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Moscow warns that ISIS in Thailand to attack Russian targets


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Easy for them to hide out here in one of the Muslim areas, but that is no different from most western countries. Would be good if we were allowed to bear arms to defend ourselves.

Be vigilant, be aware of what is going on around you and look for your exit routes. Not been to Nana Plaza for a very long time, but is the Muslim lady still around? Made me uncomfortable at that time.

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Well The government can organise a sting.

Free sex to all Syrians. The Syrians is question will be the only ones who can't remove their belts without giving away the game.

Are there any goats in Pattaya? That certainly would entice them with Free Sex.

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Believe me I'm a 2nd lieutenant in the United States Army of America and they hate everything about us and everyone else that doesn't follow the Koran. So what I used to do with them, kill them before they could kill me or any of my soldier's.

Their completely off their rocker one sandwich short of a picnic.

If you know what I mean.

They will never ever win. EVER SINCE THE WORLD STARTED

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I would like to see armed soldiers now at obvious areas of potential attack all over town. Including beaches. They have declared war against civilization. They're not kidding around. Would that depress tourists? Sure it would but the alternative is what? Waiting for the attacks?

I find this comment amusing from one who critisizes the Russian objection to an Islamic country's reaction to the a very minor air incursion, from an aircraft that was involved in the suppresion of the very body of evil that is now threatening to attack Westerners (Russians) in Pattaya. Phincter problems?

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Nowisee The army should be marching around and checking and documenting every person that fits the profile of a terrorist. Make it so these people cannot walk around freely. Concentrate on the muslim areas, the stores, the restaurants. They stay somewhere, a safe house. Someone sees them everyday. To all you PC fans, it's time to wake up.

To..... How totally typical Nowisee!!! . This is how all our governments are taking our rites away, with our blessings. It's you who needs to wake up.

To another poster above,,, there has also been shootings in America that have been proven to be false flags. Why false flags??? should be the question.

Sadly, in Thailand, do you have any rights to begin with? The fact that there are topics that can't even be discussed and talks of putting a firewall around the internet in Thailand should be proof enough that any rights you think you have in Thailand are simply an illusion to begin with.

At least if you're going to live under military dictatorship, get the ONE benefit that such a society is supposed to provide, security.

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I agree, the tourist spots of Thailand will inevitably become a target at some point, as JT said earlier, all of Pattaya is a soft target.

Other than Israel, the entire world is a soft target. A bit tougher in Japan, Russia and China.

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At least in LOS they ISIS won't be sneaking in under the cover of migrants like main land Europe.

True, here's it's (crypto-)sex-tourists sneaking in under the cover of teachers (or retirees) coffee1.gif

What's crypto-sex and where can I get it???

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I would like to see armed soldiers now at obvious areas of potential attack all over town. Including beaches. They have declared war against civilization. They're not kidding around. Would that depress tourists? Sure it would but the alternative is what? Waiting for the attacks?

To be very frank, I have lived in this situation (or worse) for over 3 decades - bombs were going off all over.

When the soldiers are out and the check points are active, a certain group of countries (of course with vested interests) started wild accusations against the government.

Mind you, the same will occur there!

Today, the human mind works in an incomprehensible manner.

It is sad.


Although many negative travel advisories were issued, the flow of tourists were constant. Strange phenomena indeed.

Edited by ravip
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I just saw this reported on NHK (Japanese) tv which said the same thing but added that the targets were BOTH Russian and western tourists. I don't think anyone is particularly surprised by this.

Personally, I have little confidence that these terrorist forces can be well contained here. So how are we supposed to react to this?

Here in Pattaya, pretty much the entire city is a soft target. But some potential targets are more obvious than others. How about a step up in actual security measures rather than the lame "security theater" of entry scanners on some doors at Central Pattaya Beach Mall?

Sorry, the best you can hope for are amulets and fortune-tellers. When in LOS....

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"So what I used to do with them, kill them before they could kill me or any of my soldier's."

Ah yes, do unto others before they do unto you.

Didn't Jesus once say that? Or was it Al Capone?

Another American ambassador of goodwill teaching "those people" how superior our "peace loving" culture based on "moral values" is vs theirs by killing them.

*...golf clap...*

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Should be easy to spot a Mid-Eastern man wearing a heavy coat covering his explosive vest when the temperatures linger around 35 degrees.

Mind you, when the game starts, it will not be that easy to spot the culprits!

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Thailand is the perfect launching pad for Isis and others, heaps of poorly educated and angry muslims in the south to recruit.

Weak and impotent police and the in-ablity to make arrests and enforce laws.

Perfect place to launder monies through all of the cash reliant businesses and the islamic bank is a perfect vehicle to do it through

I'm suprised that there hasn't been any major attacks so far.

Define "perfect"?

I'm just thinking that Malaysia is a Muslim country, Indonesia is a Muslim country, the Philippines has a pre-existing Muslim terrorism network, so it seems Thailand is far from "perfect".

Also, I'm not sure how ISIS and Thai and Malaysian Muslims would mix. Both are Sunni, as is ISIS, but ISIS doesn't take too kindly to Sunnis that practice Sufism and have been hunting them down, arresting them, and killing them in Syria. Since Thai and Malaysian Muslims regularly practice Sufism, I'm not sure Thai Muslims would be able to ignore that.

Correct, although there is always the possibility that some local Muslims could be persuaded to declare allegiance to Deash as has already happened in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

There are numerous hoaxes that float around, it will be interesting to see if Thai security confirm or deny the authenticity of the document.

Yes, but they have to be recruited and that's difficult when you've got the Thai government actively looking for you. You need a network to pull off something big. You need access to explosives, guns, or whatever your particular brand of terror calls for. That stuff is not sold at JJ or Big C.

I'm just saying that simply because 8 or 10 guys made it into Thailand doesn't mean that they instantly have the resources to pull something off. It's not like the movies where the good guy shows up in some foreign country and somehow has a gun before he even leaves the airport.

AND to top it all off, ISIS' brand of Islam kills Thailand's brand of Islam back in Syria. It's not like these guys are going to roll up into a Thai Muslim neighborhood and start loving each other.

It would take time. Time to establish a network of people friendly to them. Time to recruit local Thai Muslims and convert them to ISIS' brand of Islam. Time to plan. Time to acquire the means to pull off an attack. Etc, etc.

Now that this info is out, I would imagine that it makes it that much more difficult.

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Just a few days ago the junta declared there was no problem in the Kingdom with any jihadist groups. I am shocked. For the first time ever, they lied.

Wag of the finger to you....ph34r.png

Perhaps it was a tactical move, to declare that ISIS was not present in Thailand, though a terrible tactic as it is obvious to the terrorists that someone knows something. Why else would they say exactly that at that specific time. They should`ve said nothing, and those who leaked the document may have spoiled the operation to catch these guys.

I personally don`t share most of the opinions people here have made. There`s a good reason to be concerned. Everyone knows Thailand is a great target for these extremists, it`s very easy for them to enter the country and with some help (which they can get enough of in Thailand) they can execute their plans. Thailand is very politically unstable as a country, which is ideal for ISIS and has always been their prime focus (Syria, Irak, Jemen, Libanon, etc.). It clearly works, because these targets are easier. it doesn`t take much effort from these guys to make a political mess in Thailand. If it escalate then it`s going to be a big problem. It`s better to worry, take it seriously and do something about it before it`s to late than laughing it off and pay the price.

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Is racial profiling out of the question now? or is that way out of line? seriously!

Wouldn't MENTAL profiling make more sense?

There's a BIG INTERSECTION between the "Hadjis" and this Christian Conservative White/European Terrorist:


It's NOT a "null set" (you understand "set theory", right?)

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Actually this document may be a fabricated hoax.

The authenticity of this document is highly questionable.

I will not be surprised if tomorrow the Royal Thai Police will publish a press release stating this document is a fake.

And you would believe the RTP denial of it?

You're doing level 1 thinking, my man. This is inception level stuff.

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I'm a yank, but won't wear any shorts, shirts etc with US flag motif. Quickest way to indicate a person is Russian..... If crap happens, it happens. I am not going to live in fear. I'm too lazy for that

I'm from the States as well, but I've been mistaken for a Russian no less than five times since I arrived a year ago. No clue what makes me look Russian.

I'm not going to hide in my house, but I do think I'll avoid the tourist areas for a bit.

"No clue what makes me look Russian."

Your sunny disposition??:)

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"Urgent” and “Secret" That went well.

This is a tough space for the leaders. They're now part of the melee, like it or not. Means they're not only required but now fully obligated to listen to and cooperate in the fight. To state or even imply they have it under control will backfire.

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I think I'll be pretty safe in my 2000B a month room within walking distance from Big C and Central Plaza because, according to many "experts" on TVF, it's not possible for Farangs to live in such a small space.

Did I tell you guys my room has a wall-mounted "Bermuda" brand rotating fan with 3 speeds?

You can even make it oscillate back and forth, 555.

Yup, pretty safe here.

"....within walking distance from Big C and Central Plaza...."

I bet that's two places you avoid like the plague for their horrendous prices anyway.

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