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Wife finds German husband dead in Phuket home


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Wife finds German husband dead in Phuket home
Darawan Naknakhon

PHUKET: -- A 76-year-old German man was found dead by his Thai wife at their home in Rawai yesterday morning (Dec 9). The death is not believed to be suspicious.

According to the man’s wife, Kanokpan Schaefer, the deceased man, named as Klaus Otto Schaefer, was ill with high blood pressure and regularly made trips to Bangkok to see his doctor.

“He always slept downstairs in front of the bathroom because he was unable to walk up the stairs due to his illness,” Ms Schaefer told police.

Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/wife-finds-german-husband-dead-in-phuket-home-55333.php

-- Phuket News 2015-12-10

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“I always come down to see him at about 2 – 3am every night. However, this morning I found him lying down on the floor by the door. I tried to wake him up but he was breathless,” she added.

If the wife was so concerned about him I wonder why she didn't sleep downstairs with him.Then she wouldn't have to interrupt her night's sleep every night to check on him which I don't believe.
Edited by Pimay1
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“I always come down to see him at about 2 – 3am every night. However, this morning I found him lying down on the floor by the door. I tried to wake him up but he was breathless,” she added.

If the wife was so concerned about him I wonder why she didn't sleep downstairs with him.Then she wouldn't have to interrupt her night's sleep every night to check on him which I don't believe.

A bit of a harsh observation on the wife. Unless you have intimate details of the relationship and the sleeping arrangements, for the convenience or at the agreement of both, it's a bit of a stretch to criticize the wife for not sleeping downstairs with him. Her concern was shown every night that she got out of bed and went downstairs to check on him. Even had she been there with him she may not have been able to do anything to prevent what seems to have been a death of an old gentleman due to natural causes.

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“I always come down to see him at about 2 – 3am every night. However, this morning I found him lying down on the floor by the door. I tried to wake him up but he was breathless,” she added.

If the wife was so concerned about him I wonder why she didn't sleep downstairs with him.Then she wouldn't have to interrupt her night's sleep every night to check on him which I don't believe.

explaining that could be as easy as loud snoring.

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.....I imagine that 'Once upon a time....' ......things used to be different.........

...the fact that they omit the wife's age suggests a big age gap.....

...and to the defense of one 'critical' poster.....'all that that implies'........

....face it.......most foreigners are NOT married for love........

...I would love to be proven wrong....but my own experience included.....supports this claim....


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....face it.......most foreigners are NOT married for love........

Apologies to the mods for taking off topic.

I object to that comment by SOTIRIOS ... I consider my wife and I in love and I know a number of other couples in a similar marital situation. I suppose the definition of love could be worth debating. For the older man then companionship is part of the equation, for the woman then financial security is a big factor. Much the same as in any other country ....

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.....I imagine that 'Once upon a time....' ......things used to be different.........

...the fact that they omit the wife's age suggests a big age gap.....

...and to the defense of one 'critical' poster.....'all that that implies'........

....face it.......most foreigners are NOT married for love........

...I would love to be proven wrong....but my own experience included.....supports this claim....


Oh yeah, ''Love'' have to put that on my list of most overused words, like, 'Hero'', ''Transparency'', ''RIP'', ''Honesty''

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Maybe TV should reconsider putting reports of foreigners dying in the Kingdom in the news feed.

Instead of condolences to family and friends- we just get unpleasant nastiness from the usual suspects- always posts removed.

I think some people lead really sad lives.

Rant over.

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Maybe TV should reconsider putting reports of foreigners dying in the Kingdom in the news feed.

Instead of condolences to family and friends- we just get unpleasant nastiness from the usual suspects- always posts removed.

I think some people lead really sad lives.

Rant over.

You are too inhibited, that was nothing like a rant.

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Maybe TV should reconsider putting reports of foreigners dying in the Kingdom in the news feed.

Instead of condolences to family and friends- we just get unpleasant nastiness from the usual suspects- always posts removed.

I think some people lead really sad lives.

Rant over.

You are too inhibited, that was nothing like a rant.

Actually agree- compared to some exchanges in the past- was a pleasant request .

I still think there should be a bit more respect- a sort of unwritten rule. We do not know these people and quite why the death of an elderly foreigner is news- worthy is beyond me.

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Maybe TV should reconsider putting reports of foreigners dying in the Kingdom in the news feed.

Instead of condolences to family and friends- we just get unpleasant nastiness from the usual suspects- always posts removed.

I think some people lead really sad lives.

Rant over.

You are too inhibited, that was nothing like a rant.

Actually agree- compared to some exchanges in the past- was a pleasant request .

I still think there should be a bit more respect- a sort of unwritten rule. We do not know these people and quite why the death of an elderly foreigner is news- worthy is beyond me.

You have to consider that TV.com has also a certain entertainment value not just as an outlet for news and advice. All comedy revolves around someone else's misfortune, it isn't meant to be personal or degrading. I'm sure that many here, myself included, that make flippant remarks would be the first to help if confronted with a distressing situation in person. It doesn't hurt the dead,they are somewhere else,like, oblivion. As Oscar Wilde once said,''Life is too important to be taken seriously''.

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Maybe TV should reconsider putting reports of foreigners dying in the Kingdom in the news feed.

Instead of condolences to family and friends- we just get unpleasant nastiness from the usual suspects- always posts removed.

I think some people lead really sad lives.

Rant over.

You are too inhibited, that was nothing like a rant.

Actually agree- compared to some exchanges in the past- was a pleasant request .

I still think there should be a bit more respect- a sort of unwritten rule. We do not know these people and quite why the death of an elderly foreigner is news- worthy is beyond me.

This is because the journalists are embedded with and subordinate to the police and the rescue foundations.

This kind of journalism has components of excitement and self-protection for the journalist yet clearly involves laziness and self-censorship.

Excitement - rushing around to one crime scene after another.

Self-protection - By working in a fashion that is subordinate to the police, the journalist prevents a conflict with the police.

Laziness - Relying on police statements and crime reports to find stories.

Self-censorship - see "Self-protection" above.

The whole thing is a reflection of the power balance in Thai society.

Would the police be called out if an elderly Thai man was found dead in his home? Perhaps.

Would the police give the green light for it to be published? Less likely.

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Lot of wives finding their husbands dead lately

yep..... its been going on constantly in LOS for decades. You will always get the farang forum apologists but basically poor Thai women seek out old western men for marriage. Have a look a the dozens of internet dating sites.

Girls in their twenties and thirties specifically request replies from European men 55-80 years of age! Its always about the money. Thai women constantly kill Thai husbands or lovers for their money. Farangs are no exception.

Australia's first billionaire L.Hancock died after marrying a Filipino ' dancer' Rose - when he was in his late sixties. Some of his friends alleged she and possibly her pretty teenage daughter poisoned him.

TIT stay single , rent and stay safe. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

Edited by jalansanitwong
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What is the news in this story? An old guy with medical issues dies and it gets publicised? Are we all going to hit the news if we keel over? What's to discuss?

Nothing really- happens everyday.

Unfortunately the conspiracy nutters ( who have probably been at the sharp end of scams ) just love to speculate that the wife/ girlfriend/ boyfriend has been responsible for their untimely demise.

Yes it has happened- but the reality is that elderly people die.

All cultures respect the dead- in many diverse ways- I don't think mocking the dead has entertainment value.

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“I always come down to see him at about 2 – 3am every night. However, this morning I found him lying down on the floor by the door. I tried to wake him up but he was breathless,” she added.

If the wife was so concerned about him I wonder why she didn't sleep downstairs with him.Then she wouldn't have to interrupt her night's sleep every night to check on him which I don't believe.

A bit of a harsh observation on the wife. Unless you have intimate details of the relationship and the sleeping arrangements, for the convenience or at the agreement of both, it's a bit of a stretch to criticize the wife for not sleeping downstairs with him. Her concern was shown every night that she got out of bed and went downstairs to check on him. Even had she been there with him she may not have been able to do anything to prevent what seems to have been a death of an old gentleman due to natural causes.

Total b**locks Pimay1, my Mom and Stepfather married 30 years have the same arrangement for the same reason. They are looking for a one level house but have yet to find and the thought of moving when in your late seventies (stepdad late 80's) is a nightmare.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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“I always come down to see him at about 2 – 3am every night. However, this morning I found him lying down on the floor by the door. I tried to wake him up but he was breathless,” she added.

If the wife was so concerned about him I wonder why she didn't sleep downstairs with him.Then she wouldn't have to interrupt her night's sleep every night to check on him which I don't believe.

And why don't you believe what she has stated. What is it with some posters on here, everyone is a liar, (intimated) they're corrupt, they do away with their husbands despite them having severe medical conditions. (assumptions) There may be many reasons for her not sleeping downstairs. I know a lot of older farangs whose wives sleep in other rooms, does this mean they maybe up to someting untoward. Until something arises that proves his death was suspicious, then give us a break with the bashing of Thai wives, and your intimating that this woman is not being truthful, they're not all bad. So until something tells us otherwise, just keep on wondering.

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Lot of wives finding their husbands dead lately

yep..... its been going on constantly in LOS for decades. You will always get the farang forum apologists but basically poor Thai women seek out old western men for marriage. Have a look a the dozens of internet dating sites.

Girls in their twenties and thirties specifically request replies from European men 55-80 years of age! Its always about the money. Thai women constantly kill Thai husbands or lovers for their money. Farangs are no exception.

Australia's first billionaire L.Hancock died after marrying a Filipino ' dancer' Rose - when he was in his late sixties. Some of his friends alleged she and possibly her pretty teenage daughter poisoned him.

TIT stay single , rent and stay safe. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

Yes, it is true that younger Thai woman do seek out older man to marry, maybe for security and that entails money but does it mean they're going to do away with them for those assests. I married a Thai woman who is15 years my junior and yes, she needs money on occasions, as do most woman who marry. My wife, a teacher by profession, worked hard after being deserted by her Thai husband and before we married she already owned two homes, a car and over 100 rai of land. So she really doesn't need my money but if she does, I have no problem in helping her. It's called sharing.

Can you tell me where you get the facts about Thai women constantly killing their husbands and lovers for money. The way you sprout it, it's like it's the norm. Not saying it doesn't happen but I don't think it is as prevalent as you would like to suggest.

The late Lang Hancock married Rose Porteous in 1985 when he was 75 and was 82 when he passed away in 1992. It was found that he was battling kidney, lung and heart complications and the coroner, following his demise, carried out an autopsy and announced that he had died of arteriosclerotic heart disease. Police found no evidence to contradict this.

The rumours you refer to were raised by his daugher, Gina, who looked liked she was going to miss out on the family inheritance, and took Rose to court over the next 10 years. So even this comparison doesn't fit the Thai option you are going with. She may have married him for money but it was proven that she did not nor did she have anyone else bump him off.

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I always come down to see him at about 2 3am every night. However, this morning I found him lying down on the floor by the door. I tried to wake him up but he was breathless, she added.

If the wife was so concerned about him I wonder why she didn't sleep downstairs with him.Then she wouldn't have to interrupt her night's sleep every night to check on him which I don't believe.

And why don't you believe what she has stated. What is it with some posters on here, everyone is a liar, (intimated) they're corrupt, they do away with their husbands despite them having severe medical conditions. (assumptions) There may be many reasons for her not sleeping downstairs. I know a lot of older farangs whose wives sleep in other rooms, does this mean they maybe up to someting untoward. Until something arises that proves his death was suspicious, then give us a break with the bashing of Thai wives, and your intimating that this woman is not being truthful, they're not all bad. So until something tells us otherwise, just keep on wondering.

Because the people who post such cr*p are bitter and twisted- they are so intellectually / emotionally challenged , they have been done over by a young person from the bars.

Otherwise they suck in all the rubbish on TV and believe it all- and of course they are spreading their bile from some godforsaken frozen city in Europe .

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