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Russia suspends visa-free travel with Turkey


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Russia suspends visa-free travel with Turkey


MOSCOW (AP) — Russia announced Friday that it will suspend visa-free travel with Turkey amid the escalating spat over the downing of a Russian warplane by a Turkish fighter jet at the Syrian border.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Moscow will halt the existing visa-free regime starting Jan. 1, saying that Turkey has become a conduit for terrorists and has been reluctant to share information with Moscow about Russian citizens accused of involvement in terrorist activities.

Turkey's downing of the Russian military jet Tuesday, the first time in half a century that a NATO member shot down a Russian plane, has drawn a harsh response from Moscow. Russia has since restricted tourist travel, left Turkish trucks stranded at the border, confiscated large quantities of Turkish food imports and started preparing a raft of broader economic sanctions.

President Vladimir Putin has also ordered the deployment of the long-range S-400 air defense missile systems to a Russian air base in Syria just 50 kilometers (30 miles) south of the border with Turkey to help protect Russian warplanes, and the Russian military warned it would shoot down any aerial target that would pose a potential threat to its planes. The military also moved the missile cruiser Moskva closer to the shore to help cover Russian bombers om combat missions.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to apologize for the plane's downing, which Ankara said came after it flew for 17 seconds into Turkish airspace. At the same timed, Erdogan said he has tried in vain to speak by phone to Putin to discuss the situation and expressed hope they could meet at the sidelines of a climate summit in Paris next Monday.

Putin's foreign affairs adviser Yuri Ushakov said Friday that the Kremlin had received Erdogan's request for a meeting, but wouldn't say whether such a meeting is possible.

Asked why Putin hasn't picked up the phone to respond to Erdogan's two phone calls, he said that "we have seen that the Turkish side hasn't been ready to offer an elementary apology over the plane incident."

Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus voiced hope that Moscow would keep military and diplomatic channels open and added that Ankara was mulling possible measures in response to Russian economic sanctions. He said that Turkey doesn't think Russia would risk losing it as a partner.

Speaking to reporters after Friday's Cabinet meeting, Kurtulmus said that Turkey would not have shot down the plane if it had known it was Russian and said this is what Turkish officials have told senior Russian officials. He added that if the pilots had responded to the Turkish warnings and informed them that they were Russians, the shooting wouldn't have occurred either.

In Moscow, Russian air force chief, Col.-Gen. Viktor Bondarev, reaffirmed Friday that Turkey hadn't issued any warnings on a previously agreed radio frequency before downing the plane. He insisted that the Russian Su-24 bomber hadn't veered into Turkey's airspace, and also claimed that the Turkish F-16 fighter jet flew into Syria's airspace for 40 seconds to down the Russian plane.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-28

The tug-of-war between the two countries has been driven by a clash of their leaders' personal ambitions.

Putin and Erdogan have been frequently compared to each other. Both are populist leaders who frequently crack down on critics and often revert to anti-Western rhetoric. They had enjoyed close relations until recently, despite differences over Syria, and regularly exchanged visits. In September, Erdogan traveled to Moscow where he and Putin attended the opening of a new mosque, and they also met separately on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit hosted by Turkey.

The summit in Antalya marked their deepening rift over Syria, when Putin showed fellow G-20 leaders aerial pictures of what he said were convoys of oil trucks carrying crude from fields controlled by the Islamic State group into Turkey.

Putin's move came as Russia, the United State and France all have focused their air strikes on the IS oil infrastructure, seeking to undermine the group's financial base following the terror attacks in Paris and the downing of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt.

Erdogan angrily dismissed the Russian accusations, but Putin retorted Thursday that it was hard to believe that the Turkish leadership didn't know about the illegal oil trade.

"We have no doubt whatsoever that this oil goes to Turkey, we are seeing it from the air," Putin said. "If Turkey's political leadership doesn't know anything about it, they should know now."

Lavrov said Friday that Russia strongly backs France's proposal to shut down the Turkish-Syrian border as a way to fight Islamic State fighters in Syria.


Suzan Fraser in Ankara contributed to this report.

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Those Russian must have lost the plot, one minute they complain that Turkey hasn't offed an apology from a high enough figure, an the next, Putin refuses to pick up the phone when the Turkish president called him twice, games of stubbornness and vanity, nothing to do with the real issue at hands,

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I think Erdogan dreams to cut off heads all non-muslim people but unfortunately for him he cannot. But he does everythings to support ISIS. That is why better to keep beoyond of Turkey and don't let come them to us without visa


Keep em out of Europe all together.

Unfortunately US backs them up to keep their airbases there.

So now they are free to bomb the kurdish people again.

They are die hard Muslims as simple as that.

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I think Erdogan dreams to cut off heads all non-muslim people but unfortunately for him he cannot. But he does everythings to support ISIS. That is why better to keep beoyond of Turkey and don't let come them to us without visa


Keep em out of Europe all together.

Unfortunately US backs them up to keep their airbases there.

So now they are free to bomb the kurdish people again.

They are die hard Muslims as simple as that.

Most of the Daesh oil smuggled into Turkey comes from Iraq, facilitated by Iraqi Kurd middlemen, as well by Shiites into Iran - corruption rules...


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I think Erdogan dreams to cut off heads all non-muslim people but unfortunately for him he cannot. But he does everythings to support ISIS. That is why better to keep beoyond of Turkey and don't let come them to us without visa

From next year Turks might be allowed to flood Europe. Good move for Russia to stop Turks from entering Russia.

In the last 10 years Turkey developed from a secular Republic into an Islamic caliphate with Sultan Erdogan as head of the European Islamic ummah.

I was 10 years ago a supporter of Turkey joining the EU but would never support it again. Turkey belongs to the Middle East and has as much to do with Europe as the Pope with Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

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I think Erdogan dreams to cut off heads all non-muslim people but unfortunately for him he cannot. But he does everythings to support ISIS. That is why better to keep beoyond of Turkey and don't let come them to us without visa

From next year Turks might be allowed to flood Europe. Good move for Russia to stop Turks from entering Russia.

In the last 10 years Turkey developed from a secular Republic into an Islamic caliphate with Sultan Erdogan as head of the European Islamic ummah.

I was 10 years ago a supporter of Turkey joining the EU but would never support it again. Turkey belongs to the Middle East and has as much to do with Europe as the Pope with Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

Europe is already flooded with Turks

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Its mostly a clash between two overly aggressive semi-fascist leaders, who look for every chance to prove their manhood and toughness.

It seems like the shooting down of the Russian bomber was a misunderstanding, not likely that it was an intentional shoot down of a Russian plane.

And by the way, many Turkish people are not religious and many don't support Arduan and his fascist-muslim party.

Trying to paint Turkey as anything close to the extreme muslim regimes of the Gulf or as a supporter of ISIS is just wrong. Fortunately to us all Turkey is still one of the most secular muslim countries, regardless of Arduan's efforts to change that.

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So, if we are to believe Turkey they gave 10 warnings in a 17 second violation of air space.

This shoot own occurs after the Russians expose Turkeys complicity in funding ISIS

through illegal oil purchases. The US had to know about this but where silent until it was

revealed by the Russians. Then it comes out they were aware from documents they

recovered during a raid that includes names of Turkish officials that were involved. They also

had a F16 in place ready to take action. Turkeys claim it was an accident and they did not

know it was a Russian plane certainly rings hollow.

Most strange for is the USA's silence on the position of the planes. Turkey claims a violation

of air space, Russia claims it did not. Neither side is credible. The US is strangely silent on

the flight tracks.They support Turkeys rite to defend its sovereignty but says nothing of the

planes flight tacks. Certainly with AWACS in the air tracking the positions of all coalition planes

they have this information. Just my thoughts. coffee1.gif

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If Turkey is supporting Terrorist Organizations, or at least not doing its part to eradicate it, as Russia claims, then they shouldn't be allowed to hide behind the skirt of NATO.

A small part of Turkey also juts down into Syria and near some Terrorist Targets. It is therefore not unreasonable to think that a Pilot may cross over this territory temporarily on the way to there next target. If this Russian Bomber was on its way to there Capital City Istanbul, I could understand shooting it down, but it wasn't. It just crossed a small strip of land that belongs to Turkey.

If Turkey really want to aid in the attack against Terrorism, they would make this area a Neutral Zone, instead of shooting down the airplanes that cross it. In this case I side with the Russians. .

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So, if we are to believe Turkey they gave 10 warnings in a 17 second violation of air space.

This shoot own occurs after the Russians expose Turkeys complicity in funding ISIS

through illegal oil purchases. The US had to know about this but where silent until it was

revealed by the Russians. Then it comes out they were aware from documents they

recovered during a raid that includes names of Turkish officials that were involved. They also

had a F16 in place ready to take action. Turkeys claim it was an accident and they did not

know it was a Russian plane certainly rings hollow.

Most strange for is the USA's silence on the position of the planes. Turkey claims a violation

of air space, Russia claims it did not. Neither side is credible. The US is strangely silent on

the flight tracks.They support Turkeys rite to defend its sovereignty but says nothing of the

planes flight tacks. Certainly with AWACS in the air tracking the positions of all coalition planes

they have this information. Just my thoughts. coffee1.gif

Of course the USA defends Turkey's right to defend its sovereignty like any other country would do. But to defend yourself you first need to be attacked, or assume you will be attacked. So did Turkey really believe that this Russian Bomber was in there tiny air space for maybe only a few minutes to attack them? Everyone and his Dog knows this is not the case, including the Turks.

Why should the USA get involved in this? It wasn't there Bomber that was shoot down. If the USA believe Russia is right, then they above all other knows that Russia doesn't need any help. If they believe Turkey is right, well, you made your own bed so now you have to lie in it. About the worst thing to happen to make matters worst is if the USA takes sides now, no matter which side. The best thing for them to do is what everyone else is doing. Which is telling both of them: "Gentlemen!" "Please calm down!".

Russia is not part of NATO but what many people down't know, or forgot, was what happened when Poland wanted to join NATO. Russia made a big fuss about this as part of Russia borders with Poland. They have a Navel Base on the Baltic Sea with the capital city being "Kaliningrad", which lies between Poland and Lithuania. This would mean that this would be the first time that a NATO Country Bordered with Russia, and they didn't like that.

So to compensate Russia NATO allowed Russia to join as a non-member with future considerations. Hardly likely the Russia could ever join as NATO was set up stop Communism and to protect against there expansion, and China's. But they do have a big say now even if they are not full members. So just like when 2 NATO Members fight among themselves, as in Turkey and Greece did, they stay out of it. So maybe why the USA is so quiet now.

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Those Russian must have lost the plot, one minute they complain that Turkey hasn't offed an apology from a high enough figure, an the next, Putin refuses to pick up the phone when the Turkish president called him twice, games of stubbornness and vanity, nothing to do with the real issue at hands,

Ever sit at a table with friends and enjoying a serious discussion when a stranger comes over to join you, who obviously has had too much to drink already. He then tries to join you in this conversation but starts blabbering on with nonsense.

You at first may try to listen to his point of view, and even add your two cents, but he just keeps blabbering on about this nonsense and you realize it is hopeless to talk to him then. You then either hope he leaves, with a suggestion, or you leave.

Well I think it is like this with Russia now. They listened to the Turkish Leader make claims that what did was right, and Russia was totally in the wrong. They justified shooting down there Bomber with warnings. So I think Russia got tied of listening to this nonsense and are now waiting for him to sober up and smell the coffee.

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