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Migrant couple are stuck at Macedonian border – because he’s Afghan and she’s Iranian


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Migrant couple are stuck at Macedonian border – because he’s Afghan and she’s Iranian


In a squalid tent camp on the border, with temperatures barely above freezing, a young, married couple are in turmoil.

Macedonian authorities are only letting Afghan, Syrian and Iraqi refugees enter from Greece en route to western Europe.

And while Afghan national Abos is eligible to make the crossing, his wife Nasim can’t join him, as she is Iranian.

She claims Macedonian officials have even suggested the pair divorce so that at least one of them can continue the journey to Germany.

“We don’t want that,” insisted Nasim, whose extended family of 21 Iranians are also unlikely to be allowed in.

“We want to be together.”

Greece, the main entry point into the EU for migrants and refugees, has agreed to accept help from the bloc’s border agency Frontex.

Athens says that Europe, so far, has failed to do enough.

“Since May, Greece has persistently been asking for technical, technological and staffing help and what it has received from Europe is far less than what was asked for,” said Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Nikos Xydakis.

Tension has already erupted at the border where a Macedonian fence remains firmly shut to some 3,000 Moroccans, Pakistanis, Iranians and others.

And with more new arrivals all the time, frustration in ‘No Man’s Land’ is growing.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-06

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I fail to see the problem. Mr Abos must first come into the EU alone, decide which lucky country he will grace, claim his free house and regular free salary, and then bring in his wife, his mother, step father, 13 brothers and sisters, neighbors, the gardener and the family cats. If Ms Nasim gets lonely in the meantime, feel free to PM me.

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Yet another sob story on these ' poor unfortunates ' and I've just heard the BBC advertise an upcoming series of reports on those who undertake these ' dangerous ' journeys . Yesterday there was footage of a group, mostly Pakistanis, throwing stones at the police and demanding to be allowed in so they can continue on north.

It's a forlorn hope that BBC et al will do a documentary(es) which shows the other side of the story and where the reporters hit these migrants with pointed questions about them being economic migrants, demanding everything be tailored to suit them, looking for countries that has the best welfare, do they realise they're not wanted etc. etc. but it will never happen as it doesn't suit the agenda. I wonder what they general viewing audience thinks ?

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"stuck". In what sense are they stuck at the border. Perhaps in the same sense, if I walk north in my condo, I will reach a wall. If I refuse to turn west to the door, I will remain stuck to the north wall of my condo forever. Perhaps I could call the BBC and inform them of my hardship. They might do a story about the injustice of it all.

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“We don’t want that,” insisted Nasim, whose extended family of 21 Iranians are also unlikely to be allowed in.

“We want to be together.”

No worries just force your way into Europe illegally, then make demands to the authorities, that are contuary to the immigration laws and then demand, that you also want to bring half of Iran into Europe with you because they have false papers stating that they are your family.

Knowing full well that there is no war in Iran.

Come in spinner!!!!facepalm.gif

Edited by Rocceao
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What's wrong with Greece I wonder. Nice weather, nice scenery, no war.. Oh yeah i forgot they are not playing at forcing hundreds of thousands of migrants to seamlessly integrate with the increasingly fed up locals.

Even Afghanistan has parts now that are completely free of conflict and Taliban influence. Stories like these invoke nobsympathy from me anymore

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I think that all of us European ex-pats are happy and glad to be living in Thailand ... stuff the Muslim gypsies... We have a small archipelago of Islands out in the Atlantic from the coast of Scotland and I give that group of islands to the wandering Muslims.... It's called St Kilda and has many uninhabited houses already and waiting for those scroungers... It's perfect for them and all their families.... Have St Kilda with my best wishes... wai2.gif

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Yet another sob story on these ' poor unfortunates ' and I've just heard the BBC advertise an upcoming series of reports on those who undertake these ' dangerous ' journeys . Yesterday there was footage of a group, mostly Pakistanis, throwing stones at the police and demanding to be allowed in so they can continue on north.

It's a forlorn hope that BBC et al will do a documentary(es) which shows the other side of the story and where the reporters hit these migrants with pointed questions about them being economic migrants, demanding everything be tailored to suit them, looking for countries that has the best welfare, do they realise they're not wanted etc. etc. but it will never happen as it doesn't suit the agenda. I wonder what they general viewing audience thinks ?

I agree with you that all the news is totally biased in favour of the "refugees", but you say another less biased opinion isn't shown because it doesn't suit the agenda, but what is the agenda actually?

Edited by giddyup
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Yet another sob story on these ' poor unfortunates ' and I've just heard the BBC advertise an upcoming series of reports on those who undertake these ' dangerous ' journeys . Yesterday there was footage of a group, mostly Pakistanis, throwing stones at the police and demanding to be allowed in so they can continue on north.

It's a forlorn hope that BBC et al will do a documentary(es) which shows the other side of the story and where the reporters hit these migrants with pointed questions about them being economic migrants, demanding everything be tailored to suit them, looking for countries that has the best welfare, do they realise they're not wanted etc. etc. but it will never happen as it doesn't suit the agenda. I wonder what they general viewing audience thinks ?

I agree with you that all the news is totally biased in favour of the "refugees", but you say another less biased opinion isn't shown because it doesn't suit the agenda, but what is the agenda actually?

How about an agenda of sticking to editorial policy of showing only sob stories that are meant to tug at the heartstrings ? I don't see the Beeb risking offending the do-gooders and possibly Muslim groups by having a go at the migrants.

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Yet another sob story on these ' poor unfortunates ' and I've just heard the BBC advertise an upcoming series of reports on those who undertake these ' dangerous ' journeys . Yesterday there was footage of a group, mostly Pakistanis, throwing stones at the police and demanding to be allowed in so they can continue on north.

It's a forlorn hope that BBC et al will do a documentary(es) which shows the other side of the story and where the reporters hit these migrants with pointed questions about them being economic migrants, demanding everything be tailored to suit them, looking for countries that has the best welfare, do they realise they're not wanted etc. etc. but it will never happen as it doesn't suit the agenda. I wonder what they general viewing audience thinks ?

I agree with you that all the news is totally biased in favour of the "refugees", but you say another less biased opinion isn't shown because it doesn't suit the agenda, but what is the agenda actually?

How about an agenda of sticking to editorial policy of showing only sob stories that are meant to tug at the heartstrings ? I don't see the Beeb risking offending the do-gooders and possibly Muslim groups by having a go at the migrants.

OK, that's the BBC, but does that mean that there is no Western news network that's prepared to be honest about the economic "refugees"? And what about the fact that the majority by far of these so called refugees are men. Unless there is a total disproportion of men to women in these countries I don't see any of the news networks mentioning that little detail.

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She wants to bring her extended family of 21 people in, too? Why not? They all want to go to Germany and Germans are wealthy and self righteous enough to handle them all. Thanks, Merkel!

Look at her hair.....she isn't one of the bad one.

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Yet another sob story on these ' poor unfortunates ' and I've just heard the BBC advertise an upcoming series of reports on those who undertake these ' dangerous ' journeys . Yesterday there was footage of a group, mostly Pakistanis, throwing stones at the police and demanding to be allowed in so they can continue on north.

It's a forlorn hope that BBC et al will do a documentary(es) which shows the other side of the story and where the reporters hit these migrants with pointed questions about them being economic migrants, demanding everything be tailored to suit them, looking for countries that has the best welfare, do they realise they're not wanted etc. etc. but it will never happen as it doesn't suit the agenda. I wonder what they general viewing audience thinks ?

I agree with you that all the news is totally biased in favour of the "refugees", but you say another less biased opinion isn't shown because it doesn't suit the agenda, but what is the agenda actually?
How about an agenda of sticking to editorial policy of showing only sob stories that are meant to tug at the heartstrings ? I don't see the Beeb risking offending the do-gooders and possibly Muslim groups by having a go at the migrants.

OK, that's the BBC, but does that mean that there is no Western news network that's prepared to be honest about the economic "refugees"? And what about the fact that the majority by far of these so called refugees are men. Unless there is a total disproportion of men to women in these countries I don't see any of the news networks mentioning that little detail.

What little I've bothered with on CNN the story's been the same, these poor people. I wonder what coverage is like in the European countries up to their necks in unwanted migrants ?

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giddyup, on 06 Dec 2015 - 10:55, said:
Caveat Emptor, on 06 Dec 2015 - 10:48, said:
giddyup, on 06 Dec 2015 - 10:11, said:
NongKhaiKid, on 06 Dec 2015 - 07:13, said:

Yet another sob story on these ' poor unfortunates ' and I've just heard the BBC advertise an upcoming series of reports on those who undertake these ' dangerous ' journeys . Yesterday there was footage of a group, mostly Pakistanis, throwing stones at the police and demanding to be allowed in so they can continue on north.

It's a forlorn hope that BBC et al will do a documentary(es) which shows the other side of the story and where the reporters hit these migrants with pointed questions about them being economic migrants, demanding everything be tailored to suit them, looking for countries that has the best welfare, do they realise they're not wanted etc. etc. but it will never happen as it doesn't suit the agenda. I wonder what they general viewing audience thinks ?

I agree with you that all the news is totally biased in favour of the "refugees", but you say another less biased opinion isn't shown because it doesn't suit the agenda, but what is the agenda actually?

How about an agenda of sticking to editorial policy of showing only sob stories that are meant to tug at the heartstrings ? I don't see the Beeb risking offending the do-gooders and possibly Muslim groups by having a go at the migrants.

OK, that's the BBC, but does that mean that there is no Western news network that's prepared to be honest about the economic "refugees"? And what about the fact that the majority by far of these so called refugees are men. Unless there is a total disproportion of men to women in these countries I don't see any of the news networks mentioning that little detail.

It is called Political Correctness gone mad.

Every single one of the approx. 1 Million that have arrived in the EU this year are all highly educated, highly trained and highly qualified. They are all '' Refugees '' fleeing wars in various parts of the world. In some of these Countries the wars are so secret that no - one knows about them.

You will be treated like a leper. Branded a racist, a bigot or worse if you dare to try and say otherwise.

Hope that sheds some light for you wai2.gifwai2.gif

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A lot of hard hearted folk commenting here. It is to be hoped that misfortune doesn't strike them one day.

Hey, if you want to bring your Thai/Non EU spouse to the UK/EU you must either meet the criteria or else it's tough sh!t to you. No sympathy from your home government, just 'Denied. Next!' Why then should those with no connection to European countries, let alone citizenship be given special consideration in that case?

There is an armed insurgency raging in the south of Thailand, a military junta running the country. Danger, poverty... Put that in your application and see how much of a crap the visa department give.

I do feel sorry for them, but unfortunately they are but a snowflake on the tip of an iceberg.

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A lot of hard hearted folk commenting here. It is to be hoped that misfortune doesn't strike them one day.

Hey, if you want to bring your Thai/Non EU spouse to the UK/EU you must either meet the criteria or else it's tough sh!t to you. No sympathy from your home government, just 'Denied. Next!' Why then should those with no connection to European countries, let alone citizenship be given special consideration in that case?

There is an armed insurgency raging in the south of Thailand, a military junta running the country. Danger, poverty... Put that in your application and see how much of a crap the visa department give.

I do feel sorry for them, but unfortunately they are but a snowflake on the tip of an iceberg.

If I want to go back and live in my home country with my dual nationality son there is no problem for either of us.

If however I want to bring my Thai wife of 16 years to live with us both, even BEFORE she can get a visa she must pass an English language proficiency test, she has to undergo more hoops than a circus and I MUST prove that I have an income in excess of £18,600 just to support her. I HAVE to prove that there will be suitable accommodation for the 3 of us, I don't have so I will have to go to the local authority and demand it, that won't happen for several years anyway, before she can come to live in the UK.

Yet all these "refugees need to do is roll up on the EU doorstep and be passed through many countries to receive the benefits of their wildest dreams.

Politicians of ALL Western countries, when there are no more poor, homeless people to support in your own countries and your country has no debts and is fighting no "proxy" or even poxy unnecessary wars wars on foreign territory, THEN think about refugees but filter them before you allow them in.

You know it makes (common) sense.

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A lot of hard hearted folk commenting here. It is to be hoped that misfortune doesn't strike them one day.

Try arriving in Thailand and many other Asian countries without a passport and claiming to be "refugee" and see how far you get.

Yes I am hard hearted. When there are many people in my own country who are homeless, who have to turn to food banks to survive, who are living on minimum wages to survive and some fat politicians welcome "refugees" into the country without caring for their own people first, I am hard hearted.

When my country can afford to give "foreign aid" without caring for their own people first, I am hard hearted.

Most of the refugee problems in the world have been brought on by politicians and by quite a few religious leaders of most "organised" religions, I am hard hearted simply because those same politicians not only brought the problems on themselves but also on the people of their countries too.

How many refugees will be living in the homes of the politicians worldwide?

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billd766, on 06 Dec 2015 - 13:30, said:
retarius, on 06 Dec 2015 - 12:08, said:

A lot of hard hearted folk commenting here. It is to be hoped that misfortune doesn't strike them one day.

Try arriving in Thailand and many other Asian countries without a passport and claiming to be "refugee" and see how far you get.

Yes I am hard hearted. When there are many people in my own country who are homeless, who have to turn to food banks to survive, who are living on minimum wages to survive and some fat politicians welcome "refugees" into the country without caring for their own people first, I am hard hearted.

When my country can afford to give "foreign aid" without caring for their own people first, I am hard hearted.

Most of the refugee problems in the world have been brought on by politicians and by quite a few religious leaders of most "organised" religions, I am hard hearted simply because those same politicians not only brought the problems on themselves but also on the people of their countries too.

How many refugees will be living in the homes of the politicians worldwide?

A little story that will warm the cockles of your heart and perhaps give the bleeding hearts something to think about.

The mastermind of a £7 million European people smuggling operation is an asylum seeker who lived in a Liverpool hostel, a court has heard.

Palestinian national Jamal Owda, 26, was remanded in custody on Thursday after being arrested in a series of co-ordinated raids across the continent.

The trafficking ring is said to have helped tens of thousands of migrants into Europe.

Around 100 Syrians are believed to have been brought into western Europe from Greece each day since operations started in 2013. Each person was charged about £1,000.

The smugglers then allegedly arranged for them to travel via the Balkans to other EU states, including Britain, France and Germany.


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On what basis are these people claiming refuge in Europe?

Why don't they just stay in Iran? There is no war there.

They might be a repressed minority like Ba'Hai.

Regardless of "if they are repressed" or not, there are legal ways to immigrate to another country.

My friend is an iranian kurd, he immigrated to Australia legally, he didn't lie, cheat and make demands on anyone to do it, his parents and siblings still live in Iran.

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Globalization cannot be reversed, this is a fact.

All great cities are made up of many nations. This is why they are great.
Why not do our best to screen them and send the bad apples back;

Globalization is nothing new.You can't stop it and it will only grow. Every great city in the world is made up of many nations. It is what makes them great. We should do our best to screen them and send the bad ones back.
Globalization is nothing new.You can't stop it and it will only grow. Every great city in the world is made up of many nations. It is what makes them great. We should do our best to screen them and send the bad ones back.
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She wants to bring her extended family of 21 people in, too? Why not? They all want to go to Germany and Germans are wealthy and self righteous enough to handle them all. Thanks, Merkel!

Sounds great, here I am trying to get my thai MIL over to Germany, who has a government pension of around 1000Euros per month and a lump sum payment of around 10,000Euros coming, and every time I try I get knocked back, but all these refugees are coming and getting money every day for nothing.

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She wants to bring her extended family of 21 people in, too? Why not? They all want to go to Germany and Germans are wealthy and self righteous enough to handle them all. Thanks, Merkel!

Sounds great, here I am trying to get my thai MIL over to Germany, who has a government pension of around 1000Euros per month and a lump sum payment of around 10,000Euros coming, and every time I try I get knocked back, but all these refugees are coming and getting money every day for nothing.

I'm having trouble getting my wife, who is a Thai citizen, into the US with just a visitor's visa. And all she wants to do is spend my money in Las Vegas. But the US and Europe are too busy rolling out the welcome mat for freeloaders and would be terrorists.

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