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UK expats for EU exit

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I just found this vimeo on another forum.

No ranting but it is over an hour long.


I used to feel that it would be best for UK to leave the EU.

Then I started to think it would be best for UK to leave the EU.

Know I know that it would be best for UK to leave the EU.

Thanks - link sent to all relatives/friends still 'over there'.


Two Britons living abroad have lost their Court of Appeal battle over the right to vote in June's EU referendum.

The legal challenge was brought by World War Two veteran Harry Shindler, 94, who lives in Italy, and lawyer and Belgian resident Jacquelyn MacLennan.

Under law, UK citizens who have lived abroad for more than 15 years cannot vote.



Terrorists from Eastern Europe have more rights than a WW2 British war veteran. Shame on the UK courts.June 23rd will finally decide if I'm done with a once great self governing nation!


So, project 'fear' is really in full flow.

George Osborne states now that the 'rate of increase' in house prices will slow down if we leave the EU. This is a direct appeal to the greed instincts of many people (not all of course).

He doesn't say has prices will not continue to rise after Brexit, but not by as much.

The figures show that the average house price in London will be 591,000 in 2018 after Brexit, rather than 599,000 if we remain. What jot of difference will this make to young people struggling to even consider buying thier own home?. All it does is pander to the worst instincts of those already well up the housing ladder.

How I hate this man for his priorities for the ordinary joe.


So, project 'fear' is really in full flow.

George Osborne states now that the 'rate of increase' in house prices will slow down if we leave the EU. This is a direct appeal to the greed instincts of many people (not all of course).

He doesn't say has prices will not continue to rise after Brexit, but not by as much.

The figures show that the average house price in London will be 591,000 in 2018 after Brexit, rather than 599,000 if we remain. What jot of difference will this make to young people struggling to even consider buying thier own home?. All it does is pander to the worst instincts of those already well up the housing ladder.

How I hate this man for his priorities for the ordinary joe.

Why should he care?

He already HAS his own house and now his is living for free in a bigger house in the centre of London totally free at the tax-payers expense. He gets a good salary and a fantastic pension (never frozen) and we the taxpayers pay for that also.

He gets the full and unrestricted use of any sort of transport he needs and he even gets a country estate called Chequers also staffed and paid for by us.

As Alfred E Neuman used to say


It also reminds me over that old Royal Navy saying.

"Pull up the ladder Jack, I'm OK.


I was never for going IN, even at a tender age I could smell capitalist megastate control in the making, the decimalisation, doubling prices overnight to 'align more easily with the euro' together with the predominantly right wing press pushing for it, should have been a clue. So believe they should exit. However, pretty sure pound will plummet (the fact it rallied slightly after Obama's little 'talk' should give an indication). What to do, what to do .. biggrin.png


Having not received my ballot papers for GE 2015 in what was highly likely to have been state sponsored skulduggery you can imagine my surprise at learning I'm now deemed to have passed the 15 year point and won't receive the proxy vote I had registered for in order to participate in June.

I will be complaining via the appropriate channels in the next few days, indeed I will suggest they convene a tribunal or similar as no-one to date has ever been able to confirm the exact date or tax year I officially ceased being UK resident and its frankly high time that they got their arrses in gear and treated us with the respect we deserve.

The above is made worse by there being no mention that anything was amiss when I successfully re-registered last Oct or when my (traced!) proxy app reached them in March. If I hadn't sought a 'heads-up' last week I'd be none the wiser...

You could not make this up :(


I was never for going IN, even at a tender age I could smell capitalist megastate control in the making, the decimalisation, doubling prices overnight to 'align more easily with the euro' together with the predominantly right wing press pushing for it, should have been a clue. So believe they should exit. However, pretty sure pound will plummet (the fact it rallied slightly after Obama's little 'talk' should give an indication). What to do, what to do .. biggrin.png

What to do? I understand your dilemma, but I think it will make very little difference now.

Don't know about others, but I'm pretty certain 'remain' will win - but for mostly wrong reasons.

It's quite frightening how powerful a government machine can be, even in a democracy, when it wishes to achieve some specific result. The barrage of cataclysmic forecasts from every man and his dog on the governments 'payroll' or 'vested interests' is going to have a major effect on the 'don't knows' - at least those who can't be bothered to try and search for the truth.

Today will will be battered by the Treasury 'forecast' of a year long recession - even though this same outfit did not foresee the 5 year recession around 2007.

So, the machine whirs on......

Higher food prices

Higher air fares

Falling house prices

Families being over 4000 pounds a year worse off by 2030


NHS to struggle etc, etc,............

The problems caused by of loss of sovereignty and uncontrolled immigration etc etc are now getting lost in this barrage of relentless doom laden messages and it does and will have an effect on enough people to swing the balance.

I knew it would be ugly but I suppose when you political credibility (DC) and future political ambitions are at stake (GO) then you get the machine to give out the message and scare the wits out of people.

The fact that all this is unprovable is irrelevant. After all, it's 'once in a lifetime' as we are being constantly reminded so, whatever happens it's all too late in a couple of years.

I suppose the only consolation is that Brexits, in a few years time, when the country's infrastructure is collapsing under the strain, will be able to wear a lapel badge saying "Don't blame me - I voted out".

I've found it all pretty depressing, but I intend to vote. facepalm.gif


A post with a humongous image has been removed (it messes up the page forum), please repost with a maximum width of 1024.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

  • 2 weeks later...

I am just about to fly back later today, with 2 weeks to go before the vote, my postal vote is in the post!

Travelling round the country cant help but notice that its the OUT that seems to be more prominent, large signs on houses in Nottingham and Plymouth, it doers seem to be also a demographic issue as well, all those that voted to go into the EEC in 1975 are now changing their minds and they do seem to be determined to get out and register their vote. Un surprisingly most of the people who I spoke to, of my age, are for out.

Watching the so called debates on the tv it is dissappointing to note that whilst the people want to hear what people have to say the opposition keep chiming in and denying the public the chance to hear commentators views in full and its the labour people who have ben doing this more than the others, they have not served the public well whilst listening to their own voices.

Gove has been very calm and made good compelling speeches, John Major really lost it on Andrew Marr last Sunday.

Interesting times ahead.


It may be more people want out and they go and vote but its all rigged. The dictator Brussels can't let us leave because that will be the end of this evil EU.


It may be more people want out and they go and vote but its all rigged. The dictator Brussels can't let us leave because that will be the end of this evil EU.

The EU is doomed without Britain's BILLIONs every year and the EU knows this so all the skullduggery you are witnessing with the media and bribing institutions with EU money (our money rebranded) is a good sign that they are fearful.

The EU could of coarse do what they did with other Nations referendums, either rebrand it and force it through (The EU Constitution was renamed the Lisbon treaty after it was rejected) or force continues referenda until they get the answer the EU require.

Skulduggery is the default modus operandi of the EU so this is not a straight and fair EU in/out referendum for sure.



I am just about to fly back later today, with 2 weeks to go before the vote, my postal vote is in the post!

Travelling round the country cant help but notice that its the OUT that seems to be more prominent, large signs on houses in Nottingham and Plymouth, it doers seem to be also a demographic issue as well, all those that voted to go into the EEC in 1975 are now changing their minds and they do seem to be determined to get out and register their vote. Un surprisingly most of the people who I spoke to, of my age, are for out.

Watching the so called debates on the tv it is dissappointing to note that whilst the people want to hear what people have to say the opposition keep chiming in and denying the public the chance to hear commentators views in full and its the labour people who have ben doing this more than the others, they have not served the public well whilst listening to their own voices.

Gove has been very calm and made good compelling speeches, John Major really lost it on Andrew Marr last Sunday.

Interesting times ahead.

Just goes to show how people can have different perceptions. I'm no fan of his, but I thought Major was excellent on the Marr programme, far better than Cameron and Osborne have been. He really showed up Boris to be full of bluster. The Remain campaign will need more of the same in the next 2 weeks.


I am just about to fly back later today, with 2 weeks to go before the vote, my postal vote is in the post!

Travelling round the country cant help but notice that its the OUT that seems to be more prominent, large signs on houses in Nottingham and Plymouth, it doers seem to be also a demographic issue as well, all those that voted to go into the EEC in 1975 are now changing their minds and they do seem to be determined to get out and register their vote. Un surprisingly most of the people who I spoke to, of my age, are for out.

Watching the so called debates on the tv it is dissappointing to note that whilst the people want to hear what people have to say the opposition keep chiming in and denying the public the chance to hear commentators views in full and its the labour people who have ben doing this more than the others, they have not served the public well whilst listening to their own voices.

Gove has been very calm and made good compelling speeches, John Major really lost it on Andrew Marr last Sunday.

Interesting times ahead.

Just goes to show how people can have different perceptions. I'm no fan of his, but I thought Major was excellent on the Marr programme, far better than Cameron and Osborne have been. He really showed up Boris to be full of bluster. The Remain campaign will need more of the same in the next 2 weeks.

John Major just another politician being a good orator...how low has Britain sunk for these despot loving Europhiles with money and EU lucrative jobs as their ultimate goal to rule us.


I am just about to fly back later today, with 2 weeks to go before the vote, my postal vote is in the post!

Travelling round the country cant help but notice that its the OUT that seems to be more prominent, large signs on houses in Nottingham and Plymouth, it doers seem to be also a demographic issue as well, all those that voted to go into the EEC in 1975 are now changing their minds and they do seem to be determined to get out and register their vote. Un surprisingly most of the people who I spoke to, of my age, are for out.

Watching the so called debates on the tv it is dissappointing to note that whilst the people want to hear what people have to say the opposition keep chiming in and denying the public the chance to hear commentators views in full and its the labour people who have ben doing this more than the others, they have not served the public well whilst listening to their own voices.

Gove has been very calm and made good compelling speeches, John Major really lost it on Andrew Marr last Sunday.

Interesting times ahead.

Just goes to show how people can have different perceptions. I'm no fan of his, but I thought Major was excellent on the Marr programme, far better than Cameron and Osborne have been. He really showed up Boris to be full of bluster. The Remain campaign will need more of the same in the next 2 weeks.

John Major just another politician being a good orator...how low has Britain sunk for these despot loving Europhiles with money and EU lucrative jobs as their ultimate goal to rule us.

For me, Boris Johnson and his transatlantic cousin Donald Trump, represent how low politics has sunk.


It may be more people want out and they go and vote but its all rigged.

Oh yeah, in case of a vote to remain we all know that the Brexiteers will come out fuming about vote rigging, unfair behaviour of the Remain campaign and all sorts of conspiracy theories. It will be a funny few days at the end of June..... ;-)))


The EU is doomed without Britain's BILLIONs every year and the EU knows this

You really think that the UK´s net contribution which is just shy of 8bn pounds a year will break the EU´s bank? C´mon, I know many reasons why the EU would hate to see Britain vote out, but it surely isn´t the fact that the UK is the fourth highest net contributor to the EU.

8bn a year out of a total UK budget of almost 760 billion. Saving the 8bn will surely make a huge difference to UK´s finances. Especially if voting out leads to a reduction in taxes due to reduced trade and overall lower income levels combined with a potentially higher welfare bill (higher (short-term) unemployment etc).

What puzzles me is that the Brexiteers seem to completely ignore the potential risks, overestimate the "savings"and that they really believe that leaving the EU will make them a truly independent country again.

I cannot wait for the results to come out on June 24 and for the discussions that surely will follow regardless of who won the referendum.


Only bigots want to leave the EU

There's nothing bigoted in wanting your country back after years of abuse!


The problems caused by of loss of sovereignty and uncontrolled immigration etc etc are now getting lost in this barrage of relentless doom laden messages and it does and will have an effect on enough people to swing the balance.

Personally, I think it would have helped if the Outers would have made a clear case of what a post-EU exit Britain would look like. I´ve the impression that so far they´ve limited themselves to saying "We´ll be better off." "We´ll be in charge of our own future again." "Nothing of what the Remainers say is true, it´s only scaremongering" etc etc. I think that if you want your people to vote in favour of a dramatic change such as leaving the EU, they need to do better than the poor "project fear" disclaimer they use 24/7. IMHO! YMMV! ;-))


There's nothing bigoted in wanting your country back after years of abuse!

I agree with the first part of your comment. But please tell us: where have YOU been abused by the EU in recent years? And how did it negatively impact on YOUR PERSONAL life?


The problems caused by of loss of sovereignty and uncontrolled immigration etc etc are now getting lost in this barrage of relentless doom laden messages and it does and will have an effect on enough people to swing the balance.

Personally, I think it would have helped if the Outers would have made a clear case of what a post-EU exit Britain would look like. I´ve the impression that so far they´ve limited themselves to saying "We´ll be better off." "We´ll be in charge of our own future again." "Nothing of what the Remainers say is true, it´s only scaremongering" etc etc. I think that if you want your people to vote in favour of a dramatic change such as leaving the EU, they need to do better than the poor "project fear" disclaimer they use 24/7. IMHO! YMMV! ;-))

You nor i or anybody else cannot predict the future when Britain leaves the EU but Britain will be free to make our own trade deals with the rest of the World and in Britain's interests, not the EU interests.

We can however see the past and what a bitter experience for Britain it has been being in the EU for the last 40 years, sovereignty and democracy stolen by function creep, lies and deceit, British industries decimated due to EU red tape, British workers jobs lost by transferring jobs to the EU, non and low skilled British workers wages kept low by wage compression due to mass open door EU immigration, strain in the NHS, housing, schools, food prices kept artificially high by the EU Common agricultural policy are just but a few.


There's nothing bigoted in wanting your country back after years of abuse!

I agree with the first part of your comment. But please tell us: where have YOU been abused by the EU in recent years? And how did it negatively impact on YOUR PERSONAL life?

EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE UK IS AFFECTED BY THE EU as human beings we all have to eat, so the EU bitter experience is personal to every one in Britain as the EU Common agricultural policy (CAP) keeps Food prices artificially high. also if you were a British fisherman you have probably lost your job and this is due to the EU...the fishing still goes on in British waters but British fisherman don't do it as Spanish and Portuguese and other EU nationals fishermen fish Britain's waters to the point that Britain now has to import certain types of fish caught in our waters but landed in EU ports thanks to the EU...how pathetic is that!

The demise of the British fishing industry - https://www.facebook.com/notes/ukip-referendum-tv-channel/the-demise-of-the-british-fishing-industry-due-to-the-eus-common-fisheries-polic/281254112206030

Also the EU transfers jobs from Britain - http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/ford/transit/65364/ford-transit-van-factory-closes

I could go on all day but....

So please don't be so crass as to think your EU project is a benign organisation...it is far from it.

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