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Anti-asylum seekers protest in the Netherlands turns violent

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Governments using the police and military in a violent assault against their own citizens, while allowing what will be millions of invaders to walk in and take what they want. Governments declaring war against their own people. All predicted in The Camp of the Saints.

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Great post, cgtours thumbsup.gif

One point - I was not born in SA, but moved there as a child from Zimbabwe (still Rhodesia then) at the hight of apartheid. Perhaps if I was born there I would have accepted such disgusting behaviour as normal...

Another point - agree with everything you say; Cape Town, the Garden Route and the entire wild coast is my favorite part of the world, easily beating the best coastlines I have traveled including world renowned such as the Great Ocean drive in Australia.

There is a funny story about the "Great Trek", apparently in 1820 someone scaled Table mountain and wrote "More trek ons" ("Tomorrow we leave"). Those that could not read stayed behind. biggrin.png


I know my rant was over the top - perhaps calling out people for racism was inaccurate - it would have been better if I had said discrimination I guess. Anyway, my rant was in response to a couple of posts which were then deleted by admin, so it only appears I have a screw loose tongue.png


Where do you live........?

I live in Thailand, but i grew up in one of the most racist countries on earth, where coincidently the governing party members were all staunch NGK. (Nederlandse Gereformeerd Kerk) Very religious people on the outside - Sunday mornings were for church but Sunday afternoons were for drinking brandy and DELETED. Sick and disgusting human beings that were very happy to live under 'apartheid' as it benefited them greatly. The same attitude I recognise here. Not all posters, of course but several will know I mean them.

I abhor racism and will speak out against it wherever I encounter it.

Islam is NOT a race...so i am not racist for hating Islam...am i? Ol' Mustapha Koran can go do one....
Time to check the definition of racism. Hint: it has evolved over recent years.
Instead of a headlong sprint to put labels on those you disagree with (in an attempt to silence them) perhaps it is wise to consider that attitudes you would label supportive of racism, terrorism and hooliganism are actually somewhat prevalent in Europe. For example a recent survey found the Finns would rather live near a rehab clinic or a home for the mentally ill than a Mosque.


Time to check the definition of racism. Hint: it has evolved over recent years.
Instead of a headlong sprint to put labels on those you disagree with (in an attempt to silence them) perhaps it is wise to consider that attitudes you would label supportive of racism, terrorism and hooliganism are actually somewhat prevalent in Europe. For example a recent survey found the Finns would rather live near a rehab clinic or a home for the mentally ill than a Mosque.


The volume of posts by the bigots on this forum, many of whom promote crimes against humanity and other sick posts, which are constantly being removed from view, far outweigh and practically drown out those with alternate views in their attempts to silence them.

Governments and citizens are indeed increasing wising up to the threats being posed by extremists of all political persuasions. I trust those responsible have the will to take them on, including not comprising with the vileness of attitudes whom so many support on this forum.


Where do you live........?

I live in Thailand, but i grew up in one of the most racist countries on earth, where coincidently the governing party members were all staunch NGK. (Nederlandse Gereformeerd Kerk) Very religious people on the outside - Sunday mornings were for church but Sunday afternoons were for drinking brandy and DELETED. Sick and disgusting human beings that were very happy to live under 'apartheid' as it benefited them greatly. The same attitude I recognise here. Not all posters, of course but several will know I mean them.

I abhor racism and will speak out against it wherever I encounter it.

Islam is NOT a race...so i am not racist for hating Islam...am i? Ol' Mustapha Koran can go do one....
Time to check the definition of racism. Hint: it has evolved over recent years.
Instead of a headlong sprint to put labels on those you disagree with (in an attempt to silence them) perhaps it is wise to consider that attitudes you would label supportive of racism, terrorism and hooliganism are actually somewhat prevalent in Europe. For example a recent survey found the Finns would rather live near a rehab clinic or a home for the mentally ill than a Mosque.




Thats right....the PC'ers can shout it out from the rooftops, but if we disagree, all they can throw at us is the racist card, it starts to get boring after a while...i can get on with most races, Indians, Jews, Black people (i have many black friends), even married to an Asian...Haha. But if I chose to not like Muslims, then what can we do? I cannot just say, i think i will like Muslims today...there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that i can do to change my way of thinking, because they do nothing to change my mind, quite the opposite in fact...


Where do you live........?

I live in Thailand, but i grew up in one of the most racist countries on earth, where coincidently the governing party members were all staunch NGK. (Nederlandse Gereformeerd Kerk) Very religious people on the outside - Sunday mornings were for church but Sunday afternoons were for drinking brandy and DELETED. Sick and disgusting human beings that were very happy to live under 'apartheid' as it benefited them greatly. The same attitude I recognise here. Not all posters, of course but several will know I mean them.

I abhor racism and will speak out against it wherever I encounter it.

Islam is NOT a race...so i am not racist for hating Islam...am i? Ol' Mustapha Koran can go do one....

Need I (or anyone else) say more?


Ten Obvious Reasons Why

Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

#1 18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islamin just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so). #2 Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. This included women. Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. #3

Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.

Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. Hebeheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.


After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other.

Fatima, Muhammad's favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died. She even miscarried Muhammad's grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.

Fatima's husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad's favorite wife - and one whom he had said was a "perfect woman." 10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad's death.

Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.

The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war...

And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam!

#5 Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands.

A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.


Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah.

None of these other religions are at war with each other.

#7 Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by formally threatening to kill anyone who leaves. This is according to the example set by Muhammad. #8 Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human. Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder, but that a Muslim could never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.


The Qur'an never once speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah's cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times. #10

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"

(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

You are dead wrong. The commanding officer of the SWAT team has confirmed that more than 90% of the demonstrators were locals.


I understand the situation and despair at the innocent victims fate. These are majority women and children?

In all fairness, none of these countries have an arms industry; all the weapons used against the civilians are from outside their country and their corrupt governments are the cause. They are the victims, but they are being treated like the enemy.

If there is to be a 'civil war' between Muslims then the peaceable and non violent moderates should be shown tolerance, a warm welcome. They will remember todays actions once the evil that is IS has been defeated. They wish nothing more than to be in their own country, but not when it is ravaged by war.

So as a South African, who rightly abhors racism, you would welcome if any people from any other African nation, regardless of ethnic or religion, simply went to South Africa and demanded to be allowed to stay, to chose where they lived and expect to be housed, fed, given free medical treatment, education etc. And of course not be expected to change their culture, follow their own laws and be fully protected by the laws they don't obey?

Whilst some of the protesters may be right wing extremists, skinheads. and thugs many are not. They are normal people fed up with seeing some politicians spend their money, their countries resources purely to further political agendas and forcing acceptance of an alien culture that has no intention of ever fitting in and every intention of becoming dominant.

These people must sort their own problems out, in their own countries. Most of the migrants filmed are no more than economic migrants chancing their arm to get into another country illegally and exploit it economically.

People are fed up with clowns like Merkel and Eurocrats like Juncker cocking up, doing u-turns and refusing to ever admit they were wrong. And all the time spending taxpayers money like it was their own. Wonder how much the former communist Staasi spy very wealthy Merkel has chipped in?

I fully agree. Merkel and Juncker and, let's not forget Tusk (!) and Timmermans (!), already have a lot of blood on their hands. However, that will get worse, and worse, and worse since the number of terrorist attacks in Western Europe will soon increase exponentially. They and the other like-minded incompetent and impotent politicians have already destroyed all of Western Europe. That will become apparent very, very soon. This is not my statement but my son's. He is 12 years old and I am proud to say that he seems to have more brains than those highly irresponsible and shortsighted politicians.


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

You are dead wrong. The commanding officer of the SWAT team has confirmed that more than 90% of the demonstrators were locals.

SWAT team?

Was the SWAT Team there for the demonstrators or to SWAT the millions of flies that piggy-backed in on backs of the immigrants?

Just a though!


I would not agree with uncontrolled mass migration, but that is not what we are discussing - in this case the numbers have already been agreed to as part of UN and EU legislation. If people are not happy with those decisions, then take it to Brussels and stone the EU buildings because that is where the problem exists.

This cowardly attack on unarmed and defenseless people, trying to do their job is just short of terrorism. Is that how your country debates and alters policy? I thought it was up to people to take an active role in their community and vote, but no - that is not fashionable and it is far easier to point fingers elsewhere than at yourself.

Where else except Europe could foreigners walk into someone else's Country,some of it agreed by bleeding heart PC politicians who have their own agenda, and then when the Economic Migrants don't get everything they want,they turned violent on the people and stoned the rightful owners of the Country .

You couldn't make this up in the gutter press!


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

You are dead wrong. The commanding officer of the SWAT team has confirmed that more than 90% of the demonstrators were locals.
Yes, that initial information was later shown incorrect, as already posted earlier. Please don't react to posts that have been retracted already.

I would not agree with uncontrolled mass migration, but that is not what we are discussing - in this case the numbers have already been agreed to as part of UN and EU legislation. If people are not happy with those decisions, then take it to Brussels and stone the EU buildings because that is where the problem exists.

This cowardly attack on unarmed and defenseless people, trying to do their job is just short of terrorism. Is that how your country debates and alters policy? I thought it was up to people to take an active role in their community and vote, but no - that is not fashionable and it is far easier to point fingers elsewhere than at yourself.

Where else except Europe could foreigners walk into someone else's Country,some of it agreed by bleeding heart PC politicians who have their own agenda, and then when the Economic Migrants don't get everything they want,they turned violent on the people and stoned the rightful owners of the Country .

You couldn't make this up in the gutter press!

Who got violent?

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