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Hi guys.Long story short got caught on overstay 3 months in bangkok was enjoying myself to much no excuses.Happened 5 weeks ago was brought to court paid the fine and was deported back home.No others issues.I am returning to thailand next week on a visa waiver.I will be only staying for 30 days.Have a return ticket.I will never overstay again bad experience.Will i have any problems entering Thailand next week? Cheers

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Sure Mate.Well i drove my bike at night it was away from the normal spots there was a police check point down a dark road.I was stopped i looked to nervous and was asked fot my passport i gave it to them they noticed the overstay i was put in jail brought to court a few days later paid fine.A immigration officer brought me straight to airport i didnt spend anytime at idc.I do not know what the standard protocol is but i paid a fee to have process quickened up. Yeah they probaly rode me on that but hey.No red stamps no blacklist threaths got the naughty overstay stamp and in handwritting they wrote the fine i paid and also wrote that this case is already finished.Immigration were fairly decent to me i was apologetic and well behaved.Not as bad as a experience as i thought it would be but definetly not something i would want to go through again and i will never overstay again for sure.Basically my nerves gave the game away which made them ask for my passport.Cheers

So you were arrested on the spot, put in jail for a few days and then taken directly to the airport. Did you have your return ticket in your pocket or did you buy one at the airport? Were you permitted to return to your residence here? How/when were you able to secure passage back to your home country?

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You mad ? maybe i would of still been here you're right.I am back now anyway enjoying bangkok again.Does it have any effect on you're life? Like i said i was having to much fun i overstayed a few days by accident then said fk it may as well continue on overstay.And did so for 3 months.I got caught was in jail went to court paid my fine.So i was punished.You probaly wish people were beaten and stoned for overstay.Allot of miserable foreigners in thailand and for the life of me i cannot understand why.Like immigration said to me dont't worry overstay only very small issue.Ok maybe that will all change in March we will see.

Edited by eddybangkok
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By the way it is a saying"gave the game away" no i wasnt playing a game mate and the reason my nerves got to me is i had something on me which could of got me into allot of trouble.But that is another story and one that i don't need to tell.

I'm a long term expat who 'plays by the rules' when it comes to immigration laws. My main concern for myself and other 'ligit' people here is that we don't have to comply with even more draconian regulations because of other peoples' irresponsible activities. From your comment above "I had something on me which could of got me into trouble" it sounds like you like to live dangerously. If you were carrying an illegal substance, you were lucky not to suffer the full consequences of your actions. If in the future you are ever incarcerated and banned from LOS you won't get any sympathy from me if you share your misfortune again on TVF.

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I was 92 days.Will be intresting to see if it happens.I don't plan to overstay my visa again but i don't understand why some people are so hostile about it it is not a major crime.I accept i was wrong i just wanted to share my experience.

Here's the thing Eddy.

Many of us have lived here a long time and every year play by the rules and jump through whatever hoops are needed to live with our families or stay/work here. Your overstay has no affect on me or most that criticise overstaying but that's not the point. You voluntarily overstayed for 3 months just because you were having a good time and couldn't be bothered to do a quick border run to stay legal. That's your choice but don't expect people to be pinning medals on you. It's annoying.

The current lenient penalties for overstaying are not a strong enough deterrent and the numbers of overstayers is increasing. Partly due to the growing belief emanating from the barstool that Thailand allows overstaying, which is a misconception due to the lenient penalties. They don't. It also seems that many mistakenly think that the pay a fine on the way out is some kind of visa option.

The people that the voluntary overstayers will effect are the guys living here that have found themselves in hardship and overstay. Many of which have families and have settled here. From March they are going to be banned and separated from loved ones because too many guys like you have come here, had a good time, and taken the piss out of Thailand and it's visa system. So people and lives will be affected in the long term.

I have no sympathy for anyone who is on overstay—voluntary or as you say, “found themselves in hardship.” Any legitimate reason for overstay; like hospitalization, incarceration, etc., is already covered in the laws. Anyone who is on overstay through simple oversight and is willing and able to pay the fine, may be excusable.

However, allowing yourself to get in “hardship” where you have no money and have no one willing to give/loan you money is an all too common occurrence with ne’re do wells the world over. Why do you think they are broke and there is no one willing to give/loan them money? Are all of them orphans, sole family survivors, or the last of their friends left alive?

I doubt that accounts for any significant number of these ne’re do wells. It more likely amounts to poor planning and stupid actions on their part. The poor planning and stupidity are exponentiated when you have a family who depends upon you.

So, here I am, the old softy whose bark is worse than his bite. I just sent money to a friend in the PI who pretty well answers this ne’re do well description and found himself in a similar situation, but at least he didn’t drag a family down with him.

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I was 92 days.Will be intresting to see if it happens.I don't plan to overstay my visa again but i don't understand why some people are so hostile about it it is not a major crime.I accept i was wrong i just wanted to share my experience.

Here's the thing Eddy.

Many of us have lived here a long time and every year play by the rules and jump through whatever hoops are needed to live with our families or stay/work here. Your overstay has no affect on me or most that criticise overstaying but that's not the point. You voluntarily overstayed for 3 months just because you were having a good time and couldn't be bothered to do a quick border run to stay legal. That's your choice but don't expect people to be pinning medals on you. It's annoying.

The current lenient penalties for overstaying are not a strong enough deterrent and the numbers of overstayers is increasing. Partly due to the growing belief emanating from the barstool that Thailand allows overstaying, which is a misconception due to the lenient penalties. They don't. It also seems that many mistakenly think that the pay a fine on the way out is some kind of visa option.

The people that the voluntary overstayers will effect are the guys living here that have found themselves in hardship and overstay. Many of which have families and have settled here. From March they are going to be banned and separated from loved ones because too many guys like you have come here, had a good time, and taken the piss out of Thailand and it's visa system. So people and lives will be affected in the long term.

I have no sympathy for anyone who is on overstay—voluntary or as you say, “found themselves in hardship.” Any legitimate reason for overstay; like hospitalization, incarceration, etc., is already covered in the laws. Anyone who is on overstay through simple oversight and is willing and able to pay the fine, may be excusable.

However, allowing yourself to get in “hardship” where you have no money and have no one willing to give/loan you money is an all too common occurrence with ne’re do wells the world over. Why do you think they are broke and there is no one willing to give/loan them money? Are all of them orphans, sole family survivors, or the last of their friends left alive?

I doubt that accounts for any significant number of these ne’re do wells. It more likely amounts to poor planning and stupid actions on their part. The poor planning and stupidity are exponentiated when you have a family who depends upon you.

So, here I am, the old softy whose bark is worse than his bite. I just sent money to a friend in the PI who pretty well answers this ne’re do well description and found himself in a similar situation, but at least he didn’t drag a family down with him.

I'm not condoning overstaying and agree there really isn't any excuse. I was simply pointing out that there will be victims as a result of the new bans. Those victims being the families waving goodbye to their husbands/fathers. My only sympathy is for them.

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I was 92 days.Will be intresting to see if it happens.I don't plan to overstay my visa again but i don't understand why some people are so hostile about it it is not a major crime.I accept i was wrong i just wanted to share my experience.

They are just jealous .Hope that you have a good time here.Enjoy

Edited by sanukjim
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In my opinion you were lucky because of the scant Immigration rules here.

If you had overstayed in the UK, it would have been a completely different story.

Yes overstay in uk completely diffrent tell them you have lost passport they search you and your house no passport no deportation until passport is found or verified by your government until then they let you out on police bail to re a pear at set date and guess what do you think they appear again!!!

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Sure Mate.Well i drove my bike at night it was away from the normal spots there was a police check point down a dark road.I was stopped i looked to nervous and was asked fot my passport i gave it to them they noticed the overstay i was put in jail brought to court a few days later paid fine.A immigration officer brought me straight to airport i didnt spend anytime at idc.I do not know what the standard protocol is but i paid a fee to have process quickened up. Yeah they probaly rode me on that but hey.No red stamps no blacklist threaths got the naughty overstay stamp and in handwritting they wrote the fine i paid and also wrote that this case is already finished.Immigration were fairly decent to me i was apologetic and well behaved.Not as bad as a experience as i thought it would be but definetly not something i would want to go through again and i will never overstay again for sure.Basically my nerves gave the game away which made them ask for my passport.Cheers

Had the same experience but on a 9 month over stay but was a bit lucky the police took me back to my house and I handed over 10k and they left I decided to move house and get the overstay sorted just as well because I was informed that they returned to the house prob for some more money. Yes it was a silly thing to do but I had fun

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Sure Mate.Well i drove my bike at night it was away from the normal spots there was a police check point down a dark road.I was stopped i looked to nervous and was asked for my passport i gave it to them they noticed the overstay i was put in jail brought to court a few days later paid fine.A immigration officer brought me straight to airport i didn't spend anytime at idc.I do not know what the standard protocol is but i paid a fee to have process quickened up. Yeah they probably rode me on that but hey.No red stamps no blacklist threats got the naughty overstay stamp and in handwriting they wrote the fine i paid and also wrote that this case is already finished.Immigration were fairly decent to me i was apologetic and well behaved.Not as bad as a experience as i thought it would be but definitely not something i would want to go through again and i will never overstay again for sure.Basically my nerves gave the game away which made them ask for my passport.Cheers

Good share. Most of us make mistakes. Most of us don't take ownership for them. You have. Let the good times roll.

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