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UK expats for EU exit

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Boris Johnson to campaign to leave the EU!
Bumbling idiots like Boris, George Galloway and Farage, not to mention the downright scary Gove, are not likely to do much to attract undecideds!

If you think Boris is a bumbeling idiot ,then you sir are a fool , he only uses that as a facade , and believe me his going for us to leave will sway a massive amount of people , he is very very well liked and could very well be the next PM , dont be put off by his act

Tell that to the Londoners who have had to put up his bumbling mayoral antics. He's an embarrassment. The OUT campaign are welcome to him, gorgeous George, gormless Gove and the biggest loser of the lot mad Nigel!

What a wonderful way to win an argument.

Just insult people and their intelligence.

All 3 of those people you mention are and have been successful in their careers and are well known and respected both nationally and internationally.

Does anybody outside Thai Visa even know or care who you are? How much influence do you have on international affairs?

You're upset because I'm insulting politicians?!! I haven't chosen to be in politics but if I had I would expect insults as part of the job. Maybe you're unaware of what the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump have had to put up with recently! Being sensitive and thin-skinned is not advisable for a political career, so I do hope you're not considering one!

I'm not upset about you insulting politicians so much but you didn't have an argument so you just threw in some insults instead.

As for me wanting a political career, at 71 I don't have the time or energy as I am to busy doing things at home. I kike the salary and benefits that go with the job.

Boris Johnson to campaign to leave the EU!
Bumbling idiots like Boris, George Galloway and Farage, not to mention the downright scary Gove, are not likely to do much to attract undecideds!

If you think Boris is a bumbeling idiot ,then you sir are a fool , he only uses that as a facade , and believe me his going for us to leave will sway a massive amount of people , he is very very well liked and could very well be the next PM , dont be put off by his act

Tell that to the Londoners who have had to put up his bumbling mayoral antics. He's an embarrassment. The OUT campaign are welcome to him, gorgeous George, gormless Gove and the biggest loser of the lot mad Nigel!

What a wonderful way to win an argument.

Just insult people and their intelligence.

All 3 of those people you mention are and have been successful in their careers and are well known and respected both nationally and internationally.

Does anybody outside Thai Visa even know or care who you are? How much influence do you have on international affairs?

You're upset because I'm insulting politicians?!! I haven't chosen to be in politics but if I had I would expect insults as part of the job. Maybe you're unaware of what the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump have had to put up with recently! Being sensitive and thin-skinned is not advisable for a political career, so I do hope you're not considering one!

very selective who you insult though! I could really tell you what I think of the ***** you post, but not worth getting banned
Boris Johnson to campaign to leave the EU!
Bumbling idiots like Boris, George Galloway and Farage, not to mention the downright scary Gove, are not likely to do much to attract undecideds!

If you think Boris is a bumbeling idiot ,then you sir are a fool , he only uses that as a facade , and believe me his going for us to leave will sway a massive amount of people , he is very very well liked and could very well be the next PM , dont be put off by his act

Tell that to the Londoners who have had to put up his bumbling mayoral antics. He's an embarrassment. The OUT campaign are welcome to him, gorgeous George, gormless Gove and the biggest loser of the lot mad Nigel!

What a wonderful way to win an argument.

Just insult people and their intelligence.

All 3 of those people you mention are and have been successful in their careers and are well known and respected both nationally and internationally.

Does anybody outside Thai Visa even know or care who you are? How much influence do you have on international affairs?

You're upset because I'm insulting politicians?!! I haven't chosen to be in politics but if I had I would expect insults as part of the job. Maybe you're unaware of what the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump have had to put up with recently! Being sensitive and thin-skinned is not advisable for a political career, so I do hope you're not considering one!

very selective who you insult though! I could really tell you what I think of the ***** you post, but not worth getting banned

I'm sure you won't get banned, so feel free. But maybe stick to insulting professional politicians rather than board members. It's not unusual to be selective about who you insult politically. It would be pretty dumb to insult politicians you agree with.


Problem you have is,up to now,the inability to attack their views with a decent argument. Speaks volumes

There are a few EU/referendum threads running and I believe I've made my pro-EU views quite clear on a number of them. Economics, employment, security and freedom of movement are the main reasons why I strongly believe the UK's best interests are served by remaining in the EU. Isolationalism and nationalism are not for me. It will be an interesting campaign.

Ah here it comes. Bumbling! I know who is muttering now. Of course you got Cameron with Corbyn backing EU armageddon.. Loser

Indeed, Cameron is a smarmy git and no one listens to Corbyn. But on average, much like in the 1975 referendum, there are more loons on the OUT side. Just look at UKIP!

Thank god the loons have the sense to vote OUT of the EU along with some of us who can see how much better off we will be.


Its one vote per person, if you have not made your mind up, listen to the arguments and try to form an opinion. There are many subjects to consider and after the vote has been taken we will just have to accept and get on with the result.

I voted to enter the EEC, I was thought it was right at the time. Things have changed a lot since 1975, the small club of 6 soon to become 9 was still small enough to get round most problems even though it was 1 vote each. Now there are 28 agreements become much harder and end up in a fudge where no one gets what they want, where small countries with small contributions are equal to big countries with large contributions, we end up contributing a lot and having very little say of the way things are run, I dont like that much, a bit like the tail wagging the dog. It did not start out like that with those thoughts but thats the way its gone and going in the same direction, others are having too much influence on the UK, to their benefit not ours.

The very early idea of a united Europe from very early in the 20th century makes interesting reading and the end game was to see a united Europe, a United States of Europe thats what the end game however long it took.

I have nothing against the people of Europe, its the politicians who are changing things along with the Commission who are steaming towards the super state. Politics is all about power and the bigger you get the more power you have and want. They all love taxing and spending someone elses money, with the EU and the Commission they are accountable to nobody they do what they want.

I would not be at all surprised if we stay in that Dave will be rewarded, he will soon stand down as PM and then a nice little number as a Commissioner with all that the entails, big salary, first class travel and expenses and another pension pot.

My daughter was 2 when I voted to enter the EEC, I thought I was voting for a better future and life for her, she now works in the City and she has already told me she intends to vote OUT, so what did I know all those years ago? Not enough and now I have the chance to put that right.

Our trade will still carry on with the EU, unless they want to spite their face, our security connections will still be in place because its in all our interests that they should remain so, but, I do see a different future outside, sure its a leap in the dark, we cannot be sure what the future holds, we dont even know what will happen tomorrow, but I also have a great faith in our ability to adapt quicker than the EU to changing situations and benefit from them for future generations as well,

I accept that other will have a different view, that part of living in a democracy but just ask yourself just how democratic is the EU when they can over ride National Laws and there is no recourse to that decision? Its not the type of environment I wish to live in anymore. We now have a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the direction the country goes in, if we leave then there will be no re joining again later it will be final.

Thats all for now, watch out for scaremongering and dis information.


Why on earth do some people believe that to stay in the EU is the righteous decision?

The assumption that all those who wish to leave are all xenophobic little englanders is absurd and insulting and does nothing to advance the argument.

As for Boris Johnson being described as bumbling is to seriously underestimate a skillful politician who, despite being the toffiest of the toffs, manages to convince and persuade people from all walks of life with an ease that makes other old etonians green with envy.

Personally, I hope we vote to leave for no other reason that I really don't want my home country to be administered by unelected, unaccountable and unauditable characters in a European super state that the British people never agreed to or signed up for.


There are those who would still prefer to stay in Europe, a perfectly understandable point of view, and I would not expect to try and persuade otherwise it is, after all the world we have known and grown used to over the years, better the devil you know eh? It is the easy and safe option, you can see what you get and if you are happy with that fine. If you are happy with the changes that have occurred along the way that fine too. What will happen to the EU and our relationship within it as time goes by is just as much a leap of faith as if we were to leave, we just dont know. Nobody actually tells us where we go next, apart from "ever closer union" whatever that might mean.

The agreement Dave thinks he has, which he thinks along with many others is good and he invites us to back him. It is true that whilst we may have faith in his good intentions whilst we are voting the MEPS and the Commission could change that deal he thinks he has got, nobody has signed anything to say the agreement is a signed sealed and delivered deal,

I would trust the Commission or the MEPS or a lot of the leaders over there to not try and change things, different interpretations on what was greed, Vetos, amendments etc. Some are already making noises different to what small changes we thought we had rung out of them, even Mrs Merton has been quoted as saying "we did give much away", Hollande has said there is no special status, seems clear to me that they cannot be trusted as they move forward to ever closer union.

The only way to know exactly what we get when we vote is to vote out and know you will at some point in the future be disentangled from the EU. At that point we will know and then its up to us, one of the biggest economies in the world to succeed, there is no alternative at this point and at that point the EU is going to have decide how it makes up its finacial shortfall, isnt that right Mrs Merton.

I still want to trade with the EU and I am sure they cannot afford not to trade with us, Jaguar is now a viable alternative to Mercs and BMWs now that a good few BMW heads have come to Jaguar and made it a car to reckon with. I want us to trade with the world, sign our agreements and gain prosperity and I dont believe that our influence will be diminished outside of the EU.

We will still on the UN security council, still be in the G8, still be the 2nd biggest player in Nato and I did not want to mention this but the best cricket team in Europe!!


We will still on the UN security council, still be in the G8, still be the 2nd biggest player in Nato and I did not want to mention this but the best cricket team in Europe!!

Hmmm....I watched England's humiliation yesterday. Still, the captain is Irish!. Just joking,but there isn't really much to compare with in Europe.


We will still on the UN security council, still be in the G8, still be the 2nd biggest player in Nato and I did not want to mention this but the best cricket team in Europe!!

Hmmm....I watched England's humiliation yesterday. Still, the captain is Irish!. Just joking,but there isn't really much to compare with in Europe.

Jason Roy is also a Sarf Ifrikan, thats why I did not want to mention it as well!! Was not a good show at the end of a long tour, still at least we still choose who plays rather than Brussels eh?


Problem you have is,up to now,the inability to attack their views with a decent argument. Speaks volumes

There are a few EU/referendum threads running and I believe I've made my pro-EU views quite clear on a number of them. Economics, employment, security and freedom of movement are the main reasons why I strongly believe the UK's best interests are served by remaining in the EU. Isolationalism and nationalism are not for me. It will be an interesting campaign.

I respect your view even though I dont share it, you are fully entitled to it and as you say it will be an interesting campaign. We now await the results of the first polls since the battle lines were drawn to see what they will reveal, I expect they will be a weekly occurrence and several each week as well, good conversational articles.


Problem you have is,up to now,the inability to attack their views with a decent argument. Speaks volumes

There are a few EU/referendum threads running and I believe I've made my pro-EU views quite clear on a number of them. Economics, employment, security and freedom of movement are the main reasons why I strongly believe the UK's best interests are served by remaining in the EU. Isolationalism and nationalism are not for me. It will be an interesting campaign.

UK will not feel alone ? as an European but not British guy, I understand you want to stay in your pride and isolationist island, but later don't cry if you have no help when problems occur

I have read somewhere here that Norway is happy not be with Euro, but Norway is a country with a small population ( 5 millions ) , very easy to run, you can't compare with the problems of Germany or France


Here is one to keep a close eye out for.

Was released on Christmas day, a good day to hide news items.

Turkish citizens to travel to Schengen area visa-free in October 2016: EU Minister


If this is indeed true. Cameron must certainly be aware of it.

Just another reason why I would never trust Cameron or the EU.


Here is one to keep a close eye out for.

Was released on Christmas day, a good day to hide news items.

Turkish citizens to travel to Schengen area visa-free in October 2016: EU Minister


If this is indeed true. Cameron must certainly be aware of it.

Just another reason why I would never trust Cameron or the EU.

Wasn't that part of the concessions the EU granted Trukey in order to get them to clampdown on the boat people.? They were also given loads of dosh and, I think, a promise of some form of 'fast track' to EU membership.

Like you, that agreement went partially unnoticed as the boat people wahing ashore was the big story.


If the comments here are indicative. Then out will win by a landslide.


We can only hope not.

Sterling is already plummeting.

Not plummeting at all. Nobody knows for sure how the markets will react in the next 4-6 months. If you remember,in the months leading up to the UK decision not to adopt the EURO, the £ did loose value against that artificial currency. Now it's 2016, take a look at the relative values of those two currencies.


So Cameron now is attacking Boris saying is after his job as PM, trying to belittle might just back fire on him.

If the vote is for out I can see Boris becoming PM and Dave will have made a huge tactical error, the only people who would be able to stop that happening is the Tory party, they did it to Clarke and Portillo after all.

These are high stakes being played out and a lot of the MPs and Govt Ministers who have sided with Dave, well it does make you wonder whos interests they are looking after, their own careers or the British people, but that politics, you can never be sure can you.


So Cameron now is attacking Boris saying is after his job as PM, trying to belittle might just back fire on him.

If the vote is for out I can see Boris becoming PM and Dave will have made a huge tactical error, the only people who would be able to stop that happening is the Tory party, they did it to Clarke and Portillo after all.

These are high stakes being played out and a lot of the MPs and Govt Ministers who have sided with Dave, well it does make you wonder whos interests they are looking after, their own careers or the British people, but that politics, you can never be sure can you.

Nong. Just watched it.

DC is such a hypocrite. He announced a long time ago that he wouldn't serve a thrid term as PM so we all knew he would be standing down in 2018/19 ish.

His plan is obviously to leave the UK parliament and make a fortune on the speaking tour and a mega number of directorships. Could I even suggest a major post in the EU?. He'll be too young to retire after all.

I might be an 'in' voter, not sure yet, but it'll be nowt to do with our great leaders negotiating skills.


brewsterbudgen, on 21 Feb 2016 - 08:39, said:

TommyUK1960, on 20 Feb 2016 - 23:41, said:

Will be voting to leave the incompetent, corrupt, insane European Union. June 23rd 2016. Its already a sinking ship.

If anyone can explain the benefits of the EU, please do tell.

I will be voting OUT for the benefits of my grandkids.

Economic strength, jobs, freedom to travel and live in the EU, combined forces to fight crime and terrorism. Isolation and misguided nationalism won't benefit your grandkids.

Economic strength - For who ? £ Sterling is a lot stronger than the euro. Has been around a lot longer than the euro, and will still be around when the euro is defunct.

Jobs - Whilst there are about 1.8 Million in the UK who are unemployed, the UK does not need low skilled workers. The continual rise in the UK's Black Economy can hardly be attributed to a successful jobs market. I would also have included a report that stated 21 Million people in the UK are in permanent employment, but I now cannot recall where I read it.

Freedom to travel and live in the EU - There are more Brits living, travelling and working outside the EU than there is inside the EU. That freedom of movement is becoming more of a one way street into the UK.

Fight crime - It would appear that there is a large amount of people, mainly from the Eastern side of Europe who are in the UK but are wanted in their home Countries for crimes committed there.

Terrorism - You will find that it is the UK that is the leading light in the EU in terms of fighting terrorism.

Isolation and misguided Nationalism - There is nothing isolationist or misguided Nationalism in having the ability to see and identify a clusterf@ck. Which is what the EU has become.

Hardly great reasons to me for staying in the EU.

Very well stated.. It's a shame that mainstream media couldn't publish something as straightforward as this to explain to the dullards who believe on all the warm fuzzy " better together" bullshi4...


It's a great shame that voting in a UK referendum isn't compulsory.. I really like the Australian, Singaporean and Thai style that everyone has to take part.. Even if they just tick a 'none of the above' box at least everyone is represented.


Couple of interesting things to have a look at today.

BBC 5 live /Wake up to Money this morning ( you can listen to it on the podcast ) Lord Digby Jones former head of the CBI thinks it will come down to a vote on immigration and gut feeling.

He also says he does not think the voters will be given the important information required to form an opinion. Also illuminating memories of dealing with the EU.

David Buik (davidbuik.wordpress.com) Financial pundit for the BBC,Bloomberg, CNN international and ABC Australia has a short but interesting take on the issue ( comes up after the poem ).


If you have heard David Buik speak, he speaks clearly without jargon and makes his cases thoughtfully in ways that anyone can understand.

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