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Selfie time: Thais spend more time on Instagram than any other global users

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every politician, CEO, sports player, etc....is narcissistic!!!!! they are all evil???????

who cares.....drinking beer is dumb, drugs are dumb, sex tourists are dumb.......but worse than instagram????


i know someone who wasted 11 years of their life watching movies!!!!! 30 years sleeping??? or working for the man!!! etc.... is this worse????

blah, blah, blah....

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No surprise there considering how selfish and self absorbed Thai society has become over the years.

A Thai Girl also invented the mirror; and all reflective material .


What else are poor uneducated young Thai's suppose to do but take selfies then show off like they are some one important.

selling their bodies ?

That's only profitable if the selfie-advertisement yields results.


No surprise there considering how selfish and self absorbed Thai society has become over the years.

A Thai Girl also invented the mirror; and all reflective material .

there may be some truth to your reflective surface statement. i have never seen such a high % of women that use every reflective surface to fix their hair when they are not fixing it in the absence of a reflective surface. perhaps as the inventors of reflective surfaces they are constantly inspecting those surfaces for imperfections?


The heavy use of Instagram is partly explained by the fact that Instagram is used as a major e-commerce platform in Thailand. When I was speaking with the Instagram people in California they mentioned the same. Apparently this is also the case in the Middle East (where this started) and in parts of Africa. So it's not all about selfies. Also, keep in mind that if Thai's are using one brand of social media, they are using less of another brand (Vine, Twitter, FB, etc). So cut them some slack, they are not any more self-absorbed than any other country.


Finally, To Be No. 1 at something although perhaps not something to be proud about but many in LoS will disagree.

Recently an old friend stopped contacting me when i asked her not to continually send photos of her meals, cups of coffee, glasses of beer and other such unnecessary items. She was very annoyed and said Thais LOVED sending such things and it was my fault if I didn't understand.

She's 49 and a schoolteacher !


I don't even know what all of this means. I do know many Thais who spend five hours or more on Facebook and line, per day. It is more than a part time job.

I am thrilled to announce I have never taken a selfie. I hope I never do. I just don't need the world knowing what I am doing, where I am at, etc. I value my privacy and my time too much. It all seems so trivial at least to me.

I am not sure about Instagram. I do consider Facebook to be a fame platform. Many want to be famous. It is a way for a normal person to generate a trivial sort of fame. 200 people liked what I did! I am famous! I am important. People really like me!

Ultimately it might be a generational thing. It is possible many of us old codgers just can't relate to what the youth is doing with their time.

The only person I know who is uses Instagram is the 12 year old son of my best friend in LA. He loves it. He takes videos of himself every day. Part of his self worth seems to be measured by how many people "follow" him. Some of his friends have TV shows on you tube. He showed me a few of them. Attractive 12 year olds in his school discuss a scarf selection for the day. Is that not also a "fame" platform?

They grew up in a time where people who have nothing to contribute to society like Hilton and Kardashian have millions of followers on these types of platforms and on the most trivial platform of all, twitter. To many of us older guys, it appears bizarre. Is there any value to it all? Maybe. Can we see it? I don't.

While I agree with you, how many TVF members spend hours on TV? I wonder how many seek approval from their peer group and count up their likes? Just saying

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