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General Udomdej says he will carry on with his work as usual


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Why should this guy quit? He's in the army. He's beyond reproach.

Different government - same lies.

The facts should be established first. Certainly trial by social media or based on comments from known proven liars shouldn't force anyone to quit.

However, facts, truth, justice, honor and ethics are just meaningless concepts in Thailand.

He himself has already admitted there were 'irregularities' and certain monies were paid! I can understand your squirming, but you cannot really get more clear cut when the man himself has admitted it. Who will you believe?

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If this was a regular civilian with associates being charged for LM, this army General would already be locked up on LM charges and probably not heard of for a long time.

Expect a lot of squirming, scheming, half truths and outright lies over the next few weeks as everyone tries to cover their assess/protect their patch.

If they had dealt with this properly to start with they might have been able to nip it in the bud but, with all the denials and heavy handedness they have dug such a big hole that one general falling in his sword might not be enough - isn't the PMs brother also on the committee managing this whole fiasco???

Problem is, they are claiming these offences aren't corruption but lese majeste which allows a closed court and a muted judgement of extreme length.

What happens when someone u like gets caught up in lese majeste? U find a way to let him out of it because it doesn't suit your agenda.

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