregarding the issue of protest itself I find it curiously amusing that so many ardent defenders of democratic principles and specifically freedom of speech etc are now critical of a demonstration utilizing those principles.

The criticism mainly comes not from the actual protest, rather the hypocritical junta who made laws banning ALL protest and gatherings of more than 5 people. Yet they choose to select it very selectively. Protest against us you get thrown in jail, protest for us and you have a free pass.

Even the most ardent of junta lovers have to admit that's sheer myopic claptrap.

Hear! Hear!

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These idiots have no idea how much aid money US gave Thailand and continues to do so, not only that they help protect Thailand from threats and stability of the country.

Clearly neither do you. How much money do you think the US is giving to a government that overthrew a democratically elected one?

Pretty much none due to the coup and a general running the country that goes against the US's policies, hence the aid money has stopped. But can't overlook the contributions the US contributed in the past.

But the US's policies are a funny thing, they often armed terrorists that turns back on them too.

Guess why.
USA don't give any aid away without benefit for the USA. And often enough, the poorer part of the receiving population doesn't get any benefits at all, just the burden of USAID.

Perhaps the poorer of the don't really benefit much, what are some of the burdens of USAID, would like to know more about it.

Thailand also stopped receiving aid in the form of no taxes for goods sent to the EU as of last year, as EU no longer classifies Thailand as a developing country.

But Thailand is a developing country, just not underdeveloped anymore according to international standards.
Internally, development might come in different speeds in different regions. The US ambassador should be aware of this, although Thai internal affairs are none of U.S. business.
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So what?

I'm Farang, and I want the money,too, not the Farang. More precisely: My money, the money I worked for in Europe.

Thais may not particularly love Farangs with all their weird habits, but many Farangs are still treated better here than they would be in their home countries.

Yes, and the probability that you die by the bullet of a gun in a shooting is much higher in the US. Some people just prefer to live. So do I.

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I don't agree. When in Thailand, I make it in Thailand with Thai money and Thai goods and services. I leave my money at home. It cost me a few thousand before I realized that with Thais there is no end to their wants and needs and excuses and whatever, and, if you let them, they will literally take everything you have without batting an eyelash.

As for the killings, well, the carnage here in Thailand was, per capita, much higher than the US, and was about to bust loose unabated before the junta.

The carnage here is as bad and worse as the US. It just isn't talked about. News agencies are not allowed to report the way they do in US.

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You may scoff, but as lovely as Thailand is, pause for a moment and imagine how much better it would be with law enforcement and their children actually having a good education. Not to mention a proper democracy. One not run by the country's military and their monarch as 'head of state'. Not an excuse consistently used to subjugate it's populace.

Good point. Pretty cool to imagine Thailand with rule of law and an actual democracy.

So would be the same wonderful beaches, same beautiful girls, but without the

endless succession of corrupt politicians intent on looting the country.... And policemen

actually enforcing the law instead of lining their pockets .

Ah, one can only dream.....

I think about this sometimes and then wonder if Thailand would have the attraction that it does. What if laws were enforced evenly? How many people would get the boot due to not having proper visas? How might the economic condition for many Thais change? Would Thailand even be a cheap place to live anymore or might it be more akin to Hong Kong or Singapore?

Exactly, these Thai bashing yanks want to burn their cake at both ends:) Imagine if all their massage parlours were closed and the prostitution law enforced.

There is certainly a bit of sadness in a person wishing a corrupt third world existence upon

a people so you can enjoy happy ending 600 baht massages....

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There is certainly a bit of sadness in a person wishing a corrupt third world existence upon

a people so you can enjoy happy ending 600 baht massages....

I don't think people wish it on Thailand. I just think that people don't think through the consequences of the things that they wish for.

All I'm saying is that Thailand would be a radically different place if the Thais did everything that most farangs wished they would do. They just don't realize how different it would be.

People who want Thailand to be less corrupt, can't pick and choose who gets targeted or how the laws get applied. If you demand that Thais be better educated, then expect to live in a society with a higher cost of living as more people are in higher wage jobs which causes price inflation.

It's not that a lawful Thailand is bad or that a more expensive Thailand is bad. But it's a different Thailand. You don't get smart, law abiding Thais and all other variables remain as they currently are.

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Only 200 ? I'm sure many more in spirit want the US ambassador and spies out and rightly so. And take US companies with you.

If Thais really want US & their interest out , vote with your money, don't buy american.

Oh I doubt there are many more than 200 Thais that even know what a U.S. ambassador is.
Edited by Kru Baa
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Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

Anyway as that was last weekend -

Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

You have proven something? Where? I'm not seeing that anywhere.

I wouldn't know if they will protest the ruling. Will be interesting to see.

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Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

Anyway as that was last weekend -

Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

Why not (if it's not illegal)?

USA should learn a lesson: U.S. standards are not the world's standards.

Edited by micmichd
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Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

Anyway as that was last weekend -

Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

Why not?

USA should learn a lesson: U.S. standards are not the world's standards.

I agree. US was the most loved country in the world with the highest of all standards, barre none. But now have lowered themselves to third world standards at best and squandered all wealth. In short, United States Corporation has <deleted> itself.

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Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

Anyway as that was last weekend -

Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

Why not?

USA should learn a lesson: U.S. standards are not the world's standards.

I agree. US was the most loved country in the world with the highest of all standards, barre none. But now have lowered themselves to third world standards at best and squandered all wealth. In short, United States Corporation has <deleted> itself.

Who are USA to judge other countries' standards then?

Thai Airways is one of the best airlines I know, and I prefer lots of Thai standards to Western standards.

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Well if you can't prove anything // biggrin.png Just keep repeating it and some might believe

Anyway as that was last weekend -

Are they going to protest the FAA ruling at the Embassy next weekend?

Why not?

USA should learn a lesson: U.S. standards are not the world's standards.

I agree. US was the most loved country in the world with the highest of all standards, barre none. But now have lowered themselves to third world standards at best and squandered all wealth. In short, United States Corporation has <deleted> itself.
Who are USA to judge other countries' standards then?

Thai Airways is one of the best airlines I know, and I prefer lots of Thai standards to Western standards.

Exactly. U.S. Corp. can't even afford its own empire or lifestyle anymore. They are no ones to be preaching anything to anyone anywhere anymore. But, even now, at this very low, low tide, they're still the biggest and baddest on the block. So, like any state, they will push people around so long as they have the might.

As for your "Thai" standards or Chinese, or British, or German, or Mongolian--or whatever racist nonsense you may care to preach--I don't buy any of it.

We are not a race, but a species. We're all made of the same stuff and merely come in different colors, which means nothing. We are stupid and believe in rash things. And until this species throws away all the rash nonsense and realizes that we, as a species, live in a world of objective reality, not in a world of make-believe, the victory will always go to the thug with the biggest club. And right now in the history of our super-dumb species, the club is wielded by the U.S. Corp. Tomorrow it will be someone else... and so on... and so on... and so on through the tired old ages we go.

So long as people can be made to believe nonsense, they can be made to commit literally ANY atrocity you can think of.

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I believe that the 1st amendment is for US citizen only.

same as the second amendment to carry a gun.

if you are not a US citizen, you have not the right of speech. thus you still have the right to think.

Are you positively sure you still have the right to think anything you want?

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