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Bush has a moment of 'self-therapy,' calls Trump 'a jerk'


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Bush has a moment of 'self-therapy,' calls Trump 'a jerk'

KATHLEEN RONAYNE, Associated Press

CONTOOCOOK, New Hampshire (AP) — Days after going toe-to-toe with Donald Trump on the debate stage, Jeb Bush seemed to relish his new role as the Republican front-runner's chief critic while campaigning on Saturday in New Hampshire.

"I've got to get this off my chest: Donald Trump is a jerk," Bush said, unprompted, between answering two voters' questions. Then he slammed the billionaire businessman for insulting women, Hispanics and people with disabilities during the campaign.

"Who is he kidding?" Bush asked the crowd. "I gave myself therapy there. Thank you for allowing me to do it," he admitted, half-jokingly.

Bush's frustrations with Trump are not surprising. The former Florida governor, the son and brother of former presidents, was once considered the establishment favorite for the party's nomination, but Bush's policy-heavy campaign has been sagging for months and failing to break into double digits in preference polls. Trump, by comparison, continues to dominate the field, seemingly becoming stronger with each new, inflammatory statement he makes, the latest calling to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

On Saturday, Trump began his appearance in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with a swipe at Bush's performance at the debate earlier in the week.

"It was so sad to watch him. It was just sad," Trump told an audience of about a thousand.

Trump came back to Bush several times during a meandering speech that lasted more than an hour, rejecting out of hand any possible Bush endorsement ("It doesn't mean anything") and opining on the former Florida governor's capabilities ("Close to incompetent").

Bush isn't the first Republican presidential candidate to swing at Trump. Ohio Gov. John Kasich and an outside group backing him, for example, have attacked Trump for months in press releases and digital advertisements. But as Bush engaged repeatedly with Trump in Tuesday's debate, Kasich largely avoided taking on the real estate mogul.

Bush, for his part, says he's stepping up his criticism of Trump now because Trump is displaying shallow ideas on foreign policy.

"Did you hear him talk about foreign policy in the debate?" Bush said, referencing Trump's garbled answer on modernizing the nuclear triad — intercontinental ballistic missiles, strategic bombers and submarine-launched ballistic missiles. "He has no clue."

Of Vladimir Putin, Bush said, "he will respect strength, not a clown show."

Trump leads the polls in New Hampshire, where success in the Feb. 9 primary could make or break Bush's ability to continue running. Bush is competing with Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio to carry the party's establishment mantle. And he's casting his decision to go after Trump, in part, as a move to save the Republican Party.

"The idea that he's actually running for president and insulting people is deeply discouraging to be honest with you, and we should reject that out of hand," Bush said. "A guy like that should not be the front-running candidate of our great party — that is not how we win."

It's a welcome approach to some New Hampshire voters.

"It's really important for New Hampshire to send a message that we don't want Trump or (Texas Sen. Ted) Cruz to take over the Republican party," said Dick Beyer, a self-described moderate Republican who saw Bush on Saturday morning.

Still, Bush has a long way to climb with national polls showing his support at under 5 percent, while Trump nears 40 percent in some polls.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-20

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Yeah he could be a jerk, but he's a jerk with huge margin on the fledging Bush, that for all intents and

purposes is done with the presidential race, what did Obama brought to the presidential race 7 years ago

accept the gift of the gob? Not much at it seems now...

All is fair In love, war and politics....

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If Trump wins the Presidential nomination, polls show the Repubs will lose the Presidential election and the Dems will stay in power .....

If Trump wins...?

There is no Republican that can come close to beating a Democratic candidate. They've dug themselves a hole with guns, women's rights and fear that the electorate isn't buying.

Doesn't matter who the Republican candidate is. Doesn't matter who the Democratic candidate is. Democrats in a landslide.

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If Trump wins the Presidential nomination, polls show the Repubs will lose the Presidential election and the Dems will stay in power .....

I wouldn't be so quick to rule out the Don.... He'll give that liar Hillary a good run.... I'd rather take a chance on DT as he's at least not likely to be the same as the rest of the puppets.

Go on Big Don!!!!

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I look at it this way Lots of people call Trump a Jerk. Well he is a very rich jerk who has a very very successful business. On the otherhand

we have a president who is like milk toast . So I ask myself who would I want as a president

Well I can tell you this much I would rather have a jerk as a president that someone who ingnores what is going on around the world

Yes Trump will ruffle feathers if he is president but then the rest of the world will stand up and take notice.

If you want more of the same nonsense from the white house just vote Hillary but if you want someone that will create waves and

do something about our messy foreign policy vote Trump.

In reality if he can make billions of dollars I think being president will be a cake walk for him Let him ruffle feathers

I am so tired of political correctness I want to throw up

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I look at it this way Lots of people call Trump a Jerk. Well he is a very rich jerk who has a very very successful business. On the otherhand

we have a president who is like milk toast . So I ask myself who would I want as a president

Well I can tell you this much I would rather have a jerk as a president that someone who ingnores what is going on around the world

Yes Trump will ruffle feathers if he is president but then the rest of the world will stand up and take notice.

If you want more of the same nonsense from the white house just vote Hillary but if you want someone that will create waves and

do something about our messy foreign policy vote Trump.

In reality if he can make billions of dollars I think being president will be a cake walk for him Let him ruffle feathers

I am so tired of political correctness I want to throw up

Well, most people are, but that does not make him qualify for the job.

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Bush is a spoiled brat loser and can not handle it. With his father and brother being former presidents and he can not ever come close on all the elections. He has to self implode with these remarks. You can not win and do not mud sling because of your lack of qualities to make it to the podium. Just except that you are now the black sheep of the family!!

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Just in case you missed the latest GOP debate. Here's a short summary including its highlights.

Fear is all the Republicans have. They're such cowards.

Let's put this into perspective, the chances of being killed in a terrorist attack is 20,000,000 to 1.

I'm not afraid of those chances. I drive in Thailand! thumbsup.gif

I love that video

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No more Clintons or Bushes enough of bought people . Trump can't be bought and I like his wife too .clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

For me Trump is not the problem, but of the US (culture). Especially the followers of the rightwing party are the roots of Trump's embarrassing, but successful campain. It is reported that about 58% of the Reps support him, a braggart on the lowest niveau, but not a candidate for the world nation #1.

Having given egomanic people like Trump a chance is like having given a chance to a dud. The really crazy reasons for such a choice are -as you also can read here in this forum -

- being a billionare. As if having so much money would be a qualification for the job of a president. It's rather a symbol of sharpening someones elbows.

- not following the mainstream of do-gooders, but alledgedly talking "the truth" as his followers believe. He and his followers believe that all Muslims are violent. Therefore they deserve being restricted to enter the US. Then the rightwings should expatriate all US gun-lovers to the Antarctic, because they are a greater danger for the public than all the muslim terrorists. They have killed more people in the US than the Muslims ever did. If you have problems to believe this, please remember the history in the Wild West. etc.

- financing his own campain as a billionare, and therefore being free of lobbyists. If you believe that Trump pays all the camapin money out of his pockets than you can believe that he is able to walk over the water. Nobody has so much cash to pay all the bills of an election campain. And money is dominating nearly all sectors of the US society, especially elections.

- his extreme aggressive style. That reflects the love for guns in the US and some violent behaviour.

- bad news are good news for the media. Never mind the quality. One rule Trump has inhaled and is proven by his success.

- .... and the list goes on.

That a man like Trump and the rightwing party are supported by so many US people is another problem/question. It seems - not only to me - that there is an intellectual difference between Reps and Dems, read here -->


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No more Clintons or Bushes enough of bought people . Trump can't be bought and I like his wife too .clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

For me Trump is not the problem, but of the US (culture). Especially the followers of the rightwing party are the roots of Trump's embarrassing, but successful campain. It is reported that about 58% of the Reps support him, a braggart on the lowest niveau, but not a candidate for the world nation #1.

Having given egomanic people like Trump a chance is like having given a chance to a dud. The really crazy reasons for such a choice are -as you also can read here in this forum -

- being a billionare. As if having so much money would be a qualification for the job of a president. It's rather a symbol of sharpening someones elbows.

- not following the mainstream of do-gooders, but alledgedly talking "the truth" as his followers believe. He and his followers believe that all Muslims are violent. Therefore they deserve being restricted to enter the US. Then the rightwings should expatriate all US gun-lovers to the Antarctic, because they are a greater danger for the public than all the muslim terrorists. They have killed more people in the US than the Muslims ever did. If you have problems to believe this, please remember the history in the Wild West. etc.

- financing his own campain as a billionare, and therefore being free of lobbyists. If you believe that Trump pays all the camapin money out of his pockets than you can believe that he is able to walk over the water. Nobody has so much cash to pay all the bills of an election campain. And money is dominating nearly all sectors of the US society, especially elections.

- his extreme aggressive style. That reflects the love for guns in the US and some violent behaviour.

- bad news are good news for the media. Never mind the quality. One rule Trump has inhaled and is proven by his success.

- .... and the list goes on.

That a man like Trump and the rightwing party are supported by so many US people is another problem/question. It seems - not only to me - that there is an intellectual difference between Reps and Dems, read here -->


You make all this stuff up all on your own? No surprise you spell behavior with a "U".

"Having given egomanic people like Trump a chance is like having given a chance to a dud."

Yes, it's the "culture" (LOL) which allows ego maniacs, jesus freaks and even half black ex-community organizers, to put their hat into the political ring. That's been the case for quite a few years, even before Al Gore invented the internet for your benefit.

"He and his followers believe that all Muslims are violent. Therefore they deserve being restricted to enter the US."

Your paint brush of internet ignorance is wider than a country mile. Trump's point was not banning all muslims because he believes they are all violent. Never said that. The point, which went right over your cultured head, was about the current state of play with immigration policy vs. national security, and shock jocking a leader who appears to be in denial.

"Then the rightwings should expatriate all US gun-lovers to the Antarctic, because they are a greater danger for the public than all the muslim terrorists."

Typical Euro dork drivel, followed by the always inane reference to the Wild West and Indians.

"......Nobody has so much cash to pay all the bills of an election campain"

Care to provide some data on this?

"-his extreme aggressive style. That reflects the love for guns in the US and some violent behaviour."

There's that "U" cheesy.gif

"-bad news are good news for the media. Never mind the quality. One rule Trump has inhaled and is proven by his success."

That's the first sensible thing you've said all day.

"- .... and the list goes on."

Merciful ending to this fantasy fest.

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Does one really think that all these rich folks wannabe president go on the barricades to dedicate their lives and money to the less fortunate and peace?

Perhaps Carter made an attempt. How dare Bush even show his face?

Trump would be a great candidate, would he?

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