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Didn't give a bribe, where do I pay my fine?


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I`m all for a peaceful stress free life and prefer the most convenient ways out of these predicaments.

Before the BIB even opened his mouth I'd have been counting out his £4. Easy as you go.

Wow, didn't know you can now use GBP in Thailand. I know lots of Americans use USD here cos they're always talking about it.

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I know it doesn't feel good when you come from a different system, but for 200 baht? You could have offered 100 baht and both had a laugh. Or, stood on your principles gathered from living somewhere else. But you live here now. Go with the flow or go against it.

ps last time in USA it cost me $150 for going a few MPH over the limit at 5 am with nobody on the road but a cop hiding behind a sign… neither way feels too good but here it is far less expensive....

Good luck.

Did that posted speed limit sign also read, "but doesn't apply at 5 am, with no other traffic". A "few mph over". I've been told many times by a driver "I only had a few beers", when it was 10 or more. Also the officer wasn't hiding, he saw you speeding. I once issued speeding tickets, on consecutive days, to the same driver, on the same residential 4 lane. Both times, he was exceeding the 30 mph limit by over 15 mph. The first day he said he did not realize he was speeding. The second day, I was doing traffic enforcement, in the exact same location. This time he was furious, about being ticketed. I told him that he knew the speed limit was 30 mph, the same as yesterday. He then brought up the " do you know who my brother is". I said yes I do, (State Patrol Trooper in next county) why don't you tell him about, driving over the speed limit.

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I always take these claims of police asking for bribes with a grain of salt. In close to 31 years of visiting/living here, I've never had a policeman ask me for a bribe. In my wife's family (brother, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, etc.) not a one of them has ever been asked by a policeman to pay a bribe either. So I don't believe a lot of what is said.

BTW, when you go to the police station, be friendly with the police, always converse in Thai, and ask for a discount and you will be charged 200 Baht. I've never paid more than 200 Baht.

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I understand you perfectly ,..sometimes we don't want to play there game....!!!...and what the heck if it cost us a bit more...

my wife said they don't put the address of the police station on the fine anymore.

You can pay at the traffic police Mae Ping close to the post office Mae Ping...

Best regards

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I've never had a policeman ask me for a bribe.

Same here. In several years of driving in CMai, being stopped on my scooter for routine checks a few times per year, I have to say I have always found them friendly or at least correct. The two times I did get a fine (they were right), I insisted to pay the 200 Baht on the spot to save me the trouble of driving down to the station, but they refused and issued me with the proper ticket. Maybe I have neem lucky so far, or maybe things are changing also here, I don't know. But surely smiling and being polite helps, and confronting doesn't help.

About the start of this topic, if your mother wasn't wearing the seat belt then the policeman was right in fining you. Why call it a bribe?

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Thanks all for the advice.

He did not ask for the blue book at all, I did have it in the car, but that's what's written on the ticket.

How do I get my drivers license back then? He took it at the stop. Will they send it back in the mail, or will it be at the traffic police station?

The police don't have the right to keep your driving license. When told politely on the spot, they will give it back to you immediately.

They do . When you have some spare time , walk in Any police station and ask to speak to the chief for more ACCURATE informatiom.

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Thanks all for the advice.

He did not ask for the blue book at all, I did have it in the car, but that's what's written on the ticket.

How do I get my drivers license back then? He took it at the stop. Will they send it back in the mail, or will it be at the traffic police station?

No matter which way you`re going to pay anyway and I would have just paid the 200 baht bribe, said sorry officer, kiss, kiss, promise not to do it again, driven off, end of episode.

Now you have given yourself a load of inconvenience including another 300 baht on top just to prove a point. If you have principles and think it`s worth it, then the best of British luck. For me, I`m all for a peaceful stress free life and prefer the most convenient ways out of these predicaments.

I admire the OP for what he did, if everyone did that, it would help to stop this 'tea money' carry on.

People who pay the 200 or so tea money, are responsible for this happening, but I don't blame them.

People must do what they think is best for them, corruption or not.

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As a goodwill gesture fines for minor traffic offenses have been reduced to 100 baht over the holiday period .Good luck

Good point. Maybe print out the article which was on Thai Visa,

a couple of days ago and take it along with you, then you have had a win of sorts.

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If I am wrong maybe I will offer less than asked for ,if I am not wrong I not pay bribe,all on my terms or I pay at police station with a receipt,I not care if it costs me more ,I try and drive to the law of the land.

What law of the land would that be?

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The problem is the driverslicense. If you aint fast enough paying your fine at soi9. Then hes gone. And you now have to find out what station he was from. For the police to find any info you will have to pay some small cash or they will just tell you to go look everywhere. Let your wife handle this please.

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The problem is the driverslicense. If you aint fast enough paying your fine at soi9. Then hes gone. And you now have to find out what station he was from. For the police to find any info you will have to pay some small cash or they will just tell you to go look everywhere. Let your wife handle this please.

Soi 9?

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I've been popped a few times. Never a hint of a "pay here" or any opening to offer a bribe. They always took my license and said to pick it up when I paid at the station cited in post #6.

I go about my business for a few hours or until the next day to be sure the license makes it there before I do.

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I've been popped a few times. Never a hint of a "pay here" or any opening to offer a bribe. They always took my license and said to pick it up when I paid at the station cited in post #6.

I go about my business for a few hours or until the next day to be sure the license makes it there before I do.

I've taken a few hits, some deserved, some not. I've encountered both honest cops and not so honest cops. This is the real world. No one is perfect.

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I always take these claims of police asking for bribes with a grain of salt. In close to 31 years of visiting/living here, I've never had a policeman ask me for a bribe. In my wife's family (brother, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, etc.) not a one of them has ever been asked by a policeman to pay a bribe either. So I don't believe a lot of what is said.

BTW, when you go to the police station, be friendly with the police, always converse in Thai, and ask for a discount and you will be charged 200 Baht. I've never paid more than 200 Baht.

Special promotion in Bangkok over the festive season, fines reduced to 100 baht

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I made an illegal U-turn, was stopped for it. I refused to pay the bribe, asked the nice policeman if he wanted to see my license. He reluctantly ticketed me. The wife went with me to the police station, said "you wait here", went in and asked for a discount. The officer at the desk said that they couldn't give a discount on that ticket but they could tear it up and issue a ticket for not having the proper documents in the car. My wife agreed to that, paid 200 baht and returned my license to me. Pragmatism defeats idealism once again.

Did it? You paid the same amount - 200 thb. But since you "refused to pay the bribe" you ended up spending more time and effort to pay that exact same amount. Doesn't really sound all that pragmatic.

The ticket was 400 baht, I was guilty, but because I abhor corruption I wasn't willing to pay half that amount to the cop. My wife, on the other hand, being a realist decided that paying less was smarter, that's pragmatic.

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....never heard of them taking anyone's drivers license....

...and I do not see how this is legal...

...it also makes you illegal....

They took mine, I asked the officer about driving without a license and what would happen if I got stopped again. He told me to show the ticket to the next cop. This was about 2 years ago, don't know what they do now.

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We got some fines from camera's but never paid them. My wife refuses it, i don't care.

They stop me almost daily, i only ask them if they can speak english, many times. Then they let me go.:thumbsup:

But i thought you can pay them at any policestation or even at the 711.

They take your drivers license when issuing your fine/ticket. It is then sent on to the Warrarot police station, described above. So you have to go there to get it back when you pay your fine.

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I always take these claims of police asking for bribes with a grain of salt. In close to 31 years of visiting/living here, I've never had a policeman ask me for a bribe. In my wife's family (brother, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, etc.) not a one of them has ever been asked by a policeman to pay a bribe either. So I don't believe a lot of what is said.

BTW, when you go to the police station, be friendly with the police, always converse in Thai, and ask for a discount and you will be charged 200 Baht. I've never paid more than 200 Baht.

I was stopped once, hadn't done anything wrong, was asked to pay 200b (for the police station) anyway, so I offered to go the the police station with him and pay it. "Off you go sir, have a nice day"

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As a goodwill gesture fines for minor traffic offenses have been reduced to 100 baht over the holiday period .Good luck

In most of Australia both fines and demerit points are doubled for all holiday periods and some long weekends. It's a good deterrent.

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I know it doesn't feel good when you come from a different system, but for 200 baht? You could have offered 100 baht and both had a laugh. Or, stood on your principles gathered from living somewhere else. But you live here now. Go with the flow or go against it.

ps last time in USA it cost me $150 for going a few MPH over the limit at 5 am with nobody on the road but a cop hiding behind a sign… neither way feels too good but here it is far less expensive...

Good luck.

...excellent point....

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As a goodwill gesture fines for minor traffic offenses have been reduced to 100 baht over the holiday period .Good luck

In most of Australia both fines and demerit points are doubled for all holiday periods and some long weekends. It's a good deterrent.

12,000 baht for an illegal u turn in Oz and demerit points, serious way to collect money boosting the states coffers.

Love the story about a guy in Brisbane who was riding his bicycle,on a dedicated bike lane, not wearing a helmet and talking on his mobile ,both illegal.

Total fine 10,000 baht. makes 200 baht seem like a good deal

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Thanks all for the advice.

He did not ask for the blue book at all, I did have it in the car, but that's what's written on the ticket.

How do I get my drivers license back then? He took it at the stop. Will they send it back in the mail, or will it be at the traffic police station?

I bet you pay the 200 baht next time.How do you know where that 200 baht goes,if your wrong,cough up.

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Thanks all for the advice.

He did not ask for the blue book at all, I did have it in the car, but that's what's written on the ticket.

How do I get my drivers license back then? He took it at the stop. Will they send it back in the mail, or will it be at the traffic police station?

They'll have your driver's license there and they'll give it back to you when you've satisfied their needs.

Now, given you say you had your blue book with you and your mom was in the car with you, I might suggest you take your bluebook in with you, explain that it was in the car but the officer never asked for it, and maybe your mom can provide some approving backup. Be nice, smile, look innocent (hehe), and maybe (I doubt it, but it's worth a try) they'll give you a break.

Correction: Noticed I said the train station was west of there....nope, it's east (I knew better and screwed that up).

But is ol mum going to mention she wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

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I made an illegal U-turn, was stopped for it. I refused to pay the bribe, asked the nice policeman if he wanted to see my license. He reluctantly ticketed me. The wife went with me to the police station, said "you wait here", went in and asked for a discount. The officer at the desk said that they couldn't give a discount on that ticket but they could tear it up and issue a ticket for not having the proper documents in the car. My wife agreed to that, paid 200 baht and returned my license to me. Pragmatism defeats idealism once again.

Did it? You paid the same amount - 200 thb. But since you "refused to pay the bribe" you ended up spending more time and effort to pay that exact same amount. Doesn't really sound all that pragmatic.

The ticket was 400 baht, I was guilty, but because I abhor corruption I wasn't willing to pay half that amount to the cop. My wife, on the other hand, being a realist decided that paying less was smarter, that's pragmatic.

What a joke.So who do you rekon the cop out on the road reports to at the end of the day,back at the police station.You rekon their boss is missing out on their cut.No wonder Thais think farangs are dumb.So you just handed the 'bribe" straight to the bagman and wasted your time doing it.Oh you got a receipt,i can here the cop laughing from here.

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As a goodwill gesture fines for minor traffic offenses have been reduced to 100 baht over the holiday period .Good luck

In most of Australia both fines and demerit points are doubled for all holiday periods and some long weekends. It's a good deterrent.

I'm in Oz now,and all i do is look at the speedo when i'm cruzing around.I have noticed that the traffic is a lot slower,so heavy fines are working.Govt will have to come up with other ideas to gouge.

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We got some fines from camera's but never paid them. My wife refuses it, i don't care.

They stop me almost daily, i only ask them if they can speak english, many times. Then they let me go.thumbsup.gif

But i thought you can pay them at any policestation or even at the 711.

You do realize, don't you, that the fines don't just go away? That you will have to pay them before you are permitted to renew your vehicle registration?

You do realize, don't you, that this is Thailandwink.png ? I just asked my wife about those fines and she won't pay and allready renewed the vehicle registrations without problems. rolleyes.gif

They were fines sent home with photo's of what we did wrong. 2x1000 baht. One for driving on an overpass with the motocy and one for going on the mainroad on an exitlane by car. (like everybody here does all day).

The overpass was illegal for motocy but that was a new rule. The right lane had a big sign of no motocy's so i took the left lane in a row of motocy's. I thought motocy had to drive left so that's what i did. They should hang another sign above the left lane as well but hey......TIT.

Edited by Thian
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We got some fines from camera's but never paid them. My wife refuses it, i don't care.

They stop me almost daily, i only ask them if they can speak english, many times. Then they let me go.thumbsup.gif

But i thought you can pay them at any policestation or even at the 711.

You do realize, don't you, that the fines don't just go away? That you will have to pay them before you are permitted to renew your vehicle registration?

You do realize, don't you, that this is Thailandwink.png ? I just asked my wife about those fines and she won't pay and allready renewed the vehicle registrations without problems. rolleyes.gif

... so far. :)

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In real the thai police must put a lot of freaks in the monkey house!!! How much you must pay in GB or EU for no helmet? And for call a taxi to drive to your helmet or a shop to buy one, because without you can't drive 1m?

And here you <deleted> call it BRIBE???

If I am at the police station I would put you all in the monkey house for your complains!!!

Every freak read about the accidents and you idiots drive without helmets? Thai police must lock up you <deleted>!!

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