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Thailand puts on hold signing railway development project with China


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Thailand puts on hold signing railway development project with China


BANGKOK: -- Thailand will put on hold its scheduled signing of memorandum of cooperation (MOC) on railway project with China tomorrow after the latter does not honour the cooperation agreement both had earlier reached on railway, rubber and rice deals.

The railway MOC signing was initially designed to be in the same package with the rubber and rice trade deals.

Deputy transport minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said the MOC was earlier scheduled to be signed in Bangkok tomorrow.

However after China has changed some conditions in the rubber deal, Thailand had no choice but to put the railway project on hold.

Thailand and China had earlier agreed on three projects in the same package that comprises rail, rubber and rice deals.

But all would be put on hold until both countries could find common ground on the rubber deal, Mr Arkhom said in referring the decision to deputy prime minister Somkid Jatusripitak.

He said Mr Somkid put the brake on the MOC signing tomorrow of the railway development project after China asked for change of the company that had been contracted to buy rubber from the Thai government’s price buffer scheme in which rubber stocks are both mixed with old and new rubber.

But after the change of buyer, China wants to buy only new rubber

Such change was against its initial intention to buy both new and old rubber in the buffer scheme, he said.

For the railway development project put on hold, it comprises two connecting routes totalling 867 kilometres, and amounting to 350 billion baht.

The first is from Bangkok to Nong Khai through Kaeng Khoi district of Saraburi and Nakhon Ratchasima, and the second is from Kaeng Khoi to Map Ta Phut in Rayong province.

The rail development project is part of a 1.8 trillion baht transportation megaproject approved by the cabinet last month.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thailand-puts-on-hold-signing-railway-development-project-with-china

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-02

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China will own the planet soon..... and even the new land they are making in the sea.

An elite group of them will take total power and use their minions to breed and breed and march all over of us.

It is the rest of the world that needs to build a wall now to hold back this marauding horde. I never met more callous heartless individuals towards their own people and the planets resources. Western politicians are being suckered in by grinning men in black suits. That oriental smile hides dragon's teeth ready to munch us up and spit out the hard bits on the food court floor.

Nothing will stand in their way. No mountain, no river, no sea, ocean or man.

You have been warned but it is too late....

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Sino-Thai MoC of railway project indefinitely postponed
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Thai government has indefinitely postponed the signing of memorandum of cooperation for the Sino-Thai railway project after China refused to honour its agreement to buy rubber sheets from the government's stockpile, Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said Tuesday.

Arkhom said the MoC was initially scheduled to be inked by representatives of the two governments during a meeting of the ninth joint Sino-Thai committee on the railway project at the Oriental Hotel on Thursday.

But Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak ordered the Thai representatives to postpone the signing of the MoC after China appeared that it would not fully honour the initial agreement to buy rubber sheets from Thailand, Arkkhom said.

He said China has informed the Thai side that it would change the company that would buy the rubber and the firm would buy only new sheets in the market, not the old ones in the government stockpile as initially agreed.

Arkhom said the signing of the MoC of the railway project would be postponed until the two sides reach an agreement on the rubber buying and selling.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Sino-Thai-MoC-of-railway-project-indefinitely-post-30274163.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-02

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To a casual observer such as myself, it looks to me like the relationship will be rocky at best. Why? I just get the impression both sides may sign this or that, but are plotting to shaft the other party further down the line, as it were.

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Great article to read:


China’s Global Ambitions, With Loans and Strings Attached

With its elevated status, China is forcing countries to play by its financial rules, which can be onerous. Many developing countries, in exchange for loans, pay steep interest rates and give up the rights to their natural resources for years. China has a lock on close to 90 percent of Ecuador’s oil exports, which mostly goes to paying off its loans.

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China will own the planet soon..... and even the new land they are making in the sea.

An elite group of them will take total power and use their minions to breed and breed and march all over of us.

It is the rest of the world that needs to build a wall now to hold back this marauding horde. I never met more callous heartless individuals towards their own people and the planets resources. Western politicians are being suckered in by grinning men in black suits. That oriental smile hides dragon's teeth ready to munch us up and spit out the hard bits on the food court floor.

Nothing will stand in their way. No mountain, no river, no sea, ocean or man.

You have been warned but it is too late....

I believe that the more paranoid among us 30 odd years ago used to call it "The Yellow Peril"!


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Wait till last moment ,then change the terms, China or Thailands fault,who knows,

back to square one.

regards Worgeordie

Did it actually get to "square one"?

I think they had 9 meetings and signed a memorandum to have a memorandum about a memorandum on the memorandum.

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Remembers me on the Hopewell Holding Project.

1.9 trillion Baht total project = 10% for someone in Thailand. Japan was pushed out of that deal in no time, even after Abe met two times Prayuth for a photo opportunity.

I am guessing however, that the old rubber is of that low quality that China doesn't want it.

The Chinese certainly are more smart then the Thai's.

As for Somkid he is one of the only smart people's in the cabinet but I believe he is gone by next year.

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China add 0.5% to the agreed interest rate funding and now they pull the rug off the junta feet with new terms. Amusing that all the love overtures by the former foreign minister going to waste and they treating our PM like a yesterday newspaper. Maybe that is what is deserving if you turn your back against the free world and embrace an non elected government.

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China add 0.5% to the agreed interest rate funding and now they pull the rug off the junta feet with new terms. Amusing that all the love overtures by the former foreign minister going to waste and they treating our PM like a yesterday newspaper. Maybe that is what is deserving if you turn your back against the free world and embrace an non elected government.

Now, about those submarines....

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Again I dealt whether there was any deal at all. Thais are great at story telling and making a nice escape door for when they do not get there way

China simply to smart for the cunning Thais

China no need Thailand. Thailnd needs China nand the votes succeed

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China will own the planet soon..... and even the new land they are making in the sea.

An elite group of them will take total power and use their minions to breed and breed and march all over of us.

It is the rest of the world that needs to build a wall now to hold back this marauding horde. I never met more callous heartless individuals towards their own people and the planets resources. Western politicians are being suckered in by grinning men in black suits. That oriental smile hides dragon's teeth ready to munch us up and spit out the hard bits on the food court floor.

Nothing will stand in their way. No mountain, no river, no sea, ocean or man.

You have been warned but it is too late....

Actually was reading an article today, which said China had the ability to clone people. One wonders why they would bother with so many people already. But anyway, maybe they just want them made to order.

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