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Brit savagely beaten by Patong tuk-tuk driver

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Where's the pic of the guy that was 'Savagely beaten'?

Beaten yes...but not to the degree they imply.

Still...he was beaten by a Savage.


ehh... I always referred to my ex mother in-law as a savage , no pic needed , she was all that and a putz ....

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again prob more to this story/altercation...

bangla to anywhere on nanai is not more than 2K unless via a few circuits of here n there, the guy don't looked too bashed, his arm in a sling, No Tuk Tuk man would beat someone then run off an leave his wheels as he would have to pay the piper and have BiG Ploblem, yes more to this story as usual, who would get a Tuk tuk to nanai when plenty of mobike taxi's about?? so the dude must be a bit dim or plain daft

Next please...


From so bangna to nanai is no more than 1 km...it's 5 km from bangna to karon beach...

Depends where on Nanai, could be well over 2km. And it's a bit more than 5km from Bangla to Karon.

Thai km...


Nothing new. These criminals should be put in gaol and be banned for life but TIT.... Same s**t different day....

No chance of that mate its the ex deputy or head of Phuket old bill that runs the tuk tuk 'mafia'. Pure unadulterated greed with attitude to match, horrible people.


The usual fair may well be 300 but did they agree or discuss the fair?

If the driver did not mention his fee; then, he is as guilty as a passenger who does not mention it.


The usual fair may well be 300 but did they agree or discuss the fair?

If the driver did not mention his fee; then, he is as guilty as a passenger who does not mention it.

So you are saying that the only reason the driver is guilty of anything is if he did not mention his fee? How does this equate to beating a passenger with a dangerous instrument in response to a civil dispute over a few baht?? Please explain why it is ok for a tuk tuk driver to beat a passenger in a dispute?

Problem with Thailand is the country condones this violence. Just look at TV dramas. People wielding machetes, pipes, any number of different kinds of items and beating people when they disagree. Its on TV everyday....TIT


attachicon.gifTuk Tuk driver.jpg

Initial reports were that the driver attacked the passenger with an iron bar.

The driver is claiming he used an umbrella.

(Probably the parasol all these drivers keep under the seat to assist customers to their hotels when it rains)

What a fine ambassador for tourism to Phuket this guy is.

He's probably still wondering why western tourists no longer holiday on Phuket, and Chinese tourists are all in coach buses. cheesy.gif


I was there 11 yrs ago and yes i noticed the prices were pretty steep- mind you i never argued - get a taxi in london- now thats what i call a rip off !


Thais will rip you off if they have the slightest chance to, They think all westerners have an endless supply of money. I live here and sometimes get a motorbike taxi back home from Bungla Rd,, it is not far and I have always paid 100B.. must have come back on bike taxi 20 times at least..

One night I just jump on and when get here he say 200B, I say NO and give him 100B,, they will never change the price if it is not worked out first, maybe its losing face ?? he then got very threatening, I told him to bugger off and started to walk inside, my girl interviened and paid the extra 100B,, maybe she stopped a fight, and me making the news ?? I always give them the 100B 'before' I get on a motorbike taxi now...

And don't think about size with this pommy guy,, you ever go to see Thai boxing ?? and most of them know it, especially the ones that try to rip you off...

and if your even half drink,, unless you really know how to handle yourself in a fight.. you haven't got a chance !!!


That tuk-tuk driver is a scrawny little fella. I bet he wouldn't even weigh 50 kilos soak and wet.

Shame on that Brit.

size don't matter much, especially if one guy is half drunk.. and have you ever seen Thai boxing ?? most these guys know it , especially the ones that try to rip you off. they are so fast and if your not expecting a fight,, you not got a lot of chance..

I live here and I get a motor bike taxi home from Bungla some nights, always paid 100B,, one night a young guy say 200B , I say NO it is 100B and give him that,, he got threatening, I still said NO and started to walk away,, my girl interviened and paid the extra 100B.. I could have made the news too.. haha.

now I always give theM the money before I get on a motor bike... YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO GET THE PRICE SORTED FIRST !!!


I always wondered why tuk-tuks can't be regulated by being fitted with a meter like taxis. I appreciate meters have their own problems, with some drivers fiddling with them or refusing to use them, but there doesn't seem any technical reason why they shouldn't be fitted. That would bring a little happiness to the tourists, if not to the tuk-tuk drivers.


I always wondered why tuk-tuks can't be regulated by being fitted with a meter like taxis. I appreciate meters have their own problems, with some drivers fiddling with them or refusing to use them, but there doesn't seem any technical reason why they shouldn't be fitted. That would bring a little happiness to the tourists, if not to the tuk-tuk drivers.

The drivers have refused many attemps to regulate the Tuk Tuks over many years. They want to be free to charge what they think they can extort out of the passenger.

There is no hope ...


Thais will rip you off if they have the slightest chance to, They think all westerners have an endless supply of money. I live here and sometimes get a motorbike taxi back home from Bungla Rd,, it is not far and I have always paid 100B.. must have come back on bike taxi 20 times at least..

One night I just jump on and when get here he say 200B, I say NO and give him 100B,, they will never change the price if it is not worked out first, maybe its losing face ?? he then got very threatening, I told him to bugger off and started to walk inside, my girl interviened and paid the extra 100B,, maybe she stopped a fight, and me making the news ?? I always give them the 100B 'before' I get on a motorbike taxi now...

And don't think about size with this pommy guy,, you ever go to see Thai boxing ?? and most of them know it, especially the ones that try to rip you off...

and if your even half drink,, unless you really know how to handle yourself in a fight.. you haven't got a chance !!!

......and once a few Tuk-Tuk mates see a chance to throw some cheap blows, they've been known to jump in also, before you know it, five or six will be beating on you.


Thais will rip you off if they have the slightest chance to, They think all westerners have an endless supply of money. I live here and sometimes get a motorbike taxi back home from Bungla Rd,, it is not far and I have always paid 100B.. must have come back on bike taxi 20 times at least..

One night I just jump on and when get here he say 200B, I say NO and give him 100B,, they will never change the price if it is not worked out first, maybe its losing face ?? he then got very threatening, I told him to bugger off and started to walk inside, my girl interviened and paid the extra 100B,, maybe she stopped a fight, and me making the news ?? I always give them the 100B 'before' I get on a motorbike taxi now...

And don't think about size with this pommy guy,, you ever go to see Thai boxing ?? and most of them know it, especially the ones that try to rip you off...

and if your even half drink,, unless you really know how to handle yourself in a fight.. you haven't got a chance !!!

......and once a few Tuk-Tuk mates see a chance to throw some cheap blows, they've been known to jump in also, before you know it, five or six will be beating on you.

In no mates around then if driver has a weapon on hand - like gun or crow bar then he will wade in so long as one on one. What has the driver got to lose as police will usually find the passenger guilty.


I always wondered why tuk-tuks can't be regulated by being fitted with a meter like taxis. I appreciate meters have their own problems, with some drivers fiddling with them or refusing to use them, but there doesn't seem any technical reason why they shouldn't be fitted. That would bring a little happiness to the tourists, if not to the tuk-tuk drivers.

The drivers have refused many attemps to regulate the Tuk Tuks over many years. They want to be free to charge what they think they can extort out of the passenger.

There is no hope ...

There is always hope... Don't use them;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


So, you believe violence to settle a dispute is right? That's what you are saying in your post.

What if a tourist comes from a country where you don't have to settle on price first and is ignorant of the ways here? Still deserve the bashing do they?

You're a disgrace (with a very weak sense of humour, too).

Dear KB please check out the words "don't condone" and tell me what it is about them that makes you say I believe violence is the way to settle a dispute?

All I am saying is that if you dont make the effort to find out something about local transport when you go to a country and then start arguing about the price you cannot compain if you end up in a violent situation. It does not make it right but it is almost inevitable. Tuk Tuks here are a menace and locals rarely take them (maybe if you are stuck outside Chatucheck on a Sunday afternoon) but nobody who has any idea what they are doing would take one for a 5k trip in the middle of Bangkok. A local would much rather take a bus; and if you have ever been on a public bus in Bangkok rush hour you would know just how desperate they would have to be before they got a TT.

Don't agree with me..... check out todays paper that cannot be named.

I have lived in many countries and visited a lot more and it is absolutely stupid to not to have some idea of where you want to go and check out the transport options and prices before you get to a country. I can just see someone arriving in New York with no idea what to do and where to go and how much it will cost to get somewhere and see how they get on.

I think that TukTuk drivers are specially bred to be partiularly ugly (I think the fumes have something to do with it + of course the ya bah) but as with 92% of cases of tourists getting beaten up here it is mostly their own fault. Not right, but caused by their own ignorance or stupidity or arrogance or drink.... or pick any 3 from 4.

As to my humour, KB whilst you are checking out "condone", look up "irony" and you will see it is mostly meant to elucidate nothing more than a "wry" grin from the recipients, not set them rolling in the aisles. But you have to be a Brit or at a pinch an antipodean to really appreciate irony.


He don't look that 'savagely beaten' to me.

A small bandage on one hand and elbow ...... I've done worse than that to myself gardening.

Maybe 'slightly bruised' .... but that isn't such a good headline.

Wow, you must be psychic to diagnose from a photo that the guy wasn't badly hurt. Are you saying that as long as tuk tuk drivers don't hurt their fares too much it's OK to beat them up? I can't think of any other reason for your post.


That tuk-tuk driver is a scrawny little fella. I bet he wouldn't even weigh 50 kilos soak and wet.

Shame on that Brit.

So now it's the victims fault for getting beaten up. Shame on someone indeed, but not the Brit.


So, you believe violence to settle a dispute is right? That's what you are saying in your post.

What if a tourist comes from a country where you don't have to settle on price first and is ignorant of the ways here? Still deserve the bashing do they?

You're a disgrace (with a very weak sense of humour, too).

Dear KB please check out the words "don't condone" and tell me what it is about them that makes you say I believe violence is the way to settle a dispute?

All I am saying is that if you dont make the effort to find out something about local transport when you go to a country and then start arguing about the price you cannot compain if you end up in a violent situation. It does not make it right but it is almost inevitable. Tuk Tuks here are a menace and locals rarely take them (maybe if you are stuck outside Chatucheck on a Sunday afternoon) but nobody who has any idea what they are doing would take one for a 5k trip in the middle of Bangkok. A local would much rather take a bus; and if you have ever been on a public bus in Bangkok rush hour you would know just how desperate they would have to be before they got a TT.

Don't agree with me..... check out todays paper that cannot be named.

I have lived in many countries and visited a lot more and it is absolutely stupid to not to have some idea of where you want to go and check out the transport options and prices before you get to a country. I can just see someone arriving in New York with no idea what to do and where to go and how much it will cost to get somewhere and see how they get on.

I think that TukTuk drivers are specially bred to be partiularly ugly (I think the fumes have something to do with it + of course the ya bah) but as with 92% of cases of tourists getting beaten up here it is mostly their own fault. Not right, but caused by their own ignorance or stupidity or arrogance or drink.... or pick any 3 from 4.

As to my humour, KB whilst you are checking out "condone", look up "irony" and you will see it is mostly meant to elucidate nothing more than a "wry" grin from the recipients, not set them rolling in the aisles. But you have to be a Brit or at a pinch an antipodean to really appreciate irony.

So, are you saying that he should have taken a bus- A local would much rather take a bus;- and are there buses running where he wanted to go when he wanted to travel?


again prob more to this story/altercation...

bangla to anywhere on nanai is not more than 2K unless via a few circuits of here n there, the guy don't looked too bashed, his arm in a sling, No Tuk Tuk man would beat someone then run off an leave his wheels as he would have to pay the piper and have BiG Ploblem, yes more to this story as usual, who would get a Tuk tuk to nanai when plenty of mobike taxi's about?? so the dude must be a bit dim or plain daft

Next please...

What is it about TV posters that so many want to blame the victim for being assaulted, and it is OK if it didn't put the victim in ICU?


again prob more to this story/altercation...

bangla to anywhere on nanai is not more than 2K unless via a few circuits of here n there, the guy don't looked too bashed, his arm in a sling, No Tuk Tuk man would beat someone then run off an leave his wheels as he would have to pay the piper and have BiG Ploblem, yes more to this story as usual, who would get a Tuk tuk to nanai when plenty of mobike taxi's about?? so the dude must be a bit dim or plain daft

Next please...

What is it about TV posters that so many want to blame the victim for being assaulted, and it is OK if it didn't put the victim in ICU?

Low intelligence......


What is it about TV posters that so many want to blame the victim for being assaulted, and it is OK if it didn't put the victim in ICU?

Low intelligence......

Bored .... too much time on their hands ...


There was a post that said from Bangla to farthest points Nanai couldn't be more than 2000thb. Whaaaat???!!! 2000thb?

A few New Years ago (and it's been a few) I did a tuk-tuk from Bangla 3AM to Nai Harn Beach for 600thb, whats this 2000thb nonsense to Nanai? Did someone misspell something? Natai?

Bottom line and a wrap on this whole thing is you negotiate before you ride off. Then there can't be any disagreements. "Nanai, 2000thb" "O.K., thanks and goodbye" walk through Jungceylon and catch one of the guys on the backroad.

You can even just do this as a form of entertainment when you don't even need a tuk-tuk as some posters here have said they do blink.png


Of course there can still be disagreements after a price has been negotiated first. Happens all the time when the driver ups the price on reaching the destination.

I think the tourist not knowing the exact location of his hotel is what triggered this.

The drivers can be very impatient.

Probably wanted to go back to the rank to continue drinking and gambling.

So, you believe violence to settle a dispute is right? That's what you are saying in your post.

What if a tourist comes from a country where you don't have to settle on price first and is ignorant of the ways here? Still deserve the bashing do they?

You're a disgrace (with a very weak sense of humour, too).

Dear KB please check out the words "don't condone" and tell me what it is about them that makes you say I believe violence is the way to settle a dispute?

All I am saying is that if you dont make the effort to find out something about local transport when you go to a country and then start arguing about the price you cannot compain if you end up in a violent situation. It does not make it right but it is almost inevitable. Tuk Tuks here are a menace and locals rarely take them (maybe if you are stuck outside Chatucheck on a Sunday afternoon) but nobody who has any idea what they are doing would take one for a 5k trip in the middle of Bangkok. A local would much rather take a bus; and if you have ever been on a public bus in Bangkok rush hour you would know just how desperate they would have to be before they got a TT.

Don't agree with me..... check out todays paper that cannot be named.

I have lived in many countries and visited a lot more and it is absolutely stupid to not to have some idea of where you want to go and check out the transport options and prices before you get to a country. I can just see someone arriving in New York with no idea what to do and where to go and how much it will cost to get somewhere and see how they get on.

I think that TukTuk drivers are specially bred to be partiularly ugly (I think the fumes have something to do with it + of course the ya bah) but as with 92% of cases of tourists getting beaten up here it is mostly their own fault. Not right, but caused by their own ignorance or stupidity or arrogance or drink.... or pick any 3 from 4.

As to my humour, KB whilst you are checking out "condone", look up "irony" and you will see it is mostly meant to elucidate nothing more than a "wry" grin from the recipients, not set them rolling in the aisles. But you have to be a Brit or at a pinch an antipodean to really appreciate irony.

So, are you saying that he should have taken a bus- A local would much rather take a bus;- and are there buses running where he wanted to go when he wanted to travel?[/quote

If you had bothered to read this thread and my earlier posts you would see that I am saying it its always, repeat always, better to take any other form of transport than a TT if at all possible and that a motorbike taxi is a better bet.

And in most places, yes you can find a bus to take you reasonably near to your destination, which is why TTs are shunned by locals - as was nicely explained in a recent newspaper article.

I belive it is fair comment to question the intelligence of those who keep claiming that other posters have condoned the violence as it seems to me by doing so they themselves either have a very low level of uderstanding of the English language, or are deliberately trolling.

Nobody condones it, but many have said this is likely to happen (in any country) if you argue about fares with taxi drivers and only an idiot gets into a vehicle in a strange country without having some idea of what to do.

It is certainly my observation, which can be backed up by reading almost any days posts on TV, that Thailand has more than its fair share of idiot tourists and it is a disgrace that the authorities do not recognise this and do something to curb TT excesses.

TTs are inherently dangerous vehicles and many people are injured in accidents as well as injured by the drivers, but they add colour to the tourists scene and thus are actually promoted, a la Miss Thailand, so nothing will be done. Neither will they stop tourists standing up at the back of Pattaya style pick-up type taxies although any number fall off and are badly hurt.

Plus if you want violence by arguing about fares, these drivers beat TukTuk drivers hands down.

You can't legislate against idiocy, anger, pride, arrogance or the many other human failings, even in a dictatorship, so violence will continue between public transport operatives and passengers all over the world. But in Thailand a whole lot more could be done to make things better for the tourists that make up a large slice of the national income.

However, one must always consider the possibility that the TukTuk promoters are in league with the Thailand hub of cheap medical care promoters and receive brown envelopes from local hospitals along with the Christmas presents they hand out to the jet ski owners.

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