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Cameron tells Tory MPs: Ignore the 'terrorist sympathisers' and vote for Syrian bombing


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David Cameron tells Tory MPs: Ignore the 'terrorist sympathisers' and vote for Syrian bombing
By Peter Dominiczak and Ben Riley-Smith

Prime Minister urges Conservatives not to 'sit on your hands' while Labour MPs are left in tears over 'bullying' tactics ahead of air strikes vote

LONDON: -- Jeremy Corbyn and his allies have been branded "terrorist sympathisers" and accused of “bullying and intimidating” Labour MPs in a last-ditch attempt to reduce support for Syrian air strikes.

The Telegraph has been told that numerous Labour MPs have been left in tears after being warned by hard-left activists that they will be “murdering women and babies” by backing military action.

Others have been threatened with deselection and one MP was sent a picture of a dead baby alongside a message demanding they vote against strikes, one senior Labour source said.

On Tuesday night David Cameron described Mr Corbyn and his allies as "a bunch of terrorist sympathisers" as the debate over air strikes in Syria descended into acrimony.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/12028017/David-Cameron-tells-Tory-MPs-Ignore-the-terrorist-sympathisers-and-vote-for-Syrian-bombing.html

-- The Telegraph 2015-12-02

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I like a politician who is not ashamed to admit he was wrong.

So, Cameron asking for a mandate to bomb the opposite side that he wanted to bomb the very time last they voted is very refreshing!..................coffee1.gif

Edited by oxo1947
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On Tuesday night David Cameron described Mr Corbyn and his allies as "a bunch of terrorist sympathisers".

What???? "Call me Dave" is a hypocrite, the UK is full of Mosques with their share of terrorist sympathisers, and hate preachers,

and has the cheek to talk about Labours new version of Michael Foot.

Forget about bombing Syria Cameron, and clean up your own back yard.

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He simply cannot live down his defeat of 2 years ago in the HOC.

I'm very sad he has resorted to this latest 'statement' about terrorist sympathisers - particularly in view of the fact he has secured a majority for tonight's vote. It seems both self defeating and totally unnecessary. I don't know whether I dislike him more than his sidekick George - it's a toss up.

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The great thing about Corbyn and the Corbynistas is they show how the hard left is totalitarian to its very core. Threats and emotive arguments in equal measure, it's a good job they were not in power during the run up to WWII.

P.s For those who thin Corbyn is pacifist they are mistaken, he heartily approves of violence for a political cause, as long as the west is on the receiving end.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Al this to cover up the fact that YOU Mr Cameron are destroying our military capability. An air force without full operative capacity, a Navy with no carriers an Army with more generals than tanks. Poor.

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Cameron is a war criminal ... pretty simple really

Do you want to wait till ISIS is knocking on your door to take you out for a beheading? because thats what they believe in doing to the West, left alone they would terrorize the world and grow to millions in strength

You think they would stay in Iraq and Syria? no chance

Guess you probably think the same of Winston Churchill, well thats ok because his actions gave you the right and chance to speak your own opinion

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Dear Dave,

what a B.S: the more bombs you will throw on Syria, the more terrorists you will create and the more refugees will come soon to your country even. With your bombing you will fulfill what the IS wants: The HOLY WAR against all non-believers. I can understand your hate and rage, but use one time your brain, if there is any...!!

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Cameron is a war criminal ... pretty simple really

Do you want to wait till ISIS is knocking on your door to take you out for a beheading? because thats what they believe in doing to the West, left alone they would terrorize the world and grow to millions in strength

You think they would stay in Iraq and Syria? no chance

Guess you probably think the same of Winston Churchill, well thats ok because his actions gave you the right and chance to speak your own opinion

ISIS [or what ever you call it] is an ideology and not a state or country and as such there is no possible way to fight it with bombs !

What is happening in Syria is something completely different.

Just for the record: I am not afraid of terrorists as the chance of winning the lottery 5 times in a row is as high as being a victim of a terrorist attack !!!

The rest is pure propaganda to make people like you giving in to a system that is corrupt to the bones [especially in the western world !!!]

Winston Churchill is probably one of the biggest mass murderers in the last 2000 years ... depending on your knowledge of history.

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Cameron wishes to involve UK in what is described as recreational bombing with the few planes he has got left after depleting the RAF of resources. The terrorist problems are here in the UK.

Correct , we should not bomb , but withdraw all our troops and fight the terrorists from within our own borders,

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Cameron is a war criminal ... pretty simple really

Do you want to wait till ISIS is knocking on your door to take you out for a beheading? because thats what they believe in doing to the West, left alone they would terrorize the world and grow to millions in strength

You think they would stay in Iraq and Syria? no chance

Guess you probably think the same of Winston Churchill, well thats ok because his actions gave you the right and chance to speak your own opinion

ISIS [or what ever you call it] is an ideology and not a state or country and as such there is no possible way to fight it with bombs !

What is happening in Syria is something completely different.

Just for the record: I am not afraid of terrorists as the chance of winning the lottery 5 times in a row is as high as being a victim of a terrorist attack !!!

The rest is pure propaganda to make people like you giving in to a system that is corrupt to the bones [especially in the western world !!!]

Winston Churchill is probably one of the biggest mass murderers in the last 2000 years ... depending on your knowledge of history.

Better to be set free by a mass murderer than live under one (Hitler, Stalin)(not that in anyway i agree with your nonsense, you are obviously a little dim )

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Dear Dave,

what a B.S: the more bombs you will throw on Syria, the more terrorists you will create and the more refugees will come soon to your country even. With your bombing you will fulfill what the IS wants: The HOLY WAR against all non-believers. I can understand your hate and rage, but use one time your brain, if there is any...!!

The foundation for the holy war was made in Afghanistan, caused the USA created El Qaeda, and supported the Taliban during the russian occupation. The Tabilan still take US Helicopters with the Stingers down, which the USA delivered to them. Then 1. Iraq war ok, there was a reason to intervene, caused of the occupation of Kuweit, anyway the USA messed it up while left the shia in the south alone. 2. Iraq war no reason. Lybia no reason, and Syria no reason to intervene, but ll these intervention created terrorism. Simply said the USA is the biggest Terrorists and entire administration know from the beginning what they do. This list is much longer over 140 countries just that their weapon industry runs and don't forget the wipe out billions of ppl after the holy war is spread out all over the world.

oh, don't forget: we are friends, not only allies. Nobody likes to hear so strong words and judgements about US.

But you are 100% RIGHT !!!!

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