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Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand


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You have more chance of getting hit by lighting then get killed by a terrorists attack in Thailand don't worry about it?

The same as in the UK 48people killed in the UK in about 10 years (and none of them by ISIS) but the whole of the UK fears them it's a joke , and we have just sent in jet planes to bomb them what a joke

Seriously I would say it's 100000 times more likely you die on the roads here

Dose anyone care about that dose that make the news no

12 pages of this already we are all looking at there site

Fear sells

Fear makes them money and then they start bombing campaigns on the back of it

ISIS have Killed more Muslims then Westerners but they don't talk about that in the daily mail do they

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Although we can't prevent lightning strikes and can only reduce road fatality rolls, we could halt ISIS with enough resolve, intel, and combat. Right, people can be too alarmed about the present low odds of an attack the threat ISIS poses, although if any of these people would die of a terrorist attack, that fear turns out to have been justified. What I'm getting at is, we don't need another threat to add to lightning, etc. as ISIS is that could mushroom in casualties in the long-term if not combated. They've only killed more Muslims than Westerners so far because these people are among or near them. Believe me, the long-term strategy of ISIS is to kill Westerners en masse. The bombing campaign at least slows down the advance of ISIS.

Edited by Siamwhiteelephant
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"Senior officers were told how security will be increased at major locations across the country and that Immigration will be stepping up the screening of foreigners at all border checkpoints,"

The report says the Islamic militants are already in Thailand.

Isn't this a little like closing the barn door after the cow has escaped?

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You have more chance of getting hit by lighting then get killed by a terrorists attack in Thailand don't worry about it?

The same as in the UK 48people killed in the UK in about 10 years (and none of them by ISIS) but the whole of the UK fears them it's a joke , and we have just sent in jet planes to bomb them what a joke

Seriously I would say it's 100000 times more likely you die on the roads here

Dose anyone care about that dose that make the news no

12 pages of this already we are all looking at there site

Fear sells

Fear makes them money and then they start bombing campaigns on the back of it

ISIS have Killed more Muslims then Westerners but they don't talk about that in the daily mail do they

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Although we can't prevent lightning strikes and can only reduce road fatality rolls, we could halt ISIS with enough resolve, intel, and combat. Right, people can be too alarmed about the present low odds of an attack the threat ISIS poses, although if any of these people would die of a terrorist attack, that fear turns out to have been justified. What I'm getting at is, we don't need another threat to add to lightning, etc. as ISIS is that could mushroom in casualties in the long-term if not combated. They've only killed more Muslims than Westerners so far because these people are among or near them. Believe me, the long-term strategy of ISIS is to kill Westerners en masse. The bombing campaign at least slows down the advance of ISIS.
Did the bombing campaign and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq help slow down the growth of fundamentalist terrorists or create a even bigger bunch of scumbags

amusing you are from a western country do you really think you're country will be safer after bombing Syria

Come on mate we herd it all years ago and is the world a safer place now No it isn't, it's worst

What happened in Paris was terrible but the UK using it to bomb someone else again

Are we going to to go in to Kenya because of this?


Of course not because there is no oil there and no one's cares

I wonder how many people on this site didn't even know about it

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Not disappointed but yes I do expect an attack.

No, it will be like ''coronation street'', never ending with no real plot, but it's entertaining to see all the exaggeration and what if's. It's a bit like being in a storm with company,''isn't this weather terrible, i do hope the electric stays on'' only in this case its '' i wonder if the weather is going to be bad tomorrow'' not nearly so cosy.

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Not disappointed but yes I do expect an attack.

No, it will be like ''coronation street'', never ending with no real plot, but it's entertaining to see all the exaggeration and what if's. It's a bit like being in a storm with company,''isn't this weather terrible, i do hope the electric stays on'' only in this case its '' i wonder if the weather is going to be bad tomorrow'' not nearly so cosy.

I suppose so, but ISIS doesn't really care. They're for real and they live to kill and are happy to die. They have published their agenda. They want to bait world powers to fight them on the ground in their region. Terror attacks around the world is part of this plan.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not disappointed but yes I do expect an attack.

No, it will be like ''coronation street'', never ending with no real plot, but it's entertaining to see all the exaggeration and what if's. It's a bit like being in a storm with company,''isn't this weather terrible, i do hope the electric stays on'' only in this case its '' i wonder if the weather is going to be bad tomorrow'' not nearly so cosy.

Like when somebody just walks up to you and says " Hey...you think it's going to rain?"

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This thread will go on and on and on and then we will all be disappointed when nothing happens.

Not I.

not even a little bit irritated that you got all worked up and scared for nothing ? I like to think of amusing things happening like Ali Baba walks into Nana and pulls the string on his explosive belt and nothing happens except that the place clears in two seconds and Ali Baba stands there with a stupid look on his face, news worthy.

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I get the impression some people are excited to think they might be a target. I guess we take validation wherever we can get it.

I'll answer that.

I'm certainly not excited but I know I'm a target of any flavor of Islamic Jihadists. I'm a "triple play" for them. Nothing new about that.

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what i cant get my head around is that, they knew when they came here , they knew how many, and they knew where they went , and still done <deleted> about it, incompetance at its best.they will probably ask this lot to hand themselves in next.

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Nuking Walking Street sounds like an excellent wheeze, whether or not you are an IS fan. Give 'em a four minute warning first, though. I'm trying to imagine squealing hordes of six-footer ladyboys teetering to the fall-out shelters in their six inch stilettos . . .

Pass me another Chang, would you, sport.

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I get the impression some people are excited to think they might be a target. I guess we take validation wherever we can get it.

I'll answer that.

I'm certainly not excited but I know I'm a target of any flavor of Islamic Jihadists. I'm a "triple play" for them. Nothing new about tha

here are

Queen, Drama Queen and what would the other be ??

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

Neither do I, but I do think they might fancy the idea of seeing how many westerners they could take out in one go.

I also doubt they're bothered if Thai's get taken out too, they have no love of Buddhists.

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Your around 4000 times more likely to get killed by a vehicle with an asian behind the wheel in Thailand than getting caught up in a terrorist plot, (unless you live in the deep south).

Plus theres more russians in the ambassador than KSR and WS put together.

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^^ agree , but their target isnt Thailand more the nationalties of the people in the areas they would attack I guess

Agreed. I just watched an article about it on Aljazeera News and they say the report says the target is Russian tourists. Don't know how bright it is to target bars at night if it's Russians they're after, surely better targeting somewhere they are going to be

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Isn't always the case with the media, whom always have the same basic philosophy, such as,,,,,, "we're in the bussinss of making money through publishing and selling news, so if we don't have any news then make it up and beat it up, and sell the guilible public this "scoop" was obtained via very reputable source who leaked this classified information to our reputable organisation".

The Thai Visa is a media organization which changed hand for significant amount, just a short while ago. Then of course are the English newspapers, who's circulation is barely significant in a country of 37,000,000 Thais who barely read English.

The English media in Thailand, caters for only the English expats, not the Thai or non English literate ex pats. They only give out, and make money, from what they think we would like to hear, and then leave us to help beat it up further. This is obviously one more money making scoop, and I, like you others are playing my role in it

Edited by mankondang
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"On Friday police were urging members of the public to remain calm over the alleged terrorist threat."
Yes. Remain calm and spend your money.

"Metropolitan police commissioner Pol Lt Gen Sanit Mahatavorn said on Friday it was still unclear if the leaked memo was genuine and said that a forged document of this kind could have been made public in order to try and incite public disorder and harm the Thai economy"

Well, looks like we will have to postpone the elections until this ISIS threat is handled then. clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

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