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One of China's wealthiest businessmen dies in prison


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One of China's wealthiest businessmen dies in prison
Michael Forsythe

Hong Kong: A 44-year-old businessman who became one of China's wealthiest people as he forged ties with some of the Communist Party's top leaders before suddenly falling out of favour has died in prison.

The death on Friday of the businessman, Xu Ming, was reported by several news agencies, including the financial news-magazine Caixin and the Chinese government-owned Wen Wei Po, a newspaper in Hong Kong. China's principal state-run news outlets, however, have said nothing about Xu's death.

Caixin reported that Xu died of a heart attack in the city of Wuhan, in central China, and Sunday his ashes were taken to the northeastern port city of Dalian, where his career began. He was to be released in September, according to Wen Wei Po and Caixin.

A multi-millionaire before he turned 30, and a billionaire shortly afterward, Xu's most prominent political patron was the mayor of Dalian, Bo Xilai, whose government in the 1990s gave the young businessman lucrative contracts to beautify the city.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/one-of-chinas-wealthiest-businessmen-dies-in-prison-20151207-glh4pm.html

-- The Age 2015-12-07

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Induced heart attack ?

Maybe like the one that Dr Nicholas Gonzalez had after he became too successful at curing people of cancer with natural cures. Add this to the 7 or 8 pioneering doctors who had also developed natural cures for cancer that have mysteriously died in the past month in the US. It seems that the fraudulent cancer industry is paranoid at people being cured of cancer (even stage 4 terminal cancer) when they make billions out of killing people (without being able to cure cancer) with their useless pills and potions in ALL fields of medicine and health.

I only go to my doctor for diagnosis now and treat myself naturally. I won't go into the list of ailments that I have successfully treated (including one that I was told I would be on medication all my life) as it was incurable. Well, it was, until I cured it myself within a week after having had it for 30 years or so - this was 10 years ago and I have been free of ulcerative colitis ever since!!

If I told you how I did it you would be amazed at the simplicity of it!

Edited by lucky11
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Just as likely the guy's in Singapore with a new face and 10 pounds lighter.

In the same hotel as Ken Lay.

He’s a lot more than 10 pounds lighter, being only ashes now. And I don’t think he’ll make it to Singapore from Dalian city in that state, being dead.

You mean like this lady here? She looks pretty good considering she was cremated a couple of years back.


Admittedly, it probably costs more to fake your own death in a Chinese prison, than out on bail in Thailand. But she was just an ordinary murderer. He's one of the wealthiest guys in China, and if he isn't smart enough, he has people who are. And you don't get that rich in China without knowing where some of the bodies (and dirty money) are buried.

We'll probably never know what happened to the guy. Unlike her, I'm pretty sure he'd be smart enough not to be seen in a local Chinese fish market wearing his unaltered face. Singapore is as good as anywhere since he's got the dosh. Or, maybe Las Vegas.

Edited by impulse
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