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Thai Customs/Mannerisms


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No, no, no! You are all nit-witted and dead wrong of course.

It's simple... Hunny and I met in America. We lived there for ten years. I don't know jack about Thai culture or language and could care less. I never planned on meeting or living with a Thai. We just met and hit it off and everything was cool. So, we're together.

Then I moved to Thailand about a year and a half ago. And I said to myself, "Wow! What is this place? This is about the goofiest thing I have ever seen!" (Actually, South America was goofier, if that's even possible).

Her friends, the couple in the story, she has known since her first year in college, at least twenty five years ago. They are quite accustomed to hanging around here. They are old family friends. Hunny and the other Thai woman love to sit and yap. The man, fond of wearing lots of pink and sometimes speaks and carries himself like a girl, really quite pussy-whipped, sits there and hangs on every word she says. He treats her like she's some goddess... and, frankly, she's about the ugliest thing you've ever seen. I don't understand them. Nor do I try to make them understand me. I try to remain polite and courteous out of respect for my girl. But, to be perfectly honest, if I met these people on the street--I would not come near them with a ten foot pole. Not my flavor at all.

So, in a nutshell, basically, I have to keep my trap shut and put up with Hunny's old friends.

Most of the time I just ignore them. When I look up at the security cameras and see them rolling up the driveway, I slip out the back and go hang out alone in one of the other houses until they leave. Barf.

small minded kampaeng saen?

only you seem small minded here.

Edited by HooHaa
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I see no mystery in this. The couple has been having a laugh behind your back about you being a stereotypical ATM of a foreign husband to your wife. And now it's evolved into you being her (their?) servant.

Once again, nix, nix. I was merely being polite and courteous and perfect, as usual.

The servant part is their big mistake, and incredibly rude assumption. I turned it all around on them, to their obvious dismay. And there it will stay.

As an aside, this is a good way to test people's character. It's one simple, 100% effective way to find out who's good and who's no good at all. Open yourself up a bit. Speak to the wolf in them. And if they advance quickly and go for the jugular--they're no good trash. Now, with the knife you have at the ready behind your back--slice them and dice them. Now, they're puppies again.

I always end up having to laugh at those who mistake my kindness and hospitality for weakness. I always choose to school them the hardest way possible. In this particular case however I will not be kicking them on down the line. Hunny's friends. Harmless, braying sheep and frolicking pink monkeys that they are.

Edited by Blackfish64
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I see no mystery in this. The couple has been having a laugh behind your back about you being a stereotypical ATM of a foreign husband to your wife. And now it's evolved into you being her (their?) servant.

Once again, nix, nix. I was merely being polite and courteous and perfect, as usual.

The servant part is their big mistake, and incredibly rude assumption. I turned it all around on them, to their obvious dismay. And there it will stay.

As an aside, this is a good way to test people's character. It's one simple, 100% effective way to find out who's good and who's no good at all. Open yourself up a bit. Speak to the wolf in them. And if they advance quickly and go for the jugular--they're no good trash. Now, with the knife you have at the ready behind your back--slice them and dice them. Now, they're puppies again.

I always end up having to laugh at those who mistake my kindness and hospitality for weakness. I akways choose to school them the hardest way possible. In this pasrticular case however I will not be kicking them on down the line. Hunny's friends. Harmless, braying sheep and frolicking pink monkeys that they are.

It doesnt matter what you think you were doing. Thais- and people in general- are gonna have a laugh at you based on their perception of your actions.

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I see no mystery in this. The couple has been having a laugh behind your back about you being a stereotypical ATM of a foreign husband to your wife. And now it's evolved into you being her (their?) servant.

Once again, nix, nix. I was merely being polite and courteous and perfect, as usual.

The servant part is their big mistake, and incredibly rude assumption. I turned it all around on them, to their obvious dismay. And there it will stay.

As an aside, this is a good way to test people's character. It's one simple, 100% effective way to find out who's good and who's no good at all. Open yourself up a bit. Speak to the wolf in them. And if they advance quickly and go for the jugular--they're no good trash. Now, with the knife you have at the ready behind your back--slice them and dice them. Now, they're puppies again.

I always end up having to laugh at those who mistake my kindness and hospitality for weakness. I akways choose to school them the hardest way possible. In this pasrticular case however I will not be kicking them on down the line. Hunny's friends. Harmless, braying sheep and frolicking pink monkeys that they are.

It doesnt matter what you think you were doing. Thais- and people in general- are gonna have a laugh at you based on their perception of your actions.

Yes. I realize that. No matter what you do, someone is not going to like it.

So, just be yourself and the rest of the world will eat turd when they don't like it.

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I see no mystery in this. The couple has been having a laugh behind your back about you being a stereotypical ATM of a foreign husband to your wife. And now it's evolved into you being her (their?) servant.

Once again, nix, nix. I was merely being polite and courteous and perfect, as usual.

The servant part is their big mistake, and incredibly rude assumption. I turned it all around on them, to their obvious dismay. And there it will stay.

As an aside, this is a good way to test people's character. It's one simple, 100% effective way to find out who's good and who's no good at all. Open yourself up a bit. Speak to the wolf in them. And if they advance quickly and go for the jugular--they're no good trash. Now, with the knife you have at the ready behind your back--slice them and dice them. Now, they're puppies again.

I always end up having to laugh at those who mistake my kindness and hospitality for weakness. I akways choose to school them the hardest way possible. In this pasrticular case however I will not be kicking them on down the line. Hunny's friends. Harmless, braying sheep and frolicking pink monkeys that they are.

It doesnt matter what you think you were doing. Thais- and people in general- are gonna have a laugh at you based on their perception of your actions.
Yes. I realize that. No matter what you do, someone is not going to like it.

So, just be yourself and the rest of the world will eat turd when they don't like it.

I suggest stocking the fridge with beer, that way the lad can help himself next time. Unless he can't figure out how to open a door or pop a top.

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I see no mystery in this. The couple has been having a laugh behind your back about you being a stereotypical ATM of a foreign husband to your wife. And now it's evolved into you being her (their?) servant.
Once again, nix, nix. I was merely being polite and courteous and perfect, as usual.

The servant part is their big mistake, and incredibly rude assumption. I turned it all around on them, to their obvious dismay. And there it will stay.

As an aside, this is a good way to test people's character. It's one simple, 100% effective way to find out who's good and who's no good at all. Open yourself up a bit. Speak to the wolf in them. And if they advance quickly and go for the jugular--they're no good trash. Now, with the knife you have at the ready behind your back--slice them and dice them. Now, they're puppies again.

I always end up having to laugh at those who mistake my kindness and hospitality for weakness. I akways choose to school them the hardest way possible. In this pasrticular case however I will not be kicking them on down the line. Hunny's friends. Harmless, braying sheep and frolicking pink monkeys that they are.

It doesnt matter what you think you were doing. Thais- and people in general- are gonna have a laugh at you based on their perception of your actions.
Yes. I realize that. No matter what you do, someone is not going to like it.

So, just be yourself and the rest of the world will eat turd when they don't like it.

I suggest stocking the fridge with beer, that way the lad can help himself next time. Unless he can't figure out how to open a door or pop a top.

Yes, he is the kind of laddie you want to get drunk as a skunk, beat him silly, then tell him next day as he's recovering in the hospital how he was acting silly and threw himself down the steps.

You know, what's funny? I've never had fantasies about getting people drunk, beating them to the point of hospitalization, then telling them they did it to themselves. I guess I'd never make it in rural TH.

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I see no mystery in this. The couple has been having a laugh behind your back about you being a stereotypical ATM of a foreign husband to your wife. And now it's evolved into you being her (their?) servant.
Once again, nix, nix. I was merely being polite and courteous and perfect, as usual.

The servant part is their big mistake, and incredibly rude assumption. I turned it all around on them, to their obvious dismay. And there it will stay.

As an aside, this is a good way to test people's character. It's one simple, 100% effective way to find out who's good and who's no good at all. Open yourself up a bit. Speak to the wolf in them. And if they advance quickly and go for the jugular--they're no good trash. Now, with the knife you have at the ready behind your back--slice them and dice them. Now, they're puppies again.

I always end up having to laugh at those who mistake my kindness and hospitality for weakness. I akways choose to school them the hardest way possible. In this pasrticular case however I will not be kicking them on down the line. Hunny's friends. Harmless, braying sheep and frolicking pink monkeys that they are.
It doesnt matter what you think you were doing. Thais- and people in general- are gonna have a laugh at you based on their perception of your actions.
Yes. I realize that. No matter what you do, someone is not going to like it.

So, just be yourself and the rest of the world will eat turd when they don't like it.

I suggest stocking the fridge with beer, that way the lad can help himself next time. Unless he can't figure out how to open a door or pop a top.

Yes, he is the kind of laddie you want to get drunk as a skunk, beat him silly, then tell him next day as he's recovering in the hospital how he was acting silly and threw himself down the steps.

You know, what's funny? I've never had fantasies about getting people drunk, beating them to the point of hospitalization, then telling them they did it to themselves. I guess I'd never make it in rural TH.

You won't make it in Las Vegas, Minneapolis, life, or business either.
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