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Brit dies in mysterious circumstances in South Pattaya

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RIP to the victim. May be I'm the only one noticing this. They all look emaciated and malnourished which implies real potential that they're doing drugs. Maybe not but I'd put my chips on the table that they are. There's a real chance this is drug-related.

Really? You think so? Bearing in mind that the report actually said that drug taking equipment was found I'd say that was a very astute observation on your part.


Perhaps the headline should read.

4 Thai men in drag questioned over death of British Immigrant

Perhaps it shouldn't, the original headline was more accurate than your suggestion.


He held a British passport that does not make him British. Loads of newly arrived that have been given passports and they can't even speak English or know how to use a toilet.


Don't they mean someone with Brit Passport

Gee, I always thought your passport was your citizenship.

Sorry, in order to qualify for citizenship one must drink Earl Grey tea, ride horses attired in a decent tailcoat, and vote for Jacob Rees-Mogg the Right Honourable Member for the Eighteenth Century.


Loads of newly arrived that have been given passports and they can't even speak English or know how to use a toilet.

Little you seem to know about UK immigration law.


Don't they mean someone with Brit Passport

Gee, I always thought your passport was your citizenship.

Sorry, in order to qualify for citizenship one must drink Earl Grey tea, ride horses attired in a decent tailcoat, and vote for Jacob Rees-Mogg the Right Honourable Member for the Eighteenth Century.

. Basic minimum requirement

Every body knows lady boys would not lie or kill when some one does not pay them or refuse there services! The Thai police might call this a suicide just so they do not have to do paper work!


Don't they mean someone with Brit Passport

Gee, I always thought your passport was your citizenship.

Sorry, in order to qualify for citizenship one must drink Earl Grey tea, ride horses attired in a decent tailcoat, and vote for Jacob Rees-Mogg the Right Honourable Member for the Eighteenth Century.

. Basic minimum requirement

you forgot that every fourth word spoken must be the 'F' word and each sentence must end with 'innit'


Yes indeed very sad,he may well have been a guy that did not do a lot of travelling or perhaps he may have been a bit shy,its easy for me to see that type of person not suspecting about the gender of this 4,although to people who see them most days it would be obvious.We all know a few drinks and what appears to be a pickup girl could easily disguise most things.Then lets say she, or he,whichever the case may be, decided to have a bit of a party,upstairs,i can see it would be easily be agreed upon.Then after not too long he realises who they are and most probably they decided to put the frighteners on him,young half drunk,they would have his wallet out before you could say jack rabbit,and he would not make it to the door,before he would be thretened for his pin number.And i have no doubt at all,he was certainly pushed or thrown from the balcony or window.Yes without a doubt for the regular guy who lives here,easy to spot who and what they are,in fact they are 4 of the dirtiest looking ladyboys i have seen.A blind man could nearly see that.Very sad RIP,and as we know if and when found out,the penalty will for sure NOT fit the crime,as per usual.


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

Any guy who knowingly shags a ladyboy, post op or not, must be homosexual.

Anyone who disagrees with this, must be in denial.

At the same time, everyone to their own as long as no one is getting hurt.


British man ? Not exactly Arthur Postlethwaite from Leeds eh ...... Four Ladyboys and a balcony with a deviant ? Come on, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out the ending here..........


What difference does it make what the label is?

I don't see the appeal either and I'm as gay as they come.

People like what they like, and vice versa.

Some would pay for their company.

Others would pay for them to go away.

C'est la vie.


28 years old and going home to that lot,,Must be hard up ,,,or one of them to,,That lot has been scraped out the bottom of the barrel and got damaged on the way out.


Playing with ladyboys...is like flippantly playing with a loaded gun...(no pun intended)...and has ended with the death of many a foreigner...way too many unexplained farang deaths in LOS...


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

One thing Thailand opened my eyes to is the amount of British and US serviceman who have sex with ladyboys but don't consider it a homosexual act. It's no secret that all the ladyboys flood Pattaya when a navy boat docks.

Anyway, each to their own. RIP the young man.


Beauty queen contestants they're not. But this man is dead. How about a little respect?

Absolutely - an elderly guy died of poor health last week- endless speculation about his wife killing him- totally no respect for an unwell resident of the Kingdom.

As ever the bigoted, boring, ( probably bible bashing) , straight laced- ( never been to a BDSM club in their lives or experienced the wonders of the human sexual condition ) come up with the usual drivel.

It's totally obvious this is drug related- crystal meth TOTALLY f**ks up your brain .


Drugs probably , in Pattaya if you really want a ladyboy , why not choose from the top instead of this ugly chickens.


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

This is not true. I have had this conversation with "real" gays and they say that "real" gays, like 'real' men to f. .k. etc and that liking lady boys is not really gay. Its a moot point? Its a fine point? Its a point anyway and Australian Steve Hughes does a good skit on 'real gays' in :


Playing with ladyboys...is like flippantly playing with a loaded gun...(no pun intended)...and has ended with the death of many a foreigner...way too many unexplained farang deaths in LOS...

Fifteen years of gun-play and nary a misfire yet...and some of these girls are packing large capacity magazines!


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

Any guy who knowingly shags a ladyboy, post op or not, must be homosexual.

Anyone who disagrees with this, must be in denial.

At the same time, everyone to their own as long as no one is getting hurt.

Why not bi-sexual?????


Don't they mean someone with Brit Passport

Gee, I always thought your passport was your citizenship.

Sorry, in order to qualify for citizenship one must drink Earl Grey tea, ride horses attired in a decent tailcoat, and vote for Jacob Rees-Mogg the Right Honourable Member for the Eighteenth Century.

pip pip, cheerio


Why call them "ladyboys". Nothing "lady" about them and remember ALL ladyboys are males. remind them of that everytime

There are a lot of guys in Pattaya who claim to be 100% heterosexual that will argue with you about that and how they are not gay just because they like to have sex with (these) guys since they sorta kinda look like girls...in a nearly dark room...wearing sunglasses.biggrin.png

So their whole argument is that they are not gay just because they like to have butt sex with guys....because the guys happen to dress like women. I have never seen such denial.

Any guy who knowingly shags a ladyboy, post op or not, must be homosexual.

Anyone who disagrees with this, must be in denial.

At the same time, everyone to their own as long as no one is getting hurt.

Why not bi-sexual?????

Yes, maybe.


my dog is bi-sexual,he keeps trying to bonk our tom cat

You have to wait for your turn?ohmy.png

i'm a bit wary of the teeth, still, if i put a mini skirt on him maybe i'll overcome my fear. I wonder what the label for that would be 'inter-species bi-sexuality, i could start a new movement, we could be persecuted but wait another 10 years the way things are going and you could marry your Great Dane

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