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Prayuth Releases Another Patriotic Ballad

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and so much free time to do this most important of issues,

secondly mr ruler can you dedicate some tome after trying to become a pops star to sorting such trivial issues as jet ski scammers, corruption, under counter dealings well the list is endless

but nice he's got the priorities in order


Apparently the song is performed by army Sergeant Pongsathorn Porchi. For those of you who wondered -- yes that is Sergeant Porky .


Mans inhumanity to man is a universal problems .

Thais seem to wish that it can be justified if others don't hold in the same esteem an individual as they do.

Where we see freedom of speech and thought they see serious evils and demons .

A third world country under dictatorship might well need some tunes to live by.

North Korea has a hit parade of songs that make them weep.

""My beloved Kim ""

"" Together we flow like a river""

It's wonderful our Boy is being thoughtful and busily writing inspirational stuff.

I predict a poll will show the majority of Thais love it.


At the first sign of dissent or unhappiness, the Sheeple will be trained to chant loudly: "Red Shirts Baaad, Yellow Shirts Good" over and over again, until the unhappiness goes away.


Lets hope instead of The Hague in future he is allowed to tour with his band and perform in circuses around the globe dressed as is and backed by the Jewish mind reader and ultra National monk choir

""I got you babe "" could be his borrowed cover version for openers

""Starting over"" for close?

Lets take a chance and fly away somewhere......

The encore could include a cover of ""if I could turn back time"



all together now...

Everyone is smiling except for Gen/PM Too, Why is it that he always looks as though his laxative has completely failed him. No doubt that this would be a miserable and painful experience. However : " pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile. smile "


I wonder how this will improve Bung's life working in Pattaya to pay for her fathers operation because there is zero assistance for the poor - I am sure this song will help pay the bills wont it? Well done Pon Ek


If only Thailand could enter the Eurovision Song Contest.

Why not,they're gong to host the "Tour de France" are they not?


I wonder how this will improve Bung's life working in Pattaya to pay for her fathers operation because there is zero assistance for the poor - I am sure this song will help pay the bills wont it? Well done Pon Ek

Assuming that "Bung" hails from somewhere North or East of Lopburi, then she doesn't count, as "The Good People"couldn't care less about her father or her.


I'm waiting for a fanboy to say they like it. C'mon EJ, don't disappoint us.

EJ is too busy choreographing a new dance that goes with the song to be reading the forum right now.

It will be a combination of 'The Robot' and break-dancing.


Forget the junta leader.

Out of which budget were the production expenses drawn from?

Let's have an accounting report.

It's no wonder that "flatulence incidents" amongst the general public rise significantly every Friday night.


It's all part of the plan to divert attention from the verdict of the two Burmese due out tomorrow. Let's wait and see what other stuff comes out tomorrow in order to bury the story.


It seems those of us who have been a bit "skeptical" of Uncle Too are clearly wrong. In today's Bangkok Post they are quoting a poll conducted by the government that finds 99.3 % of Thais are satisfied with the government!!

I kid you not - go to their website and look for yourself!

Edit; And the poll specifically mentions that a whopping 99.9% are happy with the efforts in reforming the lottery prices.cheesy.gif

Ahh so that's why there is no election. It would be a complete waste of time and resources! Our saviour Prayuth would win by such a record breaking landslide that it just pointless even bothering with a silly, legitimizing election.

All hail Prayuth! All hail article 44! The man is a god!

Thailand, North Korea with nicer beaches.


A personal New Years present to the people.

I bet they will be overjoyed at his masterpiece.

There are no limits to this mans phenomenal talents,army general,prime minister,peace keeper,maker of laws quite simply a legend in the making.

I am flabbergasted to say the least.

What will he do for an encore? call an election maybe?


Have listened to it only twice and the song's soporific melody and obnoxious lyrics already start going on my nerves just as much as the previous composition. And the thought that I'll be assaulted with it at every suitable and unsuitable occasion on both radio and television over the coming 12 months and possibly longer makes me shudder.

What's next? Renaming Monday (Wan Chan) into "Wan Prayut"?

Please take your "present" back, dear general. We'd rather suffer Christmas songs all year round...

Forget 2 songs he is going to publish an album of Thai "folk" music.


Fantastic. He should get some of his ol' mates together for a tour. Get some folk in who know how to set up these kinds of things and they can all get up together on stage and sing their song to the whole world. Only then might everyone finally maybe understand.


"I will return happiness to all of you"


P.S. Uncle Too, get rid of the sax player.

Never forget, under all those Dr. No outfits, this is what they still are:

That's not a saxophone player. That's what a whistle blower sounds like after successful attitude adjustment.

Did the general already claim he inspired the Beatles to write "Yellow Submarine"?


I am sure the citizenry have reacted to this proclamation with tears in their eyes.

He doesn't do a good line in self effacing, does He?

Tears of laughter maybe?.... Except it really isn't funny.



Bangkok people here and Isaan people here.

Forget Isaan people that left hand is the rest of us.

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