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UK exit from European Union on a knife edge, poll shows

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The European Union will probably collapse before we get the referendum. I personally can't see the EU letting us leave, 55+ million a day says they will use any corrupt way to keep the UK in the EU. The one thing the EU has been good at is dividing Europe and making it more right wing. Its totally run by incompetent insane people and that includes British politicians.

The trouble with the West is we don't have any leaders that put their own people first.

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The European Union will probably collapse before we get the referendum. I personally can't see the EU letting us leave, 55+ million a day says they will use any corrupt way to keep the UK in the EU. The one thing the EU has been good at is dividing Europe and making it more right wing. Its totally run by incompetent insane people and that includes British politicians.

The trouble with the West is we don't have any leaders that put their own people first.

There were plenty of leaders who put their own country first in the 1930s. Fortunately Europe has moved on since then.


I would say it more like 60:40 of the people who want the UK to leave the EU. The Telegraph is just supporting the government, the people do not think like this


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

What a jaded prick like so many other of your loved-up, worthless EU ilk. Lemmings to the last; no creativity, no guts, just weak-minded, back-slapping nobs. Even if it cost the UK hundreds of billions of lost economy (which it won't because more is exported than imported), I would still give my left nut to get out of that bloated, anachronistic club for, at the very least, some sovereignty and self-respect. Britain is looking at doing what many other, STUCK members would only dream of doing. But, apart from the silent minorities in France and Germany, et al, none of you have any <deleted>. None of you! You never have had, never will and will ALWAYS really on independent minded places like Britain to stand up to the masses. Those euro dicks that chastise the British for standing up to the broken eu machine are simply jealous. There is no other country in Europe, or anywhere, that has done more for the advancement of the world and you get all uppity when UK speaks, because of envy.

And those yanks with a skewed opinion, well, yours doesn't count to be honest. Imagine being part of some North American/Latino club, having your borders controlled by foreigners (not part of the original plan like myriad other facets), paying much more than most others to be in the club, then having the little worthless neighbour slag you off when you want out.

"The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time"

Lol, do me a favour! There's tablets for what you've got.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

Hey England,This guy must be from one of the countries that you kept defending and helping for a couple of world wars or one that you kept defeating..Probably one of these school teachers.at one of the phony international schools.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

oh, how I like your quote and how right you are. These Brits are still dreaming of their Empire. They can't accept to be No 2 or 3 in Europe and this only because they are members of EU. If they leave EU they will shrink to real size, just a little lawn gnome.


With England's GNP as it is they need to stay in the EU.Don't forget that Scotland could one day still leave your kingdom.Of course you might want to petition The USA to be the 51st state..You would have to pay a sum to be negotiated later.Oh yes we don;t want any part of Ireland period.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

And without Britain (note England is only one of four countries in the UK) you'd probably be speaking German and living under a repressive Nazi EU regime ......... here, old on a minute !

But, a Federal EU, under Mutti Merkel and her puppet Juncke, what could go wrong?

Im sure that I read somewhere that Britain had its arse kicked and then kicked out of euroupe in 1939 leaving the continent via french fishing boats and dingys from dunkirk, it then took them 5 years only after the USA agreed to invade Europe and fight the Nazis.

Typical British mentality to think they won the war single handedly and that all of the other countries that allied with them, were just a nusence getting in their way.

And we all would be speaking German if it werent for Britain..... Dream on......thumbsup.gif

What a concise summary of WW2 you have given us.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

"The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time"

More like the biggest scroungers free Party of all time,most of the member states don't come anywhere near paying their way,it's a massive bankrupts feeding trough!

We should cut our losses and get out now! and start spending our money on our own country and people,instead of the handout freeby Brigade!

By the way you didn't say what country you are from? I suspect you have more of a personal interest than you are disclosing?

Correct,probably a freeloading scrounging east European.


Im sure that I read somewhere that Britain had its arse kicked and then kicked out of euroupe in 1939 leaving the continent via french fishing boats and dingys from dunkirk, it then took them 5 years only after the USA agreed to invade Europe and fight the Nazis.

Slight exaggeration. The invasion of Italy was 4 years later.

And we all would be speaking German if it werent for Britain..... Dream on......thumbsup.gif

Fair point. You would probably be speaking Russian.


Are you calling




and a few more small principalities Neo-facists and bird brains as they are not in the eec and i am sure not many of them are in ukip.

Actually, Norway, as part of the EEA, is still under the thumb of the EU - they just don't have a vote. I'm not sure that Switzerland is actually much better off, either.

If England does leave the EU, I fear it will yet remain in the EEA. I don't see any real advantage in being in the EEA but not the EU. We're not being offered a vote on whether to leave the EEA.


Way things are going the EU are making a very good case indeed for leaving. The cracks are only widening year on year economically and nothing ever gets fixed only papered over, Greece will be back for more etc and in 2016 we will see more QE from the eurozone.... its a basket case already and will collapse eventually regardless of us leaving or not

Wont be a bad thing either, the Euro is a failed currency just as the EU is a failed model...it always was

I fervently hope we leave ASAP and it give the EU the stress test it so richly deserves.

Best present we could give the EU and ourselves is leaving it.

The only thing to fear is fear itself....no point listening to the fear mongers, just do the economic math and you'll realise the EU is a dead duck as is the Euro.

Westminster knew this when they rejected the euro and it knows it still, now would be a very good time to avoid admitting it, getting us out by public vote totally and move on...

haters will go on hating but they already know deep down the euro and EU is inevitably toast thats why they are scared... wink.png


Im sure that I read somewhere that Britain had its arse kicked and then kicked out of euroupe in 1939 leaving the continent via french fishing boats and dingys from dunkirk, it then took them 5 years only after the USA agreed to invade Europe and fight the Nazis.

Slight exaggeration. The invasion of Italy was 4 years later.

And we all would be speaking German if it werent for Britain..... Dream on......thumbsup.gif

Fair point. You would probably be speaking Russian.

Yes, true but once again, the USA was the main force behind keeping the Russians from taking all of Germany.

And the invasion of Italy, Britain still had to get the USA to be the main force and it took them 22 months to complete that mission.

Another fun fact, before the USA came along, Britain has the most retreats and surrenders of the war!!!!coffee1.gif


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

And without Britain (note England is only one of four countries in the UK) you'd probably be speaking German and living under a repressive Nazi EU regime ......... here, old on a minute !

But, a Federal EU, under Mutti Merkel and her puppet Juncke, what could go wrong?

Im sure that I read somewhere that Britain had its arse kicked and then kicked out of euroupe in 1939 leaving the continent via french fishing boats and dingys from dunkirk, it then took them 5 years only after the USA agreed to invade Europe and fight the Nazis.

Typical British mentality to think they won the war single handedly and that all of the other countries that allied with them, were just a nusence getting in their way.

And we all would be speaking German if it werent for Britain..... Dream on......thumbsup.gif

What a concise summary of WW2 you have given us.

Another fun fact, before the USA came along, Britain had the most retreats and surrenders of the war!!!!coffee1.gif

Come on, the Brits still think they are a world power.

Let them dream as much as they

They have the most professional soldiers in the world. There are no better anywhere. IMO.

To Whos Standard?


Come on, the Brits still think they are a world power.
Let them dream as much as they

They have the most professional soldiers in the world. There are no better anywhere. IMO.

To Whos Standard?

Mine for one, who do you think is better?

These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

What a complete load of useless abusive drivel . And you call them bird brains . You are one evil sick dog . Did you forget your medicine today or have you been on the white whisky ?

Europe started out with good intentions but is now sick with beaurocracy and badly run poor nations being allowed to join and drag the EEC down. It cannot survive in its present form and uk is forcing them to change it for the better or uk will leave .

Are you calling




and a few more small principalities Neo-facists and bird brains as they are not in the eec and i am sure not many of them are in ukip. Better to engage your brain before you post

How unpleasant

I dealt with you uninformed types some time ago

Do you really need me to spell it out?

Read The Economist

I am unpleasant? I did not call a race of people bird brains and neo-facists . This guy just verbally abused everyone in my country and called them little englanders but does not know about wales ,scotland and N ireland ? And i am uninformed ?!

I do need you to spell it out as i have no idea what you mean ?

Why would i want to read the economist ? This has little to do with economics and more to do with control of our own country and not having to adhere to all the crazy rules that come out of brussels ,esp on immigration and paying for the crazy eec policy of allowing poor sometimes nearly bankrupt countries being allowed to join then claiming millions of dollars from the eec.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

oh, how I like your quote and how right you are. These Brits are still dreaming of their Empire. They can't accept to be No 2 or 3 in Europe and this only because they are members of EU. If they leave EU they will shrink to real size, just a little lawn gnome.

Not realy fair to slag off a race of people who created most of the developed world without stating where you come from is it?


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

What a complete load of useless abusive drivel . And you call them bird brains . You are one evil sick dog . Did you forget your medicine today or have you been on the white whisky ?

Europe started out with good intentions but is now sick with beaurocracy and badly run poor nations being allowed to join and drag the EEC down. It cannot survive in its present form and uk is forcing them to change it for the better or uk will leave .

Are you calling




and a few more small principalities Neo-facists and bird brains as they are not in the eec and i am sure not many of them are in ukip. Better to engage your brain before you post

How unpleasant

I dealt with you uninformed types some time ago

Do you really need me to spell it out?

Read The Economist

I am unpleasant? I did not call a race of people bird brains and neo-facists . This guy just verbally abused everyone in my country and called them little englanders but does not know about wales ,scotland and N ireland ? And i am uninformed ?!

I do need you to spell it out as i have no idea what you mean ?

Why would i want to read the economist ? This has little to do with economics and more to do with control of our own country and not having to adhere to all the crazy rules that come out of brussels ,esp on immigration and paying for the crazy eec policy of allowing poor sometimes nearly bankrupt countries being allowed to join then claiming millions of dollars from the eec.

Yes the thread has turned into bash a Brit.


I suggest members get back on topic. One member has been suspended and I suspect others will follow shortly unless you discuss the topic in a civil manner.

Blanket statements against any race or nationality are against the rules.

The thread is not about WW II, either.


With England's GNP as it is they need to stay in the EU.Don't forget that Scotland could one day still leave your kingdom.Of course you might want to petition The USA to be the 51st state..You would have to pay a sum to be negotiated later.Oh yes we don;t want any part of Ireland period.

FYI ENGLAND'S GDP is one of the largest in the EU (it is huge and will be bigger out) and it is hoped by the majority of the U.K. that the jocks leave as they take out way more than they put in. As far as the UK and GDP is concerned, England generates the lions share and then some. The 'Scottish' oil, of which part is in English waters, accounts for something like 1% of GDP. Squat! And then you have the jocks with their hand out. The oil is not worth it and neither is Scotland. 55% of jocks who voted to stay in UK know this, but you don't right. For the cheap seats, the EU needs the UK more than the other way around which is why the leaders of other nations jump whenever exit is mentioned. It's got eff all to do with empire days ad nauseum. And as I say, yanks don't have a say. As to joining your <deleted> up nation I'd rather be with the Chinese; at least they have some brains and self respect.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

oh, how I like your quote and how right you are. These Brits are still dreaming of their Empire. They can't accept to be No 2 or 3 in Europe and this only because they are members of EU. If they leave EU they will shrink to real size, just a little lawn gnome.

Not realy fair to slag off a race of people who created most of the developed world without stating where you come from is it?

what kind of race do you mean? If you refer to Brits: what is left from their "Empire" and why they lost it? Because they exploited other nations and races just for their own benefit. And after all they were thrown out. Could happen now again. The EU might kick them out. It's a shame but they are resistant to learn from history!


These types of threads always bring out the worst in people, especially when it's a British topic. The yanks think they have it bad but EVERYONE loves to bash the Brits, or the English to be more precise. There is no discussion, just pure unbridled bitching.

Bottom line, people are sick and tired of being dictated to by a foreign entity; a club which has burgeoned from what was signed up to as the common market that now controls most facets of life. We didn't sign up to that, and I most certainly didn't. The UK is a small island running out of space fast, services are struggling to cope and the EU cats just want to keep on shovelling the people in. Enough is enough, whatever is costs, even if, as some of you uninformed folk seem to think, it will lead the country to ruin. I'd rather have the latter and control of my backyard than ever closer ties to essentially being a diluted state. What's the point! It's not about wanting to be better than anyone or delusion of grandeur of days of empire etc (stroll on... whatever, most Brits couldn't give a monkeys about any of that past). Anyway, bash away haters, I'm done with this predictable thread.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

oh, how I like your quote and how right you are. These Brits are still dreaming of their Empire. They can't accept to be No 2 or 3 in Europe and this only because they are members of EU. If they leave EU they will shrink to real size, just a little lawn gnome.

Not realy fair to slag off a race of people who created most of the developed world without stating where you come from is it?

what kind of race do you mean? If you refer to Brits: what is left from their "Empire" and why they lost it? Because they exploited other nations and races just for their own benefit. And after all they were thrown out. Could happen now again. The EU might kick them out. It's a shame but they are resistant to learn from history!

Harping on about empire again! What is it with you people, serious insecurity complex or what! As I said most Brits couldn't care less about it, they didn't lose anything, it is more a case of other nations catching up. But slagging of ALL Brits for the past achieves nothing because all of that is nothing to do with any living Brit today. Get it! As for EU kicking UK out... [emoji23] if only we were so lucky.

what kind of race do you mean? If you refer to Brits: what is left from their "Empire" and why they lost it? Because they exploited other nations and races just for their own benefit. And after all they were thrown out. Could happen now again. The EU might kick them out. It's a shame but they are resistant to learn from history!

Harping on about empire again! What is it with you people, serious insecurity complex or what! As I said most Brits couldn't care less about it, they didn't lose anything, it is more a case of other nations catching up. But slagging of ALL Brits for the past achieves nothing because all of that is nothing to do with any living Brit today. Get it! As for EU kicking UK out... [emoji23] if only we were so lucky.

It's amazing: first UK wanted to become a member and now after they got the benefits and may be presented the bill to pay they refused. It's pure cherry picking. I hope Cameron can convince his people they are part of Europe. And as part of it it has to take responsibilities. Of course the "founder" for EU, German chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Francois Mitterand got in their mind to create a new currency, a fiscal Union AND the United States of Europe. Only one little country resists all time:UK. The Brussel administration is a "de facto" government and as in any country not 100% would agree. So to make it clear and easy for you to understand: YOU would not leave your country only because you don't agree with your government (I mean the time when you were working as a tax payer). For the future Europe can only exist if it use it's combined strength to conquer America and China or India (maybe later). Most EU countries will share this opinion, but....Also this has nothing to do with Brits bashing. However ask yourself why it looks like


These types of threads always bring out the worst in people, especially when it's a British topic. The yanks think they have it bad but EVERYONE loves to bash the Brits, or the English to be more precise. There is no discussion, just pure unbridled bitching.

Bottom line, people are sick and tired of being dictated to by a foreign entity; a club which has burgeoned from what was signed up to as the common market that now controls most facets of life. We didn't sign up to that, and I most certainly didn't. The UK is a small island running out of space fast, services are struggling to cope and the EU cats just want to keep on shovelling the people in. Enough is enough, whatever is costs, even if, as some of you uninformed folk seem to think, it will lead the country to ruin. I'd rather have the latter and control of my backyard than ever closer ties to essentially being a diluted state. What's the point! It's not about wanting to be better than anyone or delusion of grandeur of days of empire etc (stroll on... whatever, most Brits couldn't give a monkeys about any of that past). Anyway, bash away haters, I'm done with this predictable thread.

I see you got difficulties to accept that all what comes from Brussel is the result of consense. Brussel's administration rules out what even you Brits agreed. So don't complain. Once you have signed a contract you have to fulfill and follow the rules. To make it easy for you to understand: If you are going to get a loan from a bank you are happy if you get it, but you have also to accept their rules in repayment and interest.

So if you leave EU you have to accept higher import taxes and also that your products are not competitive with EU products because of taxes/customs. Subsidies will be gone as well. So for me it's hard to see some blindfolded people on this small island. Open your eyes!


These types of threads always bring out the worst in people, especially when it's a British topic. The yanks think they have it bad but EVERYONE loves to bash the Brits, or the English to be more precise. There is no discussion, just pure unbridled bitching.

Bottom line, people are sick and tired of being dictated to by a foreign entity; a club which has burgeoned from what was signed up to as the common market that now controls most facets of life. We didn't sign up to that, and I most certainly didn't. The UK is a small island running out of space fast, services are struggling to cope and the EU cats just want to keep on shovelling the people in. Enough is enough, whatever is costs, even if, as some of you uninformed folk seem to think, it will lead the country to ruin. I'd rather have the latter and control of my backyard than ever closer ties to essentially being a diluted state. What's the point! It's not about wanting to be better than anyone or delusion of grandeur of days of empire etc (stroll on... whatever, most Brits couldn't give a monkeys about any of that past). Anyway, bash away haters, I'm done with this predictable thread.

I see you got difficulties to accept that all what comes from Brussel is the result of consense. Brussel's administration rules out what even you Brits agreed. So don't complain. Once you have signed a contract you have to fulfill and follow the rules. To make it easy for you to understand: If you are going to get a loan from a bank you are happy if you get it, but you have also to accept their rules in repayment and interest.

So if you leave EU you have to accept higher import taxes and also that your products are not competitive with EU products because of taxes/customs. Subsidies will be gone as well. So for me it's hard to see some blindfolded people on this small island. Open your eyes!

I just can't wait to see the look on the little englanders faces when they find out, no longer part of the EU, find the French gendarmes at Calais shrugging their shoulders and pointing out to the refugees that 'angleterre is over there'.

Cooperation gone: It will be one way to lessen the EU's migrant load, that is for sure.


These 'little Englanders' - how I hate them! Neo-fascist supporters of UKIP, doubtless! That should get me some unwarranted responses, I sincerely hope!

The EU - one of the greatest political and economic unions of all time and the dear 'little Englanders' think that the UK is still the centre of the universe and can 'go it alone' in the fight against terrorism and economic survival.

Bird brains - all of them!

oh, how I like your quote and how right you are. These Brits are still dreaming of their Empire. They can't accept to be No 2 or 3 in Europe and this only because they are members of EU. If they leave EU they will shrink to real size, just a little lawn gnome.

Not realy fair to slag off a race of people who created most of the developed world without stating where you come from is it?

what kind of race do you mean? If you refer to Brits: what is left from their "Empire" and why they lost it? Because they exploited other nations and races just for their own benefit. And after all they were thrown out. Could happen now again. The EU might kick them out. It's a shame but they are resistant to learn from history!

they lost it because the nations that were part of the british empire became developed because of british rule ,

then wanted their independence. Its called evolution . Still slag of my country but you seem to ashamed to name the country you come from ?

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