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Thais protest over move to let foreigners practice law


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Wouldn't such lawyers also be fluent in Thai and be able to pass an exam testing their knowledge of Thai law. I doubt many could do this. I wonder how other AEC members feel bout this? Simply ban Thai lawyers from practicing in any other AEC member country.

Now that push has come to shove, let's see how many other professions become 'protected'. AEC seems only to function to get cheap labour into Thailand more easily, rather than for technological/scientific development.

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Funny how sharks won't let other sharks swim in their waters. There are already far too many bottom feeders belonging to the Thai Bar no need to further muddy up the waters.

Professional courtesy be damned.

Edited by Guy360
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It's part of the ASEAN agreement. Professionals can work in any of the association countries. Next.

Not completely accurate. ASEAN is not like the EU and there is no freedom to live or right to work in other member countries. Restrictions apply including the need to pass local examinations in the local language and Thailand is maintaining more restrictions than most of the other members.

Very little will change here on January 1st.

Edited by phuketandsee
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Over 70,000 lawyers in the country and they barely have enough work for them all, maybe some of them should retrain as hairdressers perhaps.

The problem is of course that so many of them are simply greedy and incompetent, a bad combination for a lawyer which is why so few people use them and why there's not enough work.


Greedy, incompetent, and many are downright crooked.

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It's beyond belief there can be a shortage of work for Thai lawyers.

Daily the papers carry numerous stories of Thais suing each other on the slightest of pretexts.

Cases then take years to go through the courts with lawyers on the clock for the length of the case.

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Do Thai lawyers fear foreign lawyers will quit their superpaid job in their respective country to come and steal low-paid jobs in Thailand? Doesn`t make much sense. Lawyers in Thailand are some of the worst paid lawyers in the world. Foreign lawyers in Thailand have never been a problem, and is not likely to be a problem any time soon. I have a Thai lawyer just living a couple of houses down the street, he also run a hardware store. He says Thailand is overcrowded with lawyers, very few people in Thailand ever use a lawyer, it`s a low-paid profession unless you got a big name or are involved with wealthy criminals, mafia or politicians.

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Frankly, I have lost count of the number of Thai corrupt, incompetent and deceitful lawyers I know, who have sold out to the opposing party and totally gone against their client.

There are a few foreigners who have passed a law degree in Thai in a Thai university. I consider them a breath of fresh air.

Xenophobia is everywhere, especially in the Thai legal system


Yes, very few.

I actually knew one many years ago (about 1980 or so)

He later was granted Thai citizenship.

he retired after a long distinguished career in the U.S., then retired to Thailand, and later became a Thai citizen.

Unfortunately, he has now passed away for some years.

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It would be very interesting to see where K. Sarancha obtained his degree's?

I get mine from degrees'r'[email protected]. I very much doubt that he uses that place though and it's very expensive, but........

Of course not, whatever came over you, posting allegatory slurs like that could get you sued for lm, no sorry, wrong again (I'm no legal eagle) I mean libel. Thai lawyers would not go near ks road.............

they have their own printing shops.

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On the other hand, it's hard to imagine what kind of foreign lawyer would willingly choose to practice in this environment. Don't expect Clarence Darrow, or Rumpole of the Bailey.

I should imagine that a foreign lawyer will only last a few years before total frustration sets in. If words get out that he won't accept bribes, he doesn't stand a chance.

A recent program shown on the BBC, showed where a Thai lawyer witnessed a forged signature, and the Thai female was able to take over the UK guy's house and property, worth 1 million pounds.

He was graciously allowed to keep the two children.

An interview was filmed with the Governor, and he was unable to do anything.

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Why would foreigners want to practice in Thailand when the financial incentives back home are far greater, providing we are talking about western countries that is. If considering other Asian countries same same I would think.

Westerners practicing law in Thailand could they be trusted and in the end can the entire legal system be trusted.

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If they did introduce it, what judge would give this heathen foreigner a victory in court? I think any foreigner out there who is stupid enough to even attempt it will soon get the message when most cases tried with a foreign lawyer turn into a loss. Then who will employ them knowing you have no chance.

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Over 70,000 lawyers in the country and they barely have enough work for them all, maybe some of them should retrain as hairdressers perhaps.

The problem is of course that so many of them are simply greedy and incompetent, a bad combination for a lawyer which is why so few people use them and why there's not enough work.

They have the this market cornered and charge ridiculous fees for shoddy work. Competition would make them clean up their act. Thailand if they ever join other free trade agreements might find that to be a signatory country they would have to open up a lot more areas where ridiculous fees and shoddy work exist. Some of the large companies here are doing a land office business and I am surprised that a some of the world's true business giants have not stepped in and bought them out. Methinks its the partnership rules that exist here.
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Exactly how many 'jobs in Thailand' are 'reserved for Thais'. Oh, teaching for 30k a month (lol)? And even then they're supposedly stripping 5000 legitimate foreign teachers out of the job to give to Thais to teach English? It's as if as a nation they're not struggling enough already, being run into the ground lol. Of course they're worried. No one would hire a Thai lawyer anymore. Not that you would want to do that in the first place as he's already stressed in his comments. Foreigners exceed in every single possible occupation and are academically advanced by a hundred miles ? THIS is the concern amongst their xenophobic and backward cultural ideologies.

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Over 70,000 lawyers in the country and they barely have enough work for them all, maybe some of them should retrain as hairdressers perhaps.

The problem is of course that so many of them are simply greedy and incompetent, a bad combination for a lawyer which is why so few people use them and why there's not enough work.

Amen to that!

Although you did leave out how pompous, arrogant, and full of themselves they are, you did manage to nail it on the head quite splendidly.

Uncle Bob

Edited by bobthomas
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Just imagine when foreign lawyers would enter the market, no more kick backs, no loss of houses, no more transferring assets without the clients knowledge, no illegal share transfers.

I am sure those Thai lawyers would like to protect their illegal rotten business.

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Can any one show me an honest trustworthy Thai lawyer????

Just a bunch of corrupt cheating b..terds, who will betray clients if more money is offered elsewhere.

Thats like asking someone to find a needle in the perverbial haystack

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Expertise of a Thai lawyer.

Client: I just embezzled my employer out of 300000 baht, will I be found guilty or not guilty? Lawyer: How much money do you have in the bank? Client: 1.5 million baht. Lawyer: Pay your employer 1 million baht compensation for his loss, stress and suffering, split another 500000 baht between the police and the prosecutor and collect a get out of jail free card and you can take out a bank loan to pay my 150000 baht legal fees. Case closed.

Edited by cyberfarang
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In Europ and the Americas the very rich hire the best lawers to contest either civil or crimnal cases.In Thailand the very rich can bribe the judges to be granted a delay untill those opposing them accepts a deal or ends up dead or missing.The BIB will also adjust evidence in favor of who is paying them.Lawers here sometimes work for both sides unbeknown to his client.A foreign lawer would be anouncing to the world about his blocks in persuing a case and Thailand wants the status quo.Remember when the BIB was incharge they removed Pontip from cases because she must have been giving accurate reports.

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