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Friend reports CM Imm Now Wants 800K ฿ to age 6 months. Anyone else?


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"The officer showed him a letter that says now funds must be in the bank for SIX months prior to application! "

Well, it would be good if this letter could be produced.

It is truly regretable that this thread --- which was started to get information --- has turned into an off-topic pissing contest.

Focusing on this "letter," I want to ask where is there any posted police order that changes the mandated rules on bank deposits in Thailand. I have seen none proposed and none published. So?

There are various second-hand reports on immigration activities which are incomplete or inaccurate. Some first-hand reports are insufficient in detail.

So much for howling at the moon! How about some complete factual information!

The only complete factual information we have is that their has been a large surge in people applying for various type visa's. People are not using the mail in 90 day report enough to ease the burden and the Chiang Mai ex pat retirement community is growing. The immigration staff is not even coming close to keeping up. They are having to tell people to come back tomorrow. Also getting your Passport back is no longer done as quickly.

This is only information we have picked up from the Promenada office. Which by the way is a much more comfortable place to wait and has better washroom facilities. Also the Promenada is more convenient for some and more inconvenient for others.

The Airport office is doing some remodeling but we have not heard any positive information from them. Other than a few grumbling about the Marriage extensions. But that is nothing new. They seem to have a variable set of rules.

Did I miss any thing feel free to add.

Rumors we have aplenty.

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I'll bet your friend spends a lot more time just worrying about his, and how much he'll lose if he doesn't make the correct decisions, hire the correct financial managers, make the right investment decisions, and how he'll suffer at the outcome of the next presidential elections.

Haha...no; you and he would get along famously. He does not spend any time thinking about any of that. My point is that, as the old saying goes: "Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves." That's all.

It's interesting how some people automatically resent those who have been successful (financially) in their life, as if that makes the person automatically greedy, materialistic and despisable. Why not, "Oh, that's so cool! It must be great; congrats"?

AS for this "letter" and so on, the nail was hit on the head before about this in all likelihood was just a misunderstanding.

By the way, why is not this person posting by himself? Having someone post for you makes the OP automatic hearsay.

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I'll bet your friend spends a lot more time just worrying about his, and how much he'll lose if he doesn't make the correct decisions, hire the correct financial managers, make the right investment decisions, and how he'll suffer at the outcome of the next presidential elections.

Haha...no; you and he would get along famously. He does not spend any time thinking about any of that.

Right... His $95 million dollars just magically take care of themselves. Somehow, automatically, it just appears in the correct account all by itself. I'd love to hear more about this. I'm sure others would too. Sounds much simpler than what most people have to deal with, i.e. taxes, interest rates, insurance, etc. How does he do it?

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In most countries Immigration "rules" are consistent nation wide.

In the land of smiles it appears that each office makes up its own.

So rather than leaving CM you could ,as an option ,move to areas that are actually happy to have you contributing to the local economy and being

a good person. I know so many expats who do voluntary work which contributes hugely to the benefit of Thais of all ages.

"In most countries Immigration "rules" are consistent nation wide."

Not really. Do you really think someone from Pakistan or Syria or any number of other countries is treated like some middle class European when dealing with immigrations in "most countries?" In the US, for another example, do you think Canadians crossing into the US and Mexicans crossing into the US at their respective borders are treated the same way?

And how you would know how consistent "most countries" are in applying immigrations rules nation-wide will forever remain a mystery.

One more case of some creating facts out of thin air.

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Yea, some Canadian guy was telling me how lax immigration enforcement is in the US. I told him that my stint as a Federal Court Juror would say otherwise. I forgot to tell him how poor their flag etiquette is, but was relieved that he didn't have a load in his circus pants, like many unaccustomed to the heat.

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Does member Trujillo realise that the money he makes on interest on savings comes from the interest rates charged on loans to the poor, minus the bank's profit?

His charitable work is as much good as pissing in the wind.

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Does member Trujillo realise that the money he makes on interest on savings comes from the interest rates charged on loans to the poor, minus the bank's profit?

His charitable work is as much good as pissing in the wind.

Communism is peace....

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I'm closing this topic as hearsay and a misunderstanding between seasoning and bank statement requirements. Topic started in the main Visa section now - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/881382-regarding-the-800000-baht-seasoning-period/

If anyone has been forced to require 6 month seasoning you can put it in the other topic.


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