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Climate agreement: What do you expect for Thailand?


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The climate agreement was reached by nearly 200 nations and is designed to curb global warming. Obama said that it will mean less of the carbon pollution that threatens the planet and more economic growth driven by investments in clean energy.

What do you expect will change in Thailand? Or even Thailand will change?

There are many obstacles here in Thai culture (plastic material everywhere) and a lack of knowledge (burning rice fields) aso.

What can Thailand achieve? All or nothing? What can YOU do?

Edited by metisdead
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Burning rice fields is not a significant contributor to carbon emissions so stopping the practice would not help much.

The most useful thing they could do is use hydrodraulic fracturing to extract natural gas, as the been done in the US. If the stuff is cheap enough, the market will find ways to use it.

As far as what I can do, is inform people like you that doing a bunch of minor little things may make you feel better but it is utterly pointless in regard to lowering global carbon emissions.

76% percent of emissions are from generating electricity. That's where you start, not some silly thing like refusing a plastic bag at 7-11.

Edited by BudRight
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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Did they do the meeting via skype so as not to have to travel to Paris???

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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Are you talking about carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gases or about pollution?

The two topics are completely different, one is the about greenhouse gases(CO2), global warming, the other pollution.

I've heard people uttering nonsense and stupid remarks about CO2 being toxic and it pollutes the air.

When it comes to pollution, I am a fierce defender of clean air, ground and water, but the meeting in France wasn't about that.

By reverse the damage you mean the earth by itself takes 1 500 years to reverse the pollution in ground, water and air?

The earth is getting greener every year and as everyone knows, plants, trees, in fact anything living needs CO2 and what scientific studies I have read so far, there's not enough CO2 for botanical life to grow.

There's thousands of renowned climatologists who doesn't agree with the present hysteria about GW and also the political driven tax raise, that the earth is in a state of global warming because of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Here's two links to articles about it.




Believe whatever you want people, I'm an atheist so I take pride in not believing in anything but in people, science, the chaos theory, physics and the earth's, with it's solar system, tremendous power.

Edited by KamalaRider
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0.037% of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere

6% of 0.037% man made


... so if ALL man made CO2 would be fully removed from the atmosphere, it would affect 0.00222% of the atmosphere ???

Does not sound convincing ... actually sounds more like a big scam [what it is !!!]

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Thailand, like most countries, will do nothing. They'll all be pledging change, but the only thing that will change will be taxation on their citizens, and it won't be lower taxation!!

No brain150, it doesn't sound convincing at all.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Are you talking about carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gases or about air pollution?

The two topics are completely different, one is the about greenhouse gases(CO2), global warming, the other pollution.

I've heard people uttering nonsense and stupid remarks about CO2 being toxic and it pollutes the air.

When it comes to pollution, I am a fierce defender of clean air, ground and water, but the meeting in France wasn't about that.

By reverse the damage you mean the earth by itself takes 1 500 years to reverse the pollution in ground, water and air?

The earth is getting greener every year and as everyone knows, plants, trees, in fact anything living needs CO2 and what I've scientific studies I have read so far, there's not enough CO2 for botanical life to grow.

There's thousands of renowned climatologists who doesn't agree with the present hysteria about GW and also the political driven tax raise, that the earth is in a state of global warming because of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Here's two links to articles about it.




Believe whatever you want people, I'm an atheist so I take pride in not believing in anything but in people, science, the chaos theory, physics and the earth's, with it's solar system, tremendous power.

And what would be the logic thing to do if there is too much CO2?

Plant forests and plants.....but now instead they want to make new taxes.

Of course I support to use solar cells and windenergy to replace oil and gas where it makes sense, but for the reason that we don't give some crazy countries a lot money.

But no, both EU and USA have huge import taxes and restrictions on cheap solar cells.

Of course I support replacing coal powered electric generation, because it is dirty (and radioactive which many people don't know), best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

So they want some kind of global control, new taxes and huge money transfers but they block all solutions.....so what do they want really?

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The whole thing is probably the biggest scientific hoax in history !

1. There is no such thing like a global climate

2. CO2 is NOT driving anything. As a fact the Greenhouse gas theory can not be proven in a scientific manner !

3. Temperature data has been falsified by the IPCC [and NASA]. Proven fact from leaked emails.

4. There are many scientists all over the world speaking out against this hoax but the media exclusively supports the POLITICAL view on climate change !!!!

5. Climate change and environmental protection are two completely different things ! The same people who made the agreement on climate change in Paris

are the same people who destroy the environment in an unprecedented way.

Think for yourself !!! The whole story is nothing else than the basis for a "green Tyranny" !!!

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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Are you talking about carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gases or about air pollution?

The two topics are completely different, one is the about greenhouse gases(CO2), global warming, the other pollution.

I've heard people uttering nonsense and stupid remarks about CO2 being toxic and it pollutes the air.

When it comes to pollution, I am a fierce defender of clean air, ground and water, but the meeting in France wasn't about that.

By reverse the damage you mean the earth by itself takes 1 500 years to reverse the pollution in ground, water and air?

The earth is getting greener every year and as everyone knows, plants, trees, in fact anything living needs CO2 and what I've scientific studies I have read so far, there's not enough CO2 for botanical life to grow.

There's thousands of renowned climatologists who doesn't agree with the present hysteria about GW and also the political driven tax raise, that the earth is in a state of global warming because of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Here's two links to articles about it.




Believe whatever you want people, I'm an atheist so I take pride in not believing in anything but in people, science, the chaos theory, physics and the earth's, with it's solar system, tremendous power.

And what would be the logic thing to do if there is too much CO2?

Plant forests and plants.....but now instead they want to make new taxes.

Of course I support to use solar cells and windenergy to replace oil and gas where it makes sense, but for the reason that we don't give some crazy countries a lot money.

But no, both EU and USA have huge import taxes and restrictions on cheap solar cells.

Of course I support replacing coal powered electric generation, because it is dirty (and radioactive which many people don't know), best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

So they want some kind of global control, new taxes and huge money transfers but they block all solutions.....so what do they want really?

Your analysis is spot on, what do they want?

The only logical reasons I can see are two, one is cash, huge amount of money is being taken as a ransom, the other one is more of a psychological reason I think.

Like the good doers (I love to bitch about them), the new wave climatologists (earlier called vegan activists) doesn't have a diploma, absolutely not in science anyway, but they love to pitch their view with threats or terrorist acts. I think it's a distorted view of unbalanced people, thinking, LISTEN TO ME, I AM RIGHT, not necessary to be right but I want you to believe I am.

Edited by KamalaRider
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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Are you talking about carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gases or about air pollution?

The two topics are completely different, one is the about greenhouse gases(CO2), global warming, the other pollution.

I've heard people uttering nonsense and stupid remarks about CO2 being toxic and it pollutes the air.

When it comes to pollution, I am a fierce defender of clean air, ground and water, but the meeting in France wasn't about that.

By reverse the damage you mean the earth by itself takes 1 500 years to reverse the pollution in ground, water and air?

The earth is getting greener every year and as everyone knows, plants, trees, in fact anything living needs CO2 and what I've scientific studies I have read so far, there's not enough CO2 for botanical life to grow.

There's thousands of renowned climatologists who doesn't agree with the present hysteria about GW and also the political driven tax raise, that the earth is in a state of global warming because of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Here's two links to articles about it.




Believe whatever you want people, I'm an atheist so I take pride in not believing in anything but in people, science, the chaos theory, physics and the earth's, with it's solar system, tremendous power.

And what would be the logic thing to do if there is too much CO2?

Plant forests and plants.....but now instead they want to make new taxes.

Of course I support to use solar cells and windenergy to replace oil and gas where it makes sense, but for the reason that we don't give some crazy countries a lot money.

But no, both EU and USA have huge import taxes and restrictions on cheap solar cells.

Of course I support replacing coal powered electric generation, because it is dirty (and radioactive which many people don't know), best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

So they want some kind of global control, new taxes and huge money transfers but they block all solutions.....so what do they want really?

best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

what????? Either you are too old for science or sun damaged your brain? Nuclear power? Can't believe it. I suppose this problem will not bother you, what will happen with the plants in 30-50 years? You are gone then...Congrats. I hope you don't have any kids.

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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Kindly provide us with links to these "studies" ...

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Text from 1974

In February of 1972 earth-orbiting artificial satellites revealed the existence of a greatly increased area of the snow and ice cover of the north polar cap as compared to all previous years of space age observations. Some scientists believe that this may have presaged the onset of the dramatic climate anomalies of 1972 that brought far-reaching adversities to the world’s peoples. Moreover, there is mounting evidence that the bad climate of 1972 may be the forerunner of a long series of less favorable agricultural crop years that lie ahead for most world societies. Thus widespread food shortages threaten just at the same time that world populations are growing to new highs. Indeed, less favorable climate may be the new global norm. The Earth may have entered a new “little ice age”


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So, what is the scam all about ?

1. Making people scared ! Kids now grow up with the believe that they destroy the planet by simply breathing !!! [CO2]

2. Making money: For climate protection reason all sorts of new technologies will be sold.
Nobody would do this normally but now people can be forced to do so.
The technologies that would really solve the problem will still not be available to the public [even though they exist for a long time already]

3. Control ! Everybody will be more and more controlled to "protect" the climate ... CO2 foot print is just an awesome tool for surveillance !!!

4. Centralisation of power. Because it needs to be globally controlled the system needs to be more centralised.

5. Force people into poverty to save the planet ... what a great idea if you are a psychopath.

Think about it, call me wrong ... this is going to be a nightmare.

Anybody who has kids or cares at all about future generations should spend an hour or two to get the real facts

of this global enslavement programme on steroids.

... but ignorance will probably win in a fully dumbed down society.

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It will be business as usual across the globe, temps will continue to go up and pollution will continue to increase

Studies have shown that it will take 1500 years to reverse the damage of fossile fuel use and industrial pollution that the last 150 years has produced, so the current agreement is nothing more than ink on a peice of paper

Are you talking about carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gases or about air pollution?

The two topics are completely different, one is the about greenhouse gases(CO2), global warming, the other pollution.

I've heard people uttering nonsense and stupid remarks about CO2 being toxic and it pollutes the air.

When it comes to pollution, I am a fierce defender of clean air, ground and water, but the meeting in France wasn't about that.

By reverse the damage you mean the earth by itself takes 1 500 years to reverse the pollution in ground, water and air?

The earth is getting greener every year and as everyone knows, plants, trees, in fact anything living needs CO2 and what I've scientific studies I have read so far, there's not enough CO2 for botanical life to grow.

There's thousands of renowned climatologists who doesn't agree with the present hysteria about GW and also the political driven tax raise, that the earth is in a state of global warming because of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Here's two links to articles about it.




Believe whatever you want people, I'm an atheist so I take pride in not believing in anything but in people, science, the chaos theory, physics and the earth's, with it's solar system, tremendous power.

And what would be the logic thing to do if there is too much CO2?

Plant forests and plants.....but now instead they want to make new taxes.

Of course I support to use solar cells and windenergy to replace oil and gas where it makes sense, but for the reason that we don't give some crazy countries a lot money.

But no, both EU and USA have huge import taxes and restrictions on cheap solar cells.

Of course I support replacing coal powered electric generation, because it is dirty (and radioactive which many people don't know), best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

So they want some kind of global control, new taxes and huge money transfers but they block all solutions.....so what do they want really?

best solution would be nuclear power....but no they don't want that.

what????? Either you are too old for science or sun damaged your brain? Nuclear power? Can't believe it. I suppose this problem will not bother you, what will happen with the plants in 30-50 years? You are gone then...Congrats. I hope you don't have any kids.

What to do? turn them off and let them stay.

But if you have any better idea, please let me and the rest of the world know.

(hint the sun doesn't shine in the night, and in nordic countries the night can be very long in winter)

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