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Hitler's Mein Kampf to be published


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Annotated Hitler's Mein Kampf to be published

MUNICH: -- Adolf Hitler's political manifesto Mein Kampf with critical notes by scholars is to be published next month - for the first time since the end of WWII.

The Institute of Contemporary History (IfZ) in Munich says it will print up to 4,000 copies with some 3,500 notes.

IfZ director Andreas Wirsching says the text with expert comments will "shatter the myth" surrounding the book.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34980701

-- BBC 2015-12-02

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" with critical notes by scholars "

So those scholars will try to interpret the mind's set of the man who wrote it? if the man was sane to start

with, this book was not written.... it'll be interesting what twists the scholars will put on the book and the

(non) rationales behind it.....

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I have a 1939 version of Mein Kampf in English. In it, the author clearly sets out his intentions.

If more politicians had taken it seriously perhaps WW2 with the resultant destruction of people and property might have been avoided, since they could have taken action to stop Hitler in his tracks when he was in no position to wage war.

Banning the book only makes it a cult object.

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MUNICH: -- Adolf Hitler's political manifesto Mein Kampf with critical notes by scholars is to be published next month - for the first time since the end of WWII.

I believe "for the first time" was meant to be" for the first time IN GERMANY since the end of WWII."

Though republication of Mein Kampf has been banned in Germany, the book is widely available online and in many other countries including the U.S. and Canada.


Edited by Suradit69
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I have a 1939 version of Mein Kampf in English. In it, the author clearly sets out his intentions.

If more politicians had taken it seriously perhaps WW2 with the resultant destruction of people and property might have been avoided, since they could have taken action to stop Hitler in his tracks when he was in no position to wage war.

Banning the book only makes it a cult object.

In the category of "if only", the best way to have stopped Mr Hilter (as Monty Python called him) would have been if all those thousands of Germans waving their flags during the Nuremburg rallies had instead just fallen around laughing every time he glared with those John Cleese madly staring eyes.

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I have a 1939 version of Mein Kampf in English. In it, the author clearly sets out his intentions.

If more politicians had taken it seriously perhaps WW2 with the resultant destruction of people and property might have been avoided, since they could have taken action to stop Hitler in his tracks when he was in no position to wage war.

Banning the book only makes it a cult object.

No, cause those politicians (and the powers behind them) shared exactly the same intentions...

And yes, banning the book made it a cult object. I read that one some 30 years ago, at least I tried hard, and made it to page 30 or so. Simply unreadable scrap, at least for people to whom logic matters. It is rumoured that ever yNAZI party member and a lot of more people got a copy of that one on their book shelfes, but nearly any one of them really read it.

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Synopsis of Mein Kampf:

1. Jews have large noses.

2. Jews have most of the money.

3. Jews rule the world by stealth.

What a riveting plot and premise. Should sell well in certain backwaters.

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I think I've seen much of the annotations posted on this forum, minus the book mind you.

Really? Enlighten us, please. Just ONE example of what could be one of the annotations. Just one.

As the OP said, "Shattering the myths".



Thank you Morch, I thought my comment was entirely self-evident what it was referring to, perhaps one of our esteemed members and those who recommended his post imagined their ears were burning.
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Source material for a new constitution?

Will Mr Trump get sworn in, left hand on a copy, right hand juuuustd raise a little too high and straight compared to the norm, heels sharply clicked together?

Perhaps adapted for a new Christmas release, with some fluffy pictures of Santa and co, to soften some illustrations?

New propaganda plan, to drop 1000's of copies over known Daesh strongholds, trying to create confusion of philosophies amongst their ranks. Hope they all fall about laughing, get distracted, then folllow up with bombs - new UK Gov plan, after the Parliament vote this week in favour of Herr Cameron et al.

Note to the trolls - just making a few silly jokes ok, not making any serious comments, so Jai Yen Yen.

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The best way to've stopped Hitler - and Stalin, who was infinitely more dangerous than Hitler ever dreamed of being - was to let Nazi Germany and the USSR slug it out until they pretty much destroyed one another.

Unfortunately, Churchill and FDR fell for Stalin's influence operations, and plunged their countries into a conflict which was none of their business, with the result that the USSR enslaved Eastern Europe and menaced Western Europe for 45 years, not to mention supporting Mao (the greatest mass murderer in human history) and keeping the world a hairsbreadth away from nuclear war the whole time.

The Allies should've let Hitler and Stalin slug it out and then gone after the victor, assuming there was one.

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This will be interesting indeed, but annotations to the origional are hindsight, and we all know that hindsight is 20/20 vision, and many historical accounts of actions and deeds,, have since been largely debunked.

However, as this was written by his own hand, debunking it will be a non sequester.... But readers and historians must take into account the various stories of the mans loss of mind and irrational decisions, as well as his alleged drug taking.

Hitlers rise was largely due to the heavy burden placed upon Germany, following WW1, which was not far removed from the Napoleaonic reign, ( a vacuum filled after the trench nobles met Madame guilotine) and even the end of the medieval times... Were the norm saw war after war to retake territories lost to other armed forces....And that he used thugs to enforce his views is not unusual ( however, hitler was actually voted in with dictatorial powers, so legally it could be argued that he could do as he pleased)

The rise of neo nazi parties is now an issue ( has been for many years) with some members refusing to believe the "proppergander" of the allies at the wars end, were the world finally saw the evidence of the reports coming out of the occupied territories, dealing with the holocost, although, and unfortunately, the Jews were a soft and common target for all states, at one time or another, including England, were debts were erased by killing the Jews or exhileing them

That said, good or bad news, we shall see... The logical humane persons amongst us will no doubt have a very different opinion than some groups who may use it as a "bible" , which in itself states things such as " an eye for an eye" and that a good man " should turn the other cheek"

These conflicting biblical texts, written in a time when Christianity was attempting to take over the world, while deliberately trying to retain some of the customs of " pagan " religions, are oftentimes confusing, and when used by extremist groups ( inquisition ) can be a mighty tool, as this manifesto could also be.... We see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe.

And admittedly,whilst it is generally agreed that if politicians of that era, were to have read the manifesto, then WW2 may have been largely avoided ( or the politicians in question may have died laughing)

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This will be interesting.

It's uncivilised to suppress information. Restrict dangerous information is wise, socially, but total suppression is counter to productive thought.

Shattering the myth. That, too, will be interesting.

Agreed. One of the thicker paperbacks in my college office before retirement, as I recall. The annotated edition should be interesting. "Nothing new in history" is quite foolish as new written information comes to light. Given some time, resources and understanding of historical events and personalities becomes as better understood.

DAMN....file clerks (in my mind) are getting sloppy! It was, " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" I remember as being on the thickish side! The rest of my comment stands.

Edited by wwest5829
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