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Jeremy Corbyn has made us targets for jihadists, shadow cabinet member warns


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Jeremy Corbyn has made us targets for jihadists, shadow cabinet member warns
By Peter Dominiczak, Political Editor

The Labour leader is accused of leaving his MPs open to revenge attacks following the vote to back air strikes against Isil jihadists in Syria.

LONDON: -- Jeremy Corbyn has made his MPs targets for home-grown jihadists in the wake of the vote to back Syrian air strikes, a shadow cabinet minister has warned.

The accusation that MPs are being left open to revenge attacks came as a backbencher made a formal complaint to Labour’s chief whip over Mr Corbyn’s “despicable and deliberate” threats over the Syria vote which he said will lead to “personal violence” against MPs.

In the immediate aftermath of the vote, which saw 66 MPs defy Mr Corbyn to back David Cameron’s plans for military action, Labour Unity, a hard-left organisation linked to the party leader, released a “traitor list” of backbenchers who should be targeted for de-selection.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/Jeremy_Corbyn/12032154/jeremy-corbyn-syria-air-strikes-jihadist-warning.html

-- The Telegraph 2015-12-04

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Corbyn allowed them a free vote on this, the least they can do is have some balls and stand by the decision they made.

As for a "traitors list", which way each MP voted is publicly available information which has been published by various media including at the bottom of this very article where, if you click through the link, lists how each member of the shadow cabinet voted.

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What a complete load of tosh..

Hansard publish the data bout who voted for what.. Its public domain f.f.s

The BBC had a search tool..


Doesn't say which MP said this (OP) probably Danczuk -

Looks like Corbyn has passed Farage's 'referendum on Corbyn' by winning Oldham by a bigger percentage (62%) than when Blair was leader (58%) .

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Corbyn's brother was on TV last night, denying global warming.

A complete idiot, just like his brother.

Horray for Hillary, give him the labour leaders job.

Sack all those Corbanista tank top wearing fools and let's have a proper shadow government leader.

Most of the fools we have now, will take us back to the 70's, given the chance.

Edited by khundon
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I like the look of Hilary Benn when he spoke the other night, good chance in the future he could lead the labor party

What kind of parents name their son Hilary btw [/quote

His father was a Lord but gave up his peerage to be able to be an MP, I believe.

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hhhmmm, I'm just trying to imagine the Daesh's thinking process when they dream up who to target next - do they gather around a small camp fire in a cave, dark silhouettes, and in a scary Star Wars evil Sith type voice, comes the question "who is at the top of our list?", and then an equally scary voice replies "We should refer to Jeremy Corbyn .... he will know .. he made a list".

Really? Do those nutters give a s&^t who voted for what!? If they attack in the UK, it won't be to target specific voting groups within the Labour party.

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Corbyn's brother was on TV last night, denying global warming.

A complete idiot, just like his brother.

Horray for Hillary, give him the labour leaders job.

Sack all those Corbanista tank top wearing fools and let's have a proper shadow government leader.

Most of the fools we have now, will take us back to the 70's, given the chance.

If Labour don't get rid of Corbyn they can kiss power goodbye for the next ten years,and that comes from a lifetime labour voter!

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I like the look of Hilary Benn when he spoke the other night, good chance in the future he could lead the labor party

What kind of parents name their son Hilary btw

Mr. and Mrs. Benncoffee1.gif

Google John Wayne and big daddy wrestling.

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they still haven't got Tony Blair yet, so I guess it takes a while to get through all the targets.

Is he still the Middle East peace envoy or has moved on after a job well done.

He is probably quite relieved the Cameron is taking the heat off him now - they might even be able to sneak the Chilcot Report out without too much fuss with this new shindig and someone else to point the war criminal finger at.

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If jihadists were going to attack anyone in revenge, I would assume they'd just go after easier targets. Doesn't strike as me as being their style particularly to go after specific people, I mean why bother, you get your message across and it's much easier plus create more chaos blowing up random people.

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Corbyn had the guts to stand by his principles. So should these backstabbing snivelers, who don't deserve to sleep soundly in their beds.

His principles are the best thing that ever happened to the Tories, the man should be on the back benches, not leading a major party in the UK in the 21st century

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So. "Some people" in the UK think that if they don't go after ISIS they will be safe? 555.

Are you just going to hide under your beds and hope you are safe? Have there been no Islamic attacks against countries which aren't attacking ISIS? Is the terrorist threat around the world not growing, and if it is, when will they get to your doorstep?

Have there been no terrorist attacks in the UK? Do you believe that if you are pacifist they will leave you alone? 555 Do you think you are safe from them anywhere in this world?

Do you not see that they are out to kill every infidel even if he is a pacifist? Do you not see that they don't care what country they hit but rather look for soft targets in any country?

Have you seen the website Religion of Peace? Click that link and scroll down through a looong list of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world just since the beginning of 2015!!

It's astounding, and something has to be done.


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Wow! Sad to see some politicians (and others) still do not have the balls to stand up to terrorism, wherever it may be happening.

Hope they sleep soundly in the comfort of their surroundings while thousands of innocent women and children are slaughtered elsewhere! The ostrich syndrome is still alive and well. coffee1.gif

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Lot of nonsense & BS baffles brains. UK has been carrying out hundreds of airstrikes against Daesh targets in Iraq for at least a year, just now extending to targets in Syria. A few months back HMG committed to continue airstrikes against Daesh, if required, until at least March 2017; more than likely timeline would be extended if operational requirements dictate further effort. In addition reports UK SAS have engaged in operations in Iraq & Syria.


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Lot of nonsense & BS baffles brains. UK has been carrying out hundreds of airstrikes against Daesh targets in Iraq for at least a year, just now extending to targets in Syria. A few months back HMG committed to continue airstrikes against Daesh, if required, until at least March 2017; more than likely timeline would be extended if operational requirements dictate further effort. In addition reports UK SAS have engaged in operations in Iraq & Syria.


The UK has been bombing Daesh in Iraq in line with UN resolution 2249 where it was requested to do so by the Iraqi government and with Iraqi forces on the ground. Syria is a different in there is no request from the Syrian government for support (Russia and Iran do have this) so the conditions of resolution 2249 have not been met since paragraph 5 which is often quoted as the legal basis for the bombing clearly states that international law must be followed.


"​Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and unity of all States in accordance with purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter,"


"​5.​Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with

Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the Statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria;"

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Lot of nonsense & BS baffles brains. UK has been carrying out hundreds of airstrikes against Daesh targets in Iraq for at least a year, just now extending to targets in Syria. A few months back HMG committed to continue airstrikes against Daesh, if required, until at least March 2017; more than likely timeline would be extended if operational requirements dictate further effort. In addition reports UK SAS have engaged in operations in Iraq & Syria.


The UK has been bombing Daesh in Iraq in line with UN resolution 2249 where it was requested to do so by the Iraqi government and with Iraqi forces on the ground. Syria is a different in there is no request from the Syrian government for support (Russia and Iran do have this) so the conditions of resolution 2249 have not been met since paragraph 5 which is often quoted as the legal basis for the bombing clearly states that international law must be followed.


"​Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and unity of all States in accordance with purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter,"


"​5.​Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with

Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the Statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria;"

ISSG declaration regarding Daesh & others in Syria:

"The ceasefire would not apply to offensive or defensive actions against Da’esh or Nusra or any other group the ISSG agrees to deem terrorist"

Russia, let alone the Assad regime, is clearly in breach of the following with respect to deploying cluster bombs & white phosphorous in civilian areas.

"The ISSG also reaffirmed the devastating effects of the use of indiscriminate weapons on the civilian population and humanitarian access, as stated in UNSCR 2139. The ISSG agreed to press the parties to end immediately any use of such indiscriminate weapons".


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Lot of nonsense & BS baffles brains. UK has been carrying out hundreds of airstrikes against Daesh targets in Iraq for at least a year, just now extending to targets in Syria. A few months back HMG committed to continue airstrikes against Daesh, if required, until at least March 2017; more than likely timeline would be extended if operational requirements dictate further effort. In addition reports UK SAS have engaged in operations in Iraq & Syria.


The UK has been bombing Daesh in Iraq in line with UN resolution 2249 where it was requested to do so by the Iraqi government and with Iraqi forces on the ground. Syria is a different in there is no request from the Syrian government for support (Russia and Iran do have this) so the conditions of resolution 2249 have not been met since paragraph 5 which is often quoted as the legal basis for the bombing clearly states that international law must be followed.


"​Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and unity of all States in accordance with purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter,"


"​5.​Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with

Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the Statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria;"

ISSG declaration regarding Daesh & others in Syria:

"The ceasefire would not apply to offensive or defensive actions against Da’esh or Nusra or any other group the ISSG agrees to deem terrorist"

Russia, let alone the Assad regime, is clearly in breach of the following with respect to deploying cluster bombs & white phosphorous in civilian areas.

"The ISSG also reaffirmed the devastating effects of the use of indiscriminate weapons on the civilian population and humanitarian access, as stated in UNSCR 2139. The ISSG agreed to press the parties to end immediately any use of such indiscriminate weapons".


I have little doubt that every man and his dog/goat out there is in breach of international law in some way.

Thanks for the link - there is some interesting stuff on there including this one:


It gives some deep background into the case for war under UN Res 2249 and does appear suggest that it is ambiguous to say the least if it is legal or not though not as clear cut to be in contravention of it as i previously thought.

My biggest issue with the bombing is that it is pandering to the fear being hyped up and the need to be seen as politically strong to a domestic audience rather than being part of a coordinated plan to act on the situation which needs the harder part of international diplomacy to be done first. I can't help but feel that a lot of these politicians such as Cameron, Hollande and the two Hillarys, are taking positions out of political necessity to appear strong whereas Corbyn is standing firm to his personal convictions which is a far more admirable trait compared to Hilary Benn who only three weeks ago was dead against any bombing:


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