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another overstay

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If you think smoking weed is a crime then yeah.

Meanwhile Thailand has paedos here teaching primary kids.

It doesn't matter what I think, Smoking weed IS a crime in Thailand, that's why you were arrested

I have to agree with Darrendsd, it's not a major crime but it's still a crime. You are now known in the Court / Police Databases, so IF they want to crack down on Foreigners convicted of Drug Offenses, they know who to look for.


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me.not a moaner just a realist, and about time you were, a dope caught smoking dope just about sums you up, and now, Oh wow is me, help me somebody. ha ha, i bet next ya get caught you will have some tabs on ya, then the <deleted> will happen , have a nice "hazy" day,

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Wake at 5am

Outside at 6

Sit around all day

Lockdown at 4pm (3 at weekends)

Sleep at 9. Lights on and 2'x 6'sleeping space.

Eat what you want from the shop as long as you got money. Max 300 baht a day.

No violence, only from guards.

No rape. No drugs. Endless cigarette smoking. Nobody speaks any English.

living the life...

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No work for the 200b. But all have to work except for foreign inmates. Work pays about 30 baht a month. Weekends off.

I've been in a Thai jail, you think I care what the moaners on here think? :-)

1. Ur a Dick

2. U cant afford to go home to the UK? Ref number 1.

3. Go Home and don't come back ref number 1.

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