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Prayut has democracy wish for the New Year


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Prayut has democracy wish for the New Year


BANGKOK: PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha wants the country to experience less or no conflict next year and move towards a sustainable democracy.

"I wish the best for all of us in the New Year. The country moves forward with little or no conflicts towards [a] permanent democracy," he said.

Speaking during his weekly television programme "Return Happi-ness to the People" yesterday, Prayut warned people to travel with extreme caution in a bid to prevent road accidents during the New Year holiday.

He thanked police and military personnel who have to work during the long holiday on trying to make the roads safer.

The PM also expressed concern over people breaking the law during the holiday period.

"If people do not follow the law, the law will be less sacred. Please do not break the law. How can we live in a lawless land?" he said.

He said people must know the law and, as such, should be aware if they break the law. "You want to express your political opinion, claiming democracy. But is it time to do that? Your actions break traffic laws. Then you have to realise that you violate [the] rights of other motorists."

He said that some Thais did not believe in the justice system because they did not understand justice procedures. "We have unreasonable fear. We fear police because we do not know that the justice system gives you the right to prove you are innocent,'' he said.

He said some people did not understand they had the right to participate in government projects, while the government would start such projects to reflect local desires.

"We must have public hearings to get the nod from the locals. If they agree then we can start the project. This is cooperation and [the public is] taking part in the project,'' he said.

Prayut pointed out the government's seven key points aimed at maintaining economic stability, which he said required the collective effort from all economy-related agencies.

He said the first strategy involved opening the doors to trade and economic cooperation, especially for the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal.

The second strategy centres on market expansion through the utilisation of market demand, which will be used as a tool to determine domestic production of exported goods and services.

The third strategy pertains to border trade promotion, making Thailand the Asean's hub for trade and investment. The fourth strategy seeks to provide support for Thai entrepreneurs in foreign countries.

The fifth strategy involves adjusting Thailand's trade infrastructure and promoting six sectors - healthcare, entertainment, logistics, education, hospitality, and professional services. The sixth strategy seeks to increase the role of small and medium-sized enterprises in a bid to create new businesspeople and drive innovation.

The last strategy aims to create added value for exported products.

The government will help turn producers into designers who can create their own brands, Prayut said.

He also said Thailand was in dire need of skilled workers ahead of the full implementation of the Asean Economic Community, which begins at the end of the month.

He said preparing skilled labour for the industrial sector was a major challenge. The country also needs more researchers and developers for the industrial and service sectors.

Prayut said it was crucial that Thailand produced more technicians in the fields of electric rail, road transport, water transport, and air transport. Without a skilled workforce, he feared Thailand would not be able to keep up with the expansion of the AEC.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Prayut-has-democracy-wish-for-the-New-Year-30274806.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-13

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

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Less or no conflicts next year and a move towards a sustainable democracy but he didn't say when that might be !

He looks far too smug in that picture, " I know something that you don't ! "

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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alright, now we know that he, with his "arrest 100 FB users" mentality has gone off the deep end...

This article is full of first-class blathering.

How can we live in a lawless land?" he said.

Buddy, you have done your utter best to make it that way, so go off and answer that question yourself. I suggest that you do so in private so that no one else gets sprayed by your wet-dream...

He said people must know the law and, as such, should be aware if they break the law. "You want to express your political opinion, claiming democracy. But is it time to do that? Your actions break traffic laws. Then you have to realise that you violate [the] rights of other motorists."

hey, moron, figure it out, people express their opinion, political or otherwise, claiming their universal human rights. I would have thought that even a Thai military dinosaur like yourself could have guessed that one.

He said that some Thais did not believe in the justice system because they did not understand justice procedures. "We have unreasonable fear. We fear police because we do not know that the justice system gives you the right to prove you are innocent,'' he said.

or maybe it's due to the short lifespan of prisoners, or maybe it's because you send people to military courts and hand out 60 year sentences for FB posts. Or maybe it's because you are using the courts for a political purge while you not only committed treason to take over the country but gave yourself supreme power to boot. Oh, and then there is the rather obvious point that when your junta buddies and cabinet members get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, you bring in the justice system and your army to silence your critics instead of prosecuting the people involved...

Man, sometimes this guy just makes me want to puke first thing in the morning... democratic soldier, my a...

Edited by tbthailand
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"PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha wants the country to experience less or no conflict next year and move towards a sustainable democracy."

It's so nice that he has a wish for democracy, peace and prosperity. Anybody can have a wish, but it takes a real leader to have an effective plan and be able to implement that plan into action.

Edited by jaltsc
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Reading this article, I get the impression that someone has been into the Christmas "cheer" a little early. The photo does little to prove otherwise.

Apart from the usual junta waffle about the current economic instability, we are told that we must have public hearings to get the nod from locals before starting projects (even though we were told recently that grand projects are to be pushed through, and EIA's cut back).

We are also informed that expressing one's political opinion violates the rights of "other motorists".

And if that's not enough, it appears that the justice system give one the right to prove they are innocent.

So much for the presumption of innocence! And, so much for the less sacred law in a lawless land.

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

If he did that! Don't you think it would lead to yet another coup in a few years? As much as I dislike not having a democratic gov I disliked even more the raping of country and they corruption instilled in the daily practices of almost every Thai against their own people and foreigners alike. I do realise that P is not doing a cutup job there and their are many bad things happening with his being in power but, if! And it is a tentative if, he can do even a little of what he promises and make so that Thailand doesn't have such corruption within the gov walls then that is a beginning to reform all of Thailand into a better place. This country does need a swift hand of justice right now in dealing with the outright robbery of its own people with their use of corruption which has developed over the past 50 years or so and it will not change overnight. Without the proper laws and guides to ensure a really democratic gov getting people to run the country who truly care about thais and Thailand and not about fattening their families portfolios Thailand will never move forward even if they hold elections next year.

As the devils advocate speaks through me P is totally clueless about how people perceive the job of the RTP. The people are totally aware of the bribes and mafia like organisation and are justified not to trust or call on a policeman for help.

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

If he did that! Don't you think it would lead to yet another coup in a few years? As much as I dislike not having a democratic gov I disliked even more the raping of country and they corruption instilled in the daily practices of almost every Thai against their own people and foreigners alike. I do realise that P is not doing a cutup job there and their are many bad things happening with his being in power but, if! And it is a tentative if, he can do even a little of what he promises and make so that Thailand doesn't have such corruption within the gov walls then that is a beginning to reform all of Thailand into a better place. This country does need a swift hand of justice right now in dealing with the outright robbery of its own people with their use of corruption which has developed over the past 50 years or so and it will not change overnight. Without the proper laws and guides to ensure a really democratic gov getting people to run the country who truly care about thais and Thailand and not about fattening their families portfolios Thailand will never move forward even if they hold elections next year.

As the devils advocate speaks through me P is totally clueless about how people perceive the job of the RTP. The people are totally aware of the bribes and mafia like organisation and are justified not to trust or call on a policeman for help.

Thailand will only be cleaned up once it has a government which is answerable to its people. This means a government which is chosen by the people, and one which has to submit itself to the judgement of the people once its term of office is over, or when opposition forces it to (by parliamentary means not street thuggery).

The 1996 constitution, followed through with successive governments, reflecting the will of the government, is probably the best chance of achieving that. It will take time, possibly decades,to get corruption under control. But you can start by ensuring that the greatest demonstration of corruption, that of refusing people the right to decide on their government and stealing that power for yourself and your clique doesn't happen again.

Democracy is the only way forward, and democracy starts with the people choosing their government, by election. The tools and mechanisms to do this exist, the checks and balances exist (in theory). Thailand should start as soon as possible.

And if the expected but very sad event happens, then the government elected by the people can cope with it.

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

Such as??

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

Absolute <deleted>. What the $%^& have they done? Clean up a couple of beaches, put street vendors out of a job, fixed the price of lottery tickets. Wow, congratulations! Shame they have deepened divisions, screwed the economy & not even attempted to stamp out corruption; unless it pertained to their direct political opponents.

Thaksin's achievements from 01-06 completely dwarf the pitiful effort of the generals.

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

That is sarcasm, isn't it?

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Prayut has mastered the art of western politicians , lying

I thought most Thai politicians were past-masters too, perhaps they taught the farangs, how to do it ! rolleyes.gif

And I hope that the PM will see his wished-for return to democracy actually occur, during the coming year. wai2.gif

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Recently we had the saga of the 5 rivers, then government is like steering a ferry boat and now protesting is violating the rights of other motorists ?

I'm going to regret asking this but what absolute nonsense will he come up with next ?

If he's trying to sound profound he's just exposing himself to more and more ridicule but luckily he's got the media under control otherwise he'd really be getting it.

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Recently we had the saga of the 5 rivers, then government is like steering a ferry boat and now protesting is violating the rights of other motorists ?

I'm going to regret asking this but what absolute nonsense will he come up with next ?

If he's trying to sound profound he's just exposing himself to more and more ridicule but luckily he's got the media under control otherwise he'd really be getting it.

a very good point any free media in any country would be ripping them to shreds

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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

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