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This is what happens when the Arctic warms twice as fast as the rest of the planet

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It's interesting how people say global warming is fake for someone's personal gain.

What is the cause of this? Pollution is produced from cars, factories, agriculture, etc.

It doesn't really matter if global warming is man made or not. What does matter is that we continue to improve our carbon foot print on earth to ensure the survival of life. We cannot continue on this current path of overfishing the oceans, deforestation, etc. Harvesting every resource without giving back. We are a just parasite sucking on the life of earth, draining her dry,

It's also interesting what we as humans value. 7 billion people on earth all trying to live like the 1%. What will be of value when something threatens life on earth?

Yes, of course the 7 billion like to be as the 1%. I reckon you mean the 'elite' by this 1%.

Of course they want to be otherwise the 1% will crush them and make them New World Slaves.

If we all raise our voice (thru the web e.g.), we might make a fist against the New World Imperialists that have only one gain: to have it all!

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Global warming or not, pollution needs to be reduced regardless!

Brilliant. I think this highlights exactly how much of a scam the whole "global warming / climate change" agenda really is.

No one can agree on the topic of climate change. It is too complex of a problem to study/track/analyze. Hyperbole abounds. Governments and special interests drool over the money and taxes in play.

But I think everyone would agree that reducing pollution is a positive thing that should be pursued. No one wants more pollution. Pollution is easily measured and analyzed. And addressing pollution with technological solutions is doable. The money wasted on this climate change BS should instead be invested in the measurable and agreeable agenda of simply reducing pollution.

And if carbon pollution is really the cause of climate change, and climate change is really a problem, then reducing pollution will help.


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists? For their blue eyes, their knowledge or for their biased opinion of which they are eagerly willing to convince us?. There is big biss involved with the so called global warming and in this world many don't care if only for the money.

As long as scientists are rolling on the floor over what is what and who is more right, why are the worlds politicians blind and follow the pied piper; Al Gore and the world elite? Because they have to as they are all indoctrinated, bought, bribed, blackmailed (child porn for example?) or simply have no clue.

If people would read more and I assume you do, then people could all see what is going on.


Now we have a walrus problem?

How are the poor polar bears holding out or has their 15 minutes simply expired?

Wake up.

Every species on the planet has a problem.

Everything is interlinked.

Some species are studied as "indicator species".

Data collected on those selected species is relevant to many species.

(In a past life,I spent over 10 years collecting data on indicator species as a wildlife tech.. I know something about wildlife surveys.)



I find this biased information. The south pole has more ice than ever, so it is just a climate change all according to mother nature's gallactic mood.

Think the people concerned should give the poor animals a detour south polesmile.png . Money for migrants is quite normal these days in Europe.

This article just is corn on the mill for the climate freaks.

Not only do you believe in the ficticious carachter of "mother Nature", you also believe she has moods??

So, tell me, in your book, is climate change just a result of her "time of the month"??gigglem.gif

It is past time to forget the childish fairy tales and get real!


According to the New York Times, this catastrophic melting has been going on since at least 1881.

Their headlines of looming polar doom come around regularly.
1881: “This past Winter, both inside and outside the Arctic circle, appears to have been unusually mild. The ice is very light and rapidly melting …”
1932: “NEXT GREAT DELUGE FORECAST BY SCIENCE; Melting Polar Ice Caps to Raise the Level of Seas and Flood the Continents”
1934: “New Evidence Supports Geology’s View That the Arctic Is Growing Warmer”
1937: “Continued warm weather at the Pole, melting snow and ice.”
1954: “The particular point of inquiry concerns whether the ice is melting at such a rate as to imperil low-lying coastal areas through raising the level of the sea in the near future.”
1957: “U.S. Arctic Station Melting”
1958: “At present, the Arctic ice pack is melting away fast. Some estimates say that it is 40 per cent thinner and 12 per cent smaller than it was fifteen years [ago].”
1959: “Will the Arctic Ocean soon be free of ice?”
1971: “STUDY SAYS MAN ALTERS CLIMATE; U.N. Report Links Melting of Polar Ice to His Activities”
1979: “A puzzling haze over the Arctic ice packs has been identified as a byproduct of air pollution, a finding that may support predictions of a disastrous melting of the earth’s ice caps.”
1982: “Because of global heating attributed to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from fuel burning, about 20,000 cubic miles of polar ice has melted in the past 40 years, apparently contributing to a rise in sea levels …”
1999: “Evidence continues to accumulate that the frozen world of the Arctic and sub-Arctic is thawing.”
2000: “The North Pole is melting. The thick ice that has for ages covered the Arctic Ocean at the pole has turned to water, recent visitors there reported yesterday.”
2002: “The melting of Greenland glaciers and Arctic Ocean sea ice this past summer reached levels not seen in decades, scientists reported today.”
2004: “There is an awful lot of Arctic and glacial ice melting.”

So, to summarize your post:

The polar ice caps have been increacingly melting for 123 years now.

Is it time to start taking it seriously now,

or are corporate profits and stock dividends still more important than life in the future?

Thanks for the post!


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

Actually believers,

If they're wrong (and effective) they will have destroyed the industrial base that could have saved us from many other potential problems. If they're so wrong (and effective) and it's an ice age approaching, they will have destroyed the human race.

But as China won't co-operate, it doesn't really matter, it's all just hot air.


Now we have a walrus problem?

How are the poor polar bears holding out or has their 15 minutes simply expired?

Yes, dead already. This was the last picture taken of the last known polar bear. Absolutely not faked.

attachicon.gifpolar bear on ice .jpg

But of course, absolutely faked, and pictures like this have the tree huggers and bear huggers screaming foul, or more appropriately Athropogenic Global Warming!!

If amongst all the hysteria people would just stop and contemplate that CO2 constitutes ONLY 0.04% of the atmosphere. That is 400 parts per million. Think about it folks! However all the chief Deceptacon Gore has to say is CO2 has gone up 25% since records began and most people in the world think we are about to run out of Oxygen but actually what 25% increase really means is that since records began it has gone up between 0.006 and 0.008 % of atmospheric composition - but hey that wont concern you but screaming 25% has got everyone having palpatations. Gore and the GW ers say that in the 1800's CO2 soared up past 285 parts per million and blamed it on the Industrial revolution. What he does not state is that CO2 was equally as high in the Middle Ages, what was that then? Commercial air travel? Shipping? the odd log fire around a world with probably less than 500 Million people?

So currently CO2 is increasing at 2 parts per million per year, so if the trend continued (which it wont) it would reach 0.08% of the atmosphere in 200 years, even then it is still a trace gas. This IS NOT warming the planet folks, wake up. Yes we need to clean up our act and protect our water sources our soil our earth, but this is all a distraction from the biggest money making scam since JC and the 3 wise men - AND current GW agreements will now ensure that under developed countries with huge resources such as Africa have no chance of becoming 'developed'. How convenient the inconvenient truth has become for our global elite.

To put this in numbers that the majority of our membership may understand. If the atmosphere were represented by a 500ml glass of beer. The amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is equivalent to one THIRD of a drop in our beer. Put another way, IF one drop of beer were representing the CO2 in our atmosphere you need to drop it in 1.5 liters of beer to give the equivalent mix! If you want to know how much CO2 has gone up in our atmosphere since records began it is equivalent to one drop of beer in 6 liters of beer! Now I hope as you consume your libation this evening it puts things in perspective.

and on the other side,

you have the greedy, selfcentered corporate stock huggers.


I find this biased information. The south pole has more ice than ever, so it is just a climate change all according to mother nature's gallactic mood.

Think the people concerned should give the poor animals a detour south polesmile.png . Money for migrants is quite normal these days in Europe.

This article just is corn on the mill for the climate freaks.

Not only do you believe in the ficticious carachter of "mother Nature", you also believe she has moods??

So, tell me, in your book, is climate change just a result of her "time of the month"??gigglem.gif

It is past time to forget the childish fairy tales and get real!

At least I laugh at myself and at youlaugh.png

So, tell me, in your book, is climate change just a result of her "time of the month"??gigglem.gif"

Well, if you like to put it that way, yes, she really has her periods


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

Hmmmm. I am having trouble finding the step !sad.png


Now we have a walrus problem?

How are the poor polar bears holding out or has their 15 minutes simply expired?

Wake up.

Every species on the planet has a problem.

Everything is interlinked.

Some species are studied as "indicator species".

Data collected on those selected species is relevant to many species.

(In a past life,I spent over 10 years collecting data on indicator species as a wildlife tech.. I know something about wildlife surveys.)




​I'm wide awake, thank you very much.


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists? For their blue eyes, their knowledge or for their biased opinion of which they are eagerly willing to convince us?. There is big biss involved with the so called global warming and in this world many don't care if only for the money.

As long as scientists are rolling on the floor over what is what and who is more right, why are the worlds politicians blind and follow the pied piper; Al Gore and the world elite? Because they have to as they are all indoctrinated, bought, bribed, blackmailed (child porn for example?) or simply have no clue.

If people would read more and I assume you do, then people could all see what is going on.

"Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists?" - Yes!

The rest of your post is subjective nonsense and babble as far as I can see - child porn!!!


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

Hmmmm. I am having trouble finding the step !sad.png

Maybe they didn't have a globe at the school you went to, but north pole is always up and hot air rises while cold air sinks down.

Good think the oil industry employee bright minds that can see straight through all the political and corporate mumbo jumbo.



Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

Hmmmm. I am having trouble finding the step !sad.png

Maybe they didn't have a globe at the school you went to, but north pole is always up and hot air rises while cold air sinks down.

Good think the oil industry employee bright minds that can see straight through all the political and corporate mumbo jumbo.

Tell us all you really are just joking with that one, please?


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

Being wrong may have no affect on you!

Tell that to the billions of people living in poverty, no electricity etc etc.

The world is to deny them development just in case ehh?

It is a total SCAM!!!


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

Hmmmm. I am having trouble finding the step !sad.png

Maybe they didn't have a globe at the school you went to, but north pole is always up and hot air rises while cold air sinks down.

Good think the oil industry employee bright minds that can see straight through all the political and corporate mumbo jumbo.

Tell us all you really are just joking with that one, please?

At first the general public also rejected Copernicus' idea that the sun is the center of our solar system. Brilliant ideas takes time to mature and it is not an easy life to be an Internet genius.


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

Being wrong may have no affect on you!

Tell that to the billions of people living in poverty, no electricity etc etc.

The world is to deny them development just in case ehh?

It is a total SCAM!!!

So you think that being incorrect about man made climate change will result in billions of impoverished people not having electricity and no development? Presumably then, being correct about it results in balmy summer days and cool pleasant nights for all?

Waiter, I'll have what he's on but make mine just a single!


Now we have a walrus problem?

How are the poor polar bears holding out or has their 15 minutes simply expired?

Yes, dead already. This was the last picture taken of the last known polar bear. Absolutely not faked.

attachicon.gifpolar bear on ice .jpg

But of course, absolutely faked, and pictures like this have the tree huggers and bear huggers screaming foul, or more appropriately Athropogenic Global Warming!!

If amongst all the hysteria people would just stop and contemplate that CO2 constitutes ONLY 0.04% of the atmosphere. That is 400 parts per million. Think about it folks! However all the chief Deceptacon Gore has to say is CO2 has gone up 25% since records began and most people in the world think we are about to run out of Oxygen but actually what 25% increase really means is that since records began it has gone up between 0.006 and 0.008 % of atmospheric composition - but hey that wont concern you but screaming 25% has got everyone having palpatations. Gore and the GW ers say that in the 1800's CO2 soared up past 285 parts per million and blamed it on the Industrial revolution. What he does not state is that CO2 was equally as high in the Middle Ages, what was that then? Commercial air travel? Shipping? the odd log fire around a world with probably less than 500 Million people?

So currently CO2 is increasing at 2 parts per million per year, so if the trend continued (which it wont) it would reach 0.08% of the atmosphere in 200 years, even then it is still a trace gas. This IS NOT warming the planet folks, wake up. Yes we need to clean up our act and protect our water sources our soil our earth, but this is all a distraction from the biggest money making scam since JC and the 3 wise men - AND current GW agreements will now ensure that under developed countries with huge resources such as Africa have no chance of becoming 'developed'. How convenient the inconvenient truth has become for our global elite.

To put this in numbers that the majority of our membership may understand. If the atmosphere were represented by a 500ml glass of beer. The amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is equivalent to one THIRD of a drop in our beer. Put another way, IF one drop of beer were representing the CO2 in our atmosphere you need to drop it in 1.5 liters of beer to give the equivalent mix! If you want to know how much CO2 has gone up in our atmosphere since records began it is equivalent to one drop of beer in 6 liters of beer! Now I hope as you consume your libation this evening it puts things in perspective.

Beer is actually saturated with CO2 when you pour it, so it will not be able to absorb even 1/3 of a drop.

Although it is hard to believe, I am actually a bit of an CO2 expert, mostly in its liquid form.

You will be surprised how often you breath 2,000-5,000 ppm CO2. In planes, in cars and even indoor in poorly ventilated rooms and that is with our current 400 ppm in the atmosphere.



I absolutely support all of the scepticism expressed by the posters, who

have not been hoodwinked by the "facts" and "statistics" put out by the

climate-change and global-warming brigade.

There is a 5200-year solar activity cycle at play here, and within which

there is a 400-year earth's core rotation effect, both of which being the

main causes of the current warmer climate.

The only winners in this whole debate are Al Gore -being the opportunist

he is - and the rest of his bandwagon, mining this new gold rush for all it

is worth.

Who said we don't have quality people on TV?

Here is our next Nobel prize winner ...


To those who believe man made global warming is killing the planet: if you're wrong, you will simply have got it wrong.

To those climate change deniers: if you're wrong there is no Plan B.

Are you really willing to take that risk based solely on your political leanings and your thinking that you're smarter than the worlds best scientist, good luck with that if you are!

Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists? For their blue eyes, their knowledge or for their biased opinion of which they are eagerly willing to convince us?. There is big biss involved with the so called global warming and in this world many don't care if only for the money.

As long as scientists are rolling on the floor over what is what and who is more right, why are the worlds politicians blind and follow the pied piper; Al Gore and the world elite? Because they have to as they are all indoctrinated, bought, bribed, blackmailed (child porn for example?) or simply have no clue.

If people would read more and I assume you do, then people could all see what is going on.

"Are you really willing to believe that we must/should believe the worlds best scientists?" - Yes!

The rest of your post is subjective nonsense and babble as far as I can see - child porn!!!

That shows you know so little about it.


One of the problems with (certainly, Western) education is that we are indoctrinated in various ways. One of these in in the area of Religion. Another one is the belief that "science" has all the answers and that the "answers" are definitive. We are also led to believe, during our vital formative years, that scientists are always correct in their pronouncements. Hence a blind, unflinching and unwavering faith on our parts that everything we are told in the name of "science" is correct.

But hold on! New discoveries are happening all the time which challenge the accepted norms.

For example, Darwinism is on its last legs, albeit with a fierce rearguard action by Neo-Darwinists like Richard Dawkins. Survival of the fittest through random mutation, so long accepted by mainstream scientists, no longer holds sway.

Another example? Scientists have recently been astonished by finding an "ocean" inside the interior of the earth, and a "core within a core", both findings being totally unexpected to scientists.

And as to the supposed man-made causes of earth's global warming, a number of years ago NASA announced that Mars was experiencing global warming of its own. Surely we cannot attribute this to being a man-made phenomenon? Perhaps something larger is at work in the Cosmos?

NASA's scientists have had difficulties of their own. Their computer models and predictions have often been thrown into disarray with sudden, and sometimes huge, anomalies which have occurred on the other planets in our solar system.

Blindly and unquestioningly following the "quote" "world's best scientists" on the subject of earth's global warming, therefore - I really don't think so!


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

Hmmmm. I am having trouble finding the step !sad.png

Maybe they didn't have a globe at the school you went to, but north pole is always up and hot air rises while cold air sinks down.

Good think the oil industry employee bright minds that can see straight through all the political and corporate mumbo jumbo.

Hmmm. I believe my education was sufficient .To the extent that as a globe the differentiation of direction is reltive in terms of the galaxy. North versus south is irrelevantly relative to the galaxy.

As a simple explanation.... If I were to stand on my hands and pass anal gas that gas would possibly rise upwards....but not dependant on whether I passed that gas in the north or the south.

If oil industry were to rely on a previous example that would mean gas fields would be found exclusively in the Arctic region....facepalm.gif

Oneinsm abouds !


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

I doubt EOW is being serious here. Sir Isaac Newton would have a giggle at this one. Also, overall the Antarctic is warming not cooling.


The bottom line on all of this seems to be, do you believe the scientists or not. If you do you probably go with the warming theory, if you don't I have to ask, do you believe anyone on any subject, doctors, judges, subject matter experts etc., if you you answer no there's no further discussion necessary, if you answer yes I have to ask why not the scientists?


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

I doubt EOW is being serious here. Sir Isaac Newton would have a giggle at this one. Also, overall the Antarctic is warming not cooling.

I will have to include coriolis effect in my Global Temperature Segregation Theory and see what is does to the long term Walrus population. Meanwhile, I have to go and feed Schrödinger's cat, that is, if it is still alive.


Of course the Artic is warming faster and Antarctica is cooling. If you step back and look at the Earth the north pole is always up and the south pole is down. Due to simple convection hot air rises to the north and cold air sinks down to the south pole.

These "scientist" can't be that smart if they haven't figured this simple fact out yet.

Hmmmm. I am having trouble finding the step !sad.png

Maybe they didn't have a globe at the school you went to, but north pole is always up and hot air rises while cold air sinks down.

Good think the oil industry employee bright minds that can see straight through all the political and corporate mumbo jumbo.

Hmmm. I believe my education was sufficient .To the extent that as a globe the differentiation of direction is reltive in terms of the galaxy. North versus south is irrelevantly relative to the galaxy.

As a simple explanation.... If I were to stand on my hands and pass anal gas that gas would possibly rise upwards....but not dependant on whether I passed that gas in the north or the south.

If oil industry were to rely on a previous example that would mean gas fields would be found exclusively in the Arctic region....facepalm.gif

Oneinsm abouds !

Greenland could be the new Qatar and they do mine a lot of gold in South Africa, so maybe you have just discovered the worlds biggest gas field.

NB: I will need photographic evidence of you doing handstands while farting to study this experiment in details.

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