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Antidote for boredom


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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...

No,it's not easy.It requires disipline to go to the gym and to change your diet.Go to a doctor first and get a full health check,diabetes,ect.

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Avoid Thai food and get on a one week water fast. It'll change your life, seriously! Gen yourself up on it.

Never heard of this water fast, interesting, can the water have a distinct flavouring? Perfect time for a 1 week fast,,,,,


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The best exercise for you is one you will keep doing. A "woe is me" attitude will keep you in your present situation. The thing that is usually recommended for retired people who have lost the will to do anything is to get involved with helping other people. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment and self worth. It gets you out of bed. Will also make you a more interesting person which your GF might like.

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The best exercise for you is one you will keep doing. A "woe is me" attitude will keep you in your present situation. The thing that is usually recommended for retired people who have lost the will to do anything is to get involved with helping other people. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment and self worth. It gets you out of bed. Will also make you a more interesting person which your GF might like.

I think there is an incongruity in these statements ..

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I wish I could have afforded to be an alcoholic in my 30's!

I agree, Discipline is the key and if the OP cant do it then hes slowly killing himself. Ive been in a similar position myself. All too easy to take a beer when in the heat and socializing.

I found that small changes made a big difference but I have always had other interests like golf, cycling, swimming, cooking and photography. I had just become lazy and somewhat depressed. I had to force myself to get back into these activities and now im enjoying life again. Still drinking more than I should but being from Scotland I cant see that changing.

Get your interests back is my advice.

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I always wanted to have monkeys as pets, but to train them as pets by feeding them every day, and not rewarding negative behavior by witholding non-essential treats.

Never would stoop so low as to spank them though.

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Bored?????? How is that possible......... Ah yes staring off into space letting silly thoughts enter yer mind. Idle hands//////// After the morning meal & coffee,

Tuned up 2 classical guitars, Put some Beethoven, Carulli, Mozart, Barrios, and Tykoffski on the music stand and started. Played about half speed

and stopped at any and all mistakes went back a couple of bars before the mistake, reanalysed the fingering played it at 1/8 speed several times untill error corrected

then carried until next error. repeat untill tired of practice too many errors.....3 hours later. Mixed up some clear epoxy finish, squeegied it onto a Cabinet top I am building.

Cooked dinner fed us. Nap for half hour,

Then its off to the pool for about a dozen laps a couple sets of weights & sauna.

Off to the local for a (Yes that means one) gigantic Singha beer and some bullshit sessions. Back home about 9:00 Shave Shit shower

and its beddy bye time.

Get out the note book ...How can I improve myself & the enviorment I find myself in???

Are there any leftover tasks from yesterday left uncomplete???

That was & is today. Tomorrow I won't start thinking about it until my presleep note book comes out.

It may work for you. Staring off into space & thinking to much is the enemy within

Don't do that. Just wastes time & makes things worse.

Bad Tony

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First of all chin up mate :) you can do this if you really want to.

This thread has resonated with me even tho my situation is a little bit different.

I'm also in my early thirties and I work 12 hour (min) days here. After work I have been religiously drinking 3 big changs a day. Eat then sleep. Worst thing regarding weight gain. I'm overweight by about 20 kg as well.

Make a new year resolution as I am going to make and stick with it. Drink once a week, clean up my diet and train at a gym 3 times a week. I've been here before and beat the vicious cycle (lost 30 kg in the process) but a car accident and complacency put the weight back on.

I've been wanting to start again these past few months as more people are commenting on my weight gain, I run out of breath easily and have started taking medication for high blood pressure (runs in the family).

My excuse is that I'm working too hard, don't have time for a 45 min training session and that the beer is well deserved after a hard day at work.


It's not easy but I swore to myself that 2016 will kick my ass back into action. It will be difficult for the first couple of weeks then it will get better.

There's nothing more rewarding than going out clothes shopping and not have people raise eyebrows when you ask for a 44 inch waist jeans.

Best of luck to you and shame you aren't on samui as it would have been great to hook up, slap each other's faces and wake the hell up.

When I read that 77 year olds are keeping fit, I feel ashamed and so i should be,

All the best to everyone reading this for New Years! God bless!

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First of all chin up mate :) you can do this if you really want to.

This thread has resonated with me even tho my situation is a little bit different.

I'm also in my early thirties and I work 12 hour (min) days here. After work I have been religiously drinking 3 big changs a day. Eat then sleep. Worst thing regarding weight gain. I'm overweight by about 20 kg as well.

Make a new year resolution as I am going to make and stick with it. Drink once a week, clean up my diet and train at a gym 3 times a week. I've been here before and beat the vicious cycle (lost 30 kg in the process) but a car accident and complacency put the weight back on.

I've been wanting to start again these past few months as more people are commenting on my weight gain, I run out of breath easily and have started taking medication for high blood pressure (runs in the family).

My excuse is that I'm working too hard, don't have time for a 45 min training session and that the beer is well deserved after a hard day at work.


It's not easy but I swore to myself that 2016 will kick my ass back into action. It will be difficult for the first couple of weeks then it will get better.

There's nothing more rewarding than going out clothes shopping and not have people raise eyebrows when you ask for a 44 inch waist jeans.

Best of luck to you and shame you aren't on samui as it would have been great to hook up, slap each other's faces and wake the hell up.

When I read that 77 year olds are keeping fit, I feel ashamed and so i should be,

All the best to everyone reading this for New Years! God bless!

Different situations indeed. I wish you all the best, hopefully we both can end 2016 on a high note!

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Boredom isn't an issue for me that's for sure :) even tho I work long hours I find work rewarding both financially and most importantly mentally. I spent 10 months in Nakhon Nowhere without work and was going crazy (was drinking way more then) and ready to throw in the towel and trudge back home with my tail between my legs, but with sheer determination and forwarding hundreds of cvs from a small Internet shop (no 3G coverage where I was - 8 km to the nearest web connectivity) I struck gold one week before the ultimatum I had given myself to buy the ticket back home.

Keeping a healthy lifestyle isn't as easy as it sounds - way easier to sit back and get fat but as I said I've already tasted the feeling once you start looking at the mirror and see the blubber fade away - it's willpower at the end of the day and a kick up the ass.

Just think one year from now if you achieve your goals and look back at this Christmas how you'll feel.

Best of luck!

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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...

Cut the drinking. Have you totally gone mad.

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I lost 10kg by only stopping drinking alcohol. For the rest i still live the same way as always.

A few times a year i still drink alcohol but only Hoegaarden because that's beer to enjoy.

Edited by Thian
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Zebras dont change their stripes.

Couchers will always be couchers

Those that do will, do those that dont wont

Couchers like alkies, druggies are under the control of their obsession.

It takes a lot of courage. willpower and self discipline to overcome these sad dependances.

Easy for a lot of us on here to take the moral high ground and talk about so freely about routines, regimes etc but for a person even half addicted in any way either to drink, drugs, food, sex or a combination of them all Etc it is almost impossible in the surroundings of this areshole city of the world to overcome the attractions that make an "obsessionist"

Like with any addict, change can only come when the person has a "moment of enlightenment" and then realises that change is needed.

When that moment occurs the person will instinctively know what to do or will post a thread on here asking for direction

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It's the booze, just leave it and everything else will start getting better.

Kill your alcohol consumption. Completely. Zero.

Has several consequences:

First of all, Thai ladies are delighted to learn that there is a non drinking man.

You'll get a clear view of your situation, don't oversleep day long, get structure.

And ask your doc for help and support, mentally first before medicine.

And start love Thailand again.

Good luck buddy

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Avoid Thai food and get on a one week water fast. It'll change your life, seriously! Gen yourself up on it.

I lost almost 25 lbs. over four months eating Thai food from the street vendors...

Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, salad...and Pad Thai, Som Tam, Koh Nam Sen, (spelling?), Kao Soi (Chiang Mai Noodles) etc....

Small amounts throughout the day, (five or six small meals)..... lots of walking.. lots of water.. I wasn't even trying to diet. The weight just melted off. Had to put more holes in my belt..

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I lost 10kg by only stopping drinking alcohol. For the rest i still live the same way as always.

A few times a year i still drink alcohol but only Hoegaarden because that's beer to enjoy.

Not just alcohol....... Coke and Pepsi and other soft drinks have huge amounts of sugar... Cut them out also...

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If they would just let us work....Id sell cotton candy or dildos off a food cart just to kill a few hours every day....

Thats why I moved back to the US--the boredom of not being able to work was killing me.

I can't imagine being so bored that I loved to work. (Unless I happened to truly love my job.)

My work supported my hobbies and outside interests. There is a lot more to life than work. I only worked until the point I could retire and live the rest of my life enjoying life with my hobbies, like reading about History...short wave listening.. Astronomy, collecting ancient coins, my meteorite collection, and travel seeing the world.

I can't imagine facing the end and saying to myself, "Gee.. I wish I had spent a lot more years working."

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Been in LOS since 2009 - the following is my "general" schedule:

- Daily early AM run (approx. 4-mile run through Jomtien Beach) before traffic starts)

- Post the run, eat a healthy light breakfast with fruits & plenty of water

- Work 8-10 hours / stay away from the bars, as possible

- Participate in EXPAT group for falang bonding and professional contacts

- Force myself to spend 1-weekend a month in BKK touring/change of atmosphere. It's too easy to become complacent

- Saturday/Sunday Catholic church mass & post activities

- Once every three months travel away from Pattaya/Jomtien Beach to tour a new city (within Thailand)

- Once every six months travel to local SEA to tour

- Participate in BKK/Pattaya annual 1/2 marathon runs / join local running club, when available

Running is the worst activity for most people, beating up the joints needlessly.....especially for the older geezers on this forum.

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First of all chin up mate :) you can do this if you really want to.

This thread has resonated with me even tho my situation is a little bit different.

I'm also in my early thirties and I work 12 hour (min) days here. After work I have been religiously drinking 3 big changs a day. Eat then sleep. Worst thing regarding weight gain. I'm overweight by about 20 kg as well.

Make a new year resolution as I am going to make and stick with it. Drink once a week, clean up my diet and train at a gym 3 times a week. I've been here before and beat the vicious cycle (lost 30 kg in the process) but a car accident and complacency put the weight back on.

I've been wanting to start again these past few months as more people are commenting on my weight gain, I run out of breath easily and have started taking medication for high blood pressure (runs in the family).

My excuse is that I'm working too hard, don't have time for a 45 min training session and that the beer is well deserved after a hard day at work.


It's not easy but I swore to myself that 2016 will kick my ass back into action. It will be difficult for the first couple of weeks then it will get better.

There's nothing more rewarding than going out clothes shopping and not have people raise eyebrows when you ask for a 44 inch waist jeans.

Best of luck to you and shame you aren't on samui as it would have been great to hook up, slap each other's faces and wake the hell up.

When I read that 77 year olds are keeping fit, I feel ashamed and so i should be,

All the best to everyone reading this for New Years! God bless!

If you drinking even three 12 oz beers after work daily, you have got a huge problem.

It's the same monster in thailand that it is back home.

You need to reel that one in now, and thailand is not a great place to do it.

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First of all chin up mate smile.png you can do this if you really want to.

This thread has resonated with me even tho my situation is a little bit different.

I'm also in my early thirties and I work 12 hour (min) days here. After work I have been religiously drinking 3 big changs a day. Eat then sleep. Worst thing regarding weight gain. I'm overweight by about 20 kg as well.

Make a new year resolution as I am going to make and stick with it. Drink once a week, clean up my diet and train at a gym 3 times a week. I've been here before and beat the vicious cycle (lost 30 kg in the process) but a car accident and complacency put the weight back on.

I've been wanting to start again these past few months as more people are commenting on my weight gain, I run out of breath easily and have started taking medication for high blood pressure (runs in the family).

My excuse is that I'm working too hard, don't have time for a 45 min training session and that the beer is well deserved after a hard day at work.


It's not easy but I swore to myself that 2016 will kick my ass back into action. It will be difficult for the first couple of weeks then it will get better.

There's nothing more rewarding than going out clothes shopping and not have people raise eyebrows when you ask for a 44 inch waist jeans.

Best of luck to you and shame you aren't on samui as it would have been great to hook up, slap each other's faces and wake the hell up.

When I read that 77 year olds are keeping fit, I feel ashamed and so i should be,

All the best to everyone reading this for New Years! God bless!

If you drinking even three 12 oz beers after work daily, you have got a huge problem.

It's the same monster in thailand that it is back home.

You need to reel that one in now, and thailand is not a great place to do it.

Hate to be cliche, but the older you get, the more you realize that life really is short. Do what you love. If that means enjoying some beers, do it! Could be dead tomorrow. If it controls and ruins your life, don't do it. Simple. If you think 3 beers after work is a 'huge problem', consider yourself lucky as you probably have very few/little problems.

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Go somewhere less boring maybe.

Well deserved. Bkk is not boring at all I agree. I just hope there are some people who understand me and give some real advise. Your answer is just an easy score. That's ok though, I do the same to other people.

You live in Bkk and are bored!!!!!

Seriously, if you can't find something to occupy yourself in Bkk you should be thinking along the lines of psychological problems, though I don't know if Thailand is the place for a farang to get good psych help.

Drinking is definitely not a good solution to anything, and your weight problems could be due to serious depression issues.

As I obviously don't know your home situation I could be advising wrong, but a possible solution available in LOS would be to have lots of sex. That always cheered me up if I was down. Certainly no shortage of willing participants in your "therapy", and it is good exercise and excellent for losing weight ( worked for me ).

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just get a hobby that involves walking and physical excercise, simple

Except during hot season....too brutal to do too much especially if not already in decent shape...asking for heat stroke or heart attack

A young man would have to be incredibly unfit for the heat to be that bad a problem. Just wear a hat and drink lots of water. I was walking for over 4 hours in middle of the day when in Thailand on holidays, and I was in my 40s, not very fit.

Whatever, energy in has to be less or equal to energy out to maintain/ lose weight. If putting on weight, eat less or expend more energy- it's very simple. It's not necessary to do strenuous exercise, but just doing a little bit is pointless. If it were necessary to do strenuous exercise I'd be the size of a bus, and I'm not.

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As I obviously don't know your home situation I could be advising wrong, but a possible solution available in LOS would be to have lots of sex. That always cheered me up if I was down. Certainly no shortage of willing participants in your "therapy", and it is good exercise and excellent for losing weight ( worked for me ).

He said before that he dont use prostitutes

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