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SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Survey: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

    • Yes, I am a UK citizens and I support a ban.
    • No, I am a UK citizen but I do not support a ban.
    • Yes, I am not a UK citizen but I would support a ban.
    • No, I am not a UK citizen but I would not support a ban

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Besides Lewisham (London) I was living in Manchester myself. I have lived in such "no-go" areas. I have also been to Birmingham, Leicester and other parts of the UK. As far as I'm concerned, the Muslims you mention are no threat to society but this is my personal view. We are not talking about a couple of "bad cases" now, are we;


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The religious crowd in question does not share your liberal, utopian pipe dream about a modern, secular, democratic society.

If people in the UK want to get their knickers in a twist over something as benign as what Donald Trump says, they are simply distracting and hiding from the swirling spiral right on their own doorstep.

Better dream about a better world than one full of hate and bigotry, I happen to be a J.Lennon follower after all.

The UK has welcomed newcomers for centuries. Britain is and has always been a multicultural society. Sounds a bit like America doesnt it;

So you prefer Hillary over Sanders?


It is NO BUSINESS of the UK what Donald Trump says or does . I think he might make a good president , at least better than Bush or Obama .

Heaven Help the US and the World if Hilary Clinton becomes president !!!

If Britain wants to ban someone , better one of their own . Why not David Cameron for a start , posturing on the world stage , licking US boots !!!

It is the BUSINESS of every country in the world if a barmy, vindictively childish, megalomaniac becomes US President. A man that cannot even continue a conversation without insulting somebody and makes G W Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

By all means ban DC from the US if you think you have good grounds. In fact if you had grounds for banning him similar to those we object to for DT, I for one would be petitioning to have him arrested for a hate crime.

But fortunately he unlike DT, is not terminally stupid and so wrapped up in his self glorifying megalomania that he does not care about scarring half the population of the US with his stupid keep out Muslims rhetoric. You have to be more than a few bricks short of a hod to make such a ridiculous statement that oh so clearly indicates he has no idea of what the "rest of the world" really means.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

The rest of the world have no right to tell you who to elect as POTUS, but we sure are entitled to voice an opinion on something that has such far reaching effects.

It does not bode well for American education that people actually listen to him.

It is not necessarily a matter of education. It is a matter of attitude and of one's associations in society formal or informal.
Trump's supporters are crackpot right whingers educated as well as of limited education.
The 'right' political views are not necessarily connected to brain power or serious study, scholarship, research and the like. We'd have to tap the brain juices to get some measure of attitude rather than inspect academic quality, degrees, or by crunching IQ test scores categorically or in the aggregate.
Dr. Ben Carson is a whack job political candidate with a world view straight from Mars. GW Bush had education credentials yet he was barely educated during the process, prone to self abuse due to alcoholism, family elitism, a flake of a politically rote father. Jeb is educated but has a fumbling personality.
Trump boasts about graduating from the superb Wharton School of Economics & Finance at a prestigious private university (despite its seemingly tax supported name), University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. The fact did not however moderate or modulate his personality, attitude, social deficiencies or cultural deficits.
In my prepping for university and on entering it I'd though education made one a better person. It does improve certain people in certain ways. More than anything else, however, it provides a vehicle to be more effective as one's essential self. Sometimes the vehicle is a Porsche, other times it is a Fiat, but it's the driver who operates it for better or for worse. Trump drives a Porsche but it is all horns, no brakes, fox fur seats. And orange besides.

Seriously, there are no 'no-go' areas in London, whatever anyone might try and tell you.

Seriously, I was living in London before moving here. Can you name some no-go areas?

Google " European no no zones. Fact or fiction, part two. Britain"

This article sites a 2011 census identifying over 100 sharia ruled enclaves across Britain, including parts of London, Birmingham and Manchester. ( there are simply too many to recite, which is why I have given you the website name)

Top cops interviewed talk about these areas being self governing... As in outside of British common law, but subject to the law of the majority of inhabitants... And that means, if an area had 73% Muslim... It's ruled by sharia law, not the laws of Great Britain

Like it or not.... It's out of control.... Statistics and "experts" suggest a complete takeover by alien rule within the next fifty years

If your British... Either learn the Koran... Or.....Move to Scotland now, and start rebuilding Hadrians wall

It would be a good idea to research other sites for balance. So called Muslim NO GO areas in the UK are a myth as police will act, arrest and present before the Courts those attempting the nonsense of Sharia law zones. In the same manner some prats who tried to enforce ultra conservative Jewish cultural norms were arrested.

An example of sentencing is four Muslims who were jailed for at about 19 years for attacking a white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.

It's interesting the issue of crime areas with high levels of unemployment, mainly populated by whites, assaulting police and so on is rarely, if ever mentioned.

The claims of UK/EU Muslim no go zones are debunked in some detail below.



Once again this is a STUPID SURVEY because you are asking for an opinion on a ban that can not be(per UK Law).Anouther thing it is YOUR OPINION that it was a hate speech.It was not a hate speech. saying so shows the editor's ignorance.

You must be extraordinarily ignorant if you think trying to ban ALL Muslims is not a hate speech; and why does your arrogant ignorance think the UK could not ban DT for even wearing the wrong colour socks if the immigration dept so decree, let alone for a political hate speech, they ban people all the time for it............ (Hate not socks).


I never realized the hatred that UK citizens have for America until I moved to Thailand. We won the war a long time ago. Get over it, please. There is no hatred in America towards the UK, no matter what the BBC tells you.

This is extrodinarily stupid, yes of course a few idiots here hate the US, hate the UK, hate anything from the west, as do many US people really hate the UK. Check out your beloved JK's old man for one, tratorous Nazi loving bastard.

But its not hate of the whole US that is what you see here. Many of us respect the US and want to see it thriving and living up to being the only respectable world super power; which is exactly why we worry about you having a real dippy meglomaniac for a president.

If you know enough about the world to be posting on TV you are not some brainless hillbilly living in the boonies that think you can nuke the rest of the world back to the stone age.

DT as PotUS would be the worst thing that could happen, not only to America but the rest of the world. We would have another World War, with even more millions of dead than the last one. But this time it would include hundreds of millions of dead Americans.


The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.


The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.

Nice post, but it's a bit ironic that the American poor should look to DT to save them.

It's an unfortunate fact that if you can afford to be in the presidential race you cannot possibly be reprentative of real Americans.


The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.

Nice post, but it's a bit ironic that the American poor should look to DT to save them.

It's an unfortunate fact that if you can afford to be in the presidential race you cannot possibly be reprentative of real Americans.

With the exception of Bernie Sanders that's probably true!


The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.

Nice post, but it's a bit ironic that the American poor should look to DT to save them.

It's an unfortunate fact that if you can afford to be in the presidential race you cannot possibly be reprentative of real Americans.

With the exception of Bernie Sanders that's probably true!


Not really... The poor want to hear what the poor want too hear... And Donald is saying those things

What's ironic is that Donald trump is rich!!!


The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.

Nice post, but it's a bit ironic that the American poor should look to DT to save them.

It's an unfortunate fact that if you can afford to be in the presidential race you cannot possibly be reprentative of real Americans.

With the exception of Bernie Sanders that's probably true!


Not really... The poor want to hear what the poor want too hear... And Donald is saying those things

What's ironic is that Donald trump is rich!!!

You must be American, you have a very poor grasp of irony!


Seriously, there are no 'no-go' areas in London, whatever anyone might try and tell you.

Seriously, I was living in London before moving here. Can you name some no-go areas?

Google " European no no zones. Fact or fiction, part two. Britain"

This article sites a 2011 census identifying over 100 sharia ruled enclaves across Britain, including parts of London, Birmingham and Manchester. ( there are simply too many to recite, which is why I have given you the website name)

Top cops interviewed talk about these areas being self governing... As in outside of British common law, but subject to the law of the majority of inhabitants... And that means, if an area had 73% Muslim... It's ruled by sharia law, not the laws of Great Britain

Like it or not.... It's out of control.... Statistics and "experts" suggest a complete takeover by alien rule within the next fifty years

If your British... Either learn the Koran... Or.....Move to Scotland now, and start rebuilding Hadrians wall

It would be a good idea to research other sites for balance. So called Muslim NO GO areas in the UK are a myth as police will act, arrest and present before the Courts those attempting the nonsense of Sharia law zones. In the same manner some prats who tried to enforce ultra conservative Jewish cultural norms were arrested.

An example of sentencing is four Muslims who were jailed for at about 19 years for attacking a white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.

It's interesting the issue of crime areas with high levels of unemployment, mainly populated by whites, assaulting police and so on is rarely, if ever mentioned.

The claims of UK/EU Muslim no go zones are debunked in some detail below.


True enough... More research gives more balance... Your snopes site suggestion certainly debunks others I read earlier.

That said, I also tried to click on a couple of sites that Thai censorship would not allow, which is worrying, as well as a couple that still support the fact that there are no go areas.

So... From what I have since read, I figure that the areas are not legally " no go " areas, at all.... But saying that, there are definitely areas that I would not take my family to.... And I would expect this to be true for a lot of people... And I was in Cairo, a few years back, when Mubarak was kicked out, so I'm not totally adverse to a little excitement,

I would still respectfully suggest though, that the times, they are a changing.



That said, I also tried to click on a couple of sites that Thai censorship would not allow, which is worrying...

No doubt they were links to the Daily Mail - the UK's premier supplier of made-up nonsense about Muslims, blocked by the Thai authorities for some time, presumably on the grounds of good taste.


The religious crowd in question does not share your liberal, utopian pipe dream about a modern, secular, democratic society.

If people in the UK want to get their knickers in a twist over something as benign as what Donald Trump says, they are simply distracting and hiding from the swirling spiral right on their own doorstep.

Better dream about a better world than one full of hate and bigotry, I happen to be a J.Lennon follower after all.

The UK has welcomed newcomers for centuries. Britain is and has always been a multicultural society. Sounds a bit like America doesnt it;

So you prefer Hillary over Sanders?

Please stop deleting sections of my posts that you want to avoid because it shoots big holes in the pipe dream you hum to the tune of a John Lennon song - which I enjoy as much as anyone, but irrelevant to the cruel world we actually live in.

The US does not have a duty of care for every person on the planet. There's no duty to be open 7/24 nor should they afford the rights and privileges of citizenship to all and sundry who might apply for a visa. This has become an expectation, a demand, because the masses have been conditioned to it by a liberal/progressive soft touch that they dam_n sure wouldn't get away with in their own country(s).

It's time the US wakes up from their blinkered slumber. I think they are starting to. Seems the other countries most targeted by 2nd and 3rd world immigrants, are grappling with the very same conundrum, whilst having one hand tied behind their back.

I didn't make up the rules, i just live here. Donald Duck is a political martyr, thus is unconstrained enough to suggest they change/tweak the rules, because they bloody well can, and probably should do.


The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.

Nice post, but it's a bit ironic that the American poor should look to DT to save them.

It's an unfortunate fact that if you can afford to be in the presidential race you cannot possibly be reprentative of real Americans.

With the exception of Bernie Sanders that's probably true!


Not really... The poor want to hear what the poor want too hear... And Donald is saying those things

What's ironic is that Donald trump is rich!!!

You must be American, you have a very poor grasp of irony!

From fowlers " kings Englihs" on ironic... " though hundreds ( definitions) may be given"

Webster ( I think)..." Happening in the opposite way to what we might expect, and typically causing wry amusement because of this"

And whilst not American, I can understand your reasoning... From the American heritage dictionary... " incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs"

You see... We might expect that a hero from the poor downtrodden masses, might rise to represent them... But no... They get Donald.

Though arguably selective.... From these three examples on irony, I get to tick all three boxes... Especially with the bit about wry amusement.


I am a Donald and have started a movement of all people in the US named Donald to support the Donald For Donald movement. I have had a tremendous response. I see no reason why Trump would want to go to a small island nation with a small population like the Queendom Of England.


I am a Donald and have started a movement of all people in the US named Donald to support the Donald For Donald movement. I have had a tremendous response. I see no reason why Trump would want to go to a small island nation with a small population like the Queendom Of England.

You sound like the other famous Donald. Donald Duck!

The religious crowd in question does not share your liberal, utopian pipe dream about a modern, secular, democratic society.

If people in the UK want to get their knickers in a twist over something as benign as what Donald Trump says, they are simply distracting and hiding from the swirling spiral right on their own doorstep.

Better dream about a better world than one full of hate and bigotry, I happen to be a J.Lennon follower after all.

The UK has welcomed newcomers for centuries. Britain is and has always been a multicultural society. Sounds a bit like America doesnt it;

So you prefer Hillary over Sanders?

Please stop deleting sections of my posts that you want to avoid because it shoots big holes in the pipe dream you hum to the tune of a John Lennon song - which I enjoy as much as anyone, but irrelevant to the cruel world we actually live in.

The US does not have a duty of care for every person on the planet. There's no duty to be open 7/24 nor should they afford the rights and privileges of citizenship to all and sundry who might apply for a visa. This has become an expectation, a demand, because the masses have been conditioned to it by a liberal/progressive soft touch that they dam_n sure wouldn't get away with in their own country(s).

It's time the US wakes up from their blinkered slumber. I think they are starting to. Seems the other countries most targeted by 2nd and 3rd world immigrants, are grappling with the very same conundrum, whilst having one hand tied behind their back.

I didn't make up the rules, i just live here. Donald Duck is a political martyr, thus is unconstrained enough to suggest they change/tweak the rules, because they bloody well can, and probably should do.

I was trying to scroll back to find the deleted parts.... I accidentally deleted the word (quote) the other day, from an amusing aside I was having with connda, which confused things mightily.

But then I saw the bit about duty of care... And that just opens up a whole new can of worms to dig about in.

Firstly.... The US have an irrefutable duty of care when it comes to assisting its "allied" nations

Moving on... If you have the ability to harm or influence someone, you have a duty of care in this matter ( that's law.... Millions of bucks to be won and lost, right there... BP didn't mean to kill all the shrimp in the golf of Mexico... But they still paid through the nose)

So it follows, with a nuclear arsenal, that the US does indeed have a duty of care, for all that can be effected by a button pushed

Further, if US interests wade into an otherwise neutral or undeveloped country, and get the local populace booked on macdonalds ( I think macdonalds started all this in Scotland, didn't he?) then those self same groups have a duty of care to maintain ( or substitute) that " aid"...

So... As the US has deliberately inserted themselves into the machinations of most of the worlds countries, for one reason or another, they therefore have some duty of care in the results of these intrusions, welcomed or not.

If you don't want to pay... Don't play... Ergo... Open 24/7... And I would think that your government would agree


Seriously, there are no 'no-go' areas in London, whatever anyone might try and tell you.

Seriously, I was living in London before moving here. Can you name some no-go areas?

I still live just outside the M25 and every day travel around London for work.

I, too, would like to know where these so called 'no go areas' are!

The random Muslim scare story generator: separating fact from fiction

Muslim vigilantes jailed for 'sharia law' attacks in London

The popularity of Donald Trump is representative of the hopelessness in America in which Americans feel they are adrift in the World. As an American, I can attest to the fact that most Americans are war weary and tired of a succession of governments sending young Americans to fight and die for what the politicians see as America's manifest destiny. Almost all politicians in America are wealthy and actually have no interest in helping their constituents because they have no real idea how the middle class and poor exist. They are beholden to their wealthy friends and American business which has created a society where 1% control the lives of 99%. Donald Trump comes along and talks straight and tells everyone I don't give a damn who I offend- I am going to tell the truth. This is what everyone in America wants to do. Like the scene in the famous movie "Network" where the lead man sticks his head out the window and screams, "I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore"- most everyone today feels that way.

The average America lives and lets live- they don't really care what religion anyone has but they do not want a certain belief or life style imposed on them. They are also afraid that terrorists are going to strike and they or their families maybe affected. Trump represents that hidden voice in America which wants to also scream out due to their frustration.Unfortunately he plays on this fear.

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump will do nothing positive for America or the 99% of Americans who feel hopeless. The real issues are being hidden and not talked about. Trump's cry that he will make America great again plays to a mass which remembers when their lives were good and now they are not. He has no real plan to push an American agenda and give hope to the 99%. Unfortunately, almost all the candidates both Republican or Democratic represent nothing new nor innovative that will bring real hope and change to the average American. Any country that spends $630 Billion dollars a year on just its military while some of its most vulnerable people live in poverty and cannot afford medical care has a flawed agenda. I am afraid the only thing that will bring back the American dream is another American revolution. I hope its peaceful.

Nice post, but it's a bit ironic that the American poor should look to DT to save them.

It's an unfortunate fact that if you can afford to be in the presidential race you cannot possibly be reprentative of real Americans.

With the exception of Bernie Sanders that's probably true!


Not really... The poor want to hear what the poor want too hear... And Donald is saying those things

What's ironic is that Donald trump is rich!!!

You must be American, you have a very poor grasp of irony!

From fowlers " kings Englihs" on ironic... " though hundreds ( definitions) may be given"

Webster ( I think)..." Happening in the opposite way to what we might expect, and typically causing wry amusement because of this"

And whilst not American, I can understand your reasoning... From the American heritage dictionary... " incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs"

You see... We might expect that a hero from the poor downtrodden masses, might rise to represent them... But no... They get Donald.

Though arguably selective.... From these three examples on irony, I get to tick all three boxes... Especially with the bit about wry amusement.

Very erudite, but you seem to have simply missed what I posted. Of course its "wryly amusing" for poor people to support a megga rich bastard like DT.

I know a good joke about Americans and irony (told to me by a great yank) but it will be op.


This has been all kinds of fun... I think that branding trumps initial comments as a hate speak is over the top though... But individual countries do have the right to refuse entry to certain people... Australia refused to allow an American to enter the country recently because of religious extremism, if I remember rightly, and it was not the Islamic religion

Despite the origional bitterness of the person who started the referendum, I would not be at all surprised if the golf course becomes a profitable enterprise, in years to come, as a bucket load of folk like smashing those little balls around, and available land for courses gets smaller and smaller

This thread has been enlightening and educational, but for a few obstinate posters with preconceptions that they refuse to change, but overall, I thank you guys for the opportunity to participate, and thought I would share this attachment

That said... I still look forward to more comments , but the last couple of days has only seen the same old same old articles... I wanted to say unfortunately... But I suppose it's actually fortunate, and that would have been rather insensitive


I am a Donald and have started a movement of all people in the US named Donald to support the Donald For Donald movement. I have had a tremendous response. I see no reason why Trump would want to go to a small island nation with a small population like the Queendom Of England.

You sound like the other famous Donald. Donald Duck!

What rhymes with duck?


I am a Donald and have started a movement of all people in the US named Donald to support the Donald For Donald movement. I have had a tremendous response. I see no reason why Trump would want to go to a small island nation with a small population like the Queendom Of England.

You sound like the other famous Donald. Donald Duck!

What rhymes with duck?


Besides Lewisham (London) I was living in Manchester myself. I have lived in such "no-go" areas. I have also been to Birmingham, Leicester and other parts of the UK. As far as I'm concerned, the Muslims you mention are no threat to society but this is my personal view. We are not talking about a couple of "bad cases" now, are we;


Manchester is not so far from Rotherham is it?. There weren't thought to be any problems there either!? (there were in fact about 1200 schoolgirls being groomed, sexually abused and raped by the Paki-community!!

Many of the people of our formerly "Great" country should hang their heads in shame before being locked-up, for a very long time, with their "Asian" friends!!

Just that everyone is so terrified of being branded a "rathist" and destroyed, by the "liberal"-facsists!facepalm.gif


The religious crowd in question does not share your liberal, utopian pipe dream about a modern, secular, democratic society.

If people in the UK want to get their knickers in a twist over something as benign as what Donald Trump says, they are simply distracting and hiding from the swirling spiral right on their own doorstep.

Better dream about a better world than one full of hate and bigotry, I happen to be a J.Lennon follower after all.

The UK has welcomed newcomers for centuries. Britain is and has always been a multicultural society. Sounds a bit like America doesnt it;

So you prefer Hillary over Sanders?

Please stop deleting sections of my posts that you want to avoid because it shoots big holes in the pipe dream you hum to the tune of a John Lennon song - which I enjoy as much as anyone, but irrelevant to the cruel world we actually live in.

The US does not have a duty of care for every person on the planet. There's no duty to be open 7/24 nor should they afford the rights and privileges of citizenship to all and sundry who might apply for a visa. This has become an expectation, a demand, because the masses have been conditioned to it by a liberal/progressive soft touch that they dam_n sure wouldn't get away with in their own country(s).

It's time the US wakes up from their blinkered slumber. I think they are starting to. Seems the other countries most targeted by 2nd and 3rd world immigrants, are grappling with the very same conundrum, whilst having one hand tied behind their back.

I didn't make up the rules, i just live here. Donald Duck is a political martyr, thus is unconstrained enough to suggest they change/tweak the rules, because they bloody well can, and probably should do.

I was trying to scroll back to find the deleted parts.... I accidentally deleted the word (quote) the other day, from an amusing aside I was having with connda, which confused things mightily.

But then I saw the bit about duty of care... And that just opens up a whole new can of worms to dig about in.

Firstly.... The US have an irrefutable duty of care when it comes to assisting its "allied" nations

Moving on... If you have the ability to harm or influence someone, you have a duty of care in this matter ( that's law.... Millions of bucks to be won and lost, right there... BP didn't mean to kill all the shrimp in the golf of Mexico... But they still paid through the nose)

So it follows, with a nuclear arsenal, that the US does indeed have a duty of care, for all that can be effected by a button pushed

Further, if US interests wade into an otherwise neutral or undeveloped country, and get the local populace booked on macdonalds ( I think macdonalds started all this in Scotland, didn't he?) then those self same groups have a duty of care to maintain ( or substitute) that " aid"...

So... As the US has deliberately inserted themselves into the machinations of most of the worlds countries, for one reason or another, they therefore have some duty of care in the results of these intrusions, welcomed or not.

If you don't want to pay... Don't play... Ergo... Open 24/7... And I would think that your government would agree


As the American surfers would say, "Whatever, dude".


This has been all kinds of fun... I think that branding trumps initial comments as a hate speak is over the top though... But individual countries do have the right to refuse entry to certain people... Australia refused to allow an American to enter the country recently because of religious extremism, if I remember rightly, and it was not the Islamic religion

Despite the origional bitterness of the person who started the referendum, I would not be at all surprised if the golf course becomes a profitable enterprise, in years to come, as a bucket load of folk like smashing those little balls around, and available land for courses gets smaller and smaller

This thread has been enlightening and educational, but for a few obstinate posters with preconceptions that they refuse to change, but overall, I thank you guys for the opportunity to participate, and thought I would share this attachment

That said... I still look forward to more comments , but the last couple of days has only seen the same old same old articles... I wanted to say unfortunately... But I suppose it's actually fortunate, and that would have been rather insensitive

I believe the American evangelical barred from Australia was do to calls for violent retribution against abortion providers. I'm American and I often have go educate my countrymen about the 1st ammendment as it applies to very very broad scope of interpretation as handed down by countless SCOTUS rulings. Most are simply not aware that such extreme freedom of speech does not apply to other democracies.

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