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Antidote for boredom


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Change of lifestyle by the sounds of it.

Yes that sounds about right.

See my op. Any advise in this matter. Real advice.

...yes.. get a life... exercise.. join a gym. if possible... get interested in the culture & history here.. read books.. get a camera and walk and observe and take photos.. get a dog.. get out of your box and enjoy the amazing place you are in.. I joined a gym years ago after a bit of a health scare.. I told my trainer that I didn't like doing repetitive things .. like workouts.. she said.. "..the whole exercise fitness thing is 90% mental.. 10% physical..".. you have to make the decisions to go on.. and keep on with it.. basically it is up to you to make the decision to do things differently..and stick with it.. it really doesn't matter where you are.. the grass might look greener somewhere else.. but you take yourself with you! ...old advice.. surround yourself with positive thinking people.. you probably won't find them in bars... good luck..

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Change of lifestyle by the sounds of it.

Yes that sounds about right.

See my op. Any advise in this matter. Real advice.

...yes.. get a life... exercise.. join a gym. if possible... get interested in the culture & history here.. read books.. get a camera and walk and observe and take photos.. get a dog.. get out of your box and enjoy the amazing place you are in.. I joined a gym years ago after a bit of a health scare.. I told my trainer that I didn't like doing repetitive things .. like workouts.. she said.. "..the whole exercise fitness thing is 90% mental.. 10% physical..".. you have to make the decisions to go on.. and keep on with it.. basically it is up to you to make the decision to do things differently..and stick with it.. it really doesn't matter where you are.. the grass might look greener somewhere else.. but you take yourself with you! ...old advice.. surround yourself with positive thinking people.. you probably won't find them in bars... good luck..

Your trainer was right, but I suggest that people find a sport that they like and then stick with it. Some people like biking others like swimming, other like me like exercise in a gym. You need to do something that suits you and even then you wont like to do it always and then it comes to that mental part your talking about. But to do something you hate from the start and stick with it sounds more like torture.

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It would seem the OP has achieved his objective !

70+ responses to read thus relieving the "boredom"

But after 70 posts.....the rest of us are bored silly !

Speak for yourself, I'm not bored. It has been a very interesting topic.

Too be honest, I have learned a bit myself. Well done OP.

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Ofcourse you are bored. You are in your 30's.

Lets face it, Thailand is a pretty boring place...ofcourse I will get reprimanded by most of the TVF community but I mean they spend hours each day on here and they are going to try convincing anyone they are not bored to death.

Thats why alcoholism is so much of a problem here...falangs have nothing to do. Most of us are not allowed to work so how are you going to find challenge, opportunity, self-worth, if you are not allowed to have a career.

So, pick up a camera and learn photography. There is a lifetime endeavor. Thailand is a beautiful place.

If you are going to try staying for work reasons, then become fluent in the language; however, this is only useful if you plan on living here a long time and getting fatter and more of an alcoholic.

You could chase whores.

At your age...hot damn...thats where my money would have gone.

Start going to the gym. Seriously, you are a young buck in your prime and you are saying you are overweight? No excuse for that. Once you start going to the gym you will be motivated to return and develop positive habits.

You could always chase whores.

Even if he was in his 60's or 70's he could go to the gym and turn the clock back a bit. Only difference is ... if you are that age and out of shape. you have to ease yourself back into it slowly.... but working out properly in a gym can easily double an old man's strength, make him feel younger, and add years of healthy living to his life.

Arnold Schwarzenegger once saw an old man in his 70's waiting in the gym for younger family members who had a dinner to go to. Schwarzenegger asked the old man how come he was just sitting in his street clothes and not working out.

The old man said... "I'm way too old for exercising." Schwarzenegger replied.... "Your way too old not to. Exercise is even more important at your age."

I can't find my old post you responded to ??

i must have accidentslly deleted it when I was trying to edit.

I agree 100% with your response about older folks going to the gym.

Muscle loss is a real problem for us older guys and much research has proven that the best prevention to muscle loss is resistance training (ie. Weight training and resistance machines).

A protein supplement can help also as long as you check with your doctor first to make sure it will not counteract with any current medications.


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is there not a hash in BKK exercise and good way to meet people just leave out the drinking part

There are numerous running clubs of expats and locals alike that leave out the drinking more than HHH...but to be fair Hashes may have changed since I ran them 20 years ago.

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You might have mild depression. One of the symptoms is boredom caused by lack of motivation and energy. Those who say 'get a life' or 'just do it' do not understand how debilitating depression can be. Unfortunately it is a hard disease to treat in Thailand because it's not well recognised. Many Thais suffer depression anxiety, but learn to cover it up. I'm sorry if this all sounds patronising.

The only non-medication answer is to keep busy in mind and body, but the main problem is the lack of motivation feeding the boredom and vice versa. You have to find some sort of physical exercise you don't mind doing and build up a routine. You can think of the routine as your 'job', something you must do whether you like it or not. The same with your mind. Buy a little helicopter and learn to fly that around the room. Find books or magazines about topics you enjoy. Try and cook foods that you miss, like bangers and mash or pancakes.

You need to have a good missus or mates who are positive and who you feel you can depend on. If your GF does not do this for you,and you cannot leave her, you might need to find a gik who does make you feel good.

What's your living environment like? If it is depressing, try and cheer up you home with some plants, a pet or some colour. You must feel comfortable in your home. If you can't, and you would rather be anywhere else, then it is a problem you must fix.

Being on a budget makes it much harder because you think you cannot afford a change like travel, a shiny new toy, or other things that might make you happy for a day or two. So you need to look inwards about what you enjoy. Make a list of things you enjoy or that make you feel good.

Just bumming around as a lifestyle probably doesn't hack it for most people. We want to feel we are contributing something and are loved. I think it's true that happiness is not a place, a new GF, a new car or other possession, it is just a state of mind. Happy people are content with their lot in life and don't need any more.

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Well, if you're bored maybe you should consider volunteering at some charity. There used to be one devoted to helping working girls who were trying to get out of "the life" on Patpong Road. Also offered English language lessons to those who wanted to continue working, and tried to provide some assistance when they got arrested.

For routines, I really like the one at http://www.mattoid.com/fitness/first_week_of_ten.htm If you haven't worked out for two years you really, really, need to start slow. It's hard, but start out by doing only five reps of each exercise every other day. after a couple of weeks increase to every day. Then ten reps of each, and finally, after five or six weeks try to do the full set as shown. If you can force yourself to make it a daily habit, when you first get out of bed, or maybe after your first cup of coffee (assuming you drink coffee before you eat breakfast, like me) it will, over a long time, get you back into shape. You don't say where you live, but Lumpini Park has an asphalt covered path with distances marked that is excellent for jogging. There's also a public swimming pool at Lumpini, but I think it's pretty crowded. Biggest thing is to force yourself to NOT do too much. I'm always breaking that rule and then have to start over. You say you're drinking too much, but you don't indicate if that's a problem. If it is, I strongly recommend Alcoholics Anonymous. Go to a couple of meetings and see if you enjoy it. If you don't, it probably isn't going to work for you. http://www.aathailand.org/meetings/Bangkok If you don't think your drinking is causing you problems, than you probably don't need it. Another source for good workout routines is http://hasfit.com/ They have all kinds, including some fairly short ones for seniors (you didn't mention how old you are -- I'm 78).

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Wow people here are really picking my brain. I was looking for a more general solution. But ok. Came here because I love Asia, always have loved Asia since I was young, can't explain why really. On and off with the gf, not a really good relationship but she is really pretty so hard to let go, silly I know. Don't know what that has to do with my question though...because everybody here has a beautiful gf.

ok, you come on here, say you have no life, then ask for a general solution on how to get a life.

Why do you love Asia? Because you have a pretty girlfriend? Yes, shallow.

When you find a deeper meaning to your life the answers will appear. For some it's cooking, others sports and exercise, for me Art.

I have a friend who goes sketching every week with me and we critique each others paintings. We also try new recipes together.

There is so much simple fun out there.

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Been in LOS since 2009 - the following is my "general" schedule:

- Daily early AM run (approx. 4-mile run through Jomtien Beach) before traffic starts)

- Post the run, eat a healthy light breakfast with fruits & plenty of water

- Work 8-10 hours / stay away from the bars, as possible

- Participate in EXPAT group for falang bonding and professional contacts

- Force myself to spend 1-weekend a month in BKK touring/change of atmosphere. It's too easy to become complacent

- Saturday/Sunday Catholic church mass & post activities

- Once every three months travel away from Pattaya/Jomtien Beach to tour a new city (within Thailand)

- Once every six months travel to local SEA to tour

- Participate in BKK/Pattaya annual 1/2 marathon runs / join local running club, when available

Edited by lcp0761
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H O B B Y !!

Take up photography, bike riding (carefully), swimming -- something outdoors.

+ Buy a FitBit - I walk 10,000 steps a day. Fun to watch Bracelet, monitor my heart rate, and keep fit.

+ Drink some non-alcoholic beverages. Margarita with no tequila.

+ Get off the computer and out of the house. Be ACTIVE!

+ Find Your Passion - Then You Will Find Your Purpose !!

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Make a few rules for your life. Stick to them emphatically.

No drinking before a specific time, and realize the trigger amount, ie for me, more than 4 small bottles and there is a chance I will be having quite a few more.

I have a night out once a week where I drink more, but none the next day.

No snacks in the house, when you are bored the head goes in the fridge and big-behind up! :D Again I stopped having half a dozen Magnums in the freezer!

No sugary soft drinks, they are for kids and getting a sweet tooth under control works wonders.

Exercise, feeling fit makes you feel happier and burns off the weight.

Regular trip to gym/sauna......

Hobbies, get one or two.

Consider charity work.

Clean the car yourself.

Travel, take girlfriend to a few nearby countries.

Go to the cooler and higher parts of Thailand and do some climbing (visit temples, always up ruddy great miles of steps).

You are too young to be putting your feet under the table.

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My life got immensely better when they built a gym about 1 km from my house. A life time membership was 3,900 baht. Two hours a day and two years later I am over 30 kg lighter. I feel better, my vital signs are better and I no longer eat unless I am hungry. After my gym session I usually stop by one of the local pubs for a few brews and perhaps securing the service of a lady for the night. Never a shortage of takers either. Life is good at age 77 but can be boring without a female companion.

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Drinking too much is so easy to do,espescially in Asia. I used to be the same. I started to slow it down by not drinking during the week. That gave me a challenge and also made me enjoy drinks on the weekend instead of drinking to escape. It also gave me a chance to do other things such as getting fit and losing weight. Being in your thirties and over weight is not fun. It kills your self esteem. See if you can find an activity that let's you burn off some energy. Exercise releases endorphins. The more you do the better you will feel. You could join a kickboxing club. Not so you can be a fighter but kickboxing is a great way to get fit and build confidence. Plus it's a good thing to have as a skill. If that's not for you then you could join a gym or join in the taichi sessions in the parks. Even joining a social club can make you feel heaps better. A cooking school or language class. Even going along on some walking tours of bangers. Anything to get out of the house. It's hard to break habits but it's well worth it. You love Asia so make a list of all the things that you love about it and what made you want to live in Thailand. Get inspired to explore the things that you love about it. Go do the things that you always wanted to do but have been putting off. I guess just remember why you moved and get amongst it a really live the life that you envisioned yourself living before you moved. Merry Christmas mate

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You might have mild depression. One of the symptoms is boredom caused by lack of motivation and energy. Those who say 'get a life' or 'just do it' do not understand how debilitating depression can be. Unfortunately it is a hard disease to treat in Thailand because it's not well recognised.

Although you bring up a good point about symptoms of early stages of depression, you are incorrect to suggest that anyone who says "Just do it" does not understand depression.

By the time anyone is in their 70's they have very likely suffered a bout of depression.

I read the posts on here and most of these guys are speaking from the heart and speaking from experience.

Someone paralyzed or without motivation due to depression needs to be told, "Just Do It", "Just get up off the couch and Do It Now...not tomorrow".

Best advice to give.

Its a difficult topic to bring up and its not one that anyone wants to talk about having experienced but we have all had to deal with it at some point after job loss, divorce, death of close friend or family...and the best medicine is to MOVE when your mind is wanting you to sit idle and dwell.

Good for you to bring it up.

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There are some really outstanding contributions here but where is the OP?

Did he go AWOL?

Probably still in bed, because, unlike yourself, he still lives in Thailand.

Good one ;-)

But, seriously, its almost 8:00 a.m.

Never going to set the world on fire if still asleep at that hour.

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There are some really outstanding contributions here but where is the OP?

Did he go AWOL?

Probably still in bed, because, unlike yourself, he still lives in Thailand.

Good one ;-)

But, seriously, its almost 8:00 a.m.

Never going to set the world on fire if still asleep at that hour.

:) im awake! There are so many advices mainly positive a few negative but all in all more then enough to get me some ideas. I really appreciate all the input.

Sorry if I don't reply to all of them.

The topic can be closed if people get annoyed by my absence or we can leave it open since I've seen a couple other posters say they like the topic and learn a thing or 2 themselves.

Thanks from me for all the contributions, good and bad. Merry Christmas to all.

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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...

I found a new hobby...spear fishing...burns a lot of calories and time..,..

spear fishing...burns a lot of calories and time..,..

Running from security at the Big C fresh fish section?


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In a word "Discipline." Make fitness first everything else should follow. So much of expat life seems to center around booze and food. Work hard all those years to kill yourself. Come on man get a little tough. You can do it...

I have met literally thousands of interesting people in drinking establishments around the world.

Never met one on a treadmill.

Nor are you ever likely to.

So many sick individuals in the world...

Edited by joeyg
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In a word "Discipline." Make fitness first everything else should follow. So much of expat life seems to center around booze and food. Work hard all those years to kill yourself. Come on man get a little tough. You can do it...

I have met literally thousands of interesting people in drinking establishments around the world.

Never met one on a treadmill.

Nor are you ever likely to.

So many sick individuals in the world...

What is sick in making a truthful statement ?

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My life got immensely better when they built a gym about 1 km from my house. A life time membership was 3,900 baht. Two hours a day and two years later I am over 30 kg lighter. I feel better, my vital signs are better and I no longer eat unless I am hungry. After my gym session I usually stop by one of the local pubs for a few brews and perhaps securing the service of a lady for the night. Never a shortage of takers either. Life is good at age 77 but can be boring without a female companion.

Amazing story about how a 77 year old can get fit... turn back the clock to some extent, still act young.

Congratulations... .and best wishes. Hope you have many, many more years of activity and fun..

Yes.... we can do it if we put our mind to it..... determination... and commitment..

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In a word "Discipline." Make fitness first everything else should follow. So much of expat life seems to center around booze and food. Work hard all those years to kill yourself. Come on man get a little tough. You can do it...

I have met literally thousands of interesting people in drinking establishments around the world.

Never met one on a treadmill.

Nice constructive positive response. What ever amount your drinking I'd triple it. I'm guessing you smoke. Doubling up on cigarettes ASAP. If you don't smoke. Start. This guy was reaching for help.

W T F is wrong with you guys?

I stand by my statement.

You do not have to be an alcoholic to socialise in bars.

It can be a great environment to meet people from all walks of life, with every individual having countless interesting, often humorous, stories.

When I retired, I started getting up at 5.00am and walking 8 kilometres every morning. After a few months I stopped because it became boring, any routine eventually gets boring.

No I do what I want when I want, with no set routine, and never seem to get bored anymore.

Staying in shape takes discipline since you must do it regularly. Eating healthy takes discipline.

Self discipline is not a trait i see in many expats here, but its a great place to develop that trait.

Edited by fey
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