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Just curious


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Pregnant + HIV = remotely possible but very, very unlikely.

STD = yes, esp. things like herpes and genital warts. But only if the woman had a lesions at that time. Other STDs, like gonorrhea and syphilis, very unlikely.

In short the protection afforded by condoms is very high but not an absolute 100%.

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much depends on your technique applying it, if applied perfectly and timely they percentage of 'failure' is much less, however average failure rate overall is 18% !


next time try to get the gal some OTC pills, affordable they are in bkk

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much depends on your technique applying it, if applied perfectly and timely they percentage of 'failure' is much less, however average failure rate overall is 18% !


next time try to get the gal some OTC pills, affordable they are in bkk

OTC pills against HIV?

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I assume he meant birth control pills or "morning after" pills. Though that would not be indicated given that a condom was used and did not break.

yes but it is barking at the wrong tree....getting pregnant is a real minor problem (and there are solutions in Thailand) in compare to get HIV.

That must be prevented and it also prevents unwanted pregnancy..

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I would hardly call unwanted pregnancy a "minor" problem.

It is certainly not at all minor for the woman involved.

And should her ideas as to what to do about it not happen to coincide with the man's, it can become a pretty major problem for him as well.

In any case, a condom was used. Risk of either pregnancy or HIV is extremely small.

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I would hardly call unwanted pregnancy a "minor" problem.

It is certainly not at all minor for the woman involved.

And should her ideas as to what to do about it not happen to coincide with the man's, it can become a pretty major problem for him as well.

In any case, a condom was used. Risk of either pregnancy or HIV is extremely small.

Minor in compare to HIV. Either is fixed and a couple of years later forgotten or you get the baby and parents help. It is a problem.

But compare it with HIV......social problem, medication all the time, how to tell it a new partner, etc etc. Often work out better than expected.

So I call an unwanted pregnancy IN COMPARE with a HIV infection the smaller problem. It is really sad how people suffer, even with the improved treatment.

(while not involved I was close to people who could "heal" HIV in cell cultures but failed on the upscale of the antibody production and go all kind of bureaucratic problems during the no-genetic mindset at this time....so I am surely biased.....I don't want to talk the pregnancy problem small, but contraptions (spelling) are not the solution for one night relations). Only condoms.

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the idea would be to combine methods, eg withdrawal, condom, and birth control pills, and then morning after(though, i don't really understand how and when other than obvious circumstances those should be used).

yes, birth control pills, think that is fairly obvious in the context , there are no pills to prevent STDs

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I don't know about condoms particularly where HIV is concerned. I hate them but every time I wear one it is never rolled right down to the base as it was when I started. Still a lot of fluids etc slooshing around. If you have any sort of rub or tenderness (not an open wound) is there a chance those fluids will infect if say 20% of the base of the penis is exposed? Is the major area for a HIV infection for a man through the eye of the penis or through a skin break?

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Can be either but skin breaks (including small ones that might not be evident to the naked high) are the biggest risk.

is that for blood or vag fluids Sheryl? Are there normally high concentrations of virus in fluids? Im talking man neg lady pos here. All the internet websites seem to think possible but next to no chance if man wears a condom. Even if the man gives oral to the lady very slim chance. What are Ur thoughts? I always have various cuts and nicks on my hands
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HIV is present in vaginal fluids. So in theory, you could get it through manual contact, but I am not aware of any documented cases of that happening. The virus has to actually get into your blood stream, so not at all likely with a minor abrasion on your hand -- abrasions on the penis are different, as it is a highly vascular area .

If you have a deep fresh cut or deep open sore -- anything likely to provide a portal of entry to the bloodstream -- then yes, not a good idea to let it come into contact with vaginal fluids.


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