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Watch on suspect groups - IS threat in Thailand 'realistic', say experts


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Realistically, there is little that they can do but keep their eyes and ears open and get info from informers and the public. If I were in charge, I would deny entry to all beard wearing Sunni Muslims under 40, and those that have passport stamps showing that they have been to Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan etc. Yes it's profiling but it is justified, in my opinion, at this time when a credible threat has been received.

Also give great scrutiny to passengers from Etihad, Emirates and Qatar. Make special immigration gates for them. They serve as hubs for many arabs to arrive in Thailand...yes they will face longer queues at immigration and it is discriminatory, but again, In my opinion, it is justified by the credible threat.

Personally I don't think that Khaosan Road and Walking Street will be the targets....they have been named and security will be high, I think they will go for a softer target.

My real concern is the long term potential of the Muslims in the South becoming more radicalized by ISIS....this surely would be a disaster for Thailand and for all that love her and live here.

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It is time everybody - not least the Thai security services and government talking heads– stopped fooling us they can prevent terrorism. They can’t. And in their hearts, they know it.

No amount of preparedness will prevent the kind of random acts of savagery which shattered Paris and Bangkok recently. One attack, it turned out, was an inside job, the other the work of outsiders. The chances of preventing either tragedy were virtually nil.

No matter what measures are taken, a few determined fanatics will find a way to slip through the tightest security net to wreak terrible havoc. This has always been the case.

But a few snowflakes are not a blizzard. The actions of a handful of deranged extremists, however horrendous, do not constitute an existential threat to our society and wife of life. You would never know this, of course, from the hysterical headlines of the corporate mouthpiece mass media or the ravings of venal, self-serving politicians.

Mass paranoia is –and always has been - cynically employed to curb and control the rights of citizens – and never more than today in states which have become distorted travesties of the original democratic model.

Ordinary people need to preserve a sense of perspective about the so-called global war on terror, while all around them our elected leaders appear to be losing theirs. Above all, we must question the wisdom of sacrificing our liberty for so-called security.

As that great US Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt told his people during the last war, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Edited by Krataiboy
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The Foreign Minister questioned the warning saying it would only spread fear and did not bode well for the country's tourism sector and economy.

As usual the govt's priority is made perfectly clear, the only thing that matters is money.

I feel even more safe now that the arab aussie mafia bikey witness has been released to Dubai speaks volumes for money matters.

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It is time everybody - not least the Thai security services and government talking heads stopped fooling us they can prevent terrorism. They cant. And in their hearts, they know it.

No amount of preparedness will prevent the kind of random acts of savagery which shattered Paris and Bangkok recently. One attack, it turned out, was an inside job, the other the work of outsiders. The chances of preventing either tragedy were virtually nil.

No matter what measures are taken, a few determined fanatics will find a way to slip through the tightest security net to wreak terrible havoc. This has always been the case.

But a few snowflakes are not a blizzard. The actions of a handful of deranged extremists, however horrendous, do not constitute an existential threat to our society and wife of life. You would never know this, of course, from the hysterical headlines of the corporate mouthpiece mass media or the ravings of venal, self-serving politicians.

Mass paranoia is and always has been - cynically employed to curb and control the rights of citizens and never more than today in states which have become distorted travesties of the original democratic model.

Ordinary people need to preserve a sense of perspective about the so-called global war on terror, while all around them our elected leaders appear to be losing theirs. Above all, we must question the wisdom of sacrificing our liberty for so-called security.

As that great US Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt told his people during the last war, we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

So true. Paranoia spreads like a contagious disease.

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What a hell of a statement this is:

"The Muslim specialist said Thailand was a place where criminals hide because it is easier to enter compared with other Asean states, plus it has underground services such as counterfeit passports."

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What a hell of a statement this is:

"The Muslim specialist said Thailand was a place where criminals hide because it is easier to enter compared with other Asean states, plus it has underground services such as counterfeit passports."

What did he mean, underground? There's no basement at KSR.

Edit: Or is there???

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I would assume it is a hot target rife in religion and flaunting prostitution and other non muslim attributes. Fair it is that every country has its vices

But this must be taken very seriously and I dealt it will be

God bless the King

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What a hell of a statement this is:

"The Muslim specialist said Thailand was a place where criminals hide because it is easier to enter compared with other Asean states, plus it has underground services such as counterfeit passports."

What did he mean, underground? There's no basement at KSR.

Edit: Or is there???

Obviously there may be. Thought it felt hollow down Sukhumvit

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Does the Thai authorities have a listening post like Langley or GCHQ I wonder or do they use 7-11 do glean their information?

I should imagine that they rely on information from other countries. This whole mess came out of a leaked warning from the Russians did it not? (I'll bet the Russians are dead impressed with that! )

If this group were on the Russians radar, it's likely they were on that of the US, and because of their close links UK and Australian Intelligence agencies. I'm sure that they have been watching the Buffoons in Brown, and are even now sucking their teeth and wondering how much if anything to pass on next time.

This ISIS group may have come here for any number of reasons. They may be on a recce, they may be setting up an attack. They may be here to try to get involved with and influence the terrorists in the southern provinces. They may be using Thailand as a staging post to somewhere else in this part of the world. They may as some optimists hope be here for a couple of weeks on the piss and getting their leg over - although I doubt that.

If they are here ( and the Russians, although perhaps not too subtle are not fools so I expect they are here ); I for one would avoid areas with large concentrations of westerners at least until after the New Year.

Edited by JAG
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Does the Thai authorities have a listening post like Langley or GCHQ I wonder or do they use 7-11 do glean their information?

I should imagine that they rely on information from other countries. This whole mess came out of a leaked warning from the Russians did it not? (I'll bet the Russians are dead impressed with that! )

If this group were on the Russians radar, it's likely they were on that of the US, and because of their close links UK and Australian Intelligence agencies. I'm sure that they have been watching the Buffoons in Brown, and are even now sucking their teeth and wondering how much if anything to pass on next time.

This ISIS group may have come here for any number of reasons. They may be on a recce, they may be setting up an attack. They may be here to try to get involved with and influence the terrorists in the southern provinces. They may be using Thailand as a staging post to somewhere else in this part of the world. They may as some optimists hope be here for a couple of weeks on the piss and getting their leg over - although I doubt that.

If they are here ( and the Russians, although perhaps not too subtle are not fools so I expect they are here ); I for one would avoid areas with large concentrations of westerners at least until after the New Year.

They might be here simply for vacation.

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Don't know why, but my guess is 3. 3 explosions set in different locations to cause mass panic and confusion. And the RTP will be running around without a clue like chickens with their heads cut off. Don't ask me why I pick the number 3, but just a feeling.

Oh yes,my feeling exactly. I think that ,with a little help from the South there will be some action

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Don't know why, but my guess is 3. 3 explosions set in different locations to cause mass panic and confusion. And the RTP will be running around without a clue like chickens with their heads cut off. Don't ask me why I pick the number 3, but just a feeling.

Oh yes,my feeling exactly. I think that ,with a little help from the South there will be some action

South Thailand: Resistance to perceived occupation of ancestral lands and to corruption on the part of the occupiers who use their BKK connections to steal land and resources.

ISIS: Planning to take over the world and kill everyone that stands in their way- including other Muslims.

I work with hundreds of S. Thailand Muslims. Delightful people on the whole. The vast majority of Muslims in the world don't want what ISIS is selling. Which is why the majority of ISIS victims....are Muslim.

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Clearly, those responsible for the security of this country do not come under the same joint control or command structure. That is really going to get in the way of overall effectiveness. Right now they can't even sing the same song, or even say something intelligent, in respect to a meaningful piece of intelligence that was handed to them on a silver platter. How can they be expected to work with the ruthless efficiency that is required to identify and track suspected terrorists if they can't even give the Thai people a sensible statement of intent and action ... not to mention the usual "it's bad for tourism" bozo comment.

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What a hell of a statement this is:

"The Muslim specialist said Thailand was a place where criminals hide because it is easier to enter compared with other Asean states, plus it has underground services such as counterfeit passports."

Most of these are turkish passports and available only to uighurs and their associates who are not terroristswai2.gif

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