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gas refill.


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I have a picnic gas cooker with the mini version of the large gas cooker gas cylinder. My wife has just informed me that it is impossible to get these refilled now and it will have to be discarded. We used to take it for a refill at the local gas station. Is she correct in it not being able to be refilled? I can't imaging throwing away a perfectly good gas cylinder and having to buy a new one. It doesn't make sense. Any info on this?

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Take it to an auto LPG filling station.

I have once seen a regular size cooking LPG cylinder being refilled in an auto LPG station, may be you can find one that can help.

That is what I used to do. My wife said the government banned it some time ago. True??

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Naughty, naughty, not trusting what the dear wife tells you.

I should have listened to her. She's bloody right on most things! And she was right on this. I tried at LPG garage. No go. 'Go to the gas shop'. Which I did. Thought it was our regular gas cylinder. Wrong one! He sold me a new cylinder and said my one was old. Well it is. I'm old, but still in working order. Well, some things. Apparently my cylinder was an old type which the government phased out some time back. I can now get a refilled one at the gas shop. Why didn't I think of that before? Bloody smart arsed womengigglem.gif

Thanks all for the replies.

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