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Traffic fines reduced to 100 Baht as 'New Year gift'


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So one day they state there getting tough on motorists to reduce fatalities this New Year and the next there saying there reducing fines for no helmet and no seat belt, these are the things that kill people. They should do what they do in Western Australia and have the fines doubled over the holiday period as a disincentive to disobey traffic rules.

Not only the fines have been doubled. So have the demerit points. 9 points gone and you're on the buses for a year. Using a phone and/or texting while driving attracts a $340 fine.

It never ceases to amaze me, seeing folk on motorbikes here, driving with one hand while texting.

I'd have thought a nice Christmas gift to the people of Thailand would be preserving a few hundred lives here over the crazy season.

And the other hand holding either a baby or an umbrella!

One passed me yesterday carrying 3 sacks of rice, a disaster waiting to happen.

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I just wish they lower the fines for all of Thailand , all of the time. If I want ridiculous fines I would have stayed in the nanny-police-fleece states.

For a 100 B , I wouldn't used the stupid seat belts and speed on low trafic roads.

That just shows how immature you are.Wearing seatbelts and lowering speeds could save yours and others lives.Lower the fine=lower the IQ.

Seatbelts are about personal freedom. If I want my head smashed on my windscreen , it is my descision.

A seat belt saved my life. Try sharing your idea of 'personal freedom' with the distraught wife of a friend who agreed with you, and died.

Even better: when he had his head smashed against the windshield and survives, he may share that with his wife and children, who wipe up the poop and drool of the human vegetable, in their bedroom.

By the way, BuaBS (what does the BS stand for? Oh...I get it!): I hope you have something in writing, that you want your "personal freedom" and no help from insurances and the likes, when you p!$$ your own diapers!

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First few lines of article not hard to understand clearly for existing fines


Billed as a New Year gift to the public, Bangkok police commander Lt. Gen. Sanit Mahatavorn told Manager Online that the promotion is meant to clear a massive backlog of overdue fines.

Under Thai traffic laws, motorists are expected to pay fines within seven days, and driving licenses cannot be renewed unless all fines have been paid first. However, since there is no serious repercussion for overdue fines, many motorists simply chose not to pay the fines for months, if not years.

So how is this going to cause more deaths over new year prey tell me.

'First few lines of article not hard to understand clearly for existing fines ...' Indeed. But it does not say that it is not aimed at new/repeat offenders.

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The best gift of all would be for the government to actually give out free lessons to teach people how to drive. I can't see how reducing fines is helping or teaching anyone. Foreigners around Patong are the same (failure to stop at crossings, driving on the wrong side of road, weaving in and out of traffic).

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"It wouldn't apply to offences deemed to cause trouble for others - such as parking in a prohibited area, driving on a footpath"

Driving on the footpath is illegal? Really? I thought it was accepted practice.

It is, unless it is a Farang and he comes up against me.

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Unfortunately there's nothing in the article explaining how this situation was allowed to escalate to such an extent.

Judging my the number of motorcycles without rear lights, It must be either because they can't afford to, (or more likely) can't be arsed to pay the fines.

Don't see any imminent attitude adjustments making these offenders want to spend money in order to make themselves legal, when it obviously hasn't bothered them previously.

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"It wouldn't apply to offences deemed to cause trouble for others - such as parking in a prohibited area, driving on a footpath"

Driving on the footpath is illegal? Really? I thought it was accepted practice.

Foothpad ? i live in Pattaya and I dont see to many foothpads here 55

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They cut the cost of fines because no one is paying them. Why not quit giving fines and get rid of your police force. This country has no back bone when it come to Thai law breakers.. The check is in the mail and i wish you all a Merry Christmas!

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When the daily salary is 300 baht I guess 100 baht is a more accepted fine , so the locals will line up to pay their fines now . It won't change anything if the fines are 10k or 100 baht. When the whole system is wrong it is better to get 100 baht than nothing.

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So one day they state there getting tough on motorists to reduce fatalities this New Year and the next there saying there reducing fines for no helmet and no seat belt, these are the things that kill people. They should do what they do in Western Australia and have the fines doubled over the holiday period as a disincentive to disobey traffic rules.

How about clapping wheels until the fine is payed.post-186435-1450824714441_thumb.jpg

Edited by Basil B
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New year gift, anything to encourage road violations must be a good thing to try and get Thailand up to number one on the death dangerous roads in the world, someone tell the soldier boy leader that encouraging more deaths of Thais is not a present its a disaster and he will have even more Thai deaths on his conscious. A gift might have been saving a few Thai lives not helping to take more.

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So, Libya is the only country with more road fatalities. I think we should also be able to have high gauge automatic weapons on our vehicles for the holidays.

It can't really hurt right? And, it could be great fun. If it's only a few days, we won't surpass Libya.

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How about reintroducing the sale of alcohol at gas-station shops as well!

Considering the state of driving in this country, making infringements less punitive is mind-numbing.

That's already illegal, a place that sell gas/petroleum is not allowed to sell alcohol as well, been like that for many years now

Jacko had his sarcasm button on. You missed it.

No, he's just retarded, you missed it?

Sorry you do not understand irony, but to pass insult on me because you miss something really isn't about me is it?

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"It wouldn't apply to offences deemed to cause trouble for others"

Seems to me that you can kill others by not wearing a seatbelt:

  • Two women died when carrier bags by 40 kg food in the back seat flew forward in a collision.
  • A pc- bag of 8 kg in the backseat hit a woman with power of 2.2 tons when the car collided in 80 km / h. She died.
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"It wouldn't apply to offences deemed to cause trouble for others"

Seems to me that you can kill others by not wearing a seatbelt:

  • Two women died when carrier bags by 40 kg food in the back seat flew forward in a collision.
  • A pc- bag of 8 kg in the backseat hit a woman with power of 2.2 tons when the car collided in 80 km / h. She died.

What pc weights 8kg? Was it from the 80's or something? :)

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Let us look after your house. We can guarantee 100% your valuables will not be stolen by criminals. We will take them as soon as you leave.

RTP protecting people and places.

Maybe its to cut Police take home Pay ,more thai madness ,so now on new years eve we can all go out have few beers drive home ,worst than can happen get 100bt fine ,is that correct ?

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So, if the disincentive to not pay a fine is the inability to renew a driver's license, how does a ticket for driving without a license cause any incentive to pay the fine?

Driving without a license should be an arrest offense and a criminal offense.

It's good to lower the fines in an attempt to get offenders to pay. A sort of semi-amnesty. In fact, fines should be lowered permamantly, but handed out more regularly and consistently. The country would have safer roads and more money in the coffers.

You mean more money in the BIBs pockets.

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ok I celebrate my new year along with thai new year along with chinese new year so looking for a companion to share my bed but more importantly to share my fines.

Position only offered to female personal so a strip search is required before the selection process is finalised with maybe a second opinion required from my alter ego.

Edited by Brit_Doggie
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