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UK expats for EU exit

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36 "top" business men have signed a letter which in todays TIMES saying why Britain should stay in Europe, sounds good for the IN group led by our great leader.

It now has been admitted by Downing Street that is was drafted by one Daves aides and sent out to at least 100 companies, most of which refused to sign the letter, what started out today as a coup has back fired badly.

Also reported in the DM that out of 70 Conservative party chairmen only 2 supported staying in, if this typical of his party I dont see where he is going to get his support from, so far he has 132 MPs backing him, 110 against him and 92 undecided, its not great start for him is it.

Politicians from all parties, dont seem to understand the mood of the people, Dave could be in for rude awakening come June and he would not believe that either.

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36 "top" business men have signed a letter which in todays TIMES saying why Britain should stay in Europe, sounds good for the IN group led by our great leader.

It now has been admitted by Downing Street that is was drafted by one Daves aides and sent out to at least 100 companies, most of which refused to sign the letter, what started out today as a coup has back fired badly.

Also reported in the DM that out of 70 Conservative party chairmen only 2 supported staying in, if this typical of his party I dont see where he is going to get his support from, so far he has 132 MPs backing him, 110 against him and 92 undecided, its not great start for him is it.

Politicians from all parties, dont seem to understand the mood of the people, Dave could be in for rude awakening come June and he would not believe that either.

You are so right about this letter.

I watched David Cameron being questioned in Parliament about the 'letter' (I think it was Kate Hoey?) and he openly admitted that a civil servant, working in Downing Street was the author. He then, rather brazenly, stated that the civil service was there to carry out government policy. As the cabinet had determined 'government policy' then there was nowt wrong with that.

So, the civil service machine is now geared up to support the 'remain' campaign. If this was a general election, then there would be hell to pay.


Cameron admitted in parliament yesterday that he was going to have the whole government machine,civil service et al working for remain with his pathetic nothing deal. I am amazed this is permitted and the leave side of the Government arent taking this up. Whether is "big business" ( the same join the Euro mob) or the civil service, this is the one and only opportunity for the British to take back their country .


Jeremy Heywood, Cabinet secretary and head of the Civil Service has written to his civil service chums advising them that access to HMG information is restricted to those supporting to remain in the EU. Dave must be really worried, thats two back fires in one day, looks like his campaign is sinking fast without the "OUT" group firing a shot.


There is a poll in the Daily Mail today about the EU referendum, it was taken at the weekend before Boris nailed his colours, so the next one should be interesting and one in a weeks time also after Daves two gaffs from yesterday.


36 "top" business men have signed a letter which in todays TIMES saying why Britain should stay in Europe, sounds good for the IN group led by our great leader.

It now has been admitted by Downing Street that is was drafted by one Daves aides and sent out to at least 100 companies, most of which refused to sign the letter, what started out today as a coup has back fired badly.

Also reported in the DM that out of 70 Conservative party chairmen only 2 supported staying in, if this typical of his party I dont see where he is going to get his support from, so far he has 132 MPs backing him, 110 against him and 92 undecided, its not great start for him is it.

Politicians from all parties, dont seem to understand the mood of the people, Dave could be in for rude awakening come June and he would not believe that either.

Now that some of the top companies have nailed their colours to the mast, (that was quick, it seems to me that their minds were made up well before Cameron's Brussels deal) how about Cameron et al explaining to the 'man/woman on the street' how remaining in or leaving the EU will affect THEM? And we now know what Cameron got from his dealings with Tusk, but I would be interested to know, upon returning to Downing Street, what he DIDN'T get.


Good that UK leaves EU. For 30 years now, France pays 1.5 billions euros to Britain every year just to mainain them in EU


Better to take the Whole financial package into consideration before you state, France coughs up money to subsidise the UK. That particular rebate was in consideration for the UK paying vast amounts to subsidise the grossly inefficient French agricultural industry.


Good that UK leaves EU. For 30 years now, France pays 1.5 billions euros to Britain every year just to mainain them in EU


France economy is in deep shit! Socialists have run it into the ground. One of the reason Hollande is so pro EU spending. It will looking for more EU handouts for its inefficient industry and agriculture.

Good that UK leaves EU. For 30 years now, France pays 1.5 billions euros to Britain every year just to mainain them in EU


France economy is in deep shit! Socialists have run it into the ground. One of the reason Hollande is so pro EU spending. It will looking for more EU handouts for its inefficient industry and agriculture.

Its been that way for a few years, Hollande was elected on a promise of a new approach, pump money into the economy like Labour were advocating and it has not worked. One of the problems in France is that they do like a 2 hour lunch break wherever possible, there is always tomorrow to finish the job. They dont want to change their socialist culture, it is where the European project was born after all, is nobody taking notice.


-snip- have a look at the Luftwaffe and see how many of their planes are fit to fly, stronger together, really? The EU hides behind the NATO cloak, which really means us and the Americans with a few token jestures from the rest. The only other force worth thinking about are the French and they cannot defend Europe on their own, still we do have an army of refugees and Asylum seekers with time on their hands.

Germany doesn't have to spend money on defense because the US has so many assets there. Germany is free to spend its money on stupid things such as more than a million Muslim economic opportunists.

The US will never abandon its friends in the UK nor its commitment to NATO. Defense is a non issue. The UK also has a powerful military which atm could whip Russia if it needed to.



-snip- have a look at the Luftwaffe and see how many of their planes are fit to fly, stronger together, really? The EU hides behind the NATO cloak, which really means us and the Americans with a few token jestures from the rest. The only other force worth thinking about are the French and they cannot defend Europe on their own, still we do have an army of refugees and Asylum seekers with time on their hands.

Germany doesn't have to spend money on defense because the US has so many assets there. Germany is free to spend its money on stupid things such as more than a million Muslim economic opportunists.

The US will never abandon its friends in the UK nor its commitment to NATO. Defense is a non issue. The UK also has a powerful military which atm could whip Russia if it needed to.


The point I was making was re " stronger and safer together" The reason the EU nations dont spend the Nato recommended 2% is that they rely on us and the US to and to defend them. None of them have a credible fighting force apart from the French. If we left the EU then the defence of Europe falls on the shoulders of Nato. The EU does not see any threat from Russia and if you think our reduced forces can whip Russia alone then, brave though they are, well trained and motivated that they are you delude yourself, look at the comparisons of the two forces.

The EU wants its own army, which in reality means the Uk forces and anyone else who fancies joining provided they dont have to do much of the fighting.

nong38, on 25 Feb 2016 - 09:20, said:
NeverSure, on 25 Feb 2016 - 00:07, said:
nong38, on 20 Feb 2016 - 23:10, said:

-snip- have a look at the Luftwaffe and see how many of their planes are fit to fly, stronger together, really? The EU hides behind the NATO cloak, which really means us and the Americans with a few token jestures from the rest. The only other force worth thinking about are the French and they cannot defend Europe on their own, still we do have an army of refugees and Asylum seekers with time on their hands.

Germany doesn't have to spend money on defense because the US has so many assets there. Germany is free to spend its money on stupid things such as more than a million Muslim economic opportunists.

The US will never abandon its friends in the UK nor its commitment to NATO. Defense is a non issue. The UK also has a powerful military which atm could whip Russia if it needed to.


The point I was making was re " stronger and safer together" The reason the EU nations dont spend the Nato recommended 2% is that they rely on us and the US to and to defend them. None of them have a credible fighting force apart from the French. If we left the EU then the defence of Europe falls on the shoulders of Nato. The EU does not see any threat from Russia and if you think our reduced forces can whip Russia alone then, brave though they are, well trained and motivated that they are you delude yourself, look at the comparisons of the two forces.

The EU wants its own army, which in reality means the Uk forces and anyone else who fancies joining provided they dont have to do much of the fighting.

During the Cold War years. The biggest weakness that the Russian Forces had was communication.

Too many different languages and dialects. Sure, they were big in manpower, but small in cohesion.

Exactly what an EU Army would be like.


Leaving the EU has nothing to do with NATO membership although hopefully our desperately small services might return to somewhere near cold war strengths when we bin the EU.


Yougov poll today with almost 3500 respondents result 38% out 37%. Pretty much what I would expect at the moment.


Not wanting to jump too far ahead, but if that poll from Nong is right and was refelcted in the out come vote, it could be very close.

I wonder what would happen if, say, the in or out camp won by 100 votes throughout the country.? There would have to be 650 re-counts Imagine that!. Heaven and earth would be moved by the establsihment to make sure it was 'in'.

As this thread is not really too much of interest to USA posters, I wonder how many of us remember the 'chaff' issues in Florida when Bush beat Gore. Our recount would be mega compared with that one, and that took days and days.

I'm actually surprised that the government allowed a simple majority referendum at all.


As the G20 summit gets underway in Shanghai look out for the "UK is better of in the EU" statements as Os born tries to get support from his chums on the sidelines for his boss's great campaign. It nowt to do with any of them, keep out of it!


The boss of LLoyds bank has just said that there is no problem with leaving the EU, this is the state owned bank, funny that the rubbish bank HSBC who said they were leaving the UK but stayed want to stay in the EU


Well I see that George Osborne ( known to friends and colleagues as "Ritz Crackers") has got his mates to chip in and stated we should stay in the EU, of course, none of them have a vote because none of them are UK citizens, none of your business.

Also like the sound bite of Dave recently.............."it would be a leap in the dark " ( to leave). He is right, a leap from the dark into the dark and then there is the dark in the EU after the vote which they are trying to hide from the public, the new things they have planned which have been put on hold until "the right time".


-snip- have a look at the Luftwaffe and see how many of their planes are fit to fly, stronger together, really? The EU hides behind the NATO cloak, which really means us and the Americans with a few token jestures from the rest. The only other force worth thinking about are the French and they cannot defend Europe on their own, still we do have an army of refugees and Asylum seekers with time on their hands.

Germany doesn't have to spend money on defense because the US has so many assets there. Germany is free to spend its money on stupid things such as more than a million Muslim economic opportunists.

The US will never abandon its friends in the UK nor its commitment to NATO. Defense is a non issue. The UK also has a powerful military which atm could whip Russia if it needed to.


You are joking right. Hameron has run down our armed forces so much we couldn't even beat the Argies now let alone Russia.


Cameron has according to reports in the press yesterday banned any contingency plans for a Brexit, I am afraid this more bad judgement and he has had a shed full of it this year! Since the cabinet meeting almost every decision he has made has been the wrong one, its almost like he is being advised the "out" campaign as to what to stay and now more countries are saying it would be very bad for the EU if we left. He just seems to stagger from mistake to another. I wonder if his EU pals have noticed. He really only seems to have the fear card to play, he certainly did not want it to get out about Turkeys application to join, 75 million muslims from a country that borders Syria sounds pretty bad to me especially when you see that most of Turkey is not in Europe. some very bad decisions being made on our behalf.


The same tactics will be used as were used at the last Scottish Independence Referendum. Last minute big guns doing whistle-stop tours of wobbly areas to get them onside. If the OUT campaign want to know how to win, they need not look too far in the past for some good lessons learned.

As someone else has said - the only card that is being played is FEAR. Time for the UK stalwarts to start dressing up in Union Jacks and marching the streets - that's what the population needs to stiffen their backbone.

Meantime - on another planet - Merkel is advocating a legal ban on the opposition. What kind of message is that sending to the Brits now deciding who they want to be in bed with? Ban the UKIP? Now that would be hilarious if it wasn't serious........

Oh - and one more thing,,,,,, Remember that debacle they called a referendum on Independence for Scotland? Well they lost the referendum, but gained 50+ SNP politicians in Westminster in the fallout. Given that the SNP are committed EU-ites, but also want Independence, they are really going to have to choose what they say very carefully indeed.


In an article that has just appeared in the Daily Express tonight for us, about who is eligible to vote in the EU referendum it is is claimed that, voters in Cyprus and Malta will all have a vote, as will Gibraltar. Also residents in the UK from over 54 Commonwealth countries will also be eligible, inc Pakistan and Nigeria, Australia and Canada.

The same goes for Irish residents in the UK, how has that been allowed? Not to put to fine a point on it, they are foreigners, they are not resident British people! How would they feel if I was voting on such a big issue in their country? Who came up with these guidelines and how democratic does that seem? Im for Donald trump where do I vote?

Do you think the above are likely to vote in or out?


Yesterday the Director General of the Confederation of British Industry said that it would not be in the Uks interests to leave the EU.

Also yesterday the head of the British Chamber of Commerce said that it would be in the UKs interests to leave the EU, he has been suspended for his comments!

I do love a level playing field and I am sure the general public do as well, another backfire from the remain group.

If you are wondering how you vote in the referendum, if you want to, there are options. A proxy vote where you can instruct someone you trust to vote on your behalf, they must vote at your local polling station, you can find out more at proxy vote/gov.uk

You can also get a postal vote for just this referendum if you wish, again postal vote/gov uk.

The forms can be downloaded from the site.

Just check the time required for setting these up.


It's a farce, and the rules about the use of public money to support one outcome of a vote are being totally ignored!


As is always the case. Governments dont want the people to have all the facts. On immigration Theresa May and Cameron has refused to reveal the figures on estimated illegal numbers!


Yesterday the Director General of the Confederation of British Industry said that it would not be in the Uks interests to leave the EU.

Also yesterday the head of the British Chamber of Commerce said that it would be in the UKs interests to leave the EU, he has been suspended for his comments!

I do love a level playing field and I am sure the general public do as well, another backfire from the remain group.

If you are wondering how you vote in the referendum, if you want to, there are options. A proxy vote where you can instruct someone you trust to vote on your behalf, they must vote at your local polling station, you can find out more at proxy vote/gov.uk

You can also get a postal vote for just this referendum if you wish, again postal vote/gov uk.

The forms can be downloaded from the site.

Just check the time required for setting these up.

So you say a proxy vote is for a friend to use in your polling district. How about the postal vote,presumably that can be used from anywhere .An idea when or even if postal votes will be dispatched overseas?

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