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Trump: reaction swings from anger to derision


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He will be the next President.

Of what? whistling.gif

I love reading the wingnut comments. Absolutely delusional.

Did you hear the latest? Trump wants to shut down the internet.


He's the gift that just keeps on giving.

Actually sounds like he means close it up, tighten it up, like a Single Gateway.

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Only the Muslim community can stop Muslim extremists. Trump is just calling out the community.

You either stop your extremist brothers and sisters or suffer the consequences of being lumped

into the same group. ie. "You are either with us or against us" agree or disagree. coffee1.gif

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Only the Muslim community can stop Muslim extremists. Trump is just calling out the community.

You either stop your extremist brothers and sisters or suffer the consequences of being lumped

into the same group. ie. "You are either with us or against us" agree or disagree. coffee1.gif

Not sure why you're trying to change the meaning of what he said. It's pretty clear in black and white exactly what he said/meant. The whole world knows it. If he just wanted to "call out the community," he could have easily done that. But that's not what he's suggesting at all.

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It isnt a race but comments on here are clearly based on race. When people say muslim they are in effect only talking about the bearded, dress wearing dark skinned type.

They can go to a bar tonight and be sitting next to a muslim and chatting away and wouldnt even know it. But they would never sit near or chat with a middle eastern.

So no need to dance around it, its pure and simple racism.

It's not racism. It would deny Muslims including anyone believed to be working with ISIS in particular. That could be a white European Brit or Aussie. Is that what you don't like?

For instance, most Iranians would be covered by this but they aren't Arabs. They aren't your dark skinned stereotype but rather are Caucasian.

Are you going to start paying me tuition?

With that teaching you should be paying me to read it.

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The US can't even keep illegals from south America out....so how will they block muslims from Europe or Australia or Asia ...

Of course they can keep illegals from SA out. They don't want to do it.

Can not and don't want is something different.

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If it gets to 100,000 they can discuss in Parliament the concept of banning Trump for hate speech.

Now that would be well funny! They could just say they're doing it "until they figure out what the hell is going on". What's good for the goose....



Edited by Chicog
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While I do think Islamist Jihad of different brands (currently trendy is Daesh) is indeed at war with both the west and all civilization, the way Trump frames it with his ridiculous proposal it's as a war against all Islam and all Muslim people. That's exactly what Daesh is baiting for the west to do. Responses in this new world war, and it is that, need to be much more nuanced than that. Trump is basically now the head RECRUITER for Daesh. Shame on that fool!

The only common thread anyone can put a finger on is the political and religious motivation though. Targeting ethnicity, nationality or skin color doesn't work.

The emerging reality is a bit terrifying to face and Obama is playing it cool for all the "rednecks who cling to their guns and bibles" so they don't freak out about a religious end times conflict. He plays it cool, creates a vacuum which is immediately filled by fruitcakes on Fox Noise.

The optics on the ground are obvious. The country is reacting nationally to localized, pin prick attacks, but in law enforcement mode.

Trump merely forces the reality that the US (and others) are targets in an escalating, guerrila style global jihad, and the chilling notion that the US is already fully infiltrated by an enemy capitalizing on the permissive environment within the US, to strike at will. Further, that the permissive policies and sheer volume of applicants in peace-time mode, ensures that new combatants, and potentials and supporters, are arriving in the US, camoflauged among non-combatants.

Trump's temporary suspension of inbound immigration, isn't drastic at all in that context. In a nutshell, we've been attacked, we are being attacked continuously, they are here, more are coming in. Bout time somebody owned up to it.

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The man who stabbed the people at the London tube station was mentally ill and reported as such by his family members weeks before the incident. He has been charged with attempted murder NOT related to an act of terrorism. At the same time another mentally ill man rampaged through the streets of another English town culminating in him stabbing to death an 82 year old man. This made three paragraphs on page eleven of the Times and nothing on the national news channels. Such is the distorted panic promoting media reporting.

The Democrats must be cheering from the rooftops over Trumps latest comments.

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The US can't even keep illegals from south America out....so how will they block muslims from Europe or Australia or Asia ...

Jeez, can't believe I'm saying this, I sound like a Trump supporter, I'm not, but......... well, he does have a plan for that too. Not so sure about kicking them all out, at least not all at once, but the wall is a perfectly good idea . There is wall in some places already. The wall to nowhere.

Finish the damn thing. The USA has accomplished much bigger projects and landed men on the moon. Surely they can handle building a wall. Probably hire illegals to do the manual labor. LOL, just kidding. Well, maybe not....

Edited by 55Jay
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Building a wall or closing the borders is a bit like locking your door because the apartment next door is on fire. A better plan would be to seek to put out the fire - especially so if your past carelessness helped start the fire in the first place.

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Building a wall or closing the borders is a bit like locking your door because the apartment next door is on fire. A better plan would be to seek to put out the fire - especially so if your past carelessness helped start the fire in the first place.

My moobahn has a wall. It helped keep the water out of the house during the 2011 flood.

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Building a wall or closing the borders is a bit like locking your door because the apartment next door is on fire. A better plan would be to seek to put out the fire - especially so if your past carelessness helped start the fire in the first place.

Building a wall is as basic as it gets for physical security. It establishes a boundary and directs traffic to a specific area for controlled ingress/egress. It provides minimal phsyical deterrent but introduces delay, which increases exposure and detection of someone determined to breach it. A wall is part of a phsysical security system often comprised of clear zones, lighting, sensors, CCTV, roving patrols.

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Building a wall or closing the borders is a bit like locking your door because the apartment next door is on fire. A better plan would be to seek to put out the fire - especially so if your past carelessness helped start the fire in the first place.

My moobahn has a wall. It helped keep the water out of the house during the 2011 flood.

Would it then keep the water in from the rain? Could have had a free pool for a while.

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Oh, I see. You think Trump is right. Apart from the moral implication you, like Trump, probably haven't thought about the practical side of the bizarre proposal. Image banned close to a billion people from the US.

For one thing, the US economy would be severly damaged. For another, it appears to be unconstitutional. Moreove, it would not prevent domestic terrorism, as there are already many Muslims in the US, who would be more likely to radicalize if the proposed ban were actually implemented.

Oh, I see, Trump must be wrong because someone in the UK used a hashtag on some phone footage. Interesting to see how the media is blowing up the "bruv" hashtag to monumental proportions. Meanwhile, according to the OP, "the Muslim community in the United States has reacted with shock and anger," as they do to just about everything in the world that doesn't cater to their demands.

True,Whoes the idiot who let them in.

Bush let in the Muslims that were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Is that what you are referring to?

Bush is also responsible for destabilizing the middle east thus making way for ISIS. Is that too what you are eluding to?

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I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what's "unconstitutional" about denying anyone who isn't a citizen the right to enter the US?

You mean based on their religion?

I think this is called just racism, segregation...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too

"I think this is called just racism..." Please tell me what race a Muslim is? Racist, really?

"segregation..." We have segregation in the US. We put criminals in jail and don't allow the men to use the women's restroom. Besides, these people aren't in the US and aren't US citizens. They don't have any rights in the US.

"...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too." I wish the ignorant would stop insulting the rednecks who are some of my heroes. About 100 years ago they were the coal miners of W. Virginia who wore red bandannas to signify unity as they went on strike against the coal mine owners and their hired goons. Many of them were killed by the owners' goons. I would be proud to be called a redneck.

Class dismissed.

Racism because the religion is not written on a passport, so obviously trump, and you know that, will pick the people from middle east"..

I know usa has segregation and not only for criminals but also based on skin color, just look at any stats, mumber don t lies.

As calling you a redneck, looking at the history of your posts, most of the people here may think you are, you were the inspiration for the movie "Delivrance" right?

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I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what's "unconstitutional" about denying anyone who isn't a citizen the right to enter the US?

You mean based on their religion?

I think this is called just racism, segregation...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too

"I think this is called just racism..." Please tell me what race a Muslim is? Racist, really?

"segregation..." We have segregation in the US. We put criminals in jail and don't allow the men to use the women's restroom. Besides, these people aren't in the US and aren't US citizens. They don't have any rights in the US.

"...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too." I wish the ignorant would stop insulting the rednecks who are some of my heroes. About 100 years ago they were the coal miners of W. Virginia who wore red bandannas to signify unity as they went on strike against the coal mine owners and their hired goons. Many of them were killed by the owners' goons. I would be proud to be called a redneck.

Class dismissed.

Racism because the religion is not written on a passport, so obviously trump, and you know that, will pick the people from middle east"..

I know usa has segregation and not only for criminals but also based on skin color, just look at any stats, mumber don t lies.

As calling you a redneck, looking at the history of your posts, most of the people here may think you are, you were the inspiration for the movie "Delivrance" right?

And as I thought:

The term characterized farmers having a red neck caused by sunburn from hours working in the fields. A citation from


provides a definition as "poorer inhabitants of the rural districts...men who work in the field, as a matter of course, generally have their skin stained red and burnt by the sun, and especially is this true of the back of their necks

One sould learn to walk before trying to teach how to dance

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Trump will in one way or another be in this election right up to voting day in November next year. Trump is in this for the long haul and to the final truck stop at the end of the road.

Trump would much rather get the Republican party nomination than to run as an Independent. But Trump will do as he needs to to satisfy himself. There's still a long way to go but Donald Trump has already come too far to capitulate and concede defeat by the Republican party establishment he's determined to run out of Washington and out from the state capitals.

Trump gets blocked by the R party establishment and he looks like Don Quixote which Trump could not stand. Trump gets nominated, however, the Republican party metamorphosises and shrinks into a far right beer hall party.

The Retrumplican party. Not too different from Trump Incorporated. What's gonna kill him among the vast center-middle of voters in the USA is that Trump has no rules except his own. Forget about law. There's no Constitution in Trump's world. No due process. Nevermind what the world thinks or says to include our allies.

There's only what Trump likes, wants, takes.

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