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Thai Wife has been at a Buddhist Temple for 2 months and counting

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Just send word to her family you are moving in a Mia Noi to take care of your needs around

the house until your wife returns. Also ask for 48 hours notice on her return date so you

can get rid of all the tell tail black hairs and you can put fresh sheets on the bed.

See how they/she respond to that. whistling.gif

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Wat po in bkk take in devotees to be short term nun.

They learn meditate,massage,make medication oil... and so on.

Don't make wild guess but try to visit and sort things out.

As for those bullshit posters,I personally believe in KARMA

And wishes all good luck (they need it)

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My ex-girlfriend once took a trip to the temple for a month to pray for a dying family member with the rest of her family. They went on a temple tour of about 20+ temples out in the wilderness.

There's no way a girl is going to go alone to a temple in Bangkok and stay 2+ months. Quit fooling yourself....

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don't feel to depressed over Xmas..

think positive, love yourself, and don't force a bad relationship..

i am sure you will find another lady.......one who is good to you..

but this one you probably have to let go.....best for both of you

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From the little bit of info you supplied, it sounds like things are over, and she is not emotionally mature enough to discuss them. After two months I would consider the relationship finished. If it were me, I would find this temple and have her sign the divorce papers. Life is short. Sieze it. And improve your selection process, next time. Do not settle for a woman who finds communication impossible.

Edited by spidermike007
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Start looking firstly on the negative side, she has as good as left you.

I also am suspicious she is not in a temple at all.

Then the bright side, you are better off without her. She has abandoned her son.

Divorce her based on abandonment, inform her family, my guess is she will get the message.

They might well go into a temple to atone some bad deed, or escape some problems, but that would be for a week or two.

If she has turned religious she is as good as gone anyhow.

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I have a farang friend who has a wife who constantly goes to the temple when she or they have problems which I hate to say is on a regular basis , however she normally would only go for one or two days and to the local one so he knows where to go if he needs to speak to her . Two months seems a long time my friend can only imagine that life might be so unbearable with you that , that in her mind was her only choice. I think a trip to the temple where she is staying might be a good idea and a long chat on the temple sala may well help you to find out what are the issues in both your lives !!!!! Good luck with whatever you decide !!!

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Try the temples located on Soi Cowboy or Nana...she is likely engaged in some heavy meditation there...

Customer count is way down. I wouldnt be surprised if some got on their KNEES(not what you think) and prayed and prayed some more.

Its the middle of HIGH tootin season, for buddhas sake. The girls should be flying off the shelves so to speak....lol. But they arent. Kinda sad.

They say the BAR tourist is the last to go.

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Darn some people are so lucky my wife leaves for 2 hours comes back and wakes the whole neighbourhood, it's got so bad the neighbours suggested that they pay for her to stay away for 2 months, ok with my savings that's 4 months freedom come on down party time..

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So i guess you told that person you plan to visit her in the temple and the only way her friend can save her is to say she just leaved. Just forget about that. And start enjoying your life. Happened same when my thai gf in Sweden met another guy and 3 months said she still love me but needs time to think. That means she want to see if that guy is good or not for her. If not then you will be her fallback plan.. And i dont think you want to be second choice.

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