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Trump’s comments condemned by Muslims around the world


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Trump’s comments condemned by Muslims around the world


"You cannot alienate voting populations, clusters of voting populations across the States and still think that you are relevant in the US political system"

JAKARTA: -- Indonesia, home of the world’s largest Muslim population, is adding its voice to the global outrage over Donald Trump’s comments.

The country’s top Muslim clerical body says his call for Muslims to be banned from entering America are Islamophobic.

“Very pity to say that a person, the candidate of American President, made this such statement, as if he generalised that all Muslims are terrorists,” said Muhyidin Junaidi, Head of Foreign Affairs at the Ulema Council.

“This is a kind of Islamophobia, which has been repeated from time to time.”

There is criticism in Pakistan too. One student in Islamabad said last week’s shootings in California – with two Muslim suspects – must not be used against all Muslims.

“We admit that it is a very bad thing, but our entire nation should not be punished over one bad act of some individuals,” said Imtisal Ahmed, who studies at Preston University in the Pakistani capital.

“Also for a bad act of one human being, you cannot punish the whole Muslim nation.”

In Ramallah, one Palestinian-American business consultant said that Trump’s comments are sure to alienate US voters.

“The sense of racism across America is not only addressed at Muslim-Americans but its addressed at all ethnic communities within the States,” said Sam Bahour.

“He will do himself very well by buying a three-dollar calculator to figure out how much he is going to lose by.

“You cannot alienate voting populations, clusters of voting populations across the States and still think that you are relevant in the US political system.”

Polls have shown a stark divide between Republicans and Democrats in how they view Muslims – who number about three million in America, or less than one percent of the population.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-09

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Condemn Trump if you like, but also strongly condemn redial Muslim jihadist that are give Muslims and

Islam all over the world a bad name, very bad name, has any Muslim head of state or country did that? NO,

why? they're afraid that if they will say anything they will either be assassinated or don't last another day

in their position...

But why would any of those people will do that when the president of the supposedly most powerful nation

on earth is saying nothing about the subject?

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Condemn Trump if you like, but also strongly condemn redial Muslim jihadist that are give Muslims and

Islam all over the world a bad name, very bad name, has any Muslim head of state or country did that? NO,

why? they're afraid that if they will say anything they will either be assassinated or don't last another day

in their position...

But why would any of those people will do that when the president of the supposedly most powerful nation

on earth is saying nothing about the subject?

Try some searches & your claims will be revealed as false.

Edited by simple1
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When Saudia Arabia allows unrestricted immigration of Christians and Jews into The Kingdom I'll give more credence to the opinions of Muslims on this issue.

Don't think so. Can't imagine anyone turning up even so.

Let's check again when they've turned into such an open lovable welcoming society anyone would consider that apart from short work stints.

Just felt a cool gust of air.... must be hell freezing over.

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Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt. Is the only Muslim leader I know of who is condemning Islamic Jihad. Yet he is tantamount to an enemy by EU and U.S. leadership ... Obama even criticized el-Sisi for bombing ISIS in retaliation for killing Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya ...

This is very telling ... The EU leaders in my opinion are afraid of the radical Islamic terrorists / ISIS... and Obama seems to be very reluctant to engage ISIS ...

And Trump is criticized .... Totally upside down ...

Trump has the support of a huge number of American voters ... and limiting Muslim Immigration and removing Illegal Aliens will become standard operating procedures when Trump becomes President in the 2016 Election under the Trump / Cruz Ticket.

Liberals and Leftist are totally blind to the Conservative and (real) moderate uprising going on in American ... After this incident Trump's popularity will only increase ...

Allowing anymore Muslims to immigrate into the U.S. in light of recent events is shear insanity ...

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This guy must be using a proper business marketing team for his Presidential campaign. Love him or hate him! Do you know how much it would cost to get on the front page of every major newspaper (World-wide!!) every day if you paid for it - tens of millions, yet this guy pulls it off 3-4 times a week every week for free. He is boorish, hateful and I really despise him but boy you gotta give him an A++ for his marketing skills. Genius!

Yes, the GOP is falling into disarray in a bid to react to his comments, but he will win the nomination not necessary by enamouring the voters but by exposing the weaknesses to the voters of his competitors. He is exploiting current world events perfectly and giving the population of the US what many want to hear. He only has to swing around 1% of right wing disenfranchised Dems to win the Presidency!! The USA are about to get exactly what they deserve cheesy.gif unfortunately the rest of the world will feel the impact.

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why should Trump or anyone else respect or tolerate a religion and it's sheep that is fundamentally against basic human rights in so many of it's practices? Islamaphobia is just a natural reaction to such a violent and dangerous ideology.

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KhaoNiaw, on 09 Dec 2015 - 08:06, said:
Harsh Jones, on 09 Dec 2015 - 07:41, said:

Let me get this straight... Attack after attack, nobody can hear a peep from the "moderate muslims" condemning terror attacks.

They have to get their voice in the media. Not a great source but nobody else taking any notice it seems:


From your link.

It is is organised every year by the Husaini Islamic Trust UK and according to their website is the ‘largest annually organised Islamic event in Europe’

The march aims to promote the teachings of Imam Husain – a grandson of the Prophet Mohammed they revere as a freedom fighter for standing up against dictators trying to deny citizens their rights.

An annual event to promote the teachings of Imam Husain.

Perhaps if they marketed it as a planned demonstration against ISIS / ISIL they might have got more media coverage.

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Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt. Is the only Muslim leader I know of who is condemning Islamic Jihad. Yet he is tantamount to an enemy by EU and U.S. leadership ... Obama even criticized el-Sisi for bombing ISIS in retaliation for killing Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya ...

This is very telling ... The EU leaders in my opinion are afraid of the radical Islamic terrorists / ISIS... and Obama seems to be very reluctant to engage ISIS ...

And Trump is criticized .... Totally upside down ...

Trump has the support of a huge number of American voters ... and limiting Muslim Immigration and removing Illegal Aliens will become standard operating procedures when Trump becomes President in the 2016 Election under the Trump / Cruz Ticket.

Liberals and Leftist are totally blind to the Conservative and (real) moderate uprising going on in American ... After this incident Trump's popularity will only increase ...

Allowing anymore Muslims to immigrate into the U.S. in light of recent events is shear insanity ...

Enemy of the US leadership????????

"Secretary of State John Kerry voiced strong U.S. support for Egypt's new president and signaled that Washington will continue the flow of military aid in an American welcome of the post-coup government."

"Mr. Kerry said that the U.S. had recently released $575 million in assistance for Egypt's military and that he was confident 10 Apache helicopters would be delivered to Egypt soon"


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Perhaps if they marketed it as a planned demonstration against ISIS / ISIL they might have got more media coverage.

That is probably true but it still demonstrates the ignorance of saying not a peep from moderate Muslims. Just because you haven't heard 'a peep' doesn't mean there isn't one.

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Condemn Trump if you like, but also strongly condemn redial Muslim jihadist that are give Muslims and

Islam all over the world a bad name, very bad name, has any Muslim head of state or country did that? NO,

why? they're afraid that if they will say anything they will either be assassinated or don't last another day

in their position...

But why would any of those people will do that when the president of the supposedly most powerful nation

on earth is saying nothing about the subject?

Yes, Najib, the PM used an international heads of state meeting to voice very strong attack on them.

When you ask a question it is usually better not to answer it yourself as you are not correct, again.

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Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of Egypt. Is the only Muslim leader I know of who is condemning Islamic Jihad. Yet he is tantamount to an enemy by EU and U.S. leadership ... Obama even criticized el-Sisi for bombing ISIS in retaliation for killing Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya ...

This is very telling ... The EU leaders in my opinion are afraid of the radical Islamic terrorists / ISIS... and Obama seems to be very reluctant to engage ISIS ...

And Trump is criticized .... Totally upside down ...

Trump has the support of a huge number of American voters ... and limiting Muslim Immigration and removing Illegal Aliens will become standard operating procedures when Trump becomes President in the 2016 Election under the Trump / Cruz Ticket.

Liberals and Leftist are totally blind to the Conservative and (real) moderate uprising going on in American ... After this incident Trump's popularity will only increase ...

Allowing anymore Muslims to immigrate into the U.S. in light of recent events is shear insanity ...

Try the malaysian pm. He was scathing of isis and radicals.

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Trump has woke up America and the major problem of political correctness that has damaged the entire country he is challenging. He may not be the next president but he has helped more than the last few presidents just in speaking what many Americans are thinking. Call a spade a spade, forget this BS about always having to watch your Ps and Qs.

And what's wrong with slowing down or stopping the flow of Syrians and others coming into America. It is time to be smart not politically correct. Go Trump !!!

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As expected: the Trump- followers and right wingnuts on the forum, make up BS ("No Muslim ever condemned blah blah blah...") to cement their intolerant and bigot world view!

Discussing any subject of matter with you guys, is like talking to a brick wall...only less entertaining!

Vote for Trump!

I hope, you get what you deserve!

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What Trump said was reprehensible, arrogant, racist, ugly, and reveals who this hate monger true is.

But, the fact remains, that those same moderate Muslims who are adamantly speaking out against Trump for these racist comments, are quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to condemning the super freaks who are raining terror upon the world. Where is their condemnation of that? Why so quiet? It reeks of complicity and sympathy, to the average person. While people are being slaughtered, young girls are getting kidnapped and raped, and countries are getting thrown into chaos, where is the Muslim community, and the Muslim world standing, in regard to that? Why are we hearing so little?

I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.

Why don't we see million man marches, amongst the Muslim community, decrying the super freaks amongst them? I do not expect this from degenerate nations like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. But, I do expect it from relatively moderate nations like Lebanon, Egypt, Indonesia, and many others. So far, the only one who is really speaking out is the King of Jordan, and he is a hero. But, where are the other leaders on all of this?

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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

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