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I had my ex seen by Dr's from Bumrungrad. The sad thing was that what they did helped. However she decided over time to stop taking her meds. Most of the community we lived in sided with the poor sad 90lb Thai girl buying into her mostly empty allegations. I say mostly as my ex really new how to push my buttons. kicking my then twelve year old ten pound dog halfway across the room was one.

Anyways, I fixated on what pluses our pitiful relationship had. It does take two to fight so listen to the info from this thread and exit stage left.

BTW......It's a joy to now have a gf that many guys only dream about. Good luck.

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Well the possibilities are:

1) seizure dfisorder (epilepsy)

2) psychiatrc distrurbance

3) drug abuse leading to #1 and/or #2

If a true seizure she would not have full recall of what was said to her or happened during the "fits", would usually lose control of her bladder, and would be confused and lethargic for at least a few minutes afterwards. While the episodes might often be triggered by heated emotion they would occur at other times as well. Assuming no pee and that she really does remember what went on these are likely not real seizures, but to be sure a neurological evaluation (with EEG) would be wise but given her refusal to see a doctor, don't see how you can do that. If a normal EEG then next stop would be a psychiatrist which she is even more likely to refuse.

From what is said seems more likely #2 or 3.

And unless you can get her to seek medical attention, a swift exit on your part would indeed be wise.


Most expats came here to be happy on a reduced budget. Some, so as to be with more attractive and sometimes younger ladies. A few came for warmer climates. And others don't like to admit to the true reasoning behind the move and / or other reasons. You don't appear to be having much luck in any direction!

Besides your partners obvious health problem, she sure seems to be a tad testy. You may want to think about that carefully and move on in life.

As regards to her seizures, from what you describe, it sure sounds like an epileptic fit (gran mall). It could be bought on by a deteriorating mental state. She will have to check it out. Specialist appraisal and medication required at the very least.


She is a nut job. She has so many issues she would need a corps of therapists to sort her out.

1. Extreme jealousy

2. Low self-esteem

3. Insecurity issues

4. Trust issues

5. Control issues

6. You name it she has it........

On top of that she is making your life a living hell. If everything could be tied down to a physical cause I would suggest staying around for a while to see if you can help, but it seems that they are all mental issues, even the frothing at the mouth, eyes rolling and shaking could be Psychosomatic.

You need to get out of there so fast you don't even leave a dust trail in your wake (otherwise she will follow it).


"The last year she has displayed horrible temper explosions. Any form of discussion or trying to process ideas usually leads to a total loss of control."

Evidently, you've never dated a woman before.

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