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Taxi crackdown: Drivers rejecting passengers to face immediate suspension


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Cabbie crackdown: Drivers rejecting passengers to face immediate suspension
By Coconuts Bangkok

Photo: Sugree

BANGKOK: -- In a new crackdown on cabbies this week, drivers found rejecting passengers will be immediately suspended while those repeatedly breaking the law will be fired.

Department of Land Transport (DLT) director Sanit Promwong vowed to get rid of badly-behaved drivers and announced the crackdown in Ratchaprasong area, where the most problems with taxi drivers have been reported.

In the past eight months, Ratchaprasong authorities caught 205 taxi drivers rejecting passengers, 158 who were not using their meter, and 325 who were not carrying their license.

Four of the drivers who were caught faced suspension after officials found they had broken the law several times.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/11/30/cabbie-crackdown-drivers-rejecting-passengers-face-immediate-suspension

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-12-01

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The taxi drivers of this country has for long time now, stopped taking seriously and paying any

heeds to ' crackdowns ' of all sorts, they know very well that a 1,000 baht will solve any issue

they will have with the authorities....

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You all need to read more carefully. They faced suspension only. It says nothing about being suspended. Many actions face consequences in Thailand yet they are never actually enforced. This article sounds more like a show of face after those burmy got robbed and raped a couple days ago. They need to step up to the plate and start confiscating taxis and fining both the drivers and companies for misconduct behind the wheel.

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And if they rape passengers or stab motorcyclists?

In fact, upon reflection, being rejected might well be the safest option.

Which begs the question, "Why would any sane person of average IQ ever want to get into a taxi where the driver doesn't want you?" So now the driver has no recourse against the taxi ministry so passengers will feel the full brunt of revenge, e.g., robbed and murdered to eliminate witnesses.

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The taxi drivers of this country has for long time now, stopped taking seriously and paying any

heeds to ' crackdowns ' of all sorts, they know very well that a 1,000 baht will solve any issue

they will have with the authorities....

"they know very well that a 1,000 baht will solve any issue

they will have with the authorities...."

So they'll reject a fare that might generate Baht 100 knowing that they can just peel a few 1000 baht notes from the wad in their pocket to resolve any problems?

Another let-them-eat-cake award winner in the Marie Antoinette Cultural Chasm contest.

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You all need to read more carefully. They faced suspension only. It says nothing about being suspended. Many actions face consequences in Thailand yet they are never actually enforced. This article sounds more like a show of face after those burmy got robbed and raped a couple days ago. They need to step up to the plate and start confiscating taxis and fining both the drivers and companies for misconduct behind the wheel.

Step up to the plate. Interesting choice of words. Stepping up to the plate, generally means a man is doing his job. It means someone with courage, is following through on a plan of action. That does not sound like the current government. They issue proclamation, after proclamation, and does anything change or improve on the street afterwards? Is anything followed up with real action? Are laws all of a sudden magically enforced? Are the courts made to be more effective, all of a sudden, after these magic words are uttered? All talk and no action makes Johnny a dull boy indeed.

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If you try to report the cabbies, they will come at you with a machete. Or they will just laugh it off. Especially the cabbies trolling the stretch between Asoke to Nana. I dont even bother trying to flag one down anymore, I just call up Grab Taxi or Uber.

Oh and does this crackdown cover New Year's Eve as well? Traditionally, on this the night the cabbies will NOT, under any circumstances, turn on the meter and instead offer wildly inflated "take it or leave it" prices.

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"In a new crackdown on cabbies this week"

That means next week it will all be business as usual

"Drivers rejecting passengers to face immediate suspension"

Most likely a money spinner from someone as they don't say they will automatically suspend but face it....

So 2000 baht can fix it....


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Definition of a Prayuth style crackdown.

We are weak. We do not follow up. We will not make any arrests. We will charge small fines. Nobody will lose their jobs. Nobody will ever go to jail. No positive changes will happen. No elites will ever be touched, nor reprimanded. Society will remain the same. And most importantly, next month, this will all be forgotten.

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And if they rape passengers or stab motorcyclists?

In fact, upon reflection, being rejected might well be the safest option.

Which begs the question, "Why would any sane person of average IQ ever want to get into a taxi where the driver doesn't want you?" So now the driver has no recourse against the taxi ministry so passengers will feel the full brunt of revenge, e.g., robbed and murdered to eliminate witnesses.

The drivers could change career

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more dog and pony show!

the police must be having a hard time finding people to fleece.

this gives them a new oppertunity to increase there net worth.

oh how the bull runs!

why in only one area! why not the whole city!

just more b--l s-it. and it will last 1-2 weeks? just enough to fatten the pockets.

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"BANGKOK: -- In a new crackdown on cabbies this week, drivers found rejecting passengers will be immediately suspended while those repeatedly breaking the law will be fired."

so presumably last week's crackdown was successfully concluded.....

and the crackdown from the week before....

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Do they conduct background checks before issuing taxi driving licenses?

Driving licenses? We don't need no stinking driving licenses.

Ha ha. I know many Thais who have bought their license. It's still common. As for crackdowns on taxi drivers, wasn't this announced about 6 months ago?? Didn't change anything. Personally I have found 99% of the drivers very polite and courteous. Don't understand how they can make a living out of the ridiculously low fares.

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The hub of crackdowns. This will cause a few ripples then go back to normal.

It is what it is. Most cabbies are decent folk trying to earn a living. The rip off merchants always congregate at the usual places and can be avoided with things like grab taxi.

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Do they conduct background checks before issuing taxi driving licenses?

Driving licenses? We don't need no stinking driving licenses.

Ha ha. I know many Thais who have bought their license. It's still common. As for crackdowns on taxi drivers, wasn't this announced about 6 months ago?? Didn't change anything. Personally I have found 99% of the drivers very polite and courteous. Don't understand how they can make a living out of the ridiculously low fares.

They're not ridiculously low to the average Thai who makes 300 a day off he's lucky

Too farang wages it might seem cheap but many people would love to be in the position to drive a taxi because they make a lot less...

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