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An ugly clampdown on Rajabhakti protests: Thai editorial


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Certainly it is amusing to see how you people decide what my political stance is and my social standing as well,certainly if you were to meet me face to face you would indeed get a surprise.You all go on about censorship the repression of democracy as you those matters yet your posts stand and have not been censored so pray tell us just what is being censored or repressed

If your posts were considered seditious or a danger to national security they would have been removed and the board shut down, but being non Thai your powers are non existent nor do your comments reach a wide audience.This board is run by non Thai's for non Thai's to have their own platform.

The threat made by someone to remove his business from Thailand and no doubt cease to support two former Thai wives is unlikely to have a large impact on the Thai economy comments concerning going down the plughole are a trifle dramatic,

I do not agree with many of our arcane laws but all countries have them all countries have their own outspoken commentators but they are home grown and are within their right to criticize their own country its laws and culture.

The problem is that the posters here are drawing attention to themselves and a situation that is not going to go well for them or this board if those in authority see what is being said.The whole issue would be regarded as very anti government in a campaign conducted by outsiders , Please do not judge me as you wish to see me, I have long crusaded for a more equal society as have many others however all past administrations have had powerful family connections and that has led to the mass of corruption the present administration have inherited.Fighting the battle they are fighting is challenging they do not need and they wont tolerate interference from outside either.

Remember Thailand does not have a monopoly on corruption or political motor mouths.

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Certainly it is amusing to see how you people decide what my political stance is and my social standing as well,certainly if you were to meet me face to face you would indeed get a surprise.You all go on about censorship the repression of democracy as you those matters yet your posts stand and have not been censored so pray tell us just what is being censored or repressed

If your posts were considered seditious or a danger to national security they would have been removed and the board shut down, but being non Thai your powers are non existent nor do your comments reach a wide audience.This board is run by non Thai's for non Thai's to have their own platform.

The threat made by someone to remove his business from Thailand and no doubt cease to support two former Thai wives is unlikely to have a large impact on the Thai economy comments concerning going down the plughole are a trifle dramatic,

I do not agree with many of our arcane laws but all countries have them all countries have their own outspoken commentators but they are home grown and are within their right to criticize their own country its laws and culture.

The problem is that the posters here are drawing attention to themselves and a situation that is not going to go well for them or this board if those in authority see what is being said.The whole issue would be regarded as very anti government in a campaign conducted by outsiders , Please do not judge me as you wish to see me, I have long crusaded for a more equal society as have many others however all past administrations have had powerful family connections and that has led to the mass of corruption the present administration have inherited.Fighting the battle they are fighting is challenging they do not need and they wont tolerate interference from outside either.

Remember Thailand does not have a monopoly on corruption or political motor mouths.

I'am glad it is amusing for you but is it also embarrassing for you being a Thai educated in the west with all the benefits your parents gave you compared to your fellow countrymen when you see the clowns in charge and what is happening in your country?

As a person of 70 years and having worked around the world as you have described do you see what is going on that prompts people like myself post on here after all I will never, nor would I want to be, Thai. That said I see my daughter's country going backwards, luckily she has another passport and is luckier then most but it is still wrong

Do you see the way the vast majority of people looking in can see what is happening yet the majority of educated people here look the other way or just plain don't care...

The reason why TVF has been overlooked by the junta is because they cannot treat foreigners the same way as their own people, more than that they are ignorant and arrogant but above all not very bright as they keep on proving day after day

It is obvious what I think of the junta and I will always stand by my principles but apparently we are not the same even if we were educated in the same place, sad really....

Edited by mark131v
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so this week... Soldiers bullying a student's Mom because he wants to go to a park? old ladies and students herded from a train because they are a national threat if they visit a park?

thank God Mark Kent spoke up about the 'emperor's new clothes' of allowing 200 ultra-nationalists to protest unchallenged at the US Embassy yet carting away for 'attitude adjustment' these 36 citizens.

what a disgrace, what's next?

Fully embracing North Koreas "democracy "
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There so scared of the public finding out they are just as corrupt as the people there carting away for attitude adjustments.

How very true. It's easy to find out in the internet age, the dinosaurs have tried to control it, but have failed!

I've been saying for years that the downfall of Thailand will be the internet. It doesn't matter who is in power, the free flow of information and ability to speak anonymously is a powder keg waiting to explode.

And when I say downfall, I mean that you will not achieve the massive reform needed in Thailand without significant upheaval of the status quo.

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Certainly it is amusing to see how you people decide what my political stance is and my social standing as well,certainly if you were to meet me face to face you would indeed get a surprise.You all go on about censorship the repression of democracy as you those matters yet your posts stand and have not been censored so pray tell us just what is being censored or repressed

If your posts were considered seditious or a danger to national security they would have been removed and the board shut down, but being non Thai your powers are non existent nor do your comments reach a wide audience.This board is run by non Thai's for non Thai's to have their own platform.

The threat made by someone to remove his business from Thailand and no doubt cease to support two former Thai wives is unlikely to have a large impact on the Thai economy comments concerning going down the plughole are a trifle dramatic,

I do not agree with many of our arcane laws but all countries have them all countries have their own outspoken commentators but they are home grown and are within their right to criticize their own country its laws and culture.

The problem is that the posters here are drawing attention to themselves and a situation that is not going to go well for them or this board if those in authority see what is being said.The whole issue would be regarded as very anti government in a campaign conducted by outsiders , Please do not judge me as you wish to see me, I have long crusaded for a more equal society as have many others however all past administrations have had powerful family connections and that has led to the mass of corruption the present administration have inherited.Fighting the battle they are fighting is challenging they do not need and they wont tolerate interference from outside either.

Remember Thailand does not have a monopoly on corruption or political motor mouths.

And you think the PM has no connection whatsoever?

Read the international news, to be really informed....

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It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

Load of condescending drivel. When you lived in the UK you either lived in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales and none of them have changed their names in the last 1000 years or so. But thats beside the point, when you lived their, assuming you had a little more common sense than you show in this post, presumably you knew what was going on. You have the nerve to quote Singapore but conveniently forget that Singapore was founded and still practices British law and generally speaking its judiciary are free of corruption. It does not have real democracy however because its laws and politics are skewed to ensure the Chinese majority always stay in power. So for someone to claim they know all because they have lived around the world but claim that foreigners cannot understand what goes on in Thailand is totally hypocritical and typical of a class of Thai that thinks they can fool the rest of the world about the indemic corruption that goes on here and involves a whole lot more than a bowl of fruit. To speak in your terms we understand democracy and we understand when our parliaments are driven out by coups- we call it facism or communism; both of which involve totalarism, loss of rights for the people and the self proclaimed elite trampling on the people. If you lived legally in the UK, even if you were ethnic Thai which seems unlikely, you had the same rights as everybody else to vote and make your opinion known about the government and to buy land and property, but you happily deny even the most basic rights foreigners who have lived here for years, who have Thai families and have invested their whole lives here. So Sir, you a full of xenophobic clap trap.

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Wonderful you all come out with the same argument.It isn't what we have had in our own country but you left there to come here because you had greater freedom.Now you ll want to change it to suit your conceptions of democracy.Whether you like it or not like many other countries that have expat residents you are no more than guests in those countries just like it is here here so perhaps if you were to let the matter roll along and wait a while you may see progress.Did you object as much to past administrations were you as vocal if so let us see your comments to clarity your agenda and political beliefs.

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Wonderful you all come out with the same argument.It isn't what we have had in our own country but you left there to come here because you had greater freedom.Now you ll want to change it to suit your conceptions of democracy.Whether you like it or not like many other countries that have expat residents you are no more than guests in those countries just like it is here here so perhaps if you were to let the matter roll along and wait a while you may see progress.Did you object as much to past administrations were you as vocal if so let us see your comments to clarity your agenda and political beliefs.

There have been 19 coups which (bar the first) have changed what exactly? How is this coup any different?

You keep hearing "democracy is broken in Thailand, that's why we have so many coups". Yeah well things are still broken even after relentless coups. So if democracy isn't the answer then surely coups aren't either.

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They are all the same the junta is or has corrupt elements , and always will. Prayut you started a war on corruption , What happened ?

Nobody else supported him. He also made noises about reforming the tomato police but gave up on that idea as well. They aren't called tomatoes for nothing.

Prayuth can't do any of it himself. He has to delegate. And if nobody else down the chain wants to change anything, you can be sure nothing will happen.

But anyone who thinks the best option for Thailand is another bunch of dirty cronies, they are either on the take or aren't quite altogether there. They are the 'dinosaurs' whose 3rd-world corrupt Asian politics belong in the history books as part of the record of the countries embarrassing past.

The only hope for the country is to reduce the most extreme corruption (the sort which leads to a 310: amnesty vote) and hope over time the people will pressure future politicians to act in a more honorable and civilised manner.

However going by the level of comments I see here, I'm not holding my breath.

Red-shirts going out to protest about corruption : you just couldn't make it up.

No they're not. I think you're referring to the 'watermelon' army, green on the outside, red inside. If they were er, 'tomatoes', it'd be pretty plain they weren't hiding their affiliation. Being red inside and outside and all ..

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You have no real insight into the realities of what people think..

Please, cut the 'you not Thai, you no understand Thai people' spiel. It is like a very worn-out and broken record

And really rather points up their ignorance. The poster's overseas education appears to have been a huge waste of money.

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Wonderful you all come out with the same argument.It isn't what we have had in our own country but you left there to come here because you had greater freedom.Now you ll want to change it to suit your conceptions of democracy.Whether you like it or not like many other countries that have expat residents you are no more than guests in those countries just like it is here here so perhaps if you were to let the matter roll along and wait a while you may see progress.Did you object as much to past administrations were you as vocal if so let us see your comments to clarity your agenda and political beliefs.

When all borders and walls between people are gone and freedom of movement on this planet is a fact, witch should be a basic human right (could take a very long time with all the BS between countries and religions that we got today) Thailand will finally change to the better.

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Strange that the greater majority of the Thai people like and agree with the curent administration.

Seems as if it is the western non voters who cannot or will not understand the idea of how Asian society in general functions who are complaining.

Now if it is so bad here so repressive so corrupt why are you all still here?

Been here many years and seen it all ,To date this administration has been fine, corruption is a slow weed to root out so be patient.Just thInk back to previous administrations and their attempts to kill democracy with false votes in Parliament and creative debating and voting times.

I prefer the current situation as opposed to the arson and barricades and riots we had in the not to long gone past.

And how prat tell did you conclude that there is majority support?

A show of hands by the entire population. Ah, yes.. That would be an election.

As long as the threat for speaking out against the junta is re-education, it's impossible to measure their popularity.

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Wonderful you all come out with the same argument.It isn't what we have had in our own country but you left there to come here because you had greater freedom.Now you ll want to change it to suit your conceptions of democracy.Whether you like it or not like many other countries that have expat residents you are no more than guests in those countries just like it is here here so perhaps if you were to let the matter roll along and wait a while you may see progress.Did you object as much to past administrations were you as vocal if so let us see your comments to clarity your agenda and political beliefs.

More same old, same old, claptrap. I personally have lived in 14 different countries and visited many more so I have a good idea of what's what and there is actually far less freedom here than almost everywhere else I have worked. Even Singapore back in the most draconian days of LKY had more constitutional and judicial freedom for the average person, including foreigners. I like it here and love the people and after 20 years here I feel that I am more than entitled to give my opinions. But I don't try to FORCE them on anybody. I can't vote - unlike my Thai daughters that live in the UK and I don't actually care who the government is. I would even welcome the Military if only they were not just as corrupt as they always have been. It’s not the colour of the government, it’s, are they honest and good for the country. Well no government here has ever been honest, but unfortunately the military have been disastrous for the country in the last 3 coups that I have seen and probably every one before.

I can live with the day-to day corruption, I just can't stand the hypocrisy with the rich literally able to get away with murder. Don't blather on to me about go home if you don't like it, this is my home and I want it to be a good safe and honest place for my kids and grandkids to grow up in.

For me the very worst thing is that I have never met a Thai of any political colour who did not revere the King and rightly so, as do I, but the military using LM to cover up their own corruption is just ugly beyond belief.

Also using the judiciary to eliminate political opposition is not good for the country. The UN is not anybody's mother but Thailand is not an isolated failed state like North Korea yet; and would you Mr Junta lover like to see Thai people dying of starvation in the fields because everybody listened to the stupid ""leave us alone Thais can do everything, we don't need the rest of the world" mouthers.

Just watch the news right now and see how China is treating those who make the mildest of political protests using cartoons for god sake and see how the police/army are treating foreign diplomats and reporters. Do you really want China and North Korea to be Thailand's only friends? The Chinese communists killed 30/40/50 Million people from the 30's to the 90's. North Koreans are starving to death and filling out concentration camps as we speak. I actually like Chinese (and Korean) people and have had more Chinese friends than any other nationality, but given a communist government it will be a sorry day when Thailand slavishly follows their repression of ordinary people to cover up corruption from the ha, ha "elite". Communist elite, that's really very funny, but not unfortunately for those in China who have the courage to protest against corruption.

I only want to see a really free Thailand that follows proper democratic principles and they can't be obfuscated by "Thais need to do it this way" bending democracy to suit a rich self-proclaimed elite and not all the people. It's my duty to my family, friends and adopted country to make my views known without breaching any laws, not that I want to spread them to a wider audience, because I don't, it’s not the Thai way, but those like yourself who spread lies to support an illegal take over of a country need to be enlightened to the fact that nobody with 2 pence worth of brains who posts here believes their Gobbles inspired rhetoric.

The Thai military and police are not all bad or corrupt by any means, but those who want to behave as if it was 60 years ago are unfortunately calling the tune at the moment. I only hope that these backward and repressive attitudes are soon gone. In the internet age things can't be ignored and covered up like they used to be. Mistakes are often made, but if they are faced up to and things put right the country will benefit far more than shooting the messenger or apportioning blame for purely political motives as so often happens.

There’s a Thai saying that I can’t remember that basically says, “beware a wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Probably mentions tigers or something, but just stick China or Russia in there somewhere and it will be appropriate.

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Certainly it is amusing to see how you people decide what my political stance is and my social standing as well,certainly if you were to meet me face to face you would indeed get a surprise.You all go on about censorship the repression of democracy as you those matters yet your posts stand and have not been censored so pray tell us just what is being censored or repressed

If your posts were considered seditious or a danger to national security they would have been removed and the board shut down, but being non Thai your powers are non existent nor do your comments reach a wide audience.This board is run by non Thai's for non Thai's to have their own platform.

The threat made by someone to remove his business from Thailand and no doubt cease to support two former Thai wives is unlikely to have a large impact on the Thai economy comments concerning going down the plughole are a trifle dramatic,

I do not agree with many of our arcane laws but all countries have them all countries have their own outspoken commentators but they are home grown and are within their right to criticize their own country its laws and culture.

The problem is that the posters here are drawing attention to themselves and a situation that is not going to go well for them or this board if those in authority see what is being said.The whole issue would be regarded as very anti government in a campaign conducted by outsiders , Please do not judge me as you wish to see me, I have long crusaded for a more equal society as have many others however all past administrations have had powerful family connections and that has led to the mass of corruption the present administration have inherited.Fighting the battle they are fighting is challenging they do not need and they wont tolerate interference from outside either.

Remember Thailand does not have a monopoly on corruption or political motor mouths.

Of course if you really believe that the current administration isn't corrupt, and is actually here to rid Thailand of corruption than I have serious doubt into your insights. Also in a previous post you seemed to be talking on behalf of the average Thai. I know quite a few Thais personally who would strongly disagree with what you wrote there. And in no uncertain terms either I might add.

Back to the current administration's battle. Did you know people are currently being jailed and charged with LM and sedation over posting, sharing or liking Facebook posts in relation to the Graft Park in Hua Hin. Instead of investigating in an accoutable and clear way, they are locking up people drawing attention to the problem.

Battling corruption my ass.

Edited by sjaak327
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It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

You claim you know better than everyone else based on your experience of both Thailand and the West, and yet despite all your inane babble you aren't smart enough to see you completely disqualified everything you said with "...the U.K or England as we then called the country."

Clearly you have problems understanding simple things: like the fact the UK was never called England except by ill-educated people who have no clue what they are talking about.

You would do better by using your eyes and ears more and your mouth somewhat less. Here is the proof - and let it be an education for you:

Beyond that, what if in my opinion, the current plan of clamping down hard on any dissent, stitching together a constitution and hoping that Thaksin group won't win, ISN'T GOING TO Work....

Just because you hold a Thai passport doesn't mean you have a monopoly on claiming what might happen.

What if I believe Thailand will re-emerge from this period to a point far worse off than when the coup happened?

What if I believe that another coup is extremely likely once elections have happened and PTP win again?

So, claiming that if everyone parks their brain at home for a year or two and gives blind trust to a bunch of people who have proven absolutely incapable of solving these problems, as a solution, in largely nonsense.

This period of army control won't work because it has little connection to the majority of Thais. It serves a very narrow selection of Thais.

Until everyone works out and respects the fact that the majority of Thais don't live in Bangkok and aren't rich, there will be a problem at the ballot box.

How anyone with half a brain can say, give Prayuth time, he knows what's he's doing and is the best man for the job, is absolutely beyond me.

Yes it's apparently peaceful in Thailand. Places where opinion and people are oppressed are largely very quiet.

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Our arrogant Thai friend took 70 years to reach a state of enlightenment and insight so profound that nearly every other poster has been able to find a completely new strip to tear off. Junta John eat your heart out: all you ever achieve are replies all responding to the same thing, but here is a fellow capable of a much wider scope for nonsense, possibly because it's 'informed' (I mean that most ironically) by 'Thai culture.'

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I am not anyone else but myself, interesting to see that my last post was removed.

Getting a little to near the truth for those of you who think you know what is best for we Thais was it.

Perhaps certain members in this site are actually lobbying against the current administration to promote their own political and business agenda's.

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I am not anyone else but myself, interesting to see that my last post was removed.

Getting a little to near the truth for those of you who think you know what is best for we Thais was it.

Perhaps certain members in this site are actually lobbying against the current administration to promote their own political and business agenda's.

I will ask this again.

Why is this coup and junta any different to any of the last multiple ones that ultimately changed...not a lot really.

My stupid farang brain can't seem to compute what I am missing here rolleyes.gif

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I am not anyone else but myself, interesting to see that my last post was removed.

Getting a little to near the truth for those of you who think you know what is best for we Thais was it.

Perhaps certain members in this site are actually lobbying against the current administration to promote their own political and business agenda's.

I will ask this again.

Why is this coup and junta any different to any of the last multiple ones that ultimately changed...not a lot really.

My stupid farang brain can't seem to compute what I am missing here rolleyes.gif

That's the basic question that none of the junta supporters can answer;

After 19 coups and attempts after which nothing was improved (except for the fortunes of the coup makers) what on earth makes you believe anything will be different this time???

I have posed that question several times and when pressed on the issue one of them replied that it doesn't matter who is in power as long as it's not the bogeyman in Dubai. I have a feeling that goes for most of them.

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So after 19 coups not one administration changed the status quo according to you all who are indeed liberal with your advice concerning the current administration.

So are you really walking a neutral path politically and socially regarding your comments on this current administration. What are your sage remarks concerning all of the past administrations and their impact upon democracy?

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Firstly , lets take the main theme and premise to conclusion you try making.

That "" we lack insight , and in any case can't influence things , so therefore we are irrelevant .

Not so.

I have sent 400 plus articles directly to journalists in. 22 countries but mainly the US , UK , and Australia on issues as such.

Along with opinion here that pasted on social media and twitter.

The story of arrest for like is now being seen on Facebook news feed.

My home nation is altered by me and hundreds of others.

Public opinion stated not just by Envoy's but social media can and does create awareness.

How does that influence things?

Well say ISIS who think selling woman or raping them is ok .

The general western feeling is it isn't.

Eventually we are in conflict with all their crimes.

Thailand may feel locking up people and ruling by gun is ok in some quarters .

And your entitled to your opinion based on your beliefs and insights.

But like a rapist who may hold justifications for his actions .

The general consensus is regardless its wrong.

If you wish to sign agreements on international norms and appear at the UN.

Even trade ..you are answerable regardless of how you feel about it being an internal matter.

The elites wish to pretend its a misunderstanding on our behalf.

Just as ISIS will point to the Koran and twist it to justify its criminal behaviour.

If the envoy's express their nations viewpoint it is with clarity and careful consideration to human rights.

If you feel at 70 your prepared to trade human rights abuses for personal comforts that's selfish.

But in a bigger sense it impacts on your collective position.

Laws that are wrong should and will be called out.

Humans in this century demand standards.

If you wish to do commence with us .

Have us as tourists and avoid conflict with the west.

You need to understand you can't have your cake and eat it.

Silencing your populace by fear and or gun is in the international community minds a matter for them to decide what punishments you will be given.

And make no mistake there will be.

And the changes you say can't be made will be.

Opinions do change things.

When they are free to be voiced.

Edited by Plutojames88
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So after 19 coups not one administration changed the status quo according to you all who are indeed liberal with your advice concerning the current administration.

So are you really walking a neutral path politically and socially regarding your comments on this current administration. What are your sage remarks concerning all of the past administrations and their impact upon democracy?

Well shunter, after all your self proclaimed "years" in the English part of the UK (must have been very limiting if you did not visit any of the rest) even you should be able to recognise the expression "flogging a dead horse" and save the TV aministrators a lot of bother - just stop rabbiting on your interminable bs. It is clear that your English language comprehension is just "not up to scratch" if you keep posting stupid questions as per above. You probably arn't capable of recognising it, but answering these questions is exactly what a lot of other honest posters have done. They just did not answer by indefensible uncritical support of a gang of rich crooks who have overthown the peoples rights, grabbed power and intoduced unfettered repression in a naked attempt to avoid prosecution for their past heinous crimes.
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Typical shunter's and other Junta lover's argument: "let the Thai", " we Thai", etc....

But which Thais? What is the scope of who is encompassed in the category "we Thai" or "the Thai"?

How is it known that it is what "the Thai" want? By which process is it decided? Etc.....

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Some off topic posts have been removed as well as the replies.

Inflammatory posts have been removed as well as the replies.

Let's keep it civil please.

EDIT: Some more inflammatory and off topic posts have been removed.

Edited by metisdead
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Firstly , lets take the main theme and premise to conclusion you try making.

That "" we lack insight , and in any case can't influence things , so therefore we are irrelevant .

Not so.

I have sent 400 plus articles directly to journalists in. 22 countries but mainly the US , UK , and Australia on issues as such.

Along with opinion here that pasted on social media and twitter.

The story of arrest for like is now being seen on Facebook news feed.

My home nation is altered by me and hundreds of others.

Public opinion stated not just by Envoy's but social media can and does create awareness.

How does that influence things?

Well say ISIS who think selling woman or raping them is ok .

The general western feeling is it isn't.

Eventually we are in conflict with all their crimes.

Thailand may feel locking up people and ruling by gun is ok in some quarters .

And your entitled to your opinion based on your beliefs and insights.

But like a rapist who may hold justifications for his actions .

The general consensus is regardless its wrong.

If you wish to sign agreements on international norms and appear at the UN.

Even trade ..you are answerable regardless of how you feel about it being an internal matter.

The elites wish to pretend its a misunderstanding on our behalf.

Just as ISIS will point to the Koran and twist it to justify its criminal behaviour.

If the envoy's express their nations viewpoint it is with clarity and careful consideration to human rights.

If you feel at 70 your prepared to trade human rights abuses for personal comforts that's selfish.

But in a bigger sense it impacts on your collective position.

Laws that are wrong should and will be called out.

Humans in this century demand standards.

If you wish to do commence with us .

Have us as tourists and avoid conflict with the west.

You need to understand you can't have your cake and eat it.

Silencing your populace by fear and or gun is in the international community minds a matter for them to decide what punishments you will be given.

And make no mistake there will be.

And the changes you say can't be made will be.

Opinions do change things.

When they are free to be voiced.

never a truer word spoken.

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