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Expect increased scrutiny of applications for extension

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That is good, but I doubt IS suspects would stay too long seeking extensions after their work was done.

Nor before. It's just more dimwittery.

It is not so silly as some may infer. Both the recent attacks in Paris and California, USA required extensive long-term planning.

Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

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That is good, but I doubt IS suspects would stay too long seeking extensions after their work was done.

Nor before. It's just more dimwittery.

It is not so silly as some may infer. Both the recent attacks in Paris and California, USA required extensive long-term planning.

Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

It doesn't seem however that your plan and their plan are the same.

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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

Thai police have just issued an APB for 4 Syrians who are on overstay. That mean guys who didn't show up at immigration at all. Still I'm impressed that they can cross reference their arrivals database with their extensions database.

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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

Thai police have just issued an APB for 4 Syrians who are on overstay. That mean guys who didn't show up at immigration at all. Still I'm impressed that they can cross reference their arrivals database with their extensions database.

I think prior events show these people cannot prepare for their intended missions by 'lying low' -- Sometimes the exact opposite: They accomplish their goals by operating for +/- a year in plain view.

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That is good, but I doubt IS suspects would stay too long seeking extensions after their work was done.

Nor before. It's just more dimwittery.

It is not so silly as some may infer. Both the recent attacks in Paris and California, USA required extensive long-term planning.

Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

You assume that the passports are fake.

However, if all the speculation about the 10 alleged Syrian ISIS members on the loose are founded, i doubt they will need their passports for their next port of call.

That could be the scary part.

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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

Thai police have just issued an APB for 4 Syrians who are on overstay. That mean guys who didn't show up at immigration at all. Still I'm impressed that they can cross reference their arrivals database with their extensions database.

When Mr A enters Thailand on a Tourist Visa he puts the name of a hotel on his TM6.

Later that evening the hotel files the TM30.

Next day Mr A checks out and moves to another hotel using his false Passport of Mr B.

Or he stays in establishments that doesn't ask for ID.

They never go near an Immigration office.

The only address Police can trace is the last filed TM30

After the attacks in Bangkok, police recovered 100's of fake passports during their raids.

As someone commented on anther topic, Thailand is a haven for criminals, murderers, rapists and drug barons to disappear into and disappear from.

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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

You assume that the passports are fake.

I doubt ISIS will show up at the immigration office even with real passports. As Crabby says, there is the possibility of a sleeper cell, where they show up as expected for extensions and things. ISIS are crazy, not necessarily stupid, so it is a possibility. But long-term planning is an Al-qaida thing and I find it a far-fetched idea for ISIS.

Edited by JomtienEats
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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

Thai police have just issued an APB for 4 Syrians who are on overstay. That mean guys who didn't show up at immigration at all. Still I'm impressed that they can cross reference their arrivals database with their extensions database.

When Mr A enters Thailand on a Tourist Visa he puts the name of a hotel on his TM6.

Later that evening the hotel files the TM30.

Next day Mr A checks out and moves to another hotel using his false Passport of Mr B.

Or he stays in establishments that doesn't ask for ID.

They never go near an Immigration office.

The only address Police can trace is the last filed TM30

After the attacks in Bangkok, police recovered 100's of fake passports during their raids.

As someone commented on anther topic, Thailand is a haven for criminals, murderers, rapists and drug barons to disappear into and disappear from.

Hundreds of fake passports have been discovered in Europe. Used by so called "refugees" . !

Why pick out Thailand as a haven criminals etc ?

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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

Thai police have just issued an APB for 4 Syrians who are on overstay. That mean guys who didn't show up at immigration at all. Still I'm impressed that they can cross reference their arrivals database with their extensions database.

When Mr A enters Thailand on a Tourist Visa he puts the name of a hotel on his TM6.

Later that evening the hotel files the TM30.

Next day Mr A checks out and moves to another hotel using his false Passport of Mr B.

Or he stays in establishments that doesn't ask for ID.

They never go near an Immigration office.

The only address Police can trace is the last filed TM30

After the attacks in Bangkok, police recovered 100's of fake passports during their raids.

As someone commented on anther topic, Thailand is a haven for criminals, murderers, rapists and drug barons to disappear into and disappear from.

Quote Thailand is a haven for criminals, murderers, rapists and drug barons to disappear into and disappear from. unquote. Starting to sound like Donald Trump.

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Step one of that plan - minimize interaction with Thai police. They won't be showing up to immigration to get extensions on their fake passports. They will be lying low.

You assume that the passports are fake.

I doubt ISIS will show up at the immigration office even with real passports. As Crabby says, there is the possibility of a sleeper cell, where they show up as expected for extensions and things. ISIS are crazy, not necessarily stupid, so it is a possibility. But long-term planning is an Al-queda thing and I find it a far-fetched idea for ISIS.

If I remember correctly (it's been a little while since I read the article) ISIS is a spin-off group of Al-Qaeda. So, it's possible that some of the long term planning ideas from Al-Qaeda could be used by ISIS.

At any rate, I think we can all expect extra scrutiny with everything from immigration to traffic stops for awhile. I don't normally carry my passport around (although I do keep a copy on me) but, I'm considering carrying it when I go to town. Just in case I come across an officer that decides the actual passport is necessary. I realize that's not technically true according to the law, but not every officer seems to be too well versed in the law around here. ?

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Extension of stay based on Marriage already has extensive scrutiny. What more do they want ?

They probably need to determine that you're not a Islamic jihadi. And perhaps they have become just PC enough that they'll find a need to not 'profile' and just put everyone under the microscope.

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Extension of stay based on Marriage already has extensive scrutiny. What more do they want ?

They probably need to determine that you're not a Islamic jihadi. And perhaps they have become just PC enough that they'll find a need to not 'profile' and just put everyone under the microscope.

That's maybe more because of stuff like this than anything related to terrorism:


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