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US Congress blocks Obama's climate change plan


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US Congress blocks Obama's climate change plan


"The people that are going to be hit the hardest are lower income families."

WASHINGTON: -- As US president Barack Obama gathered with world leaders in Paris to work out a global climate deal .. Republicans in the US Congress voted to block Obama’s plan to force cuts in power plant emissions.

The House blocked two resolutions rendering the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) measures inoperative.

“When you look at the impact, this proposal by President Obama`s EPA would have a 29 billion (US) dollars per year cost on middle class families,” said Steve Scalise, GOP Whip and Republican representative for Louisiana. “The people that are going to be hit the hardest are lower income families.”

The measures will now go to the White House where they will almost certainly be vetoed when they reach Obama’s desk.

The goal at the Paris summit known as COP21 is to reach a deal within two weeks on reducing global warming to 2 degrees celcius.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-03
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The whole problem with the climate change debate is all the BS , How is a tax going to reduce pollution it will only make it more expensive and these costs as usual will be passed on to the end user.Who is going to benefit from this scam is the real question .

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.Who is going to benefit from this scam is the real question .

That question has been gone into very thoroughly.

The winners are the banks, stockbrokers, insurance companies, landowners, renewable energy companies, organised crime, crony capitalists, bureaucrats and NGOs. The usual suspects, in fact. They would not have built up this giant Ponzi scheme if they thought they were going to lose from it.

The losers are everyone else, especially the poor, and doubly so if you happen to live in a developing economy which is still short of reliable, affordable energy.

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the whole problem with this is it's a farse. There never was any global warming, it's actually quite the opposite.

Then they had to create an excuse for the planet not warming so they called it "The Pause" LOL! It's just stopped

warming for some reason, but we still have global warming. They must think we're idiots.

Then they had to create the "climate change" to cover their tracks with their weather manipulation.

This is to try to cover their weather warfare attacks like the floods 4 years ago in Thailand and the floods

happening right now in India. Let's not forget the drought that started soon after they started spraying the skies

over the kingdom. This is what they did to Syria, dried them out, no food, then civil unrest, and you know the rest!

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the whole problem with this is it's a farse. There never was any global warming, it's actually quite the opposite.

Then they had to create an excuse for the planet not warming so they called it "The Pause" LOL! It's just stopped

warming for some reason, but we still have global warming. They must think we're idiots.

Then they had to create the "climate change" to cover their tracks with their weather manipulation.

This is to try to cover their weather warfare attacks like the floods 4 years ago in Thailand and the floods

happening right now in India. Let's not forget the drought that started soon after they started spraying the skies

over the kingdom. This is what they did to Syria, dried them out, no food, then civil unrest, and you know the rest!


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global cooling is real and happening now..

UHA satelite-COOLING


US rural dataset-COOLING

official readjusted,modeled global chart 'warming pause'. (the heat went into the ocean) DEEP into the ocean..

we must do something about 'heat went into the ocean'. STOP 'heat went into the ocean'. if you see some heat, catch it before it sneaks off deep into the ocean.. ofcource the heat went into the ocean because 'we're fighting global warming'. see its working we scared the heat and its trying to escape into the ocean..but we're not gonna let up..heat-you can run but you can't hide.. we will not stopuntil heat is destroyed, more grant money please..

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Impeach the bastard and get him out of office. There are ample violations to secure an impeachment. If someone like Obama can't be easily ejected there is something badly lacking in the US political system.

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Of course they blocked it. The greedy buggers will keep lining their pockets with oil money until New York and Washington are underwater. The Greenland ice shelf is the real danger zone--the largest chunk of frozen water in the world that is not already floating in seawater, which when it melts will raise sea levels 20 meters.

The ice shelf is melting so fast that Greenland is rising an inch a year, which in geological terms is lightning fast. The majority of the scientist's position is that the land is rising because the ice is melting rather rapidly.

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Congress blocks Obama's Climate Change plan. Really? The Republican Congress funded by the Fossil Fuel Industry? That can't be right. Oh hang on a moment. Maybe that is EXACTLY what you would expect to happen.

"The best Congress Oil money can buy"

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Yea more bullshit..

FACT: Exxon Mobile has donated $100 Million Dollars to A. Global Warming groups... by the way it's also discussed in the climategate emails.

Are Skeptic Scientists being 'funded' by Oil company's? NO


'AS IF' solar panels and wind farms were such a threat to big oils profits, considering the US gets 88% of it's energy from fossil fuels and most of the rest is nuclear power.. its bullshit

Antarctic Ice reached a new record in 2013,was broke again in 2014. Greenland Ice is increasing not decreasing. EVEN AGW supporting NASA has been forced to admit this (very quietly, not in the mainstream news or anything like that)


According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.

Edited by movieplay
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The whole problem with the climate change debate is all the BS , How is a tax going to reduce pollution it will only make it more expensive and these costs as usual will be passed on to the end user.Who is going to benefit from this scam is the real question .

You said it. The emmisions will not decress just cost more.You want to cut the polution look to China and their air in their own capital.In mid day sometimes you can not see 200 meters

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The whole problem with the climate change debate is all the BS , How is a tax going to reduce pollution it will only make it more expensive and these costs as usual will be passed on to the end user.Who is going to benefit from this scam is the real question .

You said it. The emmisions will not decress just cost more.You want to cut the polution look to China and their air in their own capital.In mid day sometimes you can not see 200 meters
It would be much better to stop pointing st others and take your own responsibility.
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